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Danava Racial Information
Tue Feb 01, 2022 4:50 pm
What Are They?
The Danava are noted to be a practically ancient, recurrent race who’s original members can be traced all the way back to the birth of the universe, the very first Danava likely being the creator of the demon race, Deveta. These creatures are literal manifestations of concepts that exist - effectively being ideas given personhood. They are born with the innate desire to fulfill and inflict these concepts they embody upon the existent world, however whether that be a good or bad thing is up to the individual Danava - no Danava is inherently good or evil, they and by extension their understanding of their concept is shaped by living, much like any other being born into this world.
How To Become A Danava?
Released By Nidhana: All unborn Danava are housed within Nidhana, all forms of beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and more accumulating within the network, growing these concepts until they are ready to be released into the material world. Usually, when a Danava is released without any apparent beckoning from other sources, they simply appear in a place related to their concept, like for example a Danava of Trees would likely spawn in a densely forested place.
Rituals: A rather common method for Danava to be born, often times mistaken for a familiar or some other lowly, controllable creature. Rituals can be used to offer something to Nidhana in order to call a Danava into being, but it’s concept and capabilities are very much dependent on what’s actually offered up to form them in the material world. Typically an item with high sentiment tied to them is the bare minimum you can use in order to birth a Danava, however such a being will likely be incredibly weak and have a lot to be desired.
If you wish to craft a more substantial Danava, you will need better sacrificial items. Usually, living creatures are a fine offering to Nidhana, but above the sacrifice of humans or other similarly sapient creatures is the best way to ensure the Danava you summon is substantial, however there is reason to be cautious, as the sacrificed being likely will greatly influence what concept comes into being. Additionally, this process will kill any beings or destroy any objects used to sacrifice, as Nidhana will take anything of them in order to apply it to the Danava.
However, it is possible to only partially form a Danava into existence, effectively bounding the concept to an existing creature or object. Even if this will not kill or destroy the sacrificial item, it will damage or encroach upon what is already present to effectively fill the gap, be it powers or one’s actual physical form. This is the only possible way to attain hybridism.
Typically this route is done either by accident, or with intent to create some sort of familiar, or even a powerful being if the right materials are given.
Organic Birth: Danava are capable of procreating and forming children not too much unlike other beings. Although, no matter what one will do, the resulting child will always be a Danava due to the otherworldly influences of the Danava parent. Nidhana typically sends concepts that are thematically similar to the parents in some way to them as an approach of further evolving such concepts, although exceptions are capable of occurring, especially depending on the kind of environment such a Danava will be born into. However, this child is capable of gaining traits of the other parent, but full on hybridism is impossible through this method of birth.
Recycling: When a Danava dies, the essence of it’s form return to Nidhana to both feed and grow the network, as well as to be grown within it again, as Danava concepts cannot be replicated - they simply are reborn. Danava never truly die, their concepts living on for as long as there is an observable universe to form and fuel these concepts. However they will not be reborn in the same manner as their previous life if they are to be released once more, effectively a brand new person when they emerge, the remnants of their previous life often forming into an Eternal Partner to act as a guide to the new life.
Nidhana Itself
Nidhana is thought to have formed when existence itself sprang to life. Amidst the radical formation of the universe, it is thought due to some unknown set of conditions, a collection of reishi slowly gathered together to form what could be considered an infantile form of Nidhana. Due to this formation, the earliest processes of Nidhana began, and the first Danava were born into the universe, running off the basic instinct of most creatures - To feed, and to reproduce.
The more things that creation formed, the more concepts were formed within Nidhana’s realm, and in turn the more complex the realm’s processes became. As of now, there likely are countless Danava residing within Nidhana, but simply are in a dormant state.
In terms of the nature of Nidhana itself, it is not a sapient life form, rather it’s processes are more akin to a computer than a true, thinking creature. It is merely a vessel for Danava to grow within and at some point be born, and then return once they have perished in order for the network to consume much of the knowledge they obtained in their lives. Nidhana is the final determiner of if or not a particular concept will take shape and be released into the existent world via evaluation - typically the main reason for Danava births lie in the likeliness to influence the world, and ability to exercise and grow their concept. If the chances of their successful growth and influence appear to be too low, that particular concept simply will not be born at that given time. The apparent goal of this network seems to simply to gather information, and create even more concepts to further this exchange.
The actual form of Nidhana isn’t a person or world, but rather a vast, unseen network that heavily intermingles with where concepts appear to be most prominent in. This of course means Earth would have the densest networking out of any realm, as it is where many concepts are born and are still being created to this day, primarily, being the ever-changing plane it is.
Traits of the Danava
Concepts: The Concept a Danava represents both their power, and themselves. Every Danava is born knowing what their concept is, but only through life and experiences can they truly grow to understand what this concept would mean. A Danava’s concept is shaped greatly by their life experiences, for example - let’s say that Danava of Trees grew up in a peaceful environment, often times being given kindness and little struggle. Most likely, their powerset will evolve with this peace, being able to use more pacifist-inclined abilities over trees, versus if they were in a violent environment, where they were in danger or peril, in which case their power likely would evolve with much more lethality in mind.
Danava are not capable of possessing more than a single concept, as beyond that would make them too unstable, and thus Nidhana would not put such a thing into being.
The Purpose of a Danava: Ultimately, the purpose of the Danava's existence, whether they agree or not, is to feed their mother network, Nidhana. Nidhana sends out Danava with the best probable chance of surviving and accruing knowledge and experience to then eventually pass and return to Nidhana. At some point or another, the members of this race will become aware of this fact. Aside from this inevitability, a Danava's meaning in the life they currently live will drastically differ from one to another.
Relation to Each Other: On this front, apart from sharing the same "mother", Danava have no natural inclination to one another. While it is possible and absolutely expected for Danava to be capable of forming relationships with other Danava, unlike humans there is no innate natural draw to kin, race, or otherwise.
Appearance: There is no one set appearance for a Danava. They can naturally appear as anything, but can eventually learn to change their form to something else if they so desire. However, regardless of appearance, they always will have some aspect of their concept to their appearance.
Energy & Sensing: Danava, like many other races that emerged at the time they did, are made up of and use the same energy as they. Their bodies are Reishi constructs, and they use Reiryoku, however differently than Shinigami. Their power appears to be far more reminiscent of magic spells and in the case of Atma Vatou, magical objects. In this age, any who sense a Danava will perhaps mistake them for a human with high energy levels commonly, however have a sensation of 'offness' induced by their concept. For example, a reasonably well developed Danava of Joy likely would uplift those around them by merely being in their company, or a Danava of Heat would make another feel a few degrees hotter than a few seconds ago.
Atma Vatou: Danava who have accumulated enough knowledge from learning about and exerting their concepts are capable of forming weapons and items from their energies, giving physical shape to an aspect of their concept. For example, let’s say a Danava of Pain wished to form an Atma Vatou, and they were at a sufficient enough level to where they would be capable of doing so.
They have to focus on a particular aspect of their concept as well as what to shape it as in order to create the item - in this case the Danava of Pain likely would focus on the suffering aspect of pain, pool their energies together, keep the desired form in mind, and would create for instance, a sword that would induce lasting pain in the target they stab.
A very important aspect of forming an Atma Vatou is naming it. Giving the item a name solidifies it’s existence and makes calling upon it rather easy, as naming something notes it’s significance to the user. With all of this done, the weapon or item can be called upon at any time with relative ease.
Eternal Partners
An Eternal Partner is an entity created by the culmination of a Danava’s past lives. When a Danava is recycled, it’s possible for some shards of it’s previous consciousness to remain intact, and form into a voice for the new iteration of it’s concept, or even for similar concept’s consciousnesses to come together. This is a guiding voice, regardless of how much the previous Danava managed to stay intact, acting as company for the new Danava and a way to help them get a bit of a start on learning about their concept, and guiding them to new points. Any given Danava will only have a single Eternal Partner, the culmination of ideas and memories forming a being who acts as a voice for that collection.
For the Eternal Partners who are far more intact and capable of readily speaking to and guiding their newer lives, it is possible for them to establish a close relationship with and even work with this new life, to the point of them being able to utilize their old selves’ knowledge and abilities to aid them in the present. While the new life’s direction may not be in the same direction as the old’s, there are inevitably going to be overlaps in some sections, as they are of the same origin.
These overlaps are identified and then used to forge these abilities from a collaborative effort between the old and new self, this new ability only able to be accessed with the cooperation and bonding of both parties. However, not all Eternal Partners will react and teach the same way, the possibility of some even being unhappy with where their new self is going very much existent. One should not always think of this being as a friend, but merely as an ally when living, but never an enemy or opposing force - in the end, the partner merely wants to fulfill the gathering of knowledge all Danava are instinctively inclined to, though they may have a different idea of how that should be than others.
Not all Danava have an Eternal Partner, and not all Danava’s consciousnesses manage to get through the recycling process unscathed, even the clearest of them inevitably missing memories and experiences of their lives.
Danava are capable of focusing their energy to form a new state of power after enough development of their concepts. Usually the thing that forms these states are specific events that set themselves as a major milestone in a Danava’s life. The form, while a more prominent physical representation of one’s concept’s growth, can also be influenced by other factors that led to the form’s creation, certain abilities forming from an event they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to form.
The Path of Embracing: The standard focus state for any Danava, this path is characterized by one’s embracement of their concept - to accept what and who they are, and in turn blossom into a higher state of power, as a Danava who has come to this point likely would have grown and developed enough to do so. The first thing a Danava will notice upon achieving this state is a noticeable increase in their energies - it can be felt like a spike in power, paired with a boost in the strength of their abilities. Say for example a Danava of Fire achieved this path - their fire-based attacks likely would burn hotter than previous or be larger and more destructive and explosive, depending on how they achieved this path. Overall, The Path of Embracing is a notable benchmark for some Danava’s journey of shaping themselves.
The Path of Being: A very uncommon height to reach for a Danava, typically only achievable by a small handful of the race, as even the oldest and most matured of Danava may not reach this level. Danava who manage to reach this form likely have endured many a thing to challenge their existence, their will prevailing despite such a thing, and a fervent desire to keep growing, learning, living, and truly being their concept. At this point, a Danava is so in tune with their concept that every facet of their new form practically screams it - even down to their personality and actions.
The Danava will see significant boosts in their conceptual abilities, even higher than that of their previous state’s, in addition to their form and it’s abilities reaching out to affect the world itself. Back to that Danava of Fire - if they managed to transcend to this form, their bodies likely would form to be a brilliant fire, even the air around them will feel like a blistering sun, burning whatever is unfortunate enough to be too close. This form can actively reach out and affect what and who is around it merely by existing, however it is an extremely exhausting form to keep up for long given the sheer energy toll required to maintain it, so a Danava can only form this state for short periods.
Racial Skills
Origin Embodiment
The alignment with one’s origin(s) is the most prominent indicator of a Danava’s growth. How much they understand, embody, and overall act as their concept is in turn a tell of their ability. This skill basically measures how developed in the niche of power their origin represents is - just how skilled and in-tune with their concept the Danava is.
- Spoiler:
Your Danava’s connection and understanding of their origin is inordinately scarce; they have a far lesser understanding of their concept than the average Danava. Their abilities likely are incredibly dim and undefined, if any are present at all, as a result of this incredible lack of understanding.
Example: A Danava of Water would likely only be capable of manipulating or creating insignificant volumes of water.
Your Danava has a basic understanding of their concept, typically this being the average level of any newborn Danava who have recently been released into the world. They have the beginnings of what they have, and even could be in mind, and likely have started down what could be a long road towards understanding their origin.
Example: A Danava of Water would be capable of reasonably controlling anything with an obvious connection to the element of water, however with very little deviation (just water, can't do much to other liquids)
A level that more experienced Danava have grown to, their understanding and experience in the growth of their concept have expanded. At this point, a Danava's knowledge will trickle into and affect other areas of power in their grasp due to the amount of information fueling their existence. A typical milestone to reach of many Danava overall.
Example: A Danava of Water of this level would be capable of beginning to reach into other things related to their concept, such as other liquids or even make a little rain. They may also begin to reach into less literal meanings of water, but these are quite weak and tenuous.
This typically is the extent a lot of simpler-concepted Danava grow to overall. Much information gathered at this point is advanced knowledge of whatever their concept may be. A Danava of Music, for example, would have a fine understanding of the process of creating music. Though depending, their knowledge may not be whole, but for the most part they would have a well-developed understanding.
Example: A Danava of Water's understanding would have expanded to the point they can form abilities that are both literal and metaphorical of water, however far more the former than the latter.
Those who reach this level perhaps have a concept that had a little more to be discovered. Be it they reached far into the less literal representations of it, or their concept is simply that expansive, those who reach this level can adequately be thought of a physical representation of a given concept. All and all, an extraordinary yet not quite earthshattering understanding.
Example: A Danava of Water who has reached this level would be considered fully formed, representing the literals of their concept as well as the metaphorical ideas water could represent, be it a particular religion, region, or facet of storytelling.
A level of true rarity; the Danava has gone beyond understanding the scope of their present concept. At this point, they have found new paths to sculpt. Danava such as these are quite rare, but are the ones who set a new precedent for their succeeding lives. Possessors of such a level practically radiate with the knowledge they have accrued, shaking the unprepared.
While the previous level establishes a new precedent, this level completely reshapes the concept as a whole. A rebirthing of it so to speak, these scarce few Danava have truly redefined the concept they embody, permanently affecting any new incarnations from that point on. Whatever life it has taken to be so transformative, it had to have been incredible.
Origin Focusing
The focal point in most Danava's development is their capacity to ascend into their focus states. The formation of these states are heavily dependent on the amount of experience and understanding a Danava has of their concept. These aspects are measure through this skill.
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Perhaps they are a newer concept in time, or even the unlucky result of a barebones birth, or some other reason they haven't nearly as much information to start with compared to the common Danava. Whatever the reason, any Danava bearing this low level likely aren't to see the capacity to form a focus state anytime soon; they have lots of learning and catching up to do in order to get started.
The starting grounds; a Danava will be capable of forming their first focus state. However the amount of information and understanding they would have at this point would be rather typical, and thus they wouldn't have as much control or power behind it. While abilities significant to the state will be there, they wouldn't be incredibly powerful, and even the state itself can prove to be a lot for newer Danava, struggling to maintain stability of their selves or their energy before it sputters out.
Far better control and experience is what defines this level. A Danava will have far more competency in using their higher state, being able to maintain stability and control over the powers it provides. Some may have even matured their first release at this point, and can lapse into and out of it with relative ease.
The culmination of information and experience will likely lead to the second state a Danava will ever be capable of manifesting. However, this is a dramatically higher bar to reach, thus it would take a reasonably seasoned Danava to be able to even get to this point. However, controlling it is a whole different story, as it is several leagues above their, at this point, typical first release. Many Danava will struggle from the get go, even risking damaging themselves if not careful with this influx.
A little on the rarer side, Danava who have reached this level of skill likely have fantastic control over all there could be to their release states. For whatever the states could be utilized for, they know the fullest extent of their boost's capabilities, at least for the most part...
An inconceivable level of mastery had to have been achieved to be considered this level. Some form of a breakthrough - forbidden knowledge, a new understanding, or something of the like had to have occurred in order for this level to be attainable. Regardless of method for one to obtain whatever vital piece that pushed their understanding so far, there is one thing clear: The Danava has come to a point where they are capable of forming a third release, wholly unique to their existence. Of course they face the similar roadblocks as other intermediate levels, but the fact they got to this point is astonishing on it's own.
This form, unique to one's existence, has been mastered. By madness, by undying curiosity, by dedication, by age - whatever it took to achieve it, it has been done. The concept is forever marked by this transcendent state, not quite to the extent of redefining, but definitely to Nidhana's developmental intrigue.
Atma Vatou
These are the items forged from a Danava’s focusing upon a particular point or idea involving their concept. While a Danava is able to create an Atma Vatou with enough competence and focus, the amount of them tends to be restricted to a sort of bracketing, as well as the fact that no two Atma Vatou can possess the same purpose - each and every one of them requires a specific source of focus. The more a Danava’s knowledge grows, the more Atma Vatou they will be capable of creating, as they will have more points to focus into a tool of their making, as well as the actual strength and usefulness of said Atma Vatou for the purpose it was created for.
- Spoiler:
Your Danava is unable to make any Atma Vatou at all. Their ability to form their concept's knowledge into tools is either near or completely nonexistent, and they have a long road ahead of them before they are able to focus their energies and information to such an end.
Your Danava has gained the necessary experience and focusing of their concept's information that they are able to create at most, two Atma Vatou. These Atma Vatou however will not present with much strength or promise immediately, as only time will tell how they can grow and change with their creator.
Your Danava's ability to form tools from their concept's ideas has grown to a point where they are able to create up to nine Atma Vatou. They and any pre-existing Atma Vatou’s abilities will see a reasonable step up in ability, though it’s not a significant step up. Still a rank where they have plenty of room to grow, but at the very least their arsenal is showing promise and capacity for growth.
Your Danava’s experience and development in forming these tools has grown to the point they are now capable of creating up to fifteen Atma Vatou. As with previous levels, any existing Atma Vatou’s abilities in addition to any new ones will see some form of an increase in ability and proficiency. Typically a Danava really only will have so many points of focus to create a tool, and as a result for most this is the most they will be capable of making and improving upon.
Thought of as the incredible upper reaches most Danava will ever be able to reach, this level of development will enable the creation of up to twenty-one Atma Vatou, once again any existing ones seeing some form of increase in ability and proficiency. For the majority, this is the most their Atma Vatou will be capable of being improved upon.
If the prior level is regarded as incredible, then this is beyond incredible. For a Danava to have reached this level their understanding of the utility of their concept must truly be rich and deep in order for this ability to extract the most out of their tools to be possible. A Danava of this level will be capable of creating up to thirty Atma Vatou, and as previously noted their existing tools will also see an increase in ability and proficiency.
A being capable of great understanding and imagination towards forming objects as extensions of themselves, their concepts, would be the best way to describe a Danava of this level. Their ability to pinpoint and focus so many unique points into their own powerful tools is not only known, but renowned. Their tools truly are one of the greatest extensions of their being at this level. Danava who reach this level will be capable of crafting a limitless amount of Atma Vatou, the upper boundaries of any limits completely shattered by this level.
Eternal Partner
The past life of a Danava, typically a guiding voice in aiding their newest incarnation in learning about their concept, however in some cases, a Danava is able to make a far more meaningful connection with their past life, to the point of being able to call upon them and their prior knowledge to forge a spell. However, their capacity for a bond is what determines the amount of spells one can form with their assistance.
- Spoiler:
Your Danava is incapable of creating any spells, as their bond with their Eternal Partner is incredibly weak, if there even is an Eternal Partner present to begin with. This weak of a bond could only be achieved if they simply did not see eye to eye or weren’t compromising in the slightest with their old life, or if said old life just doesn’t exist, or even is so incredibly faint it could hardly be seen as a sapient life form within them.
The average starting point for most Danava’s bond with their Eternal Partner. Perhaps they’ve had some conversations, the being performing it’s first strides in being a guide for their new life. At the bare minimum, there is a mutual understanding that this relationship is necessary, and thus have found some degree of overlap with each other. A simple bond means simpler spells - only so much of a connection is made and the strength of these spells reflect such simplicity.
Now the two of them are starting to hit it off, their combined efforts leading to more avenues of learning for the new life. Be it their relationship is simply good, mutually beneficial, or even starting to become some strange semblance of friends, the two of them are starting to make strides together as they bond and learn, and as a result of this development, their new self is more comfortable and versed with utilizing the older’s willing aid. Much more concrete, viable spells are capable of being created and cast at this level, as the bond between new and old has noticeably strengthened.
A solid relationship has to have been formed to reach this level, the new life surely being well practiced and versed with their old self’s knowledge. The bond required for such commitment has to be rather tight knit and well adjusted, highly intent on working side-by-side as they both know in the end, it will be mutually beneficial. They don’t have to be friends or like family, but it certainly is air-tight. Incredibly potent spells are available to be created or cast at this level, as this bond and sharing between lives has greatly exceeded typical expectation.
An indescribable connection has to have been built for this level of closeness to be possible. For most past lives, to be this intimate with their newest self, they likely have spilled most of the secrets they in their journey have to offer, the depths of knowledge they were capable of being reached to push this new life forward. The fullest of their knowledge is used to the best of the new life’s ability, the two of them wholly on the same page on the usage of the old one’s power, nary a doubt in their mind of their new incarnate’s usage. The spells created or cast with this level are considered the highest grade that most Danava can reach in their lifetimes, as this level of a bond is simply that unfathomably great.
The two of them have reached a kind of bond that is beyond even the above average cut of Danava, one so close the lines between them is starting to blur. If the previous level was them being on the same page, this level is them being within the same sentence. There is no question or consideration on the Eternal Partner’s part, they simply know, and do, along with their newest life. That isn’t to say they have lost their own will, but rather the two’s wills are so innately in sync that most things line up between them without even the need for words. This previous life too, also had to have been so rich in knowledge that it had an incredible stream to supply, so much that somehow survived the recycling. At such a level as this, the power of these created or cast spells are of a degree a slim amount are capable of reaching, as it requires such richness of knowledge and experience in their past life that so much can be shared within their bond.
An incomprehensible bond has been created, the ever flowing river of knowledge that their old life has to offer being freely given, such a life having to have been incredibly, inordinately rich in learning and knowledge. Not only do they have this well, it can be freely accessed without question, as such a level of trust and understanding has been formed to the point the Eternal Partner would have no quarrel with their newer self’s usage, as in the end, their concept will with no doubt progress to newer, unfathomable heights. Spells cast or created at this level are simply... Unfathomable, as only the scarcest amount of Danava in history's totality would have been able to reach this level, especially with how much of their past life must have managed to remain intact.
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