Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Gracen Arms  Empty Gracen Arms

Wed May 17, 2023 4:09 pm


Alignment: Neutral

What Is It: Gracen Arms was founded in 2120 after the last world war and found great success seizing the moment when the world was recovering. They are a collection of businesses throughout Northern America and Europe that deal with medicine, food, and essential supplies (consumer items, hygiene, pharmaceuticals etc). It was founded by a woman named Rita Grace, and through her fortune, this company also has a large amount of real estate and land in other countries.

At the moment, there are around five thousand employees that work for Gracen Arms, and they are considered a large corporation at this present time. And while they allow most races to work for them, there is a focus on humans as the corporation is known for their humanitarian work in helping other humans displaced by the prior world war. As such, they have seemed to focus their efforts on expanding into Africa to help those suffering from the current hollow earth event.

Where are They: Northern America/Europe and slowly expanding into Africa.

Why Join: Gracen Arms is a group that is primarily made up and managed by humans. So this can be considered a human-focused org (although other races aren't excluded from joining, and they do consider Quincy as a branch of humans.)

  • Character Networking: ICly/OOCly, there are a lot of characters to engage with. So this can make it easier to set up plots, have training sessions, and develop your character further by joining a group.

  • Medical Care: If your character is ever injured in a thread, there is the potential for some of their healers or equipment to try and heal your character, considering that is what they focus on.

  • Housing/Travel/Money: There is a lot of lands that this corporation owns throughout the globe, so it's a fast-track way to find a stable housing situation and a place to get your character set-up if they are lacking funds/money.


Land: As previously stated, there is a large amount of land that this company owns. So odds are, Rita or someone in the faction can help you find boarding.

Money: Obviously, since they are a large enterprise, you can expect to be compensated handsomely working for them.

Medical: There are a large number of healers, doctors, medical supplies, and other medicines that are attached to this company. Usually, they are able to deploy large-scale healing operations wherever they are deployed to. So their health insurance is pretty top-tier.

Travel: Airships, boats, trains, trucks, vans, delivery cars; this company has no shortage of ways for them and their employees to get around. So if you are ever lost or need a ride, give them a ring.


(Note: you can request your own custom role or move higher-up if you have a sufficient reason to do so.)

Executive and CEO: Rita Grace

Assistants/Bodyguards: Kenichi Murata
Vanyel Xiaoyang

Temporary Bodyguard: Lukas Ätherisch

Documented Workers:
Fu Shou
Sora Yasutake
Ikari Yamashiro


NOTE: You may be interviewed in person by Rita or someone close to her. This is just as a means to see if you are good fit and to build character development among people in this faction.

How To Join:

Gracen Arms Template

❂ Name: (What Is Your Character's Name?)
❂ Application Link: (Please post at least a WIP before applying.)

❂ Talent: (What talent does your character have? It doesn't matter if you aren't some super-powerful character. These can be their intelligence, special skills or anything your character does that can be made useful to a team.)

❂ Reason: (Why do you want to join?)

[b][u]Gracen Arms Template[/b][/u]

[b]❂ Name:[/b] (What Is Your Character's Name?)
[b]❂ Application Link:[/b] (Please post at least a WIP before applying.)

[b]❂ Talent:[/b] (What talent does your character have? It doesn't matter if you aren't some super-powerful character. These can be their intelligence, special skills, or anything your character does that can be made useful to a team.)

[b]❂ Reason:[/b] (Why do you want to join the RCF?)

Last edited by THEFROST on Sun May 21, 2023 2:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

Gracen Arms  WVMWLOu
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Gracen Arms  Empty Re: Gracen Arms

Sun May 21, 2023 2:09 pm

Gracen Arms  WVMWLOu
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Gracen Arms  Empty Re: Gracen Arms

Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:55 pm
Gracen Arms Template

❂ Name: Senna Agawa
❂ Application Link:

❂ Talent: Senna has shown that she has a strong Willpower going through her life, and she is very quick to pick up on new things. She needs to be taught as she isn't a natural born prodigy, but she is extremely quick witted and able to grasp concepts quickly.
❂ Reason:
Sennas grandfather was a part of the company in the past, however, she wasn't aware of what his position was or anything. Her main reason for joining is she needs a way to make money, but she also wants to follow in her grand father's footsteps. She held high respect to him, but all she knew was that he passed away on the job and she wants to see for herself what happened.
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Gracen Arms  Empty Re: Gracen Arms

Sat Mar 16, 2024 11:49 am
Frost_Rei wrote:Gracen Arms Template

❂ Name: Senna Agawa
❂ Application Link:

❂ Talent: Senna has shown that she has a strong Willpower going through her life, and she is very quick to pick up on new things. She needs to be taught as she isn't a natural born prodigy, but she is extremely quick witted and able to grasp concepts quickly.
❂ Reason:
Sennas grandfather was a part of the company in the past, however, she wasn't aware of what his position was or anything. Her main reason for joining is she needs a way to make money, but she also wants to follow in her grand father's footsteps. She held high respect to him, but all she knew was that he passed away on the job and she wants to see for herself what happened.

You've got my blessing, approved.

Gracen Arms  WVMWLOu
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Joined : 2024-07-05
Posts : 33

Gracen Arms  Empty Re: Gracen Arms

Fri Aug 23, 2024 5:51 pm
Gracen Arms Template

❂ Name: Yushio
❂ Application Link:

❂ Talent: She's an excellent martial artist

❂ Reason:

She wants to join because she's on a quest for power and joining an organisation could help her achieve it. She also wants to improve on her natural abilities along with establishing a couple of connections for future opportunities.
Head Admin
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Joined : 2010-06-03
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Gracen Arms  Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Gracen Arms  Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Gracen Arms  Empty Re: Gracen Arms

Sun Aug 25, 2024 11:04 am
Crosshex wrote:Gracen Arms Template

❂ Name: Yushio
❂ Application Link:

❂ Talent: She's an excellent martial artist

❂ Reason:

She wants to join because she's on a quest for power and joining an organisation could help her achieve it. She also wants to improve on her natural abilities along with establishing a couple of connections for future opportunities.

Approved. We'll discuss more details in plot.

Gracen Arms  WVMWLOu
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