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- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Drowning Together (Tier/Santa)
Tue Oct 15, 2024 5:04 am
Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco
Which is bigger: the ocean or Hueco Mundo?
Tier pondered, for a while, all on her lonesome on the twisted world's surface. Sand, for as long as the eyes could see, made her thoughts roam towards the horizon. They call these sands infinite, but is that because no one has drawn it?
She soon dropped down into the forest, Hollow around her, meandering. They respected her presence, some even greeting her, but talks between them and her are never long. They are simply thankful that she created this space for them, a zone free of danger. Ironic considering what she had created in turn, but he's off doing his own thing, keeping his word.
This community of hers thrives though, if only because she demands no aggression among denizens. It is not estranged for one to leave for weeks on end and return wholly different. Obviously, the Hollow had hunted outside her realm, but she could not stop the hunger that is as infinite as the sands they walk. She can only promise safe passage. Maybe one day...
Wishful thinking...
For now, she busies her body as her mind lingers here and there with directionless wandering. There are little surprises here, but they do exist. She doubts any will make itself known to her though, even as she leaves her territory and vanishes between the white trees of the Menos' domain.
END POST | Former Tercera Espada
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Drowning Together (Tier/Santa)
Tue Oct 15, 2024 5:43 am
Santa's presence would be felt as she emerged into the sanctuary.With how her soul worked, that had always been the case. But for the first time entering the sanctuary, the meek, adoring soul that was Santa's had .... some weight to it. She of course promptly went around and started to greet the denizens! Warm smiles, waves and hellos, a few of them even received a hug from the woman as she made her way around and inspected the place. How long had it been since they had garnered this little spot? The construction itself had been an interesting task. Forging the Sanctuary from her own soul had certainly put her to the test when it came to keeping herself fueled. But well... in Hueco Mundo there was never a shortage of troublemakers to keep her soul more than fueled. As such, the place had been growing steadily. She'd even made a few scattered little sheds and buildings scattered around hueco mundo, testing out some designs and layering to see about making better structures. But also, spreading her awareness.
After all, these structures were a part of her, and though it wasn't quite the same as other forms of her garden, it did afford her some distant awareness. Which is exactly how she keyed in so quickly to Tier's presence.
There was, of course, no surprising Tier. Even if she WERE surpressing her spiritual energy. But all the same, Santa closed in on the woman in short order, and with that warm blazing smile of hers she'd always had, promptly opened her arms and attempted to reel the woman into a hug.
"Hello Tier!" Joy bleeding from her voice. Certainly she seemed to have returned rather quickly to these overenthused greetings once they smoothed things over.
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Drowning Together (Tier/Santa)
Tue Oct 15, 2024 2:47 pm
Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco
Even when lost in thought, Tier would never allow herself to be caught off guard. A familiar spiritual pressure appearing would alert her enough to stay wary, but she doubts she'll need to act against this individual.
Interestingly though, there seemed something a little off, but Tier only focused on the fact that the presence is closing in on her, and in due time, her emerald eyes saw a tuft of blonde hair.
"Hello Sa-"
Hmm! What a surprise. When was the last time Tier was hugged? She did not mind, obviously, but she could not say she expected this from Santa.
"Again, hello, Santa. You appear in high spirits. "
A blatant oberservation, Tier suffered through their high difference, feeling only satisfaction that her friend is well. Not a physical person, Tier participated the way she always had: riding the good vibes wrapped around her until expiration. She's never returned a hug, has she?
END POST | Former Tercera Espada
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Drowning Together (Tier/Santa)
Tue Oct 15, 2024 5:10 pm
Santa let out a happy little giggle as she felt Tier tense only slightly as they were lifted off the ground, a sigh escaping her. Ahhh, it felt nice to hug her again! Ugh, it had been way too long, frankly the last time was ...well, a while. But thankfully. Tier seemed compliant, and after a few moments, she set Tier back down, but maintained the hug itself, smiling from ear to ear as she looked down to the ex espada.
"I Am! I've been really happy with the colony! The hollows there are nice to talk to. And I've been making a lot of headway on earth too. I even got an interview with one of their ... uh..internet...people news... things!" She noted with a bright smile puffing her chest out a bit proudly before giving a sly smirk.
"I've also been thinking. We have this haven for hollows here in hueco mundo. But there's also a lot of hollows like me, that have been looking for a place on earth to settle. Soooo, I was thinking. Maybe we could set up a sister Colony on earth or something? I don't have it all quite worked out yet. But Its an idea in progress!" She chimed, smiling from ear to ear before pausing as she tilted her head a bit.
"What about you? I haven't really sensed you on earth a lot. Have you been doing stuff in Hueco Mundo?" She ventured as she took a step back so that she was no longer smothering the woman.
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Drowning Together (Tier/Santa)
Wed Oct 16, 2024 4:50 am
Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco
That is an interesting amount of information. Tier did not say anything, for she fixed her appearance after Santa finished, adjusting her clothing here and there. Her next words would require some thought anyway, especially when it pertains to Earth.
"Someone like me shouldn't be on Earth for more than necessary," She'd respond, eventually. "If you think it worthwhile to colonize Earth, be careful to not invite unwanted attention."
Tier is not your average Hollow. She is probably one of the strongest that exists right now. Vacationing on Earth is a simple invitation for conflict. A colony on Earth would pull eyes their way, and knowing what Ichigo's been up to, the Earthlings and Shinigami will start to look at their kind with scrutiny soon.
However, with that thought, she won't try and sway Santa away from her idea. Santa, unlike her, has a better relationship with people on Earth. If anyone could set up something, it's her. Whatever this interview is, hopefully the blonde does not, as they say, blow it.
"... But I've not done much but watch over things around here."
Which is kind of true, but also her consciousness weighing on her. She has not felt like doing much, especially because of her worrying mind. It's not like she's worried about him, per say, but it's impossible to not question if all of what's happening is worthwhile or will end in his favor. She did set him on this path after all. It'd be worrisome if she sent him to his demise. It's already horrible that so many people are getting injured.
For a moment, her eyes shifted to the side, a moment of something else in her gaze that's far from her usual swagger, but a moment's a moment, and her gaze hardened back onto Santa.
END POST | Former Tercera Espada
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Drowning Together (Tier/Santa)
Thu Oct 17, 2024 7:39 am
Santa perked up slightly and canted her head a bit to the side, her brows raising as she noticed the silence before Tier seemed to ease into the idea. A bright grin flashing across her features. "Nonsense! I've been to the city of Lights and I've met strong Arrancar! There's Nel-sama as well as that really gloomy girl with the helmet. They're just as strong as you and they hang out on earth fine, in the same city no less!" She insisted, pausing for a moment as Tier went onto her cautioning.
"Of course. I intend to make a home for arrancar that wish to settle peacefully on earth. But I'm aware that circumstances can be complicated." She murmured, folding her hands in front of her as she considered things. "It's not gonna go perfectly. I know that. But trying to avoid any mistakes is simply childish. I'm just going to need to be ready or them when they happen." She noted softly, pausing for a moment before a warm little smile formed on her lips and she gently reached up. Touching the tips of her fingers to the side of Tier's cheek. "But.. thank you for worrying about me." Her voice warmed considerably before she lowered her hand.
She glanced around for a moment and raised her brow slightly at Tier's explanation as to what she's been doing. Santa's brows furrowed slightly. "What's been happening? Has everything been alright in Hueco Mundo?" She ventured, Tier was never the earthbound type, but even so, the woman seemed..... troubled. Rarely did Tier break that dull eye contact, and so seeing her avert her gaze perked Santa's attention.
"Tier. Is there something you're not telling me about what you've been doing?" She asked, her voice uncharacteristically firm.
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Drowning Together (Tier/Santa)
Sat Oct 19, 2024 11:31 am
Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco
"Everything is fine, Santa," Tier assured, knowing that this situation isn't something she should relate to anyone else.
Just as she entrusted Ichigo to keep her sanctuary out of any crossfire, she will not jeopardize him. Santa talking about her involvement with the Vandenreich made her decision to not talk the right decision. Tier must ask herself how involved Santa is with them. It seems Nelliel has found herself a new home after the fall of Vastime, and this helmeted Arrancar... No. Ulquiorra is dead. There are a multitude of Arrancar who would fit that description.
"I simply understand our nature, human nature too. We are similar beings, after all. With everything happening on Earth, it will be a long process to build the trust necessary for our species to claim a spot of their world as our own. Hollow are slowly returning to being the monsters that people used to fear now that the demons are gone."
It's easy for a pretty face like Santa's to walk around amongst the populace, but Tier isn't looking for a world that only the prettier of their kind can live on. Her community is made up of the ugly and monstrous, and she doubts they will ever find a suitable place on Earth to call home without prejudice. One day, those prettier looks might not be enough, depending on future events slowly coalescing with the present.
"I've become a bit of a worrywart with everything going on. Barragan would call me soft if he were here," She mused, turning away from Santa to continue her walk.
She trusted her friend to come with her.
END POST | Former Tercera Espada
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Drowning Together (Tier/Santa)
Sun Oct 20, 2024 6:54 pm
Santa furrowed her brows slightly at that and reached up to lightly grab the cheekbones of that mask from either side and lightly pinch them, lightly shifting tier's head a bit from side to side. Not like there were actual cheeks to pull on, but still it got a point across of her displeasure at the response. "You say that. But what have you been up to? You spend too much time around here. Have you even BEEN to earth since-...." She blinked.... and furrowed her brows. Ah right... the last time they'd been to earth was their little date to the festival wasn't it? She puffed her cheeks for a moment and her face went a bit pink as she remembered that. And all the stuff that had happened since then. Hm.
She looked back to Tier and gave another tweak of their mask, but at that point, tier had turned away and started to walk. Santa of course followed at a brisk little hop to catch up before furrowing her brows. "You should come to earth you know. At least every now and then. I... worry about you being here too long." she insisted, circling around to that point once again as she attempted to walk past Tier and step into the woman's path. "Well I'm a worrywart too. And This worrywart says we should go do something fun. And you're gonna listen to me or I'll kick your butt." She insisted, folding her arms and smirking.
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Drowning Together (Tier/Santa)
Wed Oct 23, 2024 12:34 pm
Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco
Tier made no real indication that just disliked Santa's pestering. To her, the fact people pester is a reminder that she's not entirely devoid of a heart. There's been so much going on that it's all too easy to cut off everything and everyone, to focus solely on a task at hand. Something distracting her isn't bad every now and then.
However, she'd prefer Santa not step in her way, nor threaten her. Of course, Tier found the threat merely a statement to suggest the severity of Santa's concern. Not too long ago, Tier had done the same thing, albeit more severe. It's a shame she can't exactly explain her situation to Santa, but the shark has a reason for staying put. If she put herself into a situation where she had to make certain choices, she sure she'd breakdown.
"...What would you have us do if I joined you on Earth?" She'd ask after being stopped.
She had not felt Santa prying at her face, but the effect of it is all the same. Tier found herself incapable of wanting any wrong to befall the other blonde Arrancar. She really needs to work on her knack of picking up strays. She's going to end up with too many to count at this point. That fact at least calmed the distortion in her gaze as her eyes settled on Santa.
END POST | Former Tercera Espada
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Drowning Together (Tier/Santa)
Wed Oct 23, 2024 12:48 pm
Oh, she actually stopped. Some small part of her half expected Tier to just bulldoze over her, but she was pleasantly surprised as the woman halted. She tilted her head slightly and continued lightly playing with the other woman's mask, furrowing her brows for a moment and then huffing. [color=goldenrod]"What do you mean? Introduce you to my friends, obviously! Oh and Solito as well of course.."[/colo]r She chimed with a big smile, immediately perked up at the idea of Tier meeting the little thing. Oh it'd be so much fun! The little thing certainly had become a cute little guy. And honestly the few times she took it out for trips, it had even gotten rather energetic, no less the fact that it was growing like a little bean sprout!
"I want to show you my friends, and all the cool places I've been to. I wanna take you shopping and to the movies! But even more than that. I want you to see what the world of the living has become. Sure, there's bad eggs. but arrancar are much more present on earth now. And in some of the larger areas, regular citizens. There have certainly been a number of ...incidents. But those have become just as common to occur with other races." She noted. Sure, Hollows did make the news, but there were plenty of bandits, criminals, and the like who all had a penchant for misusing their spiritual powers. And shed found that sure, in some areas, she got looks, there was a fair few places where she was just another face!
She wanted to PROVE to Tier that humans were acclimating. And more than that, she ...admittedly, wanted to show Tier the value in being on earth. At least now and then.
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