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Wed May 24, 2023 11:20 am
Damage Assessment [Nao, Yuuto] Nao-header2

"Whoa. This is a doozie!"

Nao remembered exclaiming when she had first seen the damage to the place. It was real nasty but nothing a bit of elbow grease and tough love couldn't fix. She was great at repairing things compared to her brother who liked to build from scratch, it was Nao who applied her adoration for kintsugi into her own philosophy of restoring structures after damage.

"I'll need some more information."

Was the next step so who better than the guy that was involved in the incident. Out of uniform, Nao wore her more casual clothes but rather than the red top it had been replaced with a black one. Just to keep it a little aligned to show that she was with the Gotei for now, until she beat Shishiyuki and then it was up to her to find a new mountain to climb.

"Hey, you're Hisakawa right? Uh... Yuuto. Yeah. I'm here to get an idea of what happened to the hospital."

Nao addressed the captain with no attempt at formality here. She didn't even know who all these captains were anyway yet. It wasn't like she dealt with them all, or their divisions, personally. That Captain Hisakawa could be any old Hisakawa. Nao was just here to get his input to add to her notes so that when those sixth division people were done with it then she could get to work.


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Thu May 25, 2023 10:13 pm
Damage Assessment [Nao, Yuuto] 1VUZAtK


Yuuto looked at the destruction with irritation and fury. So many dead and wounded, all of it could have been prevented, had he been better. The moment he was released officially, he knew what he was going to do. Were he anymore focused and lost in his own thoughts, he would have missed hearing someone speak.

It wasn't all too surprising for people to be coming up to him and asking him about the matter. He was quite literally right next door to when the...event happened, after all. So, as Nao approached him, he turned around from the wreckage, the irritation in his eyes quickly masked and hidden away as he offered a warm smile and a nod.

"Yes, that's me. Yuuto Hisakawa, Captain of the Fifth Division, miss...?"

He didn't recognize her off-hand, but, given her presence, he figured she was her on behalf of the Sixth Division. Regardless, it was good that they were acting quick.

"Someone delivered a bomb of some kind to the hospital. The sensors, from what I was told, said that a Cero had gone off. Half of the hospital, including the Recovery Wing, is gone."

It was a brief description, but, there was always room to add more details, after all.

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Fri May 26, 2023 8:09 am
Damage Assessment [Nao, Yuuto] Nao-header2

"Sawachika. Sawachika Nao. I'm overseeing the reconstruction efforts once those Sixth Division shinigami are done with it. I'll leave that side of things to them, I'm a lot better working things out with my hands than beating my head against the bricks until a mystery is solved."

She declared with her chest puffed out a little at giving her name to him. He was a captain? That's great, anyway.

"Anyway Hisakawa, this is very informative for me. So half the hospital? Right. Well, we'll need to allocate space for a temporary place before we can begin repairs. That's gonna be a big issue with that situation down on Earth and the risk of lots of casualties. Especially with a hollow on the loose up here apparently."

Nao explained to him as she thought about the hospital situation. It had been a cero so there was probably a lot of burned areas, the rocks that were leftover probably couldn't be salvaged if their integrity was compromised and Soul King forbid that there was damage to the foundation. That'd make the job a whole lot harder.

"So this hospital, was it a new one or an old one? Repurposed to be a hospital or designed with that in mind?"


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Sat May 27, 2023 11:41 pm
Damage Assessment [Nao, Yuuto] 1VUZAtK


Sawachika? He had heard about them -- considered a minor, unimportant noble family compared to the Kuchiki or Shihoin. Perhaps their work was "unfit" to people of their status, but, such a menial task was still one of great importance when it came to the foundations of a society. He smiled softly as he heard the name. Despite what others believed about them, they were a family that held his respect.

"Well, then I'm certain that the hospital is in excellent hands, Lady Sawachika."

However, as she explained her thoughts about the situation, Yuuto's expression shifted. The idea of a Hollow being the source of it just didn't sit right with him. How could it have possibly escaped sensors, of Shinigami or inanimate, throughout the Seireitei? How would nobody have noticed it physically? Something wasn't adding up. He'd have to get the answers another time.

"While I don't know for certain, it more than likely was designed as such, with updates and upgrades coming along as time allows. You'd have to get more detailed information from the Second Division on that matter."

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Sun May 28, 2023 2:59 am
Damage Assessment [Nao, Yuuto] Nao-header2

"It sure is. My hands are firm and yet delicate but call me Nao. If you call me Lady Sawachika I sound like my Mum and I'm a ways off being up there, Hisakawa."

Skipping all this formality nonsense she pulled her arms back behind her neck to stare up at the sky. Nice day out and he sure knew how to play music, if she wasn't here for work then maybe she'd have seen if he liked kintsugi. She bet a guy like this would adore it and it had valuable lessons to take away from.

"I see. Well that's helpful regardless. How are you holding up from your blast, Hisakawa? You look pretty good for a guy that was just blown up."

Of course he ought to be since he was a captain but Nao hadn't met any of those before. She only knew strong people like Shishiyuki, her parents, and so on. This guy was just a really tough guy to her which you know, she liked that.


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Tue May 30, 2023 3:13 pm
Damage Assessment [Nao, Yuuto] 1VUZAtK


"As you wish, Nao. Though, if we're forgoing formalities, please, just call me Yuuto."

He trusted that her confidence was not misplaced. They were, after all, the best people to go to for matters such as these -- there was little reason not to trust her with a task like this. However, her inquiry to his condition after the explosion was met with silence. Frankly, he had hardly ever been concerned for his own well-being. In the moment, all he could think of was how to ensure that as many people got out alive as possible.

"I'm fine. It takes a lot to put me down. I'm...honestly more worried and concerned about the others, those who were caught in it."

He had tried to save as many people as he could, but even with how fast he was, there was still some that he just couldn't protect. It ate at him -- that feeling of helplessness, despite having so much power, that there were still people he couldn't save. It was why much of his efforts were directed toward aiding those in recovery, to the reconstruction of the hospital, whatever he could do to help.

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Tue May 30, 2023 10:34 pm
Damage Assessment [Nao, Yuuto] Nao-header2

"Oh? Okay, Yuuto. No worries."

She said with a nod. She liked a guy that was confident like that, not the guys that devolved into a bubbly mess when a girl told them that they could drop the formalities. Guys could be so sheepish like that and she didn't like sheepish men, they needed to have a bit of confidence you know? Well, no they needed absolute confidence to be her kinda guy.

"Don't worry, Yuuto. Trials may break us but if you're willing to put the pieces back together then you can make a work of art. You need to break sometimes to get tougher if you wanna become unbreakable."

Nodding firmly at the statement, she thought she would pass on that little bit of wisdom to him. Nao was always fond of passing on her sagely advice.


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Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:24 pm
Damage Assessment [Nao, Yuuto] 1VUZAtK


Trials were meant to test someone, to break them and make them stronger so they could overcome it and become better as a result. However, he knew that there were many people now that wouldn't get that chance. For him, he admonished and cursed himself at his inability to save them. But, he would not let that stop him, he would not let a failure like this defeat him.

He would become better, faster, stronger, to ensure that this wouldn't happen again. Anything less would be an insult to not only himself, but to those he sought to inspire and give hope to. Nao's statement brought a small smile to his face and a thought came to mind, her words reminding him of a practice from home.

"Like kintsugi."

The worry for those who now fought for their lives still existed in his heart, and while he would still do his best to aid in the recovery of the hospital and doing his best to help those who were affected, there existed still the desire to continue growing in strength and skill. No matter how many times the world would test and threaten to break him, he would continue to put himself back together.

"Indeed. Trials are a necessity to foster and hone strength of character, of spirit, and of body, to make us better, more complete people."

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Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:35 pm
Damage Assessment [Nao, Yuuto] Nao-header2

"Yes! Exactly like kintsugi."

Nao leaned forward though her short stature made essentially lean in closer to his personal space to look up at him with big round eyes. It wasn't uncommon but it wasn't as commonplace up here to know of the practice as she liked, how else were they supposed to revere Gilded Hands Nao's hardwork in creating art from broken ceramics?

"You must aspire to be like the ceramics. Break, rebuild, repeat. Do you do kintsugi, Yuuto?"


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Fri Jun 09, 2023 10:11 pm
Damage Assessment [Nao, Yuuto] 1VUZAtK


She seemed to be far more interested in the art of kintsugi than he realized. As she quickly got close to him, leaning in and looking up at him, Yuuto chuckled softly, taking a half-step away to get some space back. Despite the energetic and enthusiastic reaction, the core three words of the art's philosophy was an important thing to remember.

Break, rebuild, repeat. Even for someone like him, there would always be trials to test him, and even if he did break, he would put the pieces back together.

"Not very frequently. Time often doesn't allow me the pleasure. I have a few pieces around my quarters, but nothing particularly special or striking. Though, I do find myself wanting to use platinum for the repairs, as opposed to gold or silver."

In truth, he wasn't all that experienced or skilled in the art. He knew of it from his time in the Living World, both before and after his death, and while he did enjoy it when he did partake in it, as well as personally enjoying what had come from it, it was far from what he figured someone like Nao could do.

"Though, you seem to enjoy it quite a lot, far more than just with its philosophy."

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