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noroshi - Noroshi Haruka  [APPROVED 0-3] Empty Noroshi Haruka [APPROVED 0-3]

Mon May 27, 2013 8:43 am


Name: Noroshi Haruka
Titles: Haru, The Cuckoo, The 400 hander, brick shithouse, the iron wall, OH SHIT HES COMING RIGHT AT ME
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Straight
Appearance Age: 27
Actual Age: it is highly unknown his exact age, and due to his nature he refuses to tell.

Appearance Description:
Can you imagine a man standing at almost 8 ft staring you back in the face, his hands dripping with blood and an ever cold look of pretty much indifference, If so you may have already met Haru. The man is a true monster in terms of his pure size and bulky mass makes him quite physically intimidating. This isn't always the message the man tries to convey, especially considering his past feeling like an outsider due to his heritage concerning his skin color. its not really known where Haru originally came from but due to the nature of him being "different" he never really smiles making his all together appearance seem even more menacing. Within a based over look of the man he isn't very true to the idea of the normal shinigami uniform, after all of his years roaming freely he has taken the approach of wearing whatever he like, being completely un-fussy over what he wears. though often times he is seen wearing a fur lined coat and simply shirts and pants rather than anything very formal. A distinguishing feature of the mans is defiantly his hair, Haru has long let his hair be his only sign of pride in his altogether appearance. Long hair stretching down passed his shoulders tinged a shade of brown lined with a small trim of red at the bottom ... the perfect suited hairstyle for a monster. He has also been seen wearing a pink bandanna around his head on occasion, but that has mostly been within the past and it is currently unknown if he even has this memento still, though it has been rumored that on special occasions in which he takes a fight fully seriously he has re don the odd pink headband.

Personality Description: Haru at first glance is quite a cold and uncaring man, he never really seems to find the joy in things always having a sort of frown line his face. To those who really know the man though, deep down he is a quite caring individual, he strives to be a sort of wall and be able to help anyway possible. Haru though has always been extremely silent when it comes to well pretty much anything, he is a man that if he does say anything will more than likely keep it short and to the point feeling that him talking is a sheer waste most of the time. He isn't someone who simply underestimates his opponents, he tends to have a sort of respect for everyone, though most of the time it doesn't shine through. Some people tend to think Haru is someone who doesn't have emotions this however is blatantly wrong, Haru is a slate of emotions plaguing him happiness is just quite a rare one to be found. The man also has quite the patience within him, hes not a man that needlessly charges in all guns a blazing hoping to wipe out everyone, hes happy to sit back take in all the information let a man talk and THEN break his face. The fact is Haru is a man of firm belief if he has decided on something he doesn't change his mind on it because someone tries to convince him, for this purpose when it comes to protecting those under his care he accepts no excuses and thus smashes them into the ground. The man doesn't really stand around and listen to those who try to label themselves above others, he feels that this is a waste and people over estimate the power in which they hold, to this avail he also is quite confronting to people telling them exactly what he thinks in regards to their idiocy. The big man when he does speak tends to have a down right logical appeal, always favoring the facts over thoughts, a trait that tends to leave him to seem uncaring. In turn Haru may turn into an excellent ally but in certain cases he still disregards the feelings of others to do what he believes is right, and with a strong sense of fairness and a intellect that lets him analyse the situation makes Noroshi Haruka quite the guy.


Hakuda - Haru's hakuda is unlike any other, the man has learnt and is a practitioner of styles created and mastered by Haru himself. The man not only is skilled within the basics and pure forms of fist fighting but has also adapted his own natural abilities with the styles to create something entirely new. The man uses his hakuda as a main form of fighting practicing the skill months on end if he feels it is needed. For years he trained and practiced his hakuda without fail testing its very limits to prove his worth. In the spanning time he has always been a pure master of fist fighting, with even the most basic of punches equaling out to a building toppling on someone. The man was never skilled within things such as sword play and thus relied upon his fists for battle. This however wasn't a very hard switch considering the mans natural capabilities made him not only able to stand on par with a sword but on numerous occasions smash them to little pieces with a single punch.

the sound severance: Using the concept of airflow intake by constantly spinning wrist gathering a small portion of air in one point around his hand the man takes in a small portion of air flow via swirling his wrists and thus as the flow slowly becomes greater he uses the pressure and strength of his punches to vibrate the the air to a degree that the air particles smash together and create a sort of low octane frequency we know as sound. using this he is able to create what we know as "sonic booms" this enables him not only to send destructive punches now enhanced a little by the sounds spectrum, but a sort of technique enabling him to use send forth pure waves of sound able to crush and pretty much destroy most things it hits. The main halting point of this move is the fact that to gather the wind the joint of where the attack is centered around must be in motion I.e if he was using his hands for a punch the wrist must be rotating, the same would carry on for the ankle for a kick or his neck in the form of a headbutt. Haru is able to infuse every attack of his with the frequency of sound making every hit that much more powerful and whats more, as sharp as a sword. Using the before mentioned technique of creating vibrating molecules Haru manages to even channel the force of this technique allowing it to cut through even some of the strongest substances.

Gravity hammer: the whole basis of this technique of hakuda is the premise of being able to displace and focus gravitons in the way one intends. This is defiantly not one of the easiest feats to preform, over time due to the incredible high denermal skeletal structure Haru has he has learnt a way to use this to manipulate gravitons to a certain degree. this is simply done by the high pressure created by mere back and forth flicking of Harus fingers upon his palm mixing with the energy adaptability of his skeleton catching gravitons and building them up with each movement of his fingers. over a small period of time the gravitons build upon the wrist holding a immense amount of gravity that at this point are manipulated by simple movements from Haru's hands, allowing him to hold this huge force within his fist and use it like a hammer able to rip people apart. It also initiates the idea of him converging it on an opponent and using it like a form of telekinesis to push pull even force enough pressure down to snap weaker peoples legs under the weight. the whole idea of this is combining gravitons to increase the gravity that he dispels and uses at least 30 times the average, making those without some strength truly near unable to stand and even rip apart the terrain around the area.

the kinetic fist: Naroshi is able to use a move that upon impact with any physical object transfers the kinetic energy from his own strike into their body. This is done by collecting huge momentum, usually for Haru a normal strike will suffice when using this. Sending a high paced loose strike towards the opponent, then upon impact tensing the strike and allowing the full force to hit a single point just before they re loosen and withdraw the hit. at this point the kinetic energy if forced from one point into the other and sits there at an unstable level till the fist is withdrawn and then looks to expand out. The energy within them at this point is looking to escape the body by any means, even if that means creating a new hole, if it is unable to escape it moves the opposite way until stopped by something for it to hit with all the original strikes momentum. This move has been thought of like a rare little bomb inside someone exploding out on a small scale the size of the original strikes catalyst i.e a punch. though this move could be thought of as more of an internal punch of sorts looking to damage someones more unprotected insides leaving them vulnerable to another attack leaving no damage on the outside. This move mainly relies on its destructive force by using the strength of the initial punch to determine its power, which considering its user is usually quite devastating. the main downfall of this move though is it effect on the user, the tensing and loosening of a strike over time and without proper knowledge and training within the move may cause even a broken wrist if not careful. Haru isn't as novice as this but once in a while even he messes up the strike pattern and thus uses it less often than most of his other hakuda forms.

Dead Cuckoo: The ultimate technique within Hakuda for Noroshi. This involves the concept of attacks that in turns are completely free flowing and thus really have no true pattern to it. in this form the man moves straight to the offensive willing to use his pure strength against someone combined with the speed he has accompanying it. though the man may not be really fast like someone like his fellow zero division member, ringo, he focuses most of his speed around striking making his hits fast and painful if hit right. The man has a knowledge of a lot of different fighting styles and within this form of hakuda mixes them all together to lay waste to anything in his path. This hakuda technique is commonly combined with his other techniques to make some devastating effects upon his opponent. Though he has a rough knowledge of other styles the main thing of this is that he is able to even imitate the fighting form of some others and attempt to create a countering defense. This isn't like his other 3 techniques being less based around the concept of one thing and more about the style of fighting in order to make the best of the situation. Though in most cases it will just end up as a massive barrage of fist being laid down on a opponent each with the strength to break their bones apart.

The Indomitable Defense - Haru has always been a master of the simplistic art of defense. The man is just how he looks, a wall, he can take numerous hits and insurmountable damage and not give a care in the world. This is because those that aren't on his level would have a difficult time even getting past his first layer of skin much less could they come to really harm the man. The beast is reliant on an old strategy of taking upon the strikes as they come, and that is just what he will do, there isn't anything fancy to it just pure grit. The man although he is quite a master at stopping these strikes dead in their tracks and leaving the other man in more pain than himself he has also come to take pain with an indescribable indifference. Noroshi truly doesn't seem to care what happens to his body as long as it is capable of protecting anything and everything it stands for. In truth Haru is a man that could take a variable beating and stand there brushing it off like nothing really happened, no matter how many hits someone throws he wouldn't back down, this has always been the way with the behemoth and it truly brings to question just where did this standing come from in the man?

energy reflection: This is a move that solely advances the level of defense the monster known as Haru has. the move works of the principal of meeting the opposing force with a barrier of pure energy bound to Haru's very being, as the energy attack hits him the energy surrounding his own body acts as a sort of wall for it and thus sends it back in the same direction it came from. The move comprises that Haru's own energy acts as a sort of armor for most types of energy. This move however is by no means permanently within effect and has no weaknesses, the move itself is switched on and off by the monster of a man and may only remain in effect while he isn't within motion. It also isn't all powerful and can be broken through with a strong enough blast, which though in terms of strength would equal out to a monstrous hit from even someone like Damian but it is still capable of being broken through non the less. In essence this move is more of an addition to his orial armor and thus protects him even further in essence and makes it not even necessary to attack a sole energy based user. Energy is also including attacks centered around things like the elements, with an exception of earth.

Incredibly Dense Skin: Some say that it is near impossible to even breach the top layer of this mans skin. Well in essence this is a very solid truth, the pure skin of the man is like a casing of the most pure of iron. this is because the mans external layers of skin are thicker than even that of diamonds to a point and the pure strength of the man backing including the muscular growth that acts as a support to it makes breaching his Armour like outsides incredibly difficult. The mans Armour like defense is enough to allow him to take a nuclear bomb level attack and come out with only a moderate amount of damage. Against those who are not truly skilled in strength he would seem like a friking unbreakable wall, though there are was to by pass his defenses. One such of these ways is the soft and squishy insides of the man, they are largely under strengthened compared to his thick outside layer, if someone was able to get an attack inside of him it would be easy to simply rip him open. But in essence with enough circumstantial damage to a single spot eventual someone may be able to minorly pierce his skin, though this would take relentless amounts of attacks to achieve. The mans skin however is incomprehensible hard and on occasion with enough force from the enemy would hurt them more than it would ever hurt him. in the past it even took radioactive 4 extremely solid and massive strengthened strikes to break through the outer layer.

Enhanced Skeletal Structure: Harus skeleton unlike most has always been incredible thick his bones like rocks in some respect. some say this ability wasn't anything to do with the outer shell of the man but more of a adaptive method to handle the environment he lived within before he died. The thick skeleton has a much more circumstantial approach to other skeletons becoming large enough for bones to actual form a sort of wall for his internal organs, though their is a gap between still allowing full unrestricted movement, this gap is probably his biggest weak point and any who could break through the outer layers and be precise enough to strike into it would more than likely kill the man. though this isn't saying that it is impossible to break through these bones, with a solid enough strike one could still shatter the bones, after all they are still just bones despite their thickness. This heavy skeleton also allows for the mans own strength to be increased, due to the heaviness of the skeleton each punch he throws is enhanced within strength due to the extra force. Any other who would have this little skeleton behind them would almost be left immobile but with extreme training and living with it for most of his life the man now sees it as pretty much the normal thing.

Energy crest -
This ability allows Haru to literally take any type of energy fired upon him and thus use it to his advantage. Upon hitting the mans body it is sucked into his skin and merges with his body allowing it to seep out to the top layer and thus allow him to use it as a fighting force. Hence when touched by any energy substance his own system flows with it through him even infecting his hair and thus turning it to the same color that the element exudes, This allows him to coat himself in the energy that his enemy uses and render it near useless against his body, though a factor of this is that the man himself can only contain 1 different element at a time making multiple energy uses a harder task for him. But in the same respect by expelling 1 energy he can take in another and thus continue this pattern repeatedly to annoy the enemy though each expulsion does have a small cool down time (1 post) before he may take in another. The expulsion itself though can be made into its own move literally forcing the element out of him and exploding forth like a massive burst from his hands. Whist using this the man's strength is upgraded to new lengths allowing his physical body use these Elements, things such as fire allowing him to set things alight or elements like void makes his punches capable of stopping his opponents powers from working. With each element though it is only able to imitate its initial effects and basic powers making the stuff that lays over his skin unable to do the exact things that the other persons element may do, one example of this would be Radioactive's own energy, Haru is unable to do what that man could do with radiation only just imitating its radiation and strength to cover Harus skin.


superior immune system: Harus immunity system is unlike many others, the man for long periods has been subjected to high doses of many different diseases and even radioactivity, thanks to a little shark beast. This allows the man to go for extended periods without even worrying about the idea of infecting the man with an ailment isn't that likely. the man has been able to adapt to most things he is faced with and thus his immune system has flourished and grown with each parting, during the events of madness city and the such Haru was present within for a short while but due to his high immunity was protected from being stricken with the disease. the immune system of the man also allows another function, the formation of a higher level of cell regrowth and regeneration making wounds heal much quicker than they normally would. Though this isn't up to the levels of high speed regeneration it allows for the primary cells in his bodies to instead of focusing on the defense from disease and such be used to replace cells until they can regenerate and heal him much faster ie. instead of months only a few days, or for days hours.

Sound wave generation: using his hakuda style the "sound severance" Haru is able to generate low frequency waves of sound. these in turn can be used for a multitude of purposes depending on the pressure used to create them, in one instance Haru is able to use these sound emissions to destroy most things in front of the wave because as it hits the low frequency shakes the core of the structure sending a huge set of vibrations through it causing some elite damage. against a human target the idea is much like being hit with an incredible force but whats more important to most, its unblock able. This doesn't mean with that its always going to hit and destroy the person it just means to normal methods this technique wont be stopped. Though with a simple ideal of either dodging or blocking the sound via some sort of barrier or shield that can take the sound and stop it the move isn't really effective. the whole concept of this is sound and thus Haru is capable of making the frequencies change via pressure and control of air pressure hence making the sounds able to not only harm but when used differently sending a high pitched noise that could send someone clawing at their ears for silence, in turn this could leave a person defenseless for up to 2 turns if it hits them dead on, though this requires a lot of frequency change and hence Haru doesn't use this move very often.

Gravity manipulation: Via the hakuda style of gravity hammer Haru is able to warp and control gravity to a certain extent. The man is able to create and extend the grasp of gravity to great levels. He does this by collecting and manipulating gravitons, in essence the more gravitons the man condenses into his hand the greater force of gravity he could create. In terms of strength this force could equal out to about 60 times the normal limit for most men, though this would take quite awhile. In essence this move could be thought of something like telekinesis in which he controls things via an invisible force, this is because due to the immense control he has over it the man has learnt to use it in varying ways ie. pushing and pulling with mere hand gestures by forcing gravity to the side of them to push outwards, toppling gravity upon their heads making it difficult to even stand or even to increase the destructive power of his punch by merely using the gravity behind it to to have a massive force backing the hit. Via this move Haru is able to complete 1 more move, by forcing the gravity under the person upwards he can make them float within the air and feeling almost weightless due to the excess gravitons seeping around the area.


The oken: The Ōken is revealed to be the power given to those chosen to become Royal Guard. The Soul King manifests the power into those individuals, therefore it is literally in their bones.

The "Chains": Around the neck of the beast sits a single collar and lying around his right hand remnants of shackles. Now as this is seen it almost looks simply like the man was an ex convict and just couldn't get the things off him. truthfully these restraints are what Haru calls "the chains" this item allows the giants reiatsu and full power to be contained and managed. Only in sever cases will he unlock these chains due to the pure fact that with them, his spiritual pressure alone can send even those who are quite strong coughing up blood. and the amount of strength released is circumstantial to 2 times his normal power. Whilst wearing these chains another key factor comes into play. And that is the fact that whilst using these he is unable to use his sealed zanpakutos powers and thus is solely reliant upon his pure brick wall of a defense and iron fisted offence. Though even in his chained state he is a monster with strength when this is released each punch the man makes would be equivalent of having higher powered bomb hit ya. Haru can unlock these at any point in time by simply imbuing his reitsu into it meaning that in theory these chains were orially of Harus design to hold back against weaker opponents and not end up killing those much weaker than him.


General Skills
  • Durability: Master
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Advanced
  • Kidō: Adept
  • Zanjutsu: Beginner
  • Hakuda: Master

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination:Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Grand-Master

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by lionus on Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:55 am; edited 21 times in total
Joined : 2012-11-22
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noroshi - Noroshi Haruka  [APPROVED 0-3] Empty Re: Noroshi Haruka [APPROVED 0-3]

Wed May 29, 2013 8:10 am

The Zanpakutō

- Zanpakutô Spirit Name: The Behemoth
- Zanpakutô Shikai Name: The Cacophony of the beast
- Zanpakutô Bankai Name: Dyed in blood
- Reiatsu Color: Gold

- Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance:
Some question the form of a beast asking just what defines them the simple ideal is that maybe just maybe the beast is defined not by what it is or the name it bears ... but the past it suffers. Behemoth is the monster dyed in a shade of bloody red, the beast that sifts beneath the surface, it sits towering all men and shaded by its darkness the only thing it truly shows are those demonic eyes, the gripping smoke that comes with each of its words and its grizzled fangs. The beast sits as the king of its domain and it knows it the beast rarely takes true form or offers insight into what it truly is but shows the blessing of something beyond a simple spirit. The monster is calloused in nature never revealing to much of itself simply the bones of those that lie before it this beast is not a creature dwelling with monsters ... its the monster that even they should fear.

- Zanpakutô Spirit Personality:
The beast that dwells within is something odd, its not your run of the mill spirit who works alongside their master, it truly makes the task that is presented before it harder. Often it taunts noroshi with the idea that he has no spirit and that it liked his zanpakuto and thus ate the spirit so he could inhabit it. despite this however the beast took a shine to the man allowing him to hold the beast as its "master." though not even he would know the monsters true intentions. the beast is lazy and resides within its dwelling believing it beyond all others and capable of more than trifling games of battle, for the king of all beasts needs take no challengers for they should know their place or die regretting ever stepping foot into his den.

- Sealed Zanpakutô Apperance : The originally form of Gouon is something very different to the normal, coming in the form of a very nice pipe. That's right folks Harus smoking instrument is actually his instrument of mass devastation. Being only small most tend to take this as a sign that he is very weak compared to others. But unfortunately the case with Behemoth is that when first formed the blade was actually larger than a mountain when infused with Harus reiatsu, fortunately at this time his heart and the blade were never truly merged and thus at a reforging something changed in the blade the very essence itself became bloodier crueller and had taken the form of a mere pipe. Despite its appearance this little thing is actually quite sturdy being able to take the force of buildings and make them concede against its own strength. Though this pipe may be the mans Zanpakutō it also does actually double as a tool for smoking acting the same was as a normal pipe would its only advantage, lets just say if someone tries to knock it out of harus mouth their hand may be in for a bit of trouble.

- Sealed Zanpakutô Abilities:

The Inhale Effect - this is a simplistic but incredibly odd technique for Haru to use. The details of this is quite different to what most would expect. By inhaling smoke through his pipe within seconds of inhaling and holding his breath smoke starts to expel from his skin. This smoke encases Haru and not only advancing his strength to a whole new level but also enables his to contort the smoke to his will changing the composition of it and generating it out of his own being. This smoke is manipulated and generate via Haru using his zanpakutos ability to generate certain composition of elements the 2 taking effect here and using his body as a catalyst to form is the minor level of fire and water mixing together to form smoke, this smoke has the added ability of solidification and via changing the composition of the smoke also allowing him to change the general density to levels that could match even his pure strength. this however isn't capable of phasing through or entering through living tissue, unless there is a massive gaping wound that would allow the smoke to infect an oponets body and cut away at them. The biggest advantage of this move is its extremely long range being able to reach over a mile with his smoke and even block out the sky with it by expanding the smokes molecular bonds and changing it so that it expands outwards, though this lowers its integrity and makes it much easier to rip apart with regular attacks when it is solidified, and it can be expeled by using oxygen to purify the smoke when intangible a factor that comes into affect aswell during this techniques special ability. By controlling the genetic makeup of his own body to match that of his smoke Haru an in theory force a sort of intangibility, though this form is very dependent on the mixture of his own body with the smoke and his control over their composition, in this form Haru could by theory phase through most base attacks however he cannot attack whilst phasing and due to the common structure of his natural body and that of another physical body he is unable to go through living tissue at risk of becoming nothing but steam as his composition must change completely to not confuse molecules and this dissipates everything that was haru. But the biggest disadvantage is the downfall of his own breath. This move shall remain in effect until Haru exhales a thing that must be done to stay alive, though Haru himself is able to hold his breath for an extraordinary time (2 posts with a 3 post recharge due to his lungs needing to retake in air) whilst unobstructed, if someone where to say break past his defenses and force him to exhale or attack him with pure oxygen it would force him to tangibility and the move would be rendered useless.

Ash generation -
Another technique his Zanpakutō allows in the convergence of his ability to control to a small level parts of elements. This ability deals much like his smoke generation by using his own body as a catalyst for his zanpakutos ability to take in compositions from the elements and combine them together, this one being a composition of fire and air unlike his smoke however this is activated through a different means. After inhaling then exhaling through the pipe haru simply flips the pipe upside down and from the pipes opening a pools worth of ash falls from it which like its counterpart in the form of harus smoke generation can travel up to a massive distance of a mile and in that area, though unlike his smoke he can not expand the current amount of ash as it has already been expanded by changing its molecular bonds when exiting the pipe. The ash however is constantly converging and moving to Harus will, the ash itself being like the steam able to be changed in density and and controlled at will by haru. But the key difference about these two substances is that though his ash can not become intangible or even merge with his being It has an ability that makes up for this. For the tiny embers within the ash's temperature can be controlled and risen to the point that this ash could melt through even metal burning away, capable of causing 3rd degree burns within seconds. The coating of the ash can also cover over harus skin giving him an extra dermal armor making it so that any physical attack on his person could be perceived as a double edged sword as upon contact it would burn away at them, this also allows haru to enhance his own physical attacks making it so that it burns away at enemies with each hit. Another thing to note that like his steam his ash too has a major downfall in the form of its opposing element, this one however being water, due to the flammability and bonds being disintegrated upon touching water and making Haru lose all control over it making his ash useless.

Vapor Generation -
The final form of his normal Zanpakutō abilities this one like the two others converges two separate elements with each other in order to generate a brand new compound. This ability invokes the combination of merging both air and water molecules in order to make a vaporous gas, this technique is activated when haru simply exhales through his pipe which causes a massive spurt of vapor rises in many directions encompassing Haru himself in a sort of haze. This mist like substances expands outwards encompassing an area of up to a hundred meters and can be manipulated and used like the others up to a mile area. this fog covers over the area and within this zone is a sort of area of danger for Haru can in fact change the density and such things of the vapor and control the patterns in which it flows enabling it to act like thousands of bullets shooting forth at its target. This however isn't the only capability of this technique as it may also be used to in turn collect all these water droplets and converge all of the vapor to sling onto something before expanding it out causing huge water spurts capable of ripping skin from flesh with their intensity, and drowning opponent by collecting vapor into their lungs which requires them to stay within the mists zone for a 2 post period which will then begin to fill their lungs with water that expands out causing them to vomit up water and choke unless they can get out of the area as it would continue to fill their lungs. This technique like the others can be attached to harus body and used as a more physical sense, however unlike the other 2 this is done by creating a sort of mist that can form into blades of water and air mixture allowing a cutting force to his punches ect. This too like its fellow techniques has a downfall in the face of fire being capable of dissipating the water and making it so that he cant control this vapor because of the bonds destruction.

- Shikai Description:
Now lets go down a road of self discovery, what do you happen to see? whats this you see nothing but the exact same thing you saw before, seems your not looking hard enough.the very core of this beast this behemoth has grown... and its gotten much more terrifying. though there is no outward change from that classy fucking pipe of harus the very essence exuded from it feels so much worse like it were harnessing the very essence of this thing that dwells within. The techniques gained are from a new level that revolve even more around this pipe but slowly it feels like the beast that roams the earth is coming ... and it may be best to run before it has time to truly awaken.

- Shikai Abilities:

Oxygen manipulation -
The ideals that are associated with this shikai is very simple whilst their is no physical change within noroshis base zapakuto appearance the power structure changes completely focusing deeper upon the ideals of this pipe. The oxygen affect is a principal that allows noroshi whilst simply having a smoke to draw in, expel and even control all oxygen in the air around him. via inhaling through the pipe it causes a small vacuum to form thus allowing him the capability of drawing all external oxygen within the area through this pipe. this is done by his zanpakuto forming a small pocket of reiatsu inside harus lungs this allows when inhaling and exhaling oxygen for it to form protective barrier around his lungs that breaks down and reforms oxygen particles on a whim allowing him to hold more oxygen within his lungs than any person alive due to it legitimately being stored within retrospectively its own small broken down molecular prison within the confines of these reiatsu pockets. The pipe itself simply acts as a catalyst of usage for this as when he expels oxygen it is infected with the same reiatsu that line his lungs alowing him a control over it, this control is subconsciously linked to his smoking habits thus allowing through his simple act of smoking haru can quite literally control the oxygen within the air around him constantly creating more and more oxygen within his control capability over the time he uses this meaning the longer he smokes the more o2 he has absolute reign over.

Temperature manipulation -
this is another ability that is relayed through noroshis shikai. when lighting his pipe the capabilities unlocked through such a tedious and meaningless act are tremendous. via the flickering flame of this pipe burning through it gives noroshi true control over the temperature itself, heat cold its all just a simple whim to the man. Through this method the spark of his flame is fuelled with reiatsu much like the oxygen principle, this allows the man raise the base temperature of his flame through simple puffs of his pipe, doing this allows the man to quite literally change the internal temp of that flame to the core of the sun or that of absolute zero. and through his exhalation method it takes this effect to an outward audience, by expelling the reiatsu within the flame it spreads through the air but something very intriguing to note about this reiatsu is that it whilst incapable of actually causing physical harm to people it carries the same surface temperature of the flame within the pipe and the original spark of reiatsu. this doesn't mean he can cause an unyielding freeze over mass areas in seconds, much like the oxygen affect this affect spreads over time building up concentration and surface area the more he smokes, meaning that if he were left to his accords to just simply smoke he could cause a small radioactive fallout zone within a large city given an extremely large amount of time, a fact that rarely happens as due to the vast expulsion of reiatsu this technique and all other techniques of his shikai act like a beacon to every person around drawing hollows, shinigami and everything of the sort right out of the wood works.

euphoria manipulation -
this is an interesting piece of harus shikai his 3rd and final ability. the ideals of all of his shikai abilities relates around the ideals of his pipe and the substances assosiated with it, this however is directly assosiacted with the substance in which smoking is based around. This technique is far from the run of the mill simple control, this is the act of using dopamine and endorphin's to create an unbelievable sense of euphoria. by infecting the very substance with his reiatsu and com-busting it haru is able to like oxygen spread and breed this newly formed smoke outwards spreading and merging it into the air itself, the basic idea with this is spreading these and causing a chemical reaction, how you ask? by infecting those around him through contact of this smoke with the skin. the reiatsu forces itself as an outwards seal that allows these chemicals to enter the very bloodstream and force their way to nerve endings before creating an extremely heightened sense of euphoria by engaging the nerve endings and sending signals straight to ones brain, over time this allows vast amounts of unrelenting waves of pleasure, short spans within this area cause simple base feelings of goodness and joy but as time expands so to does the effect. Over the course of time the opponents will power comes into play and forces them to try and resist this unbelievable surge of pleasure to the point that if left on long enough would send even the most depressed and unhappy person into a trembling sack of pure brokenness by giving constant unbelievable pressure however this too has the same effects as his other techniques due to the vast quantity of reiatsu truly used.

- Bankai Description:

- Bankai Abilities:

The seal of the Behemoth:

The reign of the beast:

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by lionus on Sun May 07, 2017 9:39 am; edited 10 times in total

noroshi - Noroshi Haruka  [APPROVED 0-3] M9rTQZk

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noroshi - Noroshi Haruka  [APPROVED 0-3] Empty Re: Noroshi Haruka [APPROVED 0-3]

Wed May 29, 2013 8:14 am


A New Dawn A New Day
the horrid feel of crushing darkness, the blood stained clothes upon his back or the wind crumbling the dust upon his skin .... these were the first real moments of Noroshi Haruka's "life". The man was born within the confines of the great country of Africa. The boy grew up around many different men learning to hunt and live among his tribe. The boy grew up as the strongest among his tribesmen. They eventually named him his clans protector after his final hunt. As apart of this it entailed that the man must hunt down an animal that had long been forsaking his tribes lands. The beast wasn't one known to these men and lets just say what they were to soon face would be unlike anything that had ever threatened their lives before. As they entered the caves the thing Haru saw scared him, even as he threw his spear into the beast its metallic flesh provided it with protection like no other and even among that the hunters he had with him couldn't even see the beast. As it impaled his brothers upon its sharp claws he found himself faced with the ultimate battle and as he stood there yelling for his brothers to run he knew that this may be the day he dies. the hands of the beast pierced his flesh but he would not move like an unmovable wall he made this beast stay its full intent on trying to get passed him ... but no Haru would not let it pass. And as the beast relented screaming in his face to move the fist of Noroshi broke its jaw with one solid hit crushing its head in with the second ...... he had killed his first hollow without any powers just pure strength, perhaps he was the monster?

As he returned to his people something new had drawn his attention, the slavers that sat awaiting Haru. His people were shackled and taken from their homes to a new country, Haru was unable to stop them in his condition fighting back resulted within his passing out and chained so he couldn't move ... he had failed his tribe and himself. As they arrived within a small colony within a land known as ama the big man was sold as a slave. From this point Haru embraced the silence becoming a man who did his job without a single word, men would try to crush his will, salt his wounds but they could never break the man. The other slaves looked for guidance from the big man but he wasn't the pinnacle of leadership he once was now he was but a shell. Haru spent his days simply going through the fields and working but it seemed that eventually the fate of Noroshi was set. A boy not over the age of 10 was sold into slavery and thrown into the fields with Haru. As the child was being whipped and beaten for simply not keeping up. And as the whip flew down to cut the boy apart a hand grabbed the lashing whip mid air. The mans hand bled as he dragged his slaver to wards him and lifted him into the air letting him dangle struggling for air. Only one word was spoken as the giant looked into the eyes of the man and snapped his neck .... "stop". Riots broke out the oppressed rising up against their captors, in this time what was Haru doing? digg ..... the man dug the grave of the man he just killed. In the second he laid the man to rest he walked towards the manor the man in charge yelling at him to stop, he shot the big man 8 times before killing him and even then the monster still drove a rock through the governors head and sat by him waiting for death his clothes becoming stained with the blood pouring from the holes the wind gathering the dust within and blowing it within his face .... he was free. this day was marked in the calendars as a monument towards slave freedom, one of Harus fellow men after he died led the rebellion for days on end killing over 55 white men, from this point it would commonly be known as the Southampton Insurrection.

A Brick in a Wall:
As Haru entered the empty place after death he would simply watch from the place his body lied for over 5 days before any shinigami arrived to carry his soul to the other side. But what they found wasn't a man whom was completely defenseless and all but cannon fodder for preying hollows. No ... they found a graveyard, littered with literally hundreds of hollows corpses, the only weapon the man had to fight them were his hands, as he sat there turning to see this shinigami covered in filth and gore that would make the devil himself cry in fear Haru would only asked them 1 small question.... the time. After this point Haru was taken back to the soul society, though it wasn't simple as one would expect. No Haru was taken as a prisoner to be questioned by the captain commander, around this time the quincy shinigami wars were in full swing the ideas of the quincies saving Noroshi was definitely not out of the question. And thus in the presence of the gotei 13's captains Haru was interrogated. The man didn't really speak much saying very few words none of which denied any claims the men around him made, it seemed as though his death was to be swift. But as he aggravated a man among these incredibly strong men he proved his worth. Kenpachi Kiganjō a man who was placed as the captain of 11th division and labeled with the title given to the strongest shinigami knocked flat on his ass by a single headbutt of a shackled Haru. Needless to say the man was furious and demanded his head, this however proved a great deal about Haru to Genryūsai Yamamoto, with a booming growl he ordered the 11th captain to stand down and issued the release of this prisoner into his custody. As he was freed from the steel around his arms kneck and legs the first thought would be to truly run, for this man in front of him with the flowing white beard was without a doubt a warrior..... one that even sent chills through Harus spine.

As Haru walked with the man Yamamoto explained the state of distress within the soul society at this point in time, the quincy and shinigami all out war brimming, the change within positioning among ranks and even the thoughts of a member of the gotei allying with a mad man and his poet shark for a full quincy extermination. It intrigued Haru as to the elder mans worries, why had he confided within him? Simple Haru was a weapon most wouldn't even understand. The pure idea he had killed all hollows that even entered his vicinity without even getting so much as a scratch upon his skin and from the reports that the indication of the lack of wear upon the soul chain meaning he didn't even move from his position. This was the reason for Yamamotos swift release of Haru and was also the reason that day he was given the title of gotei 13's vanguard captain against the quincy forces. Within a few days he was sent from the gotei to the front lines of this war to meet his fellow vanguards. Among this group were vice captains and captains alike all under his lead, the man he had so insulted within their previous encounter now took direct orders from Haru. The vanguard launched into action literally forcing their way across the battlefield killing all in their way, Haru himself slaughtered over 60 quincies within the first hour of the fight with his bare hands. Of course the men had offered a Zanpakutō to the man but as Haru stated, swords were cheap the bond of flesh is true battle. After 2 days of relentless fighting carnage had laid waste to thousands upon thousands of men from both side .... Haru assisting within over 2000 men and women from the quincy side, they had ripped his body to a shred but the man himself was what one would consider extraordinarily health for a man that for 4 hours had half the quincy army repetitively trying to cut him down with millions of arrows. At the end of this 3rd day a new situation arose in which ended up finalizing the near extinction of all quincy ..... Radioactive. The shark beast had smashed through their entire army causing a huge number of casualties and swayed the war to their favor eventually leading to their victory. However it was that moment that Haru saw a mad beast rampage and the first signs to Haru of a rouge element entering the gotei 13.

A immovable object meets the unstoppable force:
After this battle Haru was accepted willingly into the gotei 13, even the man who had solemnly looked to kill Haru while chained now had a new found respect for the monster who with his bare hands proved to be stronger than first anticipated. As he was inducted into the gotei the man was given a seat of merit to establish his position, though they couldn't give the man the rank of vice captain and specially not a captain position he was happily accepted as a 3rd seat within 5th company. Though Unknown to most others this on its own was somewhat of a tactic set by the captain commander himself. The man currently placed as HArus superior a one Sosuke Aizen was suspected of questionable acts, in turn he was assigned to 5th division to be watched by Captain Shinji Hirako, but the captain commander always has a contingency plan. Confiding in Haru, Yamamoto entrusted the mission for watching Sosuke Aizen and reporting directly to the CC as a deep cover operative his true goals within this company only known to the captain commander and central 46. His true goal within this squad was simple, any sign of corruption from shinji or Aizen he was to crush their heads in without remorse. As a gift for his service within the war Yamamoto issed the order for Haru to be given a Zanpakutō, though when it came down to it the pure size when he injected a fragment of his soul into it made the thing near unusable and thus Yamamoto ordered a reforg of the blade within secret, and thus Haru received the pipe he knows solely as Gouon.

As time progressed Haru took to the life of the gotei, he trained relentlessly quickly progressing in such aspects as Hakuda and pure fighting even creating some of his own styles within the ancient art. Within this time he assumed status under Sosuke Aizen hoping to infiltrate his inner circle to uncover the crimes against the soul society he had committed. As time rolled on the compiling lack of any type of evidence against Aizen soon lead Haru to believe that the man was truly not what Noroshi had thought. That was of course until the 1900's, by this time Aizen had become well aware of Haru's presence and thus planned to eliminate him. Regardless of his mission the mans cover was blown and thus remaining in Sosukes sight would prove to be troublesome and would put not only Haru at risk but Shinji and the captain commander as well due to the risk of potential information spilling out and thus came a new plan, a plan for escape. Aizen had enlisted a young prospect under the name of ichimaru, the man was set to kill him and take his position, a strategy that allowed Aizen to infiltrate the ranks of 5th company to a great extent. So the plan was set into motion and through the skilled tactics of Yamamoto and central 46 that day Noroshi Haruka "died".

The man who rocked the clouds:
From this day forth however Haru wasn't a official member of the gotei due to his "fatality." But this of course wouldn't stop central 46, they issued the orders for Haru to be transferred under their command making him a weapon of sorts for them. In this time he was held and left to train within a location no one would come looking ... the maggots nest.For months he'd spend his time training with the "blade" he received within the lowest pits of the maggots nest, achieving shikai within not 2 months of his encampment. The only men in contact with Haru during his little stay in the nest were central 46 and the man who first accepted the giant, Genryūsai Yamamoto. The men spoke often be it just friendly conversations between the 2 men or to learn of the certain task that required completion without fail no matter the cost .... even fellow shinigami if need be. Haruka was sent upon several tasked assignments within the human world some that even defied reason. In one instance Haru was ordered to find a man who had left the gotei 13 due to some different complications.

Eiji Youjai, a young member of the gotei had left under the circumstance that was lets just say ... questionable. Haru was sent out to bring him back, the man went out into the human world to find the newly made wanderer. Within a week Haru found the boy within the market place of dubai buying his weekly groceries and made it apparent just what would happen. Eiji simple looked to destroy Noroshi with his pure powers attempting to rip through the man, Haru however proved to be somewhat of a incredible brick wall eventually forcing Eiji to his bankai. the 2 men eventually pushed each other to their limits with Haru eventually collapsing his big fist into the smaller mans sternum and leaving him coughing a pool of blood, a lucky hit that ended the fight. As the fight was concluded Haru prepared to drag Eiji back through to the soul society, the ex vice captain was to sit and be trialed for his crimes. However at this point something truly swayed his fist. As he walked along dragg him buy his hair the man quickly flew into action, the man planted his hand into the ground and caused a large scale tremor throwing Haru off balance and as the big man turned he laid a huge hit on him sending him crashing through buildings. In this instance Eiji walked away from this little scene his sternum broken and blood pouring from his mouth vowing to never buy his own groceries again. As Haru returned to the soul society he returned to the chambers of central 46 a scar across his chest from the full force of Eijis punch and the simple lowdown of what happened ....... he got away.

Bathing in blood:
Soon as years passed from the confines of the maggots nest Haru adapted becoming stronger never did he fail his mission from this point. The man followed the orders given without any remorse or happiness in his mind he was more a blank slate and seemingly just did what was necessary to follow orders and protect others. This isn't to say he never questioned the orders given in fact he tended to always ask several and often even turned down assignments scolding central 46 as if they were children lecturing them on learning their place. Despite this factor the men knew that he wasn't someone to be thought lightly of the monster of a man had on every occasion presented proved his power more than any man could imae. So needless to say the next task to come was one that was suited to the man perfectly. Years from the time of the quincy war it had seemed a little problem arose among the gotei's ally. Radioactive the shark beast had left going rouge in order to protect his sibling. This of course appealed to Harus nature that would make him usually call his superiors idiots and return to his training but this was different. The shark beast Haru had once seen move into battle and sway a battle to become theirs was a monster and Noroshi wouldn't stand for a beast like that to run wild and endanger the entire soul society and human world.

Haru soon had tracked Radioactive to his little residence within Russia, without hesitance Haru proceeded to lay massive strikes down on the shark before he even finished his sentence of asking who haru was. Haru buried him 10 m in the ground before the man even threw a strike. But this definitely wasn't the end, without another though Radioactive moved forth and with an onslaught of punches leveled over a mile radius with a pure shock wave of harus body crushing into the ground. The man got back up and continued blow for blow with the man for hours on end, however there was a certain thing Haru wasn't expecting, The pure toxicity of radioactive own energy based attacks had taken its toll on his body. Soon Haru was suffering side effects of some large scale radioactive poisoning, needless to say by this point Harus body was also fucked, the vomiting of blood just adding to his problems. This isn't to say he didn't manage to pull off a tremendous feat, Radioactive though not as bad off as Haru still stood fairly wounded the best example being his left arms joint of being literally pulled outwards to the point of major dislocation thanks to Haru attempting to rip it of in retaliation for the broken arm Radio gave him. By this point Radio like his good old self was telling Haru to rack off before he got his body broken even more offering to just let him go out of pity. Haru however took this as a sign of disrespect and launched a massive strike on Radios face, the pure strength of it sent him tumbling through 3 buildings before coming to a complete stop. At this point the shark beast lost all patience for the man and despite his hurling in pain knocked his back straight into the ground bellow with the strongest punch one would ever see, ripping Harus Body apart the blood flying everywhere as he lay there struggling to even breathe as the shark beast left out of respect for the man who stood over Harus near unconscious state claiming the right to him.

The little brother:
For months Haru lay under the care of 4th divisions top healers under the secure confides of his old home, this little move commissioned by the savior himself and the captain commander himself. Yamamoto visited Haru everyday from this point watching over the boys progress, which really seemed very little. After the months of confined healing Haru after months of treatment though soon arose out of his bed, he quickly got back into the flow of relentless training always striving to achieve something greater. After another few years under the close eyes of central 46 training and constantly working as their operative Yamamoto intervened. He ordered the reinstatement of Haru to a position within the gotei 13, even going so far as to have the mans appearance changed drastically so he could resume a roll under the captains watchful eye and return to being apart of the gotei. Haru was placed under the first divisions banner as the 6th seat as to avoid any suspicion and so Yamamoto could watch over the boy he had now come to think of like a sort of adoptive son.

For years Haru grew back into the monster he was at the time after he versed the shark beast even growing stronger always keeping his true strength under wraps to hide his true identity. though as the years rolled on things escalated immensely, the war with the arrancar emerged sending Haru to the front lines as infantry to fight as support for the captains whilst a young ichigo kurosaki and his friends ended up killing Aizen once and for all. After this event it seemed that peace was definitely not on the horizon soon the Ender war tore apart the gotei within its very roots and the man Haru respected and loved like a father died. During the fall of ender and the returning of normal to the Soul society things were never quite the same. after this point Haru moved to a higher position returning to work under the central 46 on the stipulation of a removal of a certain thorn in their side. Haru was dispatched to kill a one Otojiro Terada, but what Haru found was a man surrounded by high class hollows all of them mascaraed it seemed by this guy in front of him. Haru at this point disobeyed his orders completely helping the man back to the soul society believing this kid had a very bright future ahead of him. The 2 men eventually grew into good friends training on a regular basis and often seen joking around, Haru called the man his little brother looking out for him above all else making the statement he was to scrawny to fend for himself though in truth Haru was probably much weaker than this monstrous man. The men looked out for one another and on more than one occasion ended up saving each others asses. but soon that was all going to become just water under a bridge.

A Meeting with a monster:
Years after Haru had reluctantly declined central 46's orders and didn't kill Terada whom they considered could turn into a very viable threat Haru was labeled as a war criminal. Sent out into the human world the man learnt to stay under the radar, he eventually was provided with a gigai by a one uruhara to stay incognito as he went on his travels. For a few years he spread himself across the globe eventually returning to a small African village assuming a job under their ranks, he soon rose to the title of chief of this village being fair and universally kind to any who were under him. It was a happy life to Haru the big secluded man eventually becoming accustomed to the easy life. But even that was soon to be interrupted, a man named Damian "shanks" crow soon had managed to track Haru down, Haru of course being a criminal of gotei was wanted dead or alive by them and Damian was intent on taking his head.The one armed man tried to get Haru to come peacefully, his drunken state amusing Haru a little but not enough so he didn't call the man a pure mockery of a "Captain" and a drunken fool. It was easy to say this broke Damian calm streak right down the middle.

With only a few words Haru had driven the one armed man to attack the giant straight up. But within seconds he would learn just why Noroshi was called the iron wall, no matter how hard Damian pressed he couldn't seem to even break through the skin of this man initially. only when he started to unleash his full potential did haru get interested. By this point Haru and he engaged in a full on fight leveling a good part of the savanna around them leaving not even mountains under their wake, but regardless of the moments destruction it seemed that Haru held the upper hand. It was like his fight with Radio seeping to the surface once again but this time the man with one arm was in his position, and as Noroshi looked down on him he decided.... it wasn't worth it. Haru walked away from the battle leaving a slightly broken Damian to mend his wound whilst Haru did the same. IT was obvious that even though he stood on the precipitous of winning this fight the context of it all was stupid. After that day he left the African plains and returned to society casually fitting in and avoiding the any significant signs of outing himself to central 46. For years he accomplished this feat, never really interfering in the problems around him, though needless to say during his training he did have some nuisances try to spark up against him and in these situations he would quell them without hesitation. Soon however an opportunity would come to rise to stop this vicious cycle.

The New Comer:
After years of training and from what Haru thought of as seclusion from the events passing a new type of enemy arose to Haru. Ringo Unabara, a man that seemed always so happy, the man offered a proposition to Haru in regards to his current criminal status. The man offered a full pardon under the stipulation that the giant joined under the 0 divisions banner, and odd request but not something any normal man would turn down. However Haru wasn't a normal man, he was a monster and a calculating giant that saw Ringo as nothing but a sweet talker who didn't have the capabilities to reinforce his words. In simple he pushed him out of the way and called him to weak for his standards. To this the man decided to show him just what he was made the speed demon of 0 division for, moving so fast even Haru had trouble following it and drove his fist into the chest of Haru. But of course this didn't really have the desired effect he longed for, in short the pure impact broke the mans hand. With a short snuff Haru continued to walk away unimpressed still, but as he walked a new little trick came to Ringo's mind, the man infected his body with his photon energy then ripped it outwards hence blowing a hole on Harus left sides where his ribs are, to this Ringo proceeded to say he must have missed his target as his heart was the point he was aiming for. Haru not really fazed by this escapade questioned this mans motives asking if he'd really kill the giant over a broken hand to which Ringo simply answered "id kill you for a cronola bar"

After that day Haru followed Ringo back to the soul society assuming the position of stalwart of the fist, the man was charged with the protection of the gotei in exchange for his services his bones themselves were coated within the very substance of the oken the true pride of the 0 division. Haru from that day forth was back to the home he truly knew, the man wasted no time in acquainting himself in the matters of training within the 0 division excelling his powers to a un-massed level. It was easy to say the monster who had gone through so much felt quite okay with this place.

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by lionus on Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:05 pm; edited 13 times in total
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Sat Jun 15, 2013 9:42 pm
noroshi - Noroshi Haruka  [APPROVED 0-3] Tumblr_m7l6yzBUoI1r4hwmoo1_500

This ones been sitting round for over 2 weeks so off to old WIP you shalt go. You can still make your edits and all and when ya finish just post HERE and well get someone to look over it

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Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:49 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
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  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
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  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[x]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [x]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [x]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Grand-Master

Comments/Notes: Good work here Lio, I don't really have a problem with the abilities and such.
Tier: 0-3

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Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:03 am


I am putting this application up for adoption in accordance with Wolf's wishes for his characters to be placed in that board. You can view the thread here for further information on it:

noroshi - Noroshi Haruka  [APPROVED 0-3] WVMWLOu
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Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:21 pm
moved to approved

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Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:32 am

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Archiving my character due to its inactivity here.

noroshi - Noroshi Haruka  [APPROVED 0-3] M9rTQZk

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