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Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:17 am

F A I R Y - T A I L || M A I N - T H E M E

Karakura Central, it was an interesting place to say the least. Not that because it was full of people, full of different varieties of culture and food - but it was rich in different ways. Unfortunately, it was full of people and noise. This wasn't the normal place that you could find Eiji, he wouldn't be found in such areas like this - normally he would be more found it quiet, calm and collected places - places that were similar in attitude to him. The more he thought about this, the weirder it seemed... however, it was good to get among people every now and then. In the process of walking through the Karakura Central, Eiji simply smirked at everyone he passed, carrying a bag laying off one shoulder, a Zanpakutō attached to his waist while his attitude consisted of a simple blue tie, a rolled up school shirt and simple black jeans, straight legs - not too baggy and not too bright. The bag slung over his shoulder was simply for carrying food, he had bought a copious amount of Sushi while he was out with his money. Along with this, he had a few bottles of water within the bag too. Eiji wasn't concealing his appearance or presence in the market at all; he didn't feel the need to do so.

"Yareee... This place is so loud... Why people would want to live and work in such a busy environment is beyond me."

Eiji had turned his body, noticing an old woman staring at him with extreme precision and noticing a deep sensation of aura bellowing off him. With a slight flick of his head he gave a small smile, out the side of his mouth before turning back to focus on the road again. Everything around her was simply loud, suddenly a man wearing a balakalva running past, snatching her bag straight out of her hands and smashing her face onto the table. Screams bellowed from behind Eiji, the old woman looking up at Eiji and pointing to the man running with the bag, holding it mainly in his right hand. As he passed by Eiji, the living tremor would simply place out a hand, grasping the man by the shirt, lifting him up above his body in the middle of the street. He held his body high above his own before dragging him in close towards his face, Eiji scrunchked up his face and then said slowly, softly and in a deep voice.

"Steal from anyone again, and I'll personally destroy everything you love in this world."

He dropped the man next to him, snatching the bag off him and let him run off, away from everyone. Eiji would quickly make his way towards the old woman, blood poring out from her nose and all over her face. He gritted his teeth, handing back the handbag and then reaching into his backpack, pulling out a few rolls of paper he had bought for his home, then getting the water and wetting them and placing them under the ladies nose. He smiled at her before turning away again.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you get better soon."

Last edited by Kylekaotikk on Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Ap8OoJO

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A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Empty Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]

Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:40 am

-O Elisha O-
-O The NekoMetal Dragonholder O-

Elisha lay on her back, floating along just below the clouds, her tail swishing lazily below her. It had become a bad habit of hers to listen to what was going on in the streets below while floating along up at this height. Her ears picked up everything from below perfectly, but there was hardly ever anything worth paying attention to in the daily bustle of the city. However, today seemed to be her lucky day, as her ears picked up a voice, seemingly male, say what sounded like a threat. Turning over, the orange haired girl waited for the man to turn away from the woman whom he had helped before moving. Her body dropped from her position, the air no longer holding her up, now pushing her downward, propelling her towards the man. As her face became level with the man's face, she suddenly stopped, floating upside down in midair an inch from him.

"So, what made you threaten the poor man like that? You know you didn't have to go that far, right? Sheesh, who are you, another punk who only wants to ruin the city?"

It was then that she noticed the sword waist, though it didn't help her attitude.

"Seems like you have a blade with you. What do you plan on using it for?"



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A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Empty Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]

Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:02 am


Oh Boy.. It was the Karakura Central, he had walked all over the place, but he could not find a single clue about his father, at all. Scratching his head as the male walked along the streets. The man had a pink hair, a scarf and wearing a parka. The man was Gray, of course. He wasn't famous around the area, since he is still new in the new, developing town that he had not return for years. The Karakura Central, or City, was still an unknown place for him. New faces.. New people.. He couldn't handle much around the karakura central and decides to get out from the place, until a person ran past him. It was a man wearing balakalva, who snatched a handbag from an old woman whom he had saw from his current position. Before he gets to chase him, another person appeared, catching the man by its collar and held the person up before pulling close to the man who had caught him. Gray stood there, spectating and observing the situation. He sniffed the man, and able to tell that this man weren't an ordinary civilian, or person as he know it. It was a dangerous smell, this man was something beyond his level and expectation. Although Gray did not have the ability to 'feel' the spiritual energy coming out from the man, he was able to 'sniff' it out with his highly sensitive nose.

The man that held the thief up dropped him, and snatched the bag away from the snatcher. Walking past Gray again and gave the bag back to the old lady. He did not react, but instead, this person seemed strong. Of course, he 'sniffed' it out. Another person went by above him, in a second, he recognized the woman that flew past above him. It was Elisha, nothing more but his mere enemy who poses as a fake dragon. This, unseemingly was able to piss Gray off. It was either instinct or it was just his own imagination. She was talking to the man who he had met earlier ago, a strong one... and decides to go towards the man as well. His attention wasn't towards the red-haired man, instead, the woman floating above the air.

"Hey You, Elisha! What are you doing here!?"

His finger pointed at her, he wasn't mad or anything, but he was curious why she was doing here. Elisha always appears before Gray when he did not want to. The woman, though, gets on his nerves quite a lot whenever he sees her. Gray maintains his calm as he averts his attention back towards the red-haired man.

"So.. I saw you helped an old woman and walked past me. You looked strong for an ordinary man like you though. What's your name?"

He shouldn't be too nosy about it, but its better to ask anyway.

= = = THE FIRE ENDS = = =

Template By: [LIO THE LION]

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A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Empty Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]

Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:46 am

F A I R Y - T A I L || M A I N - T H E M E

The central market of Karakura was almost always alive with different features. Whether it be music, talking, videos or lights - it was always illuminated with some form of noise. This always put Eiji on edge, every time he had come here, it was just to get his food and get out. He hadn't planned on doing any good deeds today, or any bad ones for that matter. The red-haired man could have simply let the robber run past, letting him get away with the handbag without even a care in the world. So what made him stop and go out of his way to help this old woman? Who knew. Not even Eiji could imagine why he did such a thing, it wasn't something he would go out of his way to do normally... he just... reacted. As he walked off from the old woman, he suddenly came face to face with a woman, tail falling down and hanging upside down from the sky, her eyes level with his face. His eyes widened a bit, raising the right eye brow higher than the left one with relative ease. As he did this, he opened his mouth slightly as if he was about to talk, followed by taking a gulp of the air around him - watching as she simply stopped right in front of him.

"What did I threaten him for? He stole that woman's purse, where the hell have you been, with your wise overseeing of the situation. Unless you were there and in the moment, don't judge my actions."

Eiji would simply side step, placing his arm and sort of pushing the woman above him away as walked right past her - only to be stopped by the question she had asked him about the blade on his waist. He gritted his teeth, she had assumed that since the ziamichi man had a Zanpakutō with him, that he was going to suddenly break out and go on a rampage of killing. He stopped himself from walking, tightening the grip in his hand before looking to the floor, eyes set on just after where his feet were placed. A lump was in his throat, he didn't want to stop - he wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible since it made him feel uncomfortable. This along with his short temper didn't do wonders for the people around him, he didn't want to have to break this woman in two in front of everyone, exposing his true power to the people of Karakura. Before he opening his mouth to speak to her, he looked slightly over his shoulder, his deep blue eyes scanning over to her and simply said,

"I hadn't planned to use it for anything, but if you don't fuck off, I may use it to take your head."

He went to walk off again, before yet another man - light pink hair and a fairly built body walked up and began to talk to the woman in the sky, soon addressing to Eiji himself. Asking his name, and then focusing on how 'strong' he was. This was weird to Eiji, many people on this earth were so focused on strength. Everyone wanted to become the most powerful, or be the extreme power to ever exist. The red-haired man always found it ridiculous - that people would go out looking for a fight, or looking for trouble to fight the most powerful people. Life was full of suffering enough as it was, without Eiji going around and causing more carnage.

"You're right, I'm jut an ordinary man. Strength has nothing to do with it. Why are you so bent on strength? Do you plan on trying to kill me? If so, I'm afraid you're way in over your head kid. And to cause carnage in such a place like Karakura central, you have balls. You realise who will get involved right?"

Eiji's eyes still scanned over his shoulder, looking intently at the two of them before returning his gaze to road in front of him.

"I have no business with people like you."

A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Ap8OoJO

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A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Empty Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]

Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:07 am

-O Elisha O-
-O The NekoMetal Dragonholder O-

Still glaring at the man as she listened to his retort, she smiled as she heard a familiar voice behind her. Turning around as the man pushed past her she answered gray's question.

"Hiya Gray, I'm just talking to this numskull here. Seems he can't understand the idea of restraint."

Turning back to the newcomer, she glared at him again.

"I don't have a problem with you threatening him, just you went overboard with it, he was probably wetting his pants before you even opened your mouth. Also, I wasn't overseeing anything, only my ears are good enough for that, so I only overheard you. I doubt you'd kill me, even if you did use that sword of yours, and as for starting a fight, I don't give a shit who's going to come."

With that, a tiny orb of pulsating electricity formed in front of her, unraveling in to a thin bolt as it shot towards this man's back. Elisha then shot upwards, now floating upside down fifty feet above the ground.

"So, what's your name kid? Haven't had the pleasure of welcoming a new punk in a while."



The Cookie
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A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Empty Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]

Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:08 am


"You're right, I'm jut an ordinary man. Strength has nothing to do with it. Why are you so bent on strength? Do you plan on trying to kill me? If so, I'm afraid you're way in over your head kid. And to cause carnage in such a place like Karakura central, you have balls. You realise who will get involved right?"

Bent on strength.. Although Gray was bothered by that, to be talking to him in such disrespectful manner was pissing him off real bad.

"Hey you.. I may not know your name, if you want to ask me why am i so bent on strength, because i want to 'prove it' to my father that i can exceed to further levels than the dragons. That's why.. I will be searching for him with this power. And.. When someone's talking to you nicely, ANSWER IT PROPERLY!!!!!

With rage, he slammed both of his fists together against the ground. It started cracking, and erupted rocks and spikes off the cracks by the immense strength that Gray had released from him by his pure rage. He wasn't happy at all, for someone who was answered without any respect. Flames were summoned off from his fists, covering both of his fists together by his own flames. He rushed towards the red-haired man, preparing to go head-on against someone, who he already knew that he wasn't on his level, but this man, he is pissing me off..[i] For the start, both of his fists advances towards the man, attempting to launch a strike from his fists at once against him. Then, with swirling flames around his legs, he attempts to launch kick against the man again.

With both of his attacks was launched, he took leap back from the red-haired person. Although his attacks weren't as effective against the man, but its worthed it to hurt this man even if its only a small scratch.

[i]"Bring it on, tough guy!"

Gray lets out a soft exhalation from his mouth, and with a calm look on his face. He was ready, after his warm-up.

= = = THE FIRE ENDS = = =

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A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Empty Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]

Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:24 am

T E A R S - O F || T H E - D R A G O N

The people surrounding, everyone in this particular area... how annoying everyone was. Everywhere he looked, there was someone trying to fight him or verse him in some weird way simply because he was considered 'strong' in presence. He didn't like this, not one bit. And the more time he spent in built up area, he found, the more people that found him and challenged him to a fight either by becoming pissed off by his attitude or just for the joke of it. For example, these two people here - he had just saved an old woman and given her purse back to her once it was stolen, yet this woman hanging from the sky seemed to want to start a problem with him, as well as this new man who seemed to be too cocky for his own good. Eiji sighed, his gaze shifting back and forth from the road, every few steps looking over his shoulder and gazing at the two of them behind him, even as they spoke. The red haired man yawned, simply raising one hand to his mouth before placing it softly back in his pocket. Eiji's eye brows rose, although he kept walking straight - looking ahead. He had felt a pulse of energy launched out from the woman, heading hastily towards him. He gritted his teeth, simply placing his right arm behind his body before softly saying under his breathe;


A pulse of blue energy would launch out from Eiji's hand as he continued to walk, stopping in place after the soukatsui had officially fully left his hand. His feet gripped into the dirt, turning his body completely and his eyes now frowning towards the man and the girl, which the man on the ground had refered to as Elisha, noticing her 50 feet up in the air beyond reach. His eyes shot back down, noticing the man, who she had referred to as Gray. The soukatsui obliterated the bolt of energy that was shot out towards him, fading from the blue energy into nothing. Eiji's eyes shifted between the two constantly, making sure they did not react to try and hurt him even more. His eyes shifted down to Gray as the man launched from his spot, body covered in flames, namely around his fists. He smirked as the man launched out towards him, aiming a simple punch. Raising his right hand, he placed out his palm, simply catching the fist in his hand and parrying it aside. As the kick came, he simply side stepped, using now his left hand to parry the kick engulfed in flames away. The flames were extremely hot, if it was anyone else singing his arms.

As the attacks came, Eiji's arms became scaled, scaled with a lizard like skin slowly growing. After the attacks, his body suddenly became engulfed with the scale like skin, his spine becoming engulfed in a sharp fin like all down his body, a tail emerging from the back of him. The tail flapped about, his fists scaled and large, growing yet another foot tall now standing at 7'3, overlooking everyone. The use in turning his body into this scale form was the he became more resilient to fire and his strength increased. The lizard appearance was an alternate appearance he has manifested since he went into Gotei over 7 thousand years ago. He didn't know if it was something he always had, but it was there. Instantly after the kick came, Eiji would launch himself closer to Gray, his body low and the scales on his hand clenching. The lizard face he now had frowned upon him, pushing up on his legs, Eiji would draw an incredible force punch into the mans stomach. The punch could easily launch the man through buildings, across the battlefield and even into other people even. As he transformed, everyone scattered - leaving the central market completely blank, par a few courageous people who wanted to stick around and watch what was happening.

"Kid? You're much younger than me, I've walked this earth a long time and withstood much worse than you. When you have true power, and can beat me into the dust, that is when you shall call me kid."

His speech was directed towards Elisha who was high up in the sky, his gaze would simply shift to her, before slipping into a shunpo and appearing upon the same level as her, performing a simple air walk to keep himself elevated in the sky. As he appeared, he would simply twist his entire body to the left, launching a powerful roundhouse kick from across his body, aiming the kick towards the ground with extreme speeds. If the kick made contact, it would launch her at the ground and likely embed her into the cement floor.

"I shall address you how I want. I simply wanted to walk through here and go home, not to be ambushed by punks like you. No fuck off, or I'll tear your head right from it's neck."

His head tilted as he would lower himself from the sky, a blank face crossing his lizard appearance. He would bring both hands together, cracking each of his knuckles twice. As he spoke, his voice would be crackly and demonic sounding - his lizard form not only altering his appearance, but voice in general. The way he did so sounded demonic and terrifying, rumbling with extreme power.

"So you're Gray, and you're Elisha, hm? My name is Eiji Youjai, I am not your enemy, nor anybody else's. Why you attacked me in the first place is beyond me, but if you're both so hell bent on fighting me, then so be it."

A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Ap8OoJO

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A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Empty Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]

Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:30 pm

-O Elisha O-
-O The NekoMetal Dragonholder O-

Elisha watched as the blue pulse of energy collided and negated her lightning. As the man shot up her eyes barely kept track of him, watching as he came up to her height. When the kick came her way, she pick her feet up, the air pushing her down, making in look like she had jumped in order to avoid the man's kick. Spinning to right herself in the air, her twin swords appeared in her hands. Their perfectly shaped blades flowed in to the oak handles, with no guard on either blade. Now floating under him, she looked up and opened her mouth. A huge bolt of lightning flew from her mouth, five feet in diameter, crackling with the power of five normal lightning bolts as it flew towards the man who had just identified himself as Eiji Youjai.

"Seriously, taking me on in my own domain? Are you stupid, or do you just have a death wish?"

She really didn't feel like giving this man any more information about her then her already had, and she just hoped Gray would stay quiet about the dragon within her as well. Elisha flew away from the man, putting some distance between them as she watched to see what he would be like after taking that kind of hit. If that had been any normal human they would probably be dead, if not ashes, right now, but Elisha had the feeling this man would have survived. Stopping thirty meters away from the man, she took a few breaths as three tiny bulbs of electricity formed in front of her, identical to the one Eiji had blasted away earlier with that blue energy. A voice in her head warned her not to continue, but she ignored it for now. She knew the man was much stronger then herself, but this was the sky, and all she hoped was that she wouldn't need to use her half dragon form, she didn't want Gray to see that one.



"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

The Cookie
The Cookie
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A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Empty Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]

Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:21 am


Gray's attacks had not done anything, both of his punches and kicks. His incoming punch was simply being stopped by the red-haired man's hand, while his kick had missed by a mere sidestepping. Although both attacks were stopped, or dodged, the heat of his flames that emits inside seems to be able to affect the man from a little bit to nothing. Before he realises, he had scales like lizards, and realies that his flames had not worked well against the once red-haired man that turned into a lizard-like man. The man was yet tall before Gray, but before he can fully observe his appearance, a punch was landed against his stomach, the force had pushed him to crash against several buildings before falling off from the air by the gravitational pull of the ground. His body had slammed down onto the ground and rolled off a few meters away from his 'drop point'. Gray was lying at the same place, and several seconds after being rolled across the ground, he stood up. Before he knew everything, his hands and legs were trembling, furiously and in fear. He moved up his head, facing the direction where the lizard man currently stood, and words were heard from the man within the distance, which sounded like he was mocking him, and 'her'.

"So you're Gray, and you're Elisha, hm? My name is Eiji Youjai, I am not your enemy, nor anybody else's. Why you attacked me in the first place is beyond me, but if you're both so hell bent on fighting me, then so be it."

Eiji Youjai.. That was a good name, but sadly enough, he wasn't the kind that respectfully answer someone's question. Wihout further delays, Gray begins to envelopes his fists into an immensely thick flames. One of his hands reaches out, with his index finger pointing directly at the red-haired man before gripping his fist tightly.


Enduring the wound that he had received against his stomach, he lunges towards eiji, exceptionally slower than before as it is because of the 'punch wound' that he had received from eiji earlier. He prepares to 'try' and 'land' a few hits against eiji, depending on the circumstances. He lunges himself towards eiji, attempting to punch him with sheer force. His right fist was thicker than the flames on his other fist, and the fist would begin to advance foward eiji. But the punch makes it easy to avoid from, as the damage he took earlier from eiji had slowed Gray's attacks down as well, but not his sheer power and force.


Then next, Gray inhales the particles of the spiritual energy from his surroundings, which forms a swirling of light blue energy that can be seen with a naked eye, going directly into his mouth. Gathering enough reishi, a ball of flame forms within his mouth, from his lungs that creates a ball of flames inside. His head then adjusted its direction towards eiji, breathing out a vortex of flames towards eiji. "FIRE DRAGON'S BREATH!".

If the vortex of flames that he had breathed out was negated or stopped by any means, his fists would stop burning, but his finger tips is left engulfed with flames. The flames on his finger tips was extremely thick, to the point where not even a single person around him could visibly see his fingers from the flames that were covering his fingers. He would fling both of his hands against eiji, depending it was a direct hit or indirect. "FIRE DRAGON'S CLAWS!"

If it were to hit directly against eiji's skin/flesh, his finger tips that the thick flames surrounds would immediately cut through his hard skin/flesh, leaving a wound that would continue bleeding furiously until it is healed, or 'patched up'.

But if it does not hit, it sends off a claw-like shaped wave that would rush towards eiji, cutting through the ground as it advances and explodes when hits eiji, or anything that are solid.

Gray was still hurt by the punch, unexpectedly that a single punch could affect him that much. This red-haired man seems to be extremely strong, it was almost like, both of them were in an entirely different level. But, if he really could not bring this man down with his fists, he will have to do that..

= = = THE FIRE ENDS = = =

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A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Empty Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:30 pm


Tch, these people. It was starting to annoy Eiji, it seemed everywhere he went they would attempt to fight him. He couldn't help but feel the main reason they were doing so is because they got the wrong idea from picking up the man and holding him above his body. This worried Eiji deeply, were people always so quick to jump into these conclusions? It had been a long time since he was list considered 'human', so it was not something that could be easily remembered if he was ever like that. His lizard form held strong against the variety of attacks that were thrown to him, after all, he considered it his 'true form' while his human appearance was simply a cover up for his more menacing form. He was worried in a way, in many of ways - his attacks could over power the people before him; he knew this, and he wasn't even making himself to be more powerful that he seemed. He could tell the strength by simply being in their presence, telling by their reiatsu amount. The red haired man grunted a little bit as his kick struck air, simply swiping through the breeze that was blowing with amazing force, sending a wave of pressure launched out from his heal as the kick came to a top, launching the wave towards the ground and cracking it. Eiji's eyes quickly averted, following the woman with extreme precision, not losing sight of her for a second - observing the interesting tactics that she was using to attempt combat with Eiji.

He eyes constantly shot between the two combatants, yet he never lost a sight of their movement without being drawn to it's attention, usually trying to keep the both of them in the same view of his sight. Eiji's face remained a solid silent face, not budging in a single way as the attacks continued to be launched out. Rather, he sighed and cracked his neck before realising Elisha opening her mouth, the lightning launched out at amazing speeds, barely giving him time to react. However, despite this - he could have dodged it, this is true, yet, he didn't do this. Rather, Eiji shifted his footing, pushing his reiatsu into his feet so he could use it to launch himself off, tipping his body upside down and holding himself there with the air-walk, except using the platform to launch his body at the roar of lightning. As they drew closer to each other, Eiji placed out his palm, catching the large lightning bolt in his hand, smashing against it and exploding in a ball of electricity on contact. He grunted, the lightning bolt disappearing into a dust cloud as he continued flying through the air and smashed into the ground below the woman in the sky. Elisha... she was interesting, there was something she hadn't shown him. Yet, Eiji hadn't shown her anything yet, either.

"Elisha, you're a fool. Such simple tactics won't work against my strength. It seems you need to figure out a better way to get me, hm?"

While he said this, the lightning from her attack circulated his body, making him stunned a bit, cringing as blood leaking out from the scales in the palm of his hand. It seemed, no matter how hard he took a head on attack from someone of even her level, it would have it's impact. He simply threw his hand aside, noticing that she had now created distance between the two of them. There was much that he wasn't showing about himself, yet the two of them weren't revealing a lot either - yet, it was more than Eiji had. From here, he had to focus on the man he had successfully punched through multiple buildings, smashing into his stomach and causing a rather large impact and damage. This man had emerged, yet it was very confusing - after, even, being hit with such a tremendous punch from the red haired man, he still insisted on fighting someone who was clearly more powerful than him. This made Eiji smirk more than anything, simply admiring the strength and courage this man had. Before Eiji knew it, the fire engulfed punch was launched out like before, sending a single punch that would be aimed at his head. Eiji closed his eyes again just before he attempted to make contact, opening just before as he side stepped, the powerful punch sliding right past his body, as he did this a thought ran through his mind; something unexpected.

H-hot! His flames got hotter!?

This punch slid past his body, the heat from the flames being significantly increased and the amount of flames even higher than the punches from before. It was weird, he didn't expect this man to have such courage and strength after the punch. If it were any one else, the punch would have crushed their ribs or organs inside their stomach, let alone killing a powerless person. After the punch, his head averted to facing to Gray. He smirked as the particles of the area were drawn to his mouth, the words of 'fire dragons breathe' filling his ears. He grunted yet again, almost as if he was complaining through the noises he was making. As this happened, he placed a cross of his arms in front of his body, as the fire was launched out from his mouth - it slammed heavily into his arms, pushing him back 10 meters away from Gray, burning the scales on his arms, his tail smacking wildly against the ground as it pushed him back. It was strange, the fire hurt quite a bit, yet too much. His scales weren't so effective against this mans flames, yet it still did a lot of flame-protection. Yet again, Gray had launched another attack - the claws launching out from his hands, solidified flames and flying outwards, covering the ten metres. As they came, Eiji bulled back his right hand, frowning before slamming away the strike with the back of his hand against the side so the attack avoided full effect, knocking the claw and smashing it into oblivion, doing the same with the second slash with his left hand.

"Don't underestimate me, you fire-breathing bastard."

Straight after he swiped away the claw attacks into nothingness from the side of them, he would rush forwards at incredible speed, appearing less than one metre below Gray, blinking a few times in this instant. The ground below them began to rumble, splitting the ground and making cracks in the surrounding buildings foundations. This was in an attempt to knock Grays footing off place, making him either trip or make it difficult to dodge such an attack that was aimed straight after. As the earthquake erupted, Eiji followed through with a punch to the right side of Grays cheek, if this made contact, it could very easily break bones or even draw blood and rip open his cheek from the scales on his skin. Pulling back his fist again, he kept his body low, taking deep breathes, almost instantly after the first punch was launched at Gray's cheek. Within the blink of an eye, Eiji would launch out a series of powerful punches aimed into the body of Gray - if these made contact it would worsen the wound that was sustained from the earlier punch that threw the man through buildings. After the assault, Eiji would leap back, taking constant leaps into the air, using a simple air walk after each leap to stop himself on the platform. Until he was thirty metres away from both of them, and thirty metres off the ground, he continued to retreat, simply stopping once reaching his required destination. He lizard mode stood high, blood dripping from his right hand as well as a burned effect shrouding the forearms of both his left and right arm.

"You two are interesting. Now come! Attack me with all your might! Both of you! And then we will see who has the ultimate power in crushing little pip-sqeeks such as yourself."

After speaking, he opened his mouth even wider, letting out a tremendous roar, louder than any man-made object or being. The roar would be so loud it would shatter windows, as well as crumble away at the cement on most buildings in a 100 metre area. This roar would be so loud it could also effect the two opponent if they had no way to block the soundwave that erupted from it, perhaps deafening them for a moment. He knew this was a bad decision to destroy, but these guys brought out his fighting side - and that wasn't something that was easily caged once it was set free.

A Sudden Interest [OPEN] Ap8OoJO

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