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Events & Missions: How Things Happen on PH Empty Events & Missions: How Things Happen on PH

Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:05 am

Events and Missions on Bleach: Platinum Hearts are instances where something of notice is happening that affects the site in some manner, keep in mind that Events can be both in-character and out-of-character whereas Missions are more reserved for in-character instances. The link to the board where all events and missions will be handled can be found here: Mission & Event Board

The difference between an event and a mission on Platinum Hearts for the nature of this system is where they occur. An event is a more broad reference to an ongoing site affair; it can be a developmental mission or out-of-character event such as a period of extra credits able to be earned, a thirty day bursts.

Because of that a mission can be called a subtype of event which is specifically in-character. It is an IC event with a specific goal to be completed to fulfill the requirements of said mission. Missions can be done through organisations, neutral parties and general occurances in the setting which can justify a mission. Below are a list of mission levels giving examples of the various ratings for missions.

  • Easy: As the name suggests, at this point your mission is as easy as can be. Typically missions of this category have very little to do with combat, and if so rarely will the combat be with denizens of the supernatural world. Missions involving some of the more dangerous non-spiritual beasts like bears, wolves, etc might fall under this category. Typically this level of mission is for purely social purposes, and if not it is geared towards individuals on par with those just starting out in the shino academy, or those only beginning to become aware of their supernatural powers. Easy missions have a additional 25% modifier.

  • Intermediate: An intermediate mission is typically where missions involving supernatural denizens will become more commonplace. Social missions can still be of this rank, but typically they will be in hostile regions, such as a member of the gotei being tasked to do reconnaissance in the Demon World, or a demon being required to do something in the Rukongai. For combat-oriented missions, things that would fall under the umbrella of intermediate would be fighting off medium-level hollows (such as Grandfisher from canon bleach) or low-level demons. An intermediate mission will never involve creatures of higher rank, such as Menos-level hollows, or Mid-level demons. Intermediate missions have a additional 50% modifier.

  • Advanced: Advanced Missions are where combat-related missions become predominant. These are missions that typically require someone roughly on par with a seated officer level figure from canon, and deal with higher level supernatural foes such as Menos, Mid-level demons, Shinigami that have just recently reached shikai, ect. Social missions are still possible at Advanced, but they are highly unlikely. To qualify as an advanced ranked social mission would mean that the mission itself takes place in a highly dangerous setting, such as a Shinigami being on a mission within a place like Hell, or in the forest of menos, where their safety is far from guaranteed. Advanced missions have a additional 75% modifier.

  • Hard: Hard missions are those that require both experience and skill to undertake successfully, and more often than not have a high level of risk associated with them. Typically these missions are taken on by individuals of a vice-captain or captain level, and deal with highly evolved supernatural beings such as Adjuchas, High level Demons (not demon kings, or queens) or Shinigami that have attained Bankai. A social mission is highly unlikely at this level, but if they existed they would take place in area’s lethal to those partaking in them, such as a shinigami invading shadow fall’s village, or a demon infiltrating the Seireitei. Hard missions have a additional 100% modifier.

  • Elite: Elite missions are those that are not only extremely dangerous, but typically require beings of immense power and resources to undertake. Combat threads with these modifiers typically involve beings of otherworldly power, such as Vasto-Lordes, Espada-Level Arrancar, Shinigami with extreme mastery over their bankai, or Demon Kings/Queens. Non-Event social missions cannot have an elite modifier, as having an elite modifier denotes that the potential of not only combat, but a serious risk of harm could occur at a moment's notice. Elite level missions can also be labeled death enabled in rare instances. Elite missions have a additional 250% modifier

  • Lunatic: Lunatic missions are those that have repercussions on the entire planet, or vast impact over entire realms. Lunatic level missions involve threats that potentially require multiple organizations to overcome. Cataclysmic events, Gods, Assassinations of Org leader level characters. All of these aforementioned things would fall under a lunatic level mission. More often than not Lunatic level missions either will be precursors to events or events themselves. There is potential for Lunatic level missions to be death enabled due to the very nature of missions that reach this level to begin with. These are missions of such insane difficulty that they should not be undertaken lightly. Lunatic missions have a additional 500% modifier.

Anyone can make an event on the site. However, in order to get one approved, it will have to be reviewed by staff and while we do give experienced members chances to do things, we expect you not to abuse or mess up this position if we approve it. As, if something should go wrong with this event or you abuse it, we will be more reluctant to give you more chances in the future.

The best way to get an event approve is to have some sort of theme, structure and purpose that involves the community in something engaging and some type of assurance that this will be managed well. Since, for instance, if you want to purpose this grand war--and you are only posting a few times out of the month, I don't think we'll be inclined to approve that event as you won't be there to actively manage. So, activity plays into mind as we aren't trying to approve events for inactive members.

The more the event progresses other people's growth, the more likely it has a chance to be approved as we aren't trying to have an event where a single person is a sole focus unless it somehow is evolving the story of others who partake in it or it is to encourage activity on the site through out of character means.

Additionally, you may also bring staff aside in a private group DM if you don't want all your business on front street, but make sure you still have all this information. Otherwise, we will deny it.

Name: (Put the name of your event)
Type: (Is this event an already ran type of event, such as a burst challenge, activity promotion ooc or is it one of the more unique manner? Is this an IC event, which will be cause for missions to be built off?)
Info: (Explain how you would like this event to go.)
Rewards: (Will be decided among staff and the creator.)
Notes: (Anything extra)[/list]

[size=22][u][b]Event Template[/b][/u][/size]
[b]Name:[/b] (Put the name of your event)
[b]Type: [/b] (Is this event an already ran type of event, such as a burst challenge, activity promotion ooc or is it one of the more unique manner?)
[b]Info: [/b](Explain how you would like this event to go.)
[b]Rewards:[/b] (Will be decided among staff and the creator.)
[b]Notes:[/b] (Anything extra)[/list]

Missions are relatively easy to make on PH. Using the mission template below, make a copy and fill it out before posting it in the relevant board. You will have to determine what type of mission your kind is and the difficulty. Missions require there to be an in-character difficulty assigned to them and an objective, these objectives are incentives and direction for characters to take during the course of an event usually.

For example, an in-character event might be a giant war. A mission might exist that requires an assassination. This smaller event could be made as a mission for a character to do and provide some direction for growth.

Missions are important because it gives characters various task, objectives, and missions to do that. It can encourage character interaction within those in factions/orgs, promote activity and see what people can do on their own.

Name: (What is the name of your mission?)
Type: (Is this a protag, antag or neutral mission?)
Difficulty: (How hard is your mission? Easy, Intermediate, Advanced, Hard, Elite or Lunatic? the harder the mission, the more rewards you should typically add. )
Eligability: (Is this a org specific mission or can anyone join it?)

Information: (Explain what the mission is about and anything that has lead up to it.)

Primary Task: (Give us the task of the mission. That is, explain to the people who wish to partake in this mission what will occur. Do they need to save people from a building? Do they need to destroy a city? Are they on a spy mission? Gather Intel?)

Additional Tasks: (Is there anything extra the person can do on the mission to gain additional items or money? Or any secondary task? Such as if you were trying to recover a city, would there be bonus points for saving citizens or recovering important landmarks? )

Rewards: (These will be decided upon by staff and the creator.)

[size=22][b][u]The Mission Template[/u][/b][/size]
[b]Name:[/b] (What is the name of your mission?)
[b] Type:[/b] (Is this a protag, antag or neutral mission?)
[b]Difficulty:[/b] (How hard is your mission? Easy, Intermediate, Advanced, Hard, Elite or Lunatic? the harder the mission, the more rewards you should typically add. )
[b]Eligability:[/b] (Is this a org specific mission or can anyone join it?)

[b]Information:[/b] (Explain what the mission is about and anything that has lead up to it.)

[b]Primary Task:[/b] (Give us the task of the mission. That is, explain to the people who wish to partake in this mission what will occur. Do they need to save people from a building? Do they need to destroy a city? Are they on a spy mission? Gather Intel?)

[b]Additional Tasks:[/b] (Is there anything extra the person can do on the mission to gain additional items or money? Or any secondary task? Such as if you were trying to recover a city, would there be bonus points for saving citizens or recovering important landmarks? )

[b]Rewards:[/b] (These will be decided upon by staff and the creator.)


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