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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx - Page 2 Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:08 pm

Diana Etzel

The Reversed Vizard

¨Rather than revealing my weapons as a sign of asking for submission, I am instead taking a counter measure. Considering you are my current opponent, I have no assurance that you might decline and hastily attack directly after. But, if you are intimidated...¨

Both of the nodachis dispersed, the particles of spiritual energy being reabsorbed by her. Despite a hint of mocking, Diana earnestly thought only that it would be more polite. Rather than disgracing her enemy, she thought this to be a way to please him; her intent, though possibly misinterpreted, were still just as pure as pre-hollowfication.

¨Is this better?¨

She smiled politely, her eyes still fixated on his true self- to her, a sign of manners. However, a pounding occurred in her head. Her spiritual power wavered, and the reiryoku of a hollow began to seep through her, little by little- barely just any. Diana screamed and brought her hips closer down, her knees drawing closer to her forehead.

¨Now is the chance. Strike! He should be distracted!¨

The yellow reiatsu that glowed her body began to grow a black outline around it. Diana opened her mouth wide and shut her eyes, black miasma seeped through the corners of her closed eyes and floated up.

¨Mund halten! hör auf! raus aus mir, foul hohl!¨

Diana shouted in her native language, clearly in distress. The compressed reiryoku that had it's own mass began to flow out of her body, rather than staying close within her. It started to get out of control, and with such a high amount of spiritual energy within her, danger for not just the man before her was imminent.

Diana shook her head vigorously, the wild reiryoku landscaping the earth before her. A crater beneath her feet formed, and her reiatsu lashed out, the distilled air that touched the spiritual energy tensing up. The air turned into winds which picked up speed, and several bursts of energy came about, blowing chunks of the earth and snow from their initial starting points.

¨Apologies. My- ngh... Associate seems to have urged me to take action. Though I am attempting to establish diplomacy, so- ngh- ... I'll wait for your decision and decline it's suggestion.¨

Diana stood back up, attempting to hold face before her opponent. She was struggling, but nonetheless, she stood.


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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx - Page 2 Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:18 am
After hearing Diana speak, Ace ran a hand through his hair deciding what to do. He had disregarded the slight mock in her tone and use of words and thought about what she said. He started to put his swords down when Diana started to scream. He held them back up in a defensive position and readied himself. Seeing her crouch down and shutting her eyes, he hesitated wondering if he should take his opening or not. He heard her talk in her foreign language and saw the distress and the control over her power beginning to unravel. He knew something was definitely wrong.

As the landscaping around them began to crumble and crash around them along with the increase of wind speed, he knew that something or someone was unraveling her control. He began to worry. Not only for himself, but also his opponent in front of him.

After hearing what Diana had said, his assumptions were correct. "Not being able to control your hollow is the worst situation to be in...especially in your case." As he said that, he remembered from the time he was not able to control his hollow. Understanding her situation and having first hand experience, Ace did something bold. His clones began to fade and he re-sheathed his sword, dropping his bankai. His wings began to crack and fall apart, eventually crashing to the ground. As he saw Diana struggling to get up, he made another bold move. He flash stepped to her side and helped her up, knowing the dangers of his drastic move and taking his chances.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx - Page 2 Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:17 am

Diana Etzel

The Reversed Vizard

The power struggle within her continued, and the pains within her head increased. Despite the fact that vizard currently adjacent to her sheathed his weapon and came to her aid, she felt no comfort in it, and her situation simply began to gradually increase in danger.


Diana screeched once more, grabbing her head and shaking it, her eyes fully open and her pupils minuscule. A sudden blast of energy was sent out, decimating the floor beneath them; the energy went out of control, disintegrating some of the ground and shooting the snow outwards. Suddenly, a sword lunged towards Ace's body, far faster than even a high-level flash step. The lunge produced an echoing 'boom', breaking the sound barrier.


Diana Etzel

The Reversed Vizard

A sudden grin crossed Diana's face as her size slightly shrunk. The her reiryoku divulged into a tainted one, filled with the presence of a hollow. A black and red miasma shrouded her face, and as she turned her head upward to face Ace, a hollow mask slowly building up from her chin and glowing scarlet eyes could be seen. The menacing look showed the intentions and emotions of a pure hollow.

¨See? It was good timing.¨

The voice that spoke was not her own, and the sword which lunged, should it have reached properly, pulled back instantly, and as she leapt backwards, her eyes still on Ace, a barrage of Yellow Cresent Slashes, triple in speed and twice as much more potent than before came at him, followed by an incredibly large cero, highly dense and clearly covering a much larger radius. Such a fatal attack- the hollow was certain it was victorious.


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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx - Page 2 Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:36 pm
Upon hearing the piercing scream, Ace knew that coming to his opponents aid was the wrong choice. Soon, Ace felt the huge energy explode from Diana. Ace knew an attack would fall upon him, and acted quickly. He saw her stab him with immense speed and knew that he would not be able to flash step out. Ace knew that the wound would be healed by his hollow mask, but he played it out. He spun around after she pulled the blade and he summoned his hollow mask, making sure to cover his hollow mask so that she would not be able to see him. Then he fell face first into the snow, making sure that his mask was hidden with snow.

He felt her energy grow with the familiar feeling of her hollow. He knew that she would try to make more attacks at him to make sure he would be dead. Focusing greatly on his sense of sound, consider he was not able to see her with his head in the snow, he listened for the sound of her blade. That's when he heard and felt the energy coming at him. He flash stepped, dodging the attack, and appeared behind the smoke created from the explosion. He saw that his wounds were healed by the mask, just like he planned.

"That wasn't very nice," he said quietly," It's time for you to see what happens when you can't control your hollow." Ace utters a incantation quickly under his breath so quite that it was barley audible to himself, "Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six! Bakudo Number 61, Rikujōkōrō!" As the incantation was completed, the smoke finally cleared. Diana was surely not to expect him using kido.

Ace, assuming it had worked, knew that his opponent was not strong enough to break free. With this knowledge in mind, he said another incantation, "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens. Hadō number 73, Sōren Sōkatsui!" After saying the incantation and the name of the spell, Ace fired two bursts of blue fire with large amounts of potent spiritual energy in a wide area. This would surely injure Diana greatly, and hopefully knock her out.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx - Page 2 Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:53 pm


You Defeated Diana!

Diana took the hits, and alas, she fell to her knees before laying flat on her stomach within a snow glazed crater. Diana had lost consciousness, and the hollow within had no opportunity to control a broken body at it's limits. It was Diana's loss, though, for whatever reason the battle began, it seemed to matter quite a bit whether she had prevailed; nonetheless, she hadn't.


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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx - Page 2 Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:42 am

Ace saw her fall flat on the ground. He began walking to her body cautiously. He wasn't sure if she was dead, unconscious, or pretending. He unconsciously brushed his hair to the side as he came closer to her, caution in each step. He went to feel if she still had the slightest pulse even there. He had hoped he had not overdone it and ended up killing her. He bent down and felt a slight pulse which was very small. Sighing with relief, Ace sheathed his sword and kicked Diana's sword away from her. "This is gonna require a lot of explaining..." he thought as he said an quick incantation that bounded her hands and legs together. He took her sheath and placed her zanpakutō in it. He wrapped the strap around him and picked Diana up. "Time to go to the Vizard Corps and explain everything..." as Ace said with a sigh. He looked up as the clouds parted and the sun came out. The snow has slowly started to melt. He picked up Diana and looked around. The place looked like there had been a big fight. Sighing, he began walking, with Diana on his back having her hands and legs bound together, towards the place that would surely give some form of punishment...
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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx - Page 2 Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:26 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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