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There's A First Time For Everything! [Private: Yumiko/Santa] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999There's A First Time For Everything! [Private: Yumiko/Santa] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

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Wed Oct 23, 2024 5:48 pm
There's A First Time For Everything! [Private: Yumiko/Santa] M3tlKQc


Despite any current on-goings, and whatever have you, Yumiko was spending her day off trying to find something to do! Nanaly was busy with her training, Doku was off doing... Doku things, she honestly wasn't sure what, and Yumiko didn't want to hit up Solomon for training again, at least not yet... Suffice to say, Yumiko was riding around on her motorcycle quite randomly. Riding without a helmet for once, the woman was lost in her own mind as she rode through the city of light in random directions. She turned here and there, going wherever her fancy took her.

During a stop to allow her motorcycle time to cool off from the lengthy ride, and standing time, Yumiko's heightened senses detected something... odd. She felt what was, unmistakably, the energy of a hollow... A hollow right in the middle of the City of Lights? Yumiko found this odd, but more so she found it terribly concerning! Why would there be a HOLLOW here? Concern overwrote some of Yumiko's more reasonable insights, that perhaps they were here as a guest or captured. Either way, Yumiko hopped onto her motorcycle and drove off towards the source of that energy.

What she found was...a woman? Tall, blonde, and with an odd appearance. She seemed to be a pretty woman, but how she held herself was nothing but formidable. Yumiko couldn't help but wonder what kind of conditions caused her to appear like this... But the energy that flowed from her was more than an answer. However... she didn't seem hostile, far from it. She appeared to be any other pedestrian, if not for the odd antlers that crested from her skull. She didn't seem particularly threatening, no one was running and screaming... there wasn't harm in talking to her... was there?

Yumiko approached the woman after parking her motorcycle in the relative vicinity and gently tapped her on the shoulder... Well, as close as she could get given the woman before her was more than a foot taller than Yumiko...

"Excuse me, I know I'm a complete stranger but... who-who are you? And, I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but... what are you...? Your energy tells me one thing, but my eyes tell me another."

As Yumiko's gray orbs looked up towards Santa, they shone with the brilliant shine of a curious mind, and that sheen of youthfulness that they rarely showed. But, behind those gray eyes also lingered the caution of the reiatsu she had felt, and a strange sense of age despite her youthful frame. But, what Santa may not have seen was suspicion or distaste for what she was, just that simple wonder of a curious mind.


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Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:04 pm
There's A First Time For Everything! [Private: Yumiko/Santa] My2pcrpjqj7

Santa was simply on her way to check on Liltotto's home. It had been a while since she'd actually met the woman and she was a bit curious. Was she on deployment or something? She was a bit distracted and so even as Yumiko approached, she didn't notice until she was tapped on the shoulder. Turning to look over her shoulder before she stared back. "Oh.... my... GOSH! That's suuper okay!" She smiled from ear to ear as she gave the girl a pat on the head.

"My name's Santa~ I'm an arrancar, so sortof a Hollow who has evolved past being a hollow. My antlers are whats left of my hollow mask." She explained warmly, looking around before chuckling softly. "Hey uhm, if you have questions, we could step off to the side." She chuckled. No reason to have this convo in the street.
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Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:24 pm
There's A First Time For Everything! [Private: Yumiko/Santa] M3tlKQc


Perhaps Yumiko looked a bit like a child to Santa, and the pat on her head certainly solidified that idea within Yumiko's head. A slight hardness came to the small Quincy's eyes when she was given a head pat. However, she only disliked it being in the assumption that Yumiko was a child... albeit, by all rights for this world, eighteen was only legally adult age. It was a brief thing, and Yumiko didn't otherwise oppose the head pat. Soon enough, the beans were spilled. Santa, Arrancar, an evolved hollow. Yumiko had read about them before, and had also been taught about them. Having never met one, Yumiko didn't really know they could look so humanoid. Frankly speaking, it was all a bit surprising. However, the Quincy abandoned thoughts of amazement for a few moments to introduce herself as well. With a bow indicative of her Japanese upraising, Yumiko introduced herself with some minor formality afterwards.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Yumiko... Thank you for telling me who and what you are. I've never actually met an Arrancar before..."

Yumiko's eyes were still filled with wonderous curiosity as she peered upon the woman, first starting way up at her face and antlers, which appeared to be her mask fragment, sliding all the way down her body. Her gaze wasn't invasive, but it was certainly scrutinizing... But not in a bad way. However, Yumiko's curiosity was briefly stifled by Santa's suggestion. With Yumiko's pale complexion being suddenly adorned by a rosy tinge, the woman lead the way to the less active parts of the road and sidewalks; towards a nearby stall where they could get drinks or food if they wanted. Afterwards, Yumiko tilted her head somewhat as she looked at the woman. No hole... at least no visible one. Was it rude to ask? Probably, but her probing eyes likely gave her away... However, she did try to deflect away from her body language with more questions.

"There's so much I could ask... are you sure it's okay? You did look kind of focused, I wouldn't want to keep you from your destination."

The myriad of questions she could ask rolled around in her head, more liked bounced about her head, as she tried to consider them all while also trying to keep her manners in place; she didn't want to offend the woman after all. Peaceful or no, it was never a good idea to forget ones manners.


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Wed Oct 30, 2024 9:33 am
There's A First Time For Everything! [Private: Yumiko/Santa] My2pcrpjqj7

Santa tilted her head a bit. Huh, she must not get out much. Her outfit certainly spoke to that she supposed. She was still getting used to Human dressing habits. Still, she paused for a moment as she .... appreciated the woman's sensitivity. But well... honestly she enjoyed the distraction. So many people were stressed out because of the news. People were frantic about the whole announcement, and frankly.... that... interview. Well it hadn't gone the way she'd hoped.

But this.. not just as a distraction. But a young human who wasn't afraid, but INTERESTED in arrancar. And so Santa's smile begame warmer, gentler as she chuckled and shook her head. "I'm more than happy to answer any questions you have. Have you had any lunch today? I was actually going to stop by my place to get some food. Why don't you join me?" She asked with a chipper smile, promptly beginning to walk as she want, encouraging Yumiko to follow along as they made their way to her little apartment.

Well... Liltotto's apartment. But still.
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Wed Oct 30, 2024 7:01 pm
There's A First Time For Everything! [Private: Yumiko/Santa] M3tlKQc


Yumiko's outfit was certainly what one would call "eccentric". Perhaps it was a bit too brazen at times, but she did quite adore to wear it on her days off. She also certainly found it quite interesting to meet a proper Arrancar. Truth be told, Yumiko was a very sheltered woman for most of her life, nearly all eighteen years of her life had been spent in isolation due to her legs. However, that didn't mean she didn't want to meet the real deal!

When Santa suggested that Yumiko accompany her, the woman considered for a few moments before she rubbed the back of her head, looking rather conflicted. After a few moments, Yumiko smiled and nodded. However, she didn't immediately follow Santa.

"Actually uh... is it okay if I drive us there? I was riding my motorcycle before I saw you, and I don't want to just leave it here."

If Santa was accepting of these terms, Yumiko guided them through the crowd towards her motorcycle; which was parked nearby enough to make the walk short. Due to Yumiko's lack of a helmet, the woman didn't try to offer Santa one either... aaand she likely didn't have a helmet that would fit over those antlers anyways. After Yumiko had seated herself upon the motorcycle, the Quincy patted the rather sizable motorcycle as an indication for Santa to sit behind her.

"Hop on! I'll get us there quick. You'll just uh... have to tell me where~"

Yumiko smiled sheepishly at Santa after she was done speaking. If Santa took her seat behind Yumiko, the Quincy would kick her motorcycle to life and pull out of the area she had parked it in. Afterwards, she would follow whatever directions Santa gave Yumiko to arrive at "her" apartment. Even if Yumiko didn't need her motorcycle to get around, it was nice to have it, and it was something she and her mom had built together; she wasn't going to just leave it on the side of the road.


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