A Sudden Interest [OPEN]
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- tinaSeasoned Member
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Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]
Thu May 09, 2013 8:59 am
-O Elisha O-
-O The NekoMetal Dragonholder O-
-O The NekoMetal Dragonholder O-
As gray called up to Skiel, asking for lightning, the swords in his hands disappeared, seemingly melting in to Elisha's body. Then, wincing, her fists turned a steel gray color as Skiel had decided what to do. As the Kidō came towards him, he dropped, gravity and the air pushing her down until she was an inch off the ground, right behind gray. At this point the air formed under him, stopping him from crashing in to the ground below. With a quick pivot, he slammed a metal fist in to the very back of gray's neck. With all the fighting Gray had been doing, he hoped that would be enough to subdue him, but just to make sure she slammed her other fist in to his back. Glaring at Gray, he spoke, his voice set in a deadly whisper.
"My only duty is to protect this girl, it is my only goal, and I will not change it for some dimwit dragon like you who can't even tell when to quit! Dragons aren't immortal being you know, we can be killed, I almost was. I am NOT going to risk dying again, when it means also taking this girl with me! You're a little piece of shit who doesn't know anything about honor, how dare you call yourself a dragon, even the son of a dragon! You disgust me."
With that said, Skiel slowly flew over to Shadin, looking him directly in the eye as he sat in the air, crosslegged.
"What will you do with Elisha? I cannot stay like this for much longer, and I doubt she will take too kindly to this sort of situation when she is let back in control of her body. Please do not blame her for anything that she does, I will try and calm her down as quickly as possible. I am sorry for my actions here, I just lost control of my anger..."
With a soft sigh escaping his lips, Elisha's ears fixed themselves, and Skiel continued looking at Shadin, waiting for an answer.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
- lionusModerator
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Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]
Thu May 09, 2013 11:38 am
Well isn't this a grand fucking party?
The casting black a new design for such a wondrous mother fucking day. Wolf sat upon the ledge of a large sky scraper directly above this battle, the pure strength of these ones bellow drawing him in letting him watch for now. It wasn't often Wolf visited the human world much less the city, but today was a special occasion for the monstrous crimsoned haired one eyed man. As he looked over the bustling lights he almost missed the thing he'd come here for, that unforgettable smell the cold feeling ... bloodshed. Wolfs veins coursed with a new found sense of pure thrilling blood lust, how he missed it. With a launch over this massive ledge Wolf could feel the air forcing against his skin, the waves rushing as his feet stepped upon glass of the building, running down moving forward, faster and faster until eventually he smashed into the ground full force opening up a crater around him.
As wolf stood the black darkness seeped around his being, this was the force that smashed through the ground and as he stepped forward it would the darkness that killed the clones in front of him. As wolfs hand touched the back of these men's heads it would literally pierce straight through their heads like a knife stabbing into butter. With a crack of his neck and that oddly smug demonic smile he launched forward grabbing the rock of eijis mid air, the pure force of which exploded it out mid grab. The crazy strength behind this was something to be commended, the force rippled through Wolfs arm as it hit, digging his feet into the earth Wolf stood his ground, the skin on his wrist and fore arm ripping under the weight of such high velocity rock throwing the blood spurting out wolf let out a manacle laugh as he looked at Eiji a quick glance back at gray with a snort at the kids retarded fighting style, literally being jump in and get yourself hammered into the ground.
What the fuck is this shitty fighting? When i came here i was expecting something worthy of breaking in half, if this is all you little shits who are gonna throw out i expect that the little girl over there will rip you in 2 before i get the chance. lets see what we go here though eh? 1 dumb ass shooting above his pay level, 1 little bitch crying not to get hurt and 2 homos who, from all the power i can see of em, only wanna spend that power sucking each other off.
The girl at this point had taken to the side of the white haired kid, by the pure smell of him wolf could already tell this kid was dangerous, that inescapable smell of blood wafting from him. The other man wasn't far off though both of them were above wolf that was sure but at the moment it wasn't fear or even alertness in him it was pure crushing excitement, what a fucking duo to come across. with that crazy laugh the man walked forward ever so calmly drawing fenrir from his side. Wolf pointed the blade at the 2 men in front of him a small ball of pure dark energy forming at the tip eventually becoming a small sphere. As it hit the perfect point it launched out a huge beam of pure black matter centered right between these 2 monstrous men. But this wasn't where he would finish, digging his blade into the ground he looked at gray as cracks launched out around the blade.
Ya might wanna stand back, this shit is about to get .... messy. break the chains fenrir.
The cracks rippled out spanning over a huge area, as a small wolf literally burst from the ground running it circled to the side of Eiji, as its mouth opened a form of blue reiatsu built in its mouth shooting out like a beam and Eiji hoping to catch him in the pure energy wave, if he was it probably wouldn't be to serious though it may rip apart his skin even leave a hole in the bastard with a good hit, but this wasn't wolfs move no his was just beginning. Wolf launched forward his sword falling towards Eiji with the blade matter entangling the blade making its strength beyond anything else and the massive boost from his shikai his strength could probably rip Eiji shoulder to hip apart as it fell. But this wasn't it, upon his other hand the black matter formed once more this time into a fine point, with a massive launch of his fist the substance ripped forth its uncontrollable state would literally explode out sending mass bits of solidified black matter and huge amounts of rubble and debris flying out in a massive explosion capable of destroying a massive ass area, even catching wolf in the blast ripping his skin apart as it threw him back towards grays position.
Wolf managed to regain his footing digging his feet deep into the earth as he came to a halting stop digging up some of the ground with him as he went. With a small smile he wasn't done, as the Dog circled around at its huge speeds it found a new target, shadin. It massive teeth blared as it speed in at huge speeds, though anyone who was anyone knew it wouldn't mach shadins own speed. But as the dog got close enough to his position it knew just what to do. With another massive build of black matter the dog itself became a ticking time bomb and as it reach a distance of about 5 meters away from Shadin's position ... boom. the explosion ripped outwards crushing most things it came in contact with, it spanned a good 100 m distance. As wolf stood there he moved his blade to sit on his shoulder that ever looming smile still on his face as he let his words carry out to the man who stood behind him ... gray.
hey idiot, I'm gonna give ya a chance here, wanna team up? maybe with me backing ya you might actually get a good hit on one of em instead of flailing round like a dick that's probably gonna die.
With those words wolf stood his sword sitting across both his shoulders, he looked forward not turning no matter what happened Wolf knew these 2 guys were threats. but not just normal threats these were two crazy assholes who could pack a punch. Wolf was wary, his eyes shifting waiting for the next bit. with a small look he also tried to pick out the girls position in all of this. she too probably got caught in Fenrir's blast but wolf was unsure. One thing was for sure though as wolf stood there his odd way of being on guard he was waiting for a retaliation like no other.
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Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]
Fri May 10, 2013 11:31 pm
Artist: Elfire - Song: Dark Subconscious - Word Count: 2031
The area became distilled for Shadin the instant he had detected Dragon-Like male stepping up to retilate against his will. This fight should have been over, that boy should not have gotten up and he knew this was going to become quite the irritating mess to deal with. Taking a rather annoyed sigh, he cracked his neck and turned around towards the Sugiura beginning to transform into his sacred form. Taking a soft glance towards the direction of Seishi, they were meant to reunite with each other here, but it was obvious that it was going to have to wait until Shadin had settled things with these shitheads. "Sorry, sorry. You know I have to do what I have to do. It'll just be a minute before I clear this scumbag's face from your presence." Tilting his head at both Eiji , The TCCU Clone and Seishi Yuudeshi's direction, it was clear that The Beast of Karakura was going to do something drastic as his eyes appeared to darken somewhat. "Just hold tight...." And, with the strong shift in attitude came a tense shift in the very environment of Karakura Central itself.
The awakening of the beast had truly began as the clouds began to darken in color, the vibrations within the area grew stronger and it was if there had been a distorted field had been placed throughout a mile wide radius as these new threats came in one by one. Street lights went out, the entire city block darkened and the hum of Shadin's power radiated throughout the vicinity with great intensity as a white glow shined in the still air of the night's blackness. The prey was set, the target was Gray and he was about to receive the wrath of the monster which struck fear into the hearts of those who dared to have the audacity to cause even a single ounce of trouble within the confines of this dome city. As all eyes were on the beast at this point, his hair slowly began covering his eyes, revealing only that oh-so prominent and beaming grin of his could be seen as through the shadow's of the night.
Things were occurring at a faster rate then he expected, but there was no choice left but to at least give some of the attributes he had learned while hospitalized a go, eh? "What....? What did you just say? A shithead who can't even comprehend that he is drowning in a pool of his own brainless deeds dares asks for the acknowledgement of me? Really? Don't make me laugh! I've told you before that your actions were tieing a oh-so lovely noose around that neck of yours. I've given you fair warning not to try it again, but it appears you won't listen. And as your jury and executioner, it's time to tighten knot and show you what awaits pass the gates of hell. So Strap your ass in, shithead, because you're in the lair of the beast and I've made you my prey!!! YOU AIN'T LEAVING THIS SCENE THE SAME WAY YOU CAME!" And with that bold announcement made to all within the area, Gray's fate was all but sealed to The Beast of Karakura.
In the time span of a few milliseconds, before most could even think to blink, Shadin had moved directly in front of Gray Hisashi. Allowing him moments to spare for a build up of extremely flammable material, he allowed the release of the vortex....but only as far as The Dragon's arm length. Within those moments, The Beast had spread his influence upon this second wave of destruction; attempting to halt it's momentum to otherwise hold it in place. Should this go as planned, then the next step will be to once again rip control entirely away from Gray as he engulfed the fire in a rapid infection of his reishi. Steadily going at work, they'd swiftly attempt to convert this into a fully powered tangible force that Shadin could bend within the limitations of his ability. Tearing it apart atom by atom, particle by particle; this spiral of power should begin to morph into nothing more then an enormous piling of red light which contained streaks of blackness within the core.
"Open wide~!" Using his control of momentum through usage of his reishi still clinging to the Sugiura's face from physical contact with The Beast of Karkaura, even if Gray were attempting to close his mouth at this point, Shadin would otherwise try to forcibly open it by embedding his energy into the male's jaw, processing it through his nervous system and then imposing movement of his mouth. Through this series of actions, if it even touched him, this newly converted blast of energy would attempt to force it's way into Gray. And, to otherwise increase the odds of this occurring, these were being calculated and performed at speeds that should give The Dragon Male quite the hard time even realizing what was occurring to him. After all, there is a reason why he is on par with The Flash Step Goddess. Ergo, with this high chance of direct contact possibly being made, the next phase is imposing his force into the core of Gray's body. Filling every vein, every stream of energy, every ounce blood; until his entire body was surging with Shadin's reishi; being reproduced at a rapid rate.
Following this point, he'd make many tries to harness the power of his speed control on a metaphysical level. Constricting the flow of energy within Gray's body, Shadin was actually attempting to stop the production and passing of power within his being to otherwise force him back into his sealed state. From there, he'd then inject this power into The Dragon's heart to rapidly slow it down to the point of him being nearly forced to blackout if he were unable to counter. On top of that, most bodily functions were even targeted by this otherworldly attack to bring Gray's entire world to a crashing halt within the palm of Shadin's hands. "Sleep, sleep. Drift off into the blissful slumber that is the abyss and reap the consequences of your actions." Clenching his fist tightly, he'd try his damndest to give his muscles a good flexing after leaving the pits of that damned project. "While I devour the flesh and skin, you'll be far too gone to even process what is going on. Hehehehehe...."
Moving his arms in a horizontal direction, The Beast signaled a strong explosion of his own energy to otherwise try and implode each and every one of Gray's limbs; shattering them in a haze of blood, bones and artery's spewing all over the place as the blood lust within Shadin's eyes grew; resulting in the collar around his neck letting off a strange whirring sound which meant his mental state was at risk of being placed into distress. "...oh, I had forgotten, you were going to rip out my eyeballs, right? Too bad, huh? Without any arms to do it, your reasoning is completely WRONG!" Placing his palm in front of Gray, he'd release a strong gust of wind to slam what would hopefully be his torso into a building nearby; TCCU Clones shielding themselves with barriers to otherwise prevent the potential rain of blood from touching them, and others rushing towards the location to finally apprehend what is left of the suspect. Wherever Gray may run, Shadin was going to put the final nail in this fight's coffin.
Using a light form of telekinetic's, he directed a strange black collar sitting in one of the nearby vehicles the TCCU Unit had arrived and hurled it towards The Sugiura's direction; attempting to latch it around his neck and wait for it's effects to place in. (Go here to see them). "You'd probably die if I left you to rot there, so for your own interest, if you are able to get up from that, don't. Keep whatever you have up your sleeve, in your sleeve. Otherwise, I'll rip that apart as well, as I've had enough of you." Leaving Eiji's attack to do whatever it may please to Gray, The Beast of Karakura then turned his attention toward the next target in question....Wolf Lionus. "Go tend to the shithead's injuries, and I'll leave that damned girl alone. She is of no interest to us if she does not raise her finger against this cities law's and my fangs." Chuckling madly while saying that, Shadin's eyes flashed red as he slowly walked away from the dragon and towards Lionus.
"In the meantime, it's time I switch to my job as this city's animal control and take out the last mangy mutt that endangering up this fair metropolis. C'mon doggie, I'll put you back on a leash and into the pound in no time!" Not even acknowledging the attack which The Wolf had launched, against him, a large explosion roared throughout the area, but as the smoke cleared, Shadin was seen still casually walking towards Lionus's location with a beaming, psychotic smirk across his lips. Cleaning his ears out one second, and appearing directly in front of Lionus the next; this guy's speed was nearly second to none. As, with a few bats of an eyelash, Shadin was already aiming to choke the very life out of Wolf.
One of the first factors leading towards a possible KO? Strength. You see, during these brief instances of Shadin blipping in and out of the area, he had been moving at mind boggling speeds. And, through his affinity and control of things related to kinetic energy, momentum and velocity; he had steadily been gathering a strong layer of these attributes across his body. From there, by amplifying the potency of it through his energy, he was able to produce enough raw strength in the palm of his hand to be on par with the likes of Kenpachi; hopefully holding Wolf in place as he slammed him into a building nearby; causing all the glass to shatter, the concrete to buckle and alarms throughout the area to go off if he were to have his intended hit on Wolf's well being; having a very high likelihood of it based on the fact he may not even have much reaction time in regards to Shadin's decimating speed.
From this point? If he were able to make physical contact with him, The Albino Male would then attempt to drain the very life from Wolf Lionus by injecting his reishi into his body via the open pores within his skin. Proceeding this pass? He'd then move on to close the airways in his lungs, deaccelerate the rate of his heart-beat to make him pass out and cripple the production and flow of his energy to give him a swift knock-out. On top of that? He'd have the field around his body constantly at work attempting to otherwise halter further movement upon Wolf's external body should he decide to get physical. Across every inch of his body was Shadin's influence attempting to dramatically slow down Lionus's movement to the point where his body would seem frozen in time almost, but it's simply an effect of his momentum control. "I'm not gonna bother to figure out who you are and I don't care why you are here. What I do know is that your words are speaking leagues above your power and ego. I haven't the patience for a third rank brat with a big mouth trying to start a war in MY city just because he got bored. So I'll give you some sound advice: black out or die like a bitch. Your choice."
And with that, following a cynical laugh, a strong hush of wind took over the area and Shadin would see if the Wolf could even endure this much of his power as blood was going to be shed today somehow. The crowd around them was in utter awe, the TCCU Clones on stand-by as they shielded Seishi Yuudeshi and once again The Beast was proving why he had earned his title as one of The Strongest Ziamichi's in the world.
- GuestGuest
Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]
Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:12 am
Seishi Yuudeshi, the one and only Last Order!
I'm right here! Seishi, Seishi exclaims whilst pouting at Shadin!
- Of course, whilst Seishi was more concerned about Shadin first and foremost, it did not mean that she was blind by any means. She did notice the pink haired male being all Rawr! Fire! Fist! Fight! But the girl didn't really care.. until he just pooted on the ground. She kind of wanted to poke him with a stick; just to make sure he was still breathing. Well was it before or after Eiji decided to smoosh his face in? Seishi wasn't quite sure; to be fairly honest, she would probably evaluate the fight later, but right now, she didn't give much of a, pardon her language, rat's ass. And then another one; bah. This was just a mess and a half, as Seishi smiled at Shadin brightly. ''Ne, Shadin, don't kill! Seishi, Seishi scolds Shadin, wanting to make sure that at least everyone stays alive out of worry and kindness!'' she said, as an answer to his concern.. and his conclusion to just basically wipe out a scumbag as Shadin liked to call'em, from her presence. Not that Seishi minded such people; the girl actually liked to learn from them, and find out things she wouldn't otherwise normally, but maybe Shadin was just a bit protective with that. Not that the girl minded; she wasn't weak, but she wasn't super strong either. In a sense, she assumed she would have to become much stronger before he would be okay with her wandering off on her own; or maybe, he never would. But.. strangely she wouldn't mind even if she was stronger then him, not that it was possible.
He did warn her to hold tight; and with a blast, he was moving, and well pretty much just taking care of everything. The girl kind of pouted, but she was swarmed by TCCU children, all aiming to protect her. Last Order let out a sigh; she kind of wanted to test something honestly, but first, everyone was being disposed of, and second, they were probably stronger then her. Her fingers itched; her body itched. Perhaps it was hereditary, but Seishi wanted to fight; she wanted to get into the action, but she was sure Shadin would not allow that.. no way. She wanted to deflect something, do something! So with a giggle, the girl sauntered away from her TCCU guards. Why? Because she could; she liked sneaking around them, and well, she wanted to go see Shadin fight up close and personal. Like really close. So when that Wolf character suddenly popped off a large attack? It would probably be too late for Shadin or the TCCU clones, considering she basically told them she was invisible to get out of their protection, to save the girl. Well save was vague; Seishi managed to not get hit, but the boom still toppled her over, her body rolling on the concrete. With a bounce or two, the girl rolled over into a corner, face down. Well maybe she shouldn't have tried and gone out there; she didn't expect that giant boom thing.
Seishi figured she made a miscalculation, as her body wouldn't respond; probably because in order to escape damage from the blast, the girl had quickly force driven her Nervi electricity to increase her own nerve connection, allowing herself to quickly chuck herself back; on the same occasion, she pushed with magnetic waves. Although, due to her small frame, she missed a raised piece of rock, and chipped it; so her trajectory got messed up and her powers shut off instantly. Her body was aching, and probably every TCCU would be able to sense her pain; because on the moment of impact, Seishi was in the process of checking on them out of worry. The girl couldn't move, the pain almost too acute, as she let out a small whimper. Her gaze was a bit unfocused.. but the main issue? She was a bit far from the TCCU, and the rest; because her crash course had chucked her away. It wasn't safe to go where she was; at least, that's what she figured, giving those bits and pieces to them. It might have seem too fantastic to think about; but the fact of the matter was that people kept using powers in a place primarily made for civilians; so it kept getting torn apart and in pieces. And that worked against her. Maybe she didn't want to join the fight after all. It was kind of extremely painful, and the brown haired girl knew Shadin was going to react badly to this. She had to get up. She just had to.
But.. her body wouldn't listen to her, as she lay there, nearly unconscious.
- CookiesThe Cookie
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Re: A Sudden Interest [OPEN]
Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:35 am
Artist: Shiro Sagisu - Song: On The Precipe Of Defeat - Word Count: 1195
Gray, was in his Zenou by then, with his skin being protected by the very scales similiar to a dragon, attempting to disintegrate the very likes of the 'Beast' before him, but everything just simply happened within a flash before a scratch was placed against the white-haired man that smashed him almost to bits. Clouds begin to darken, lights went out and the intensity was at the spike. Fear began to strike into his heart, sweat slowly flowing off from the top of his head, his breath changed its pace, and heartbeat's rate had suddenly increased. The so-called fear had actually struck Gray for the first time, the huge difference between both's powers were just simply, unpredictable. Trying to stand up against the 'beast', he had let out a breath of flames, but the white-haired male simply caught it in mid-air with his bare hands, just the moment Shadin appeared before his eyes. A sudden red light glowing upon the male's arm that attempts to smash directly against his face. At such speed, it is almost impossible to dodge it even if he were able to close his mouth in time. He thought, might as well take it head on.
Trying to plant his fist directly before the mighty destruction of punch coming off from the beast's arm was simply a bad idea. Gray's fist charging, although the advancing attack from the beast was fast and at this range, himself, could still attain a little advantage over it. Instead of allowing his head being smashed to pieces, his arm took the risk of slamming itself upon the very punch that simply almost shattered his bones into pieces and fried his nervous systems [ which it did ]. Moments after his release was too much to take, which had simply forced Gray to the point where he has to resume back into his sealed state. But the moment he was right into his sealed form, the white-haired male injected the said power into his heart, slowing down his heartbeat rate. At this point, most average people would simply enter blackout if their heartbeat rate slowed down, but Gray was still able to maintain his concious, attempting to push himself towards higher limits where it could eventually damage his very body.
"S.. Sleep my ass.. You.. fucking.. asswipe.. I won't for.. get that.. I'll rip out.. YOUR.. FUCKING.. EYEBALLS.."
The male would force him to stand up from the sheer pain he had caught from Shadin, but his body and limbs, were shaking violently, as if he were just, at the point where he was being overwhelmed by the feeling of fear. Realising his body was about to implode signaled by the white-haired male, wihout much movements, his limbs imploded. But there's something funny about the implosion that occured earlier within his body. Since Shadin had used his own energy to do so, the remaining reishi inside his body was enough to overrule the amount of spiritual energy that was left in each of his limbs, since Gray could have a temporary time limit to use multi-elements, which it is what special about him whenever he devours any sort of elements. If Gray's spiritual energy that remains inside him is unable to eat them, they would simply cover off the outer layer of the said energy that was about to implode, and disallows the implosion to destroy his 'outer flesh' and let it scatter all over the place, but allowing the implosion to actually damage only the inside of his limbs, resulting each of his limbs having its nerves fried and bones cracking by the sheer implosion from the energy.
This had caused Gray to kneel down, and fall before the ground. Fried nerves had stopped most of his limbs from functioning, shattered bones had unable him from standing up from the sheer pain. He could not do anything, but to lie down and watch, yet Gray still holds the desire to rip out the white-haired man's eyeballs, and show him who's the big boss of this. He wasn't at the wrong, as seemed that previously, the man wasn't polite with his question, so he decided to be aggressive against him, but no expecting for this.. beast to appear that almost immediately took him how in mere minutes like he was just a fly that flew by. Attempting to stand up, a palm appeared before him, and a strong gust of wind blasted through his torso, that could severely damage him from ever attempt to move again. Crashing building by building before hitting against the ground, rolling through, his body was near to death-like state. Coughing blood, his body was still able to move despite his nerves being fried like a roasted fries, yet forcing his body to move as he desired to land a scratch against the white-haired man that had simply overwhelmed Gray in terms of both's powers. Simply, a collar flew towards him and locked against his neck. It was strange enough, why would even a person put a collar against his neck, it was probably some sort of an equipment that could stop him from using his abilities.
His right foot stomped foward first, his right hand holding against his knee as he attempts to stand up despite how severe his injuries were taken from the beast. His eyes, was glaring sharply at Shadin, with a strong intention, and desire to actually punch the lights of this man. At his current condition, Gray doubted he even try and stay concious. Even if he has the energy to fight, it wouldn't last long before he fall unconcious by the amount of pain inflicted to his body. Most average people at his condition might not even survive at this point, nor to stand up, but the amount of desire to rip this guy apart, was limitless, "Hidden up my sleeves..? I have none... All i know.. Is that i swore.. THAT.. I'LL RIP.. YOUR FUCKING EYEBALLS OUT! AND NOW, I'M GOING.. THE FUCK AGAINST YOUR LIMBS, YOU SCREWED SHIT! YOU CAN'T.. MAKE ME GIVE UP... EVEN IF YOU BLASTED ME.. TO THE ORBIT.. BECAUSE.. I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THAT YOU'VE FUCKING MESSED WITH ME!!"
[ Change Tracks ]
His body, whilst still shaking furiously, one of his 'broken arm' rose, and attempting to land another punch against Shadin's face, before stomping the ground with his left leg to cause the cracks to form a spike under the white-haired male, but due to the amount of pain, and energy that he had to hold back, it was almost unbearable and resulting him to fall over by the very stomp that he did. Soon after the fall, he intended to stand up again, even by the sheer pain from the wounds that he had being inflicted on. Broken bones, fried nerves, explosion, and this, stubborn pink-haired man that stood right before Shadin, can still maintain his shape and stand up.
Gray begins to exert his remaining spiritual energy off from his body, up to his last breath to 'clean off' the beast. His remainings wasn't much, but exerting his final breath for the last time, was something that worthes awhile.
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Empty, blank space.