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Ye Olde Guarde
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Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue7380/100Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya]

Mon Dec 02, 2024 3:01 am
Sakuya Müller | Heartseeker

Sakuya let Henry squeeze in. She didn't know how versed in Quincy-tech he was, so she warned him first and firmly. "Don't let the blade touch you. It's sharper than a grandmother's sass." The only things holding the Seele Schneider back were her not wanting to cut anyone inside and her own lack of strength. She focused even harder—and while Henry pulled, she cut. His hands were glowing with something... Blut? Was Henry a Quincy too?

That didn't matter right now. Instead, Sakuya focused on herself. Blue-green lines appeared down her forearm as she focused her Blut into one of her specialized variations. As she traced another angle into the roof, her cutting speed increased. Henry's efforts would be rewarded as the roof began to peel back like a sardine can. Now she could see in.

Sakuya almost regretted it.

The driver and front-seat passenger looked like they had their faces bedazzled. Instead of rhinestones, it was glass. Thankfully, none of it seemed to be big chunks. A cursory glance showed a lot of bleeding, but no two-inch shards jutting from the skull. The three people in the back seat weren't as lucky. One arm was bent the wrong way and hanging limply. Another had a piece of metal impaling their side. If they weren't unconscious, they likely would have pulled themselves free—and causing massive bleeding. The third was, unfortunately, smushed between the other two. It was hard to see if he had anything wrong. Sakuya pulled back to think. She brought a finger to her lips as she turned to Henry. "Henry, do you happen to have any medical training? I think we should try to get the three in the back out first. The two up front might be trapped by the dashboard. I can also try to cut the van in half so we can just grab them all without issue, but that will take time. Thoughts?"

Coup de Foudre

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Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya]

Sat Dec 07, 2024 2:21 pm
Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya] - Page 2 F9K5qZt

As soon as Henry could see within the gap he had pried open, he took his own account of the passengers inside and their levels of injury. So far, nothing that can't be fixed! A few cuts, a few scrapes, a twisted arm... atleast everyone was in one piece! With one final heave, Henry grunted and curled the roof open extra wide, allowing them better access inside to retrieve these unlucky commuters.

Without a word, he hefted himself up over the edge of the roof, squirming his torso down into the debris and smoke of the vehicle's interior, choking back a breath as he tried not to inhale any more fumes than he needed to. Smoking was bad, secondhand was too! Glancing one last time between the front and back seat, Henry nodded his head as if finalizing his decision. Reaching a hand up to the front seat of the van, squinting an eye as he stretched, he reared back his arm with a grunt before letting loose a smack against the cheek of the driver, glass clattering off of him like crumbs off a granola bar, and without a second beat, he backhanded the passenger with that same hand. A flash of glittery gold lit up the front seat, his energy surging through the two, rejuvenation already beginning to fight back against their wounds, pushing the glass out of their skin like bullets out of an X-Men's forehead.

Suddenly straightening himself up, Henry came up for air, gasping and wiping his brow. "Okay! Two up front should be feeling alot better very soon, I'll work on the back seat next! In the meantime, let's see if we can't get this bad boy opened up alittle more, we still have to get them out of here!" A wide grin glimmered in the sunlight as he granted Sakuya a thumbs up, taking a deep breath and diving right back into the cloudy chaos inside. Scanning the back seat, his brow furrowed a bit. These three were not looking so hot. One had a limb turning a way Henry did not think it should, another skewered like a Fourth of July kabob, and the last was slumped right between them. Middle seat was always the worst anyway.

With the amount of smoke pouring out into the cab, he knew that they were already playing with fire here, and the longer this took, the worse things could get. Clenching his fist, he knew a simple slap wasn't going to do the trick for the unforntunate backseaters...

Sorry about this guys!

With a hefty punch that rocked the passenger's head back like a bobblehead, he socked one of them right in the chin. Hopefully that would stave off alittle bit of that bleeding, they'd still need to get that darn scrap out of their side, but this should buy them some time. Next, the twisted arm. Cracking his elbow against their chest, he didn't hold anything back. He was going to really have to put the elbow grease in to get these guys back in ship shape, he could write up the apologies later. The middle seat was an enigma, but it wouldn't hurt to give them alittle boost as well, one last slap across each cheek as if waking someone up from a stupor. That should do it...

Popping back up from the van, Henry hopped down to his feet and once again gasped for air. Resting for a moment with his hands on his knees, he held up a thumbs up and grinned. "Passenger's should be stabilized. Let's get this roof off!"

Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya] - Page 2 ZNRu8Q1


Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya] - Page 2 KuiGFI2
Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya] - Page 2 VX18M0l
Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya] - Page 2 NglOVkP
Play "Africa" (by Toto) [Henry/Sakuya] - Page 2 ChqULkg

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