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"Return of the Hollow Knight " Empty "Return of the Hollow Knight "

Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:04 am
Some poor human soul was being chased by an hollow down the street it look petty grim for the poor human soul until they both stop and felt something powerful coming. James was in his hollow bone armor it unmistakeable anyone who of the hollow knight that he has returned the only being that become this powerful few people know his true indentey now. with one slash of his Ice made blade and pureifed the hollow in one qick slash and sent on his way to the afterlife. The soul that was hollow was chaseing look terrifed al this James in armour look like a hollow and his spiritual pressure felt like one to.

He then for a bief second showed his face to this soul and give a soft comforting slime and pat the soul head before he hid his face again. " Do not worry little one you are safe i gonna sned to the after life now.... rest in peace." With that he his hand that is not arm by the cannon show a withe before the soul i dssapered into the afterlife. " I see even after all these years this place echos with energy and hollows still hunt mainly here ..Ichgos, myslef my bothers...I can feel the war still echos on form the past the traces of it can never be gone." He sat down and look up into the stars it at least even they mainly hunt the more well portal now these he seen alot of soul reapers past him since he keeps to the shadows. " It must of been over a hundered years since i was last here."
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Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:33 pm
Natalia was out for a walk and gave a soft sigh. Her sword was at her side though she was slightly upset that it seemed the presense she was looking for vanished. Shaking her head she rubbed the patch over her right eye. It was a poorly made eye patch But it did the trick for the time being.

Damn its gone.. Ohh well its proubly for the best.

She said with a soft sigh as her eye caught a glimpse of someone and she slowly tilted her head to one side. Shakeing her head she slowly made her way over to the person as her head tilted gracefully from side to side. She was not really sure what to make of the person but in a way she really did not care.

I see im not the only one here? I suppose that should be comforting or something but it seems like its more of a bother then anything else.

She started stareing for a few seconds before turning her gaze to look around the area. It was interesting though in a way she felt like everything was falling apart for a reason. Though she hated said reason sahe decided it was not to important to focus on for the time being. Turning her gaze back to the stranger she gave a slight smile.

Well i suppose the nice thing to do is ask if i could help ya... but I think i will go with what are you doing around here? insted.

she stated her gaze was cold but seemed to show that she was hideing something. Though with her hiding something was pretty much mostly what she was all about.
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:43 pm

It had been a nice day for Naia. She spent the morning working in her garden gathering herbs to sell in town to make some extra money. It was all peaceful and quiet for her as the wind gave her a refreshing breeze. After leaving her home and spent some time getting to karakura she took a path that many people didn't take she worried how people would react if they saw the wings that grew from her back. she didn't want all the attention people would give her or hear anyone screaming because of the monstrous wings she had. Naia believed in a way that her wings were a curse to her and that without them she would be normal and wouldn't have suffered. She lived alone in the house in the forest and commonly traveled to karakura to sell some of her herbs and get some extra money. As she traveled the familiar roads she started to encounter more and more people. they kept on looking at her. she avoided the gaze of anyone around her quickly looking for the usual merchant to sell her herbs to. Once she reached the merchant without either of the two speaking the merchant had grabbed the basket and valued it and after he valued it he would give Naia the money. This time with her usual payment she had received a slice of bread. the man and spoke and told her that it was for her to eat because she looked so thin.

She decided to head back to her home. She walked down some of the more quiet roads where she ended up spotting to other people that appeared strange to her. One man had a weapon on him and the women that was also there seemed to have her eye covered by some strange material which Naia guessed it was a makeshift eye patch as it was covering her eye. she slowly walked passed them hoping that they wouldn't realize she was there and that they would chat among themselves.

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"Return of the Hollow Knight " Empty Re: "Return of the Hollow Knight "

Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:15 pm
James sat and look at Natlalia and smiled softly and waved and stood up and answer with most caring voice. " I'm James Raven a.k.a the hollow knight you heard the old sorties about since well really for a human i should be dead. As your other question am here to remake the order of the Hollow knights am look for my great times six by now grand children." he said and nodded to her he did want to hide anything form her he knew this lady by feeling her spiritual pressure that she be a of use to the order. " If you can help me rebuild it look of my other family members you the Shinigami are high numbers but they do need help now days the order used very much alive before I eloved into what I am today but sadly it fallen apart and once i am needed to rebuild it."

He said before he notice the little girl Naia he felt something form her almost the same as his own when he just got his powers. He stare at Nina until he knew feeling her pressure for certain that she one of his great time six grand child. "And it looks like I have already around one right now my new found friend." He walked towards Nina and knell down in front of the girl and gave a welcoming smile. His aura change into and wrath like when near family he almost feel like you can trust him. "Hello there little one you one of people I been look for what is your name I very much like you to tell since were family and all I know it seems strange but you trust me. I will not hurt you or will let you come to harms way." James soul seem like he telling the truth he then look back at the women who spoke to first. " And what your name I would like to know as well if your going to apcet my offer to help me."

James seem like almost he did care of who or what they are he can feel maybe he trust them and James seem alot older than he looks.
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Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:32 pm
I see i suppose there is a lot that can me said to that i suppose. though in a way it means things can be worse. Anyway.. I am Natalia DeMortes. I do not really know how i got to the world of the living though i ended up likeing it enough to where i decided to stay. I am orriginally from the soul society and honestly the shinigami may be looking for me.

she stated as she offered a soft sigh as she slowly closed her eyes. Her mind began to race as she did not remember any stories though then again she never really payed any attention during the so called past of the shinigami. in the end she was only really interested in the things she could learn as a shinigami. though in the end she never really made it past the shinigami training cause she ended up appearing in the human world before graduation and she had no idea how.. Shakeing her head she gave a soft grin as she stared at the person.

sorry i am not much of a builder more of a fighter. I could try to help just as long as i get a job that does not involve anyone being around me. I do so hate working with others its kind of a pet peeve of mine.

She stated as she soon turned to look to the child he mentioned. Tilting her head to one side she gave a light sigh as she slowly noded her head to her . She was not used to being around so many people though she figured it could not hurt sense there was no fighting going on a little break would not hurt. Though she hated the idea of stoping her training she figured this may actually be fun if she did not think to much about it.

ehh you might as well join us.. not like anything bad will happen. Well i suppose its possible something bad would happen.. but not cause of me for once for now.

She stated waveing the child over as she sighed. She did not know anything about this grandchildren or anything like that. she was mostly just interested in getting to talk to someone else and possibly even learning more about everything so that she would know what she was doing and who to possibly avoid.
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:19 pm

It had appeared that Naia thought wrong. the two other people had noticed her one of them calling her one of his possible great grandchildren. Naia was confused when the strange male had said this she was just ready to run away but the male had already hugged her tightly. He didn't feel like a bad person but she was frightened by his sudden movement. She didn't expect him to do this. She didn't know why but the man's energy felt familiar to her in some way it felt similar to her own energy. She didn't know of any family that might have since she never knew her true family name. Her name was given to her by her friend james who she had met when she was younger. The only family she can truly remember is her mother but even then her mother wasn't the caring type to her as she had tried to injure naia before her death. Anything regarding her father was a mystery. He disappeared when she was quite young because of her wings that were growing from her at a young age.

She just stared at the man who hugged her and pondered about him. He had told her that he wouldn't allow her to be harmed because he would protect her. Naia wondered if this was really true and also wanted to know why he would do this. she thought about if this man was wrong was if they really had no connection and he was really mistaken. He pushed the man away from her as she backed up away from him. She didn't run away as she want to learn more about this possibility this chance that she might have.

She noticed the woman some more and noticed how she had a demeanor like she just didn't care she was telling naia that it was alright and that she might as well join them in what ever they were doing or planning but naia was still unsure. She was also to frightened to speak so she just looked at the male and the female. she closed her eyes for a second before looking at the ground and began to speak quietly.

"um..H.. hello my name is Naia. N.Naia Rosewood. Who who are you people?"

Scared and shy she tried to tell the two what her name was and wanted to know who they were. She knew nothing about them and this was would probably give her the most answers.

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Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:37 am
James let as he can see he just made more jump she does know a thing about this not his gut is right the family and the order has fallen apart. It time to mend these wound and put the family back together and rebuild the order he then unseeing his power he made a petty ladybird out of ice and offer it to Nina. " I'm James Raven your very much great gran father, The one who found the order of the hollow knights and I used a doctor around here before I changed." He wanted this little to trust so he putting the family back together he cared deeply for it he want his family to raise again. " You have very special powers like power that you can use to help people you very blessed my child. With my power i make you become great, strong and kind at the same time if want I help make that very real." His voice sounded gentle he wanted Naia to trust him and let him help her he see great power with this little one.

Soon he stood and look towards Natalia DeMortes hear her out and nod he had the perfect job for her. " I see well if want to help in that case you help look for possible family members you I can only move in the shadows for now. You since of odd spiritual pressure there see as a hollow and attack me without remember who I am since I did fight along side them once. If i need to track some down as I will do you cover more ground than me once that done you help make sure we're kept safe while we make our good intentions clear once the family order is back together." His old doctor habit of explain things long winded he look if she said yet he would welcome her to order as an great ally. He hope she will this job will not in loved people and most she penalty chances of fight. He look at them both if can convince them both to come with he now stand a strong chance of putting the family back together while make more allies.
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"Return of the Hollow Knight " Empty Re: "Return of the Hollow Knight "

Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:14 pm
Natalia looked to Naia and as soon as she was about to say something someone ran up to her Yelling her name. It was some strange person she had never met before but he somehow new her name. After the guy ran up to her he handed her a small package. He stated the her order has came in and here it was. She was rather supprised they sent someone to give it to her. Though she took the package and opened it. Pulling a eye patch with three straps on it and it was outlined in gold. Slowly noding her head she gave the man the money for the item and he soon ran off. Placing the eye patch in her left hand she slowly looked to the two with her. She then took her right hand and removed the shaunty looking eyepatch from her right eye before she started speaking to Naia

I am Natalia DeMortes. You do not really need to know much about me past that. Though i suppose it is a pleasure to meet you. I do hope we can get along at the very least.

She stated trying to offer a smile but it was obvious it was hard for the female to do. She then slowly opened her right eye as she looked to the two of them thinking nothing of it. Her right eye's look normally would freak out anyone who managed to see it. THe part of her eye that was normally white was a blood red in color. The part that was normally a purplish pink coloer looked like flamed that were working their way after her pupil. Both of them would get a strange yet possibly even disturbing feeling that her right eye was digging into their verry core. It would possibly feel as if it was reading every little move their body was makeing. To some this feeling would freak them out to no end. After she tossed her old crafted eye patch she slowly moved to wear her new one. the patch was designed to help her and as soon as she placed the patch over her eye and got is secured the energy flowing outwords from her eye seemed to vanish completely and she would once again feel like an ordinary human. She then turned to look to james as she began to speak.

I should be okay energy wise for the time being though that is not a fully safe deduction i supppose its enough for me. Though then again i do kinda prefer working in secret its kind of the thing i do best. Though i do prefer straight out confrintation i can avoid it when the need strikes me.

She stated as she looked the other two over a few times before offering a soft sigh. Shakeing her head she glanced around as she giggled.

Besides i can handle myself when the time comes. Though then again i suppose if things get to out of hand it can be useful to show how handy i can be when i try.

She stated with a soft giggle as a light grin crossed her lips. Then her gaze turned to the sky as her thoughts ran rampid within her head.
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:11 pm
She was being looked at by James and he mentioned her powers. She knew her powers were different and strange from some other people she had met but were they really something equal to what this man could be thinking? He kept his voice at a gentle and friendly level so he was trying to be kind to her. She Didn't want this man to take advantage of her because she had such a great power. She did like the fact that she could help people with her power but that same power had brought her suffering and caused her family to detest and abandon her. Her mother died and tried to kill her because of the power she held. Naia felt as the power was just something causing her trouble. She still remained hidden from people when she could because of the pain they might bring but she was still afraid of being all alone. She met someone who claimed to be her great grandfather or something like that. Why hadn't she met him before at least? She knew that this person was willing to help her with her powers because they had said so. She could take advantage of this even if she was going to be taken advantage of because she would possibly gain even more knowledge on her power and possibly grow.

She noticed that the other women was looking at her. She wasn't sure what was her mindset for what was going on and everything that she was being told. From the conversation Naia guessed that that these people people were different compared to other people. She wondered what it was that made them different. Unexpectedly someone had arrived to give the women a package which contained a something which looked like an eye patch. This one seemed better quality then the one the women was already wearing. she took the current one off to expose a strange looking eye it gave off a piercing effect which scared her. Her eye didn't seem normal it felt as it was staring into her soul and trying to look at her from the inside. It frightened her.

Naia looked at the man who called himself her great grandfather. She wasn't 100% sure she could trust him but she knew one thing that she would gain something possibly from this.

"Well grandfather i think i might want to accept your offer. I might be able to learn more about my power from you. "

Naia looked away from the man she was speaking to a little frightened to directly speak with him. she then looked at natalia then back to the ground and responded to her.

"Mrs. natalia its very nice to meet you. maybe we can becomes friends.
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Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:44 am
James smiled at them both happy to hear what they both said nods and blinks and cross his arms and look at Nina. " ok now tonight we need to get our old mansion back and bring our hospital before we start ya training as head of the family. I hope I claim my money back in 400 years ..... I quite a huge sum and the home and hospital need works i bet my money on it someone sold it on since the family in ruins ,mmmmmm." He turn and look at them both and nodded and thought of something needed to know what been going on and he need a place to stay. "Carp i need to place to stay I forgot i not been here for four hundred years oh boy did think of that. Oh yes Nina by the way there many of your power that need unlock for to begin ya training like you the power to purefiy soul, your hollow powers and you elemental power. "

James look around he can see already everything change way to much so he need to think with somethign fast and get updated on today tech and stuff and compare with medical notes. anyways "
Natalia DeMorte you best for helping find other family mender while I mentor Nina and other family members to come so as you see we need to low on the ready until." He then a shudder down his spine a very terrorizing feeling came back to him he did feels since Wonderer.
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