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The Kraken Consortium  Empty The Kraken Consortium

Thu Nov 21, 2024 6:13 pm

The Kraken Consortium  JoEj1u


» Name: Kraken
» Alignment: Lawful Evil/True Neutral (Whomever fits.)
» Base of Operations: China.

» Summary: Kraken is less of a cohesive organization and more of a central mass of affiliated misfits, vagabonds, mercenaries and other undesirables from the world. They engage under the guidance of the elusive R or as recent developments to some Akira. They act to strive for their own goals but work in tandem to secure resources, influence and protection which their successful puppeteering of the Chinese Government has provided.

It is nothing beyond that of which they have managed to craft a safe harbor to lick their wounds and be unafraid of external forces that may wish to bring them down for one reason or another.

» Requirements: There is no OOC or IC requirement, any class and alignment of Character could be found for many reasons within either side. It could be vigilante work, an individual needing safe harbor or otherwise may simply be bored. Aslong as they adhere to the rules, one may find it in Chinas borders.


Don’t interfere: In this group, nobody is meant to interfere with another's goal unless it will jeopardize the Bastion that is China. If this is the case, detain if possible or apprehend them before any sensitive information is spread.

Sealed lips: Everyone operates under a certain understanding, each of them could be killed should someone desire to unload this information unto another without thinking. Discuss revealing Kraken with R/Akira.

Report: Should you be investigated, under scrutiny, engaged in a fight, find out about something that is exploitable. Report it to Akira. This is valuable and may not only keep yourself safe but the Bastion safe, harboring this to oneself can cause issues.

Sanctioned Hits: Under no circumstance should a member of Kraken act on major destruction within China without prior consultation. It would create too many problems and proselytize the masses against them should it not be directed properly. As for matters external of China, other rules cover it.


  • Secure a safe bastion for the unwanted, misfit and vagabond of the world.
  • Increase personal influence so when the time comes, China will not be interfered with from external spiritually based organizations and further oneself so they are strong enough to fight should it be necessary.
  • Consolidate internal influence and assure China is wholly within the grasp of Kraken before major reformations can go through.


China: China’s rich in industry, manpower and resources but has suffered political destabilization for sometime. As a Nation the vast amount of influence is difficult to truly calculate though through proxy’s, they are accessible to some degree for the moment. Kraken relies right now on the puppeteered structure through R to use these for personal gain and crafts a level of political safety from individuals external to the Nation.


Brazil: This is a loosely allied nation to the ongoing affairs of Kraken, better defined as R/Akira. They provided logistical and underbelly manpower around Beijing during the incident in exchange for access to the silk road, which has been upheld.


Leader: Akira Tairitsu
    Public leader of China: Lui Xhao (NPC)


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