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Ye Olde Guarde
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Thu Oct 31, 2024 5:59 pm
Sakuya Müller | Heartseeker

Sakuya finished her bottle and immediately grabbed another. Her pile had started. When Stella showed the picture, Sakuya couldn't help but let out a girlish awwww. She didn't miss the small horns on Stella's date, but that could be a sign of powers and not her immediate thought. Even though she herself didn't find the female form sexually attractive, she did know what a good-looking woman looked like. Stella underneath the uniform was packing the type of body men would have pin-ups of. "You are rocking that dress though."

Sakuya took another drink and passed the phone back. "If you two do get married, make sure to take a lot of photos. Videos too. You never know when you'll want to look back on those memories." She pointed the bottle to Stella. "So. I've been asking a bunch of questions to get to know you, but friendship's a two-way street, riiiight? So what do you want to know about me?"

Coup de Foudre

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Thu Oct 31, 2024 8:33 pm
Stella listened to her with a passive smile on her face. There wasn't alot that she could think of off the top of her head. She wasn't glad that she had someone that could be a friend like this though. It was rare that she got to talk to someone like this. She rubbed her chin just a bit before askinf her first question.

"Alright, what did ya do before you came to the City of Lights? Or have you always been here?"

She spoke softly to the woman. Still trying to get used to talking to someone who seems to be so outgoing. It wasn't like Veralia or Sabriel who were interested in her off the rip for one reason or another. She seemed to just want to be friendly.
Ye Olde Guarde
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Thu Oct 31, 2024 9:03 pm
Sakuya Müller | Heartseeker

Sakuya drank more. The second bottle was almost half gone. She was a beer-monster. "I've been here for a few years. My family got wrapped up in the Fourth World War and joined up with the Vandenreich to try to teach others. I was sent here when I was a teen to just kinda like... help out. I helped out at the labs and the like. I was trained as a Quincy when I was little, so I got to test out a bunch of new tools."

"Some of them were fun and cool—I've got a board that helps with Steigen and a headset that enhances my Spiritual senses. Some of them... Well, let's just say I got tough for a reason." Sakuya chuckled as she remembered the burns and bruises. "How 'bout you? I think you're a more recent addition to our numbers, no? What made you want to join?"

Coup de Foudre

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Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:15 am
Did stella want to tell her about her dream of being a hero? Or how her mother isn't in the vsndenreich? She wasn't sure if her story was all that interesting, but the woman had asked. Judging by the conversation it does seem Sakuya is interested in something about stella. She wondered what had brought it all on?

"Well, when i was younger. I had heard stories about this great hero.... before more recent events. I wanted to be like that really. So, my mom started to train with me. She didn't tell me alot about our history as she said she wanted me to make my own opinions. She said she came from a more "old" ways family."

She spoke as she still hadn't fully met her mother's side of the family. For all Stella knows, they could all be dead. She had asked Calliope for help to find them so stella could at least introduce herself.
Ye Olde Guarde
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Tue Nov 05, 2024 2:00 pm
Sakuya Müller | Heartseeker

Sakuya nodded more than once at Stella's answer. It was a simple one, but perhaps that's what Stella was. Sometimes things didn't have to be over-engineered even if it came to a better result. If things broke down, it was usually easier to fix the simple than it was the complex. "Heroes come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. My mother would always say 'a hero is the gear that turns the next one.' She believed everyone had their part to play, and so long as we helped play that part, we were all heroes. Maybe not in our own story, but far off, us doing something might have saved someone else's life."

Sakuya chugged the last of that bottle and decided to broach the subject at hand. She had led the two of them back to the starting line in a way. Taking a deep breath, she centered herself before speaking. "So, part of why I wanted to talk to you was because I heard you got attacked in China. I heard it got kind-of dicey over there... I just wanted to see how you were holding up after what happened... " She reached over and grabbed another, popping the bottle open as she asked the next question. "And to ask what happened."

Coup de Foudre

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Sun Nov 10, 2024 4:47 pm
Stella's smile faded as she brought up the incident. That makes sense why the woman probably wanted to talk to her now. She did feel slightly hurt, but she doubted that the beginning of the conversation was a facade. It did seem she was actually interested in stella as a person. Also this was something stella wanted to share about anyway. Other quincy needed to know what they were looking out for.

"My team and I were attacked when we were on a hunt. The woman was a shinigami with green hair and wore civilian clothes."

She spoke as she recalled the incident. Trying to push back the nightmares that she had had in the past when dealing with the situation. It really hadn't been that long since the incident but she knew she had to get over it eventually.
Ye Olde Guarde
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Local Imports [Sakuya/Stella] - Page 2 Empty Re: Local Imports [Sakuya/Stella]

Tue Nov 12, 2024 12:30 am
Sakuya Müller | Heartseeker

Sakuya blinked and thought for a moment. "A Shinigami... huh." That didn't match with the information she had heard. The rumors was it was an Arrancar, not a Shinigami. Was this a separate incident she wasn't aware of...? Time to dig. "Was it a member of the Gotei United? I'd be surprised if they attacked one of our members... You said she was in civilian clothes; did she, like, have anything distinct about them?" Sakuya waved her hand lightly. "Ah, sorry... I'm probably bringing up too much too quickly. I just heard about it on the plane ride over to the Stadt, soooo... You okay though?"

Coup de Foudre

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Local Imports [Sakuya/Stella] - Page 2 Empty Re: Local Imports [Sakuya/Stella]

Sun Nov 17, 2024 9:21 pm

Local Imports [Sakuya/Stella] - Page 2 DD424kr
Stella Bauer | START POST

Stella listened as she shook her head. The green haired woman was just someone that wore dark clothes with a little bit of the weird mask. She sighed as she thought back to the situation. She doubted that she constantly wore the same clothes every day.

"Not sure how helpful it was, but she wore dark clothes. Stuff that made it easier for her to move around quickly. She also has a mask that she wears. Also it's not a big deal. Im over it by now."

Wahrender's Finest | END POST
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