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The KFC of PH
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When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Empty When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou)

Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:19 am

word count

Ah, the city. There really was nothing like it, to Bikuta that would be an insult. Watching as the world developed into what it is today he considered major cities to be the pimples on the face that is Earth. Though he didn't seek to destroy them, he wasn't exactly fond of them. He saw the city to be a disturbing place, however he was interested in the demon race as a whole. He had never really done much, if any at all, studying on the race and was interested in what their abilities were like. The whole purpose of the trip to America would be to find a suitable demon and bring him back to the base where he would take the demon to the intelligence wing and have them perform a series of experiments on the demon. Finding out what type of abilities they possessed, what triggers them to reveal their true state, their strengths, their weaknesses and things of that nature. Though one thing that he was the most curious about, was who their leader was.

Bikuta's opinion on the race as a whole was that the race was actually a bit more disgusting than that of his own, the hollow race. He saw hollows as nasty neanderthals, which would make the demon race even lower on the food chain to him. To each their own, though. Bikuta wouldn't treat them any different than any other race, as that's just who he was an equalist of many sorts. That's just the way he was raised. If it weren't for his abilities he wouldn't have even came with the idea of capturing a demon for experimentation. He'd simply let them prance around and do whatever it is they do.

Lights pierced his eyes that had become so acclimated to dark night that was Hueco Mundo. However, even after all of these years New York city still seemed to maintain their power bill. He walked the streets of Times Square where you could see advertisement after advertisement being displayed on screens all over the buildings. People pushed and shoved their way through crowds and even Bikuta was slightly overwhelmed by how nobody cared for the well being of the person next to them still spitting where ever. Continuing to smoke their cigarettes without worrying about burning the person next to them, and each and every one of them talking on their cellular devices battling in volume with the person next to them. All of these things were extremely chaotic to Bikuta, someone who lived a simple life of just having light within his room. He saw no need for any of the other technologies that polluted the populations mind as their were simpler ways to live life without the hassle of having to keep up with all of the shit that they pumped into their brains. All of the social media that seemed to never end was by far the worst, as it was a poison that caused it's users to spend countless hours on multiple devices sinking their eyes into far more than the average person would need to know about one another before even establishing a relationship. Blasphemy was all it was, and another reason for someone to add another power plant to pollute the world's atmosphere even more, or what was left of it at least. He couldn't believe how easy it was for humans to get so lost in the technologies, but then again Bikuta saw it to be the same as himself and his abilities. Day after day he consumed himself with training, however his abilities would prove to be more useful than someone updating their facebook status saying how noisy it was at Time Square right now.

Through all the chaos Bikuta just stood still, as though he was some sort of street act painted completely in gold standing on top of a box asking for people to empty their pockets of their change, but in hopes for the green currency. He broke his statue-like stance and looked around to see if he'd be able to spot a demon just by simply looking at him. However it didn't seem like it would be such a simple task as that. He would have to lure them in, which seemed to be a cure for the headache that he had obtained from being in the crowded sidewalk. A smirk painted itself on upon his lips as the very thought of sending the people away in terror came across his mind. So he would begin, he took a deep breath in and then opened his mouth where he began to collect a cero blast that was of a green hue. Most all of the people that walked around were spiritually aware having seen prior battles within the city so the very site of a kid with a baseball cap on as green orb of energy formed within his mouth would send most everyone running in fear. Those that weren't able to see him or what was going on would just follow with the crowd.

A low-pitched hum resounded as the blast began to build, as he continued to build the blast he opened his palms creating two more green orbs within his hands. The humming gained in volume as the orbs grew in size. Finally he released the havoc upon the buildings that surrounded cutting the screens that lined the buildings down. A ear crackling static encumbered the area along with the sound of breaking glass and falling rubble. The blasts were large enough in size and great enough in power that they were able to rip through the buildings with ease. Gusts of wind produced with the blasts caused the buildings to fall over outward from the street into buildings adjacent. Soon, he had the entirety of Times Square brought down to one story buildings, putting an end to the long lived ceros, he closed his mouth and clinched his fists. He let out a soft burp of smoke and gazed upon the destruction that surrounded him.

Oh, New York, he had only just arrived and created such damage. Hopefully the demons would start coming to him, but hopefully they wouldn't put up too much of a fight...


Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Sbb1I7e
The Cookie
The Cookie
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When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Empty Re: When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou)

Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:56 am

Artist: Dedicatus545 - Song: Konran - Word Count: 802

The nightmare went into the city of hell. He will crush, he will stomp, he will stop at nothing to destroy the darkness.

Red-haired, tall figure, bartender clothes, a male that fits the appearance of being one of the protag's wanted bounty, known for his monstrous strength in terms of destruction that not even a man could comprehend how much power he can pour in a punch. He was rather famous for his arrogant and short-tempered personality across the world. He was in the New York city, the tall figure pinched his nose with two of his fingers, the thumb and his index finger as he walked down the streets calmly that is infested with lowly demons that weren't even a match against him, most of them moved themselves away from him even if he were a tasty treat if he wasn't that all strong. His underarm crutch was tapping alongside with him, and some demons even had the guts to bust in and ruin his day of jogging, and a punch? Can simply break one's body through a couple of buildings wihout much of an issue by his raw strength. He was rather pissed at this city that stinks of demons, especially within a city ran by Shadowfall that he does not know of.

How did he get here? That's out of his question, because this city was far off from japan as it looks, and his empty mind led him here as if he just teleported wihout any warning. Either someone wanted him dead here, or trying to tease him. It stinks of demons, it surely does, and he doesn't like it when it also stinks his clothes. The Nightmare was Sou Yuuki, being one of the chi users, or not, humans that is capable of using power far beyond knowledge and wihout the use of spiritual capabilities. Of course, he is damn weak when he doesn't have any spiritual powers, but his strength backs up everything, he can crush even a power greater than natural strength, a spiritual power. Almost 98% of the population in earth would have issue trying to detect his chi energy unless they have precise enough of a skill to detect so-little of chi energy residing within his body.

Sou hated everyone, or should we say, he HATES everything and everyone, whoever they are, may be a kin or a friend, if they piss him off at some point, he won't hold his fist back from crushing their ass to oblivion. It was uncontrollable for his anger to go rampage as easily as it shouldn't be, either it was his power or just his personality that forces him to go on a rampage. His mood wasn't as good as it should be until one of the buildings began to collapse against him by a sheer explosion of an orb. "One of those fuckers want to crush me with surprise, eh? Such lowly method wouldn't do shit to me."

With his new method, he uses the contractions and the expansion of his muscles to use his strength from the inside instead of releasing it physically, which causes his entire body to temporarily vibrate at an intense level which forces the building to split into half the second it gets into contact with the vibration of his body, seemingly being crushed into dusts as it collapses throughoutly by the vibration of his body. He noticed the orb came from a certain direction and exploded above him due to the energy wavelength he felt as the orb moved from its actual position, and most likely, he is absolutely excited and pissed at the same time, to find an opponent whom even dared to try and crush him with just a mere building. "YOU WANT TO CRUSH ME WITH A BUILDING!? BRING IT. BECAUSE SANTA HAS NOW SENT YOU A FUCKING PRESENTTTTT!"

Inserting his fist by force into one of the still-standing, unharmed buildings, he screeched and shouted at the top of his lungs before the building was lifted from the ground, and eventually throwing the entire building up to the air and towards the individual who launched the orb from by his prediction in coordination of the individual where the orb came from. It was fucking annoying for someone to throw a building in broad daylight, hopefully it doesn't attract the higher-ups in and cause some serious trouble in the city, because if he were to snap, he would go as far as to try put a nuclear bomb against the city.

His sight faced against the direction where his thrown building flew, hopefully a respond by the enemy so he can do his job quickly and walk off as soon as possible, because he does not have the time all-day long. "I wish that the building didn't literally crush him, at the least."

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

Empty, blank space.
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
Joined : 2013-11-18
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When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Empty Re: When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou)

Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:53 pm

word count

Though destruction wasn't exactly something that Bikuta would consider to be "fun" for him, he did find some joy in and began to understand why being on the "bad guy's" side was so common. He felt a sense of freedom being able to completely demolish buildings knowing that there would be little to no one that stopped him. He was able to sense as weaker beings walked passed him, but he wasn't too interested in the dwindling fools that just met ends meet when it came to power. No, he wanted to find strength and unique ability. Though it seemed to be that neither of the two were present in the area as everyone fled from the scene. Though as he began to think about his actions it could only bring up past memories of tragic events that had occurred within the same city and the United States in general. However, he knew that all of these attacks were just repercussions to their selfish lifestyles. He had never been a fan of Americans for their lackadaisical ways and lack of discipline. They had let their children grow rampant without establishing proper parenting as they were afraid of the laws created by their societies weak opinions on what was considered abuse and what wasn't. America had given too much freedom to their citizens, which had resulted in delinquent behaviors. Not only this, but forcefully setting fear into the eyes of other countries that were weaker than them in many of aspects. They were practically considered to be taking candy from babies if you were to ask Bikuta. He was able to see that his actions on the popular city would not go unnoticed, but he didn't plan on spending much time lounging around. He had aspirations for his mission and he wouldn't let them fall through for anything or anyone.

He stood solemnly as he awaited his opponent. He wouldn't take them lightly either and would make attempts to end the battle with as much haste as possible. He was aware that America was Shadow Fall's territory. Not just this he was aware of their leader's, Mana, power and that she was after all the Queen of Demons, in essence. Therefore taking a demon for experimentation could be considered an act of war, especially after making his ceros a demolition crew for the monumental landmark known as Times Square. After all just a couple of weeks ago New Years was held and this was where the "ball drop" ceremony was held each and every year. It meant a lot to the people of this country and even so to others that wished to be a part of the country. However, with Bikuta's focus being kept on Hueco Mundo for the past years he hadn't really known of any of the changes that had come to America since Mana's reign over the continents. All he knew was that she was an entity that should not be taken lightly. Not even just someone that shouldn't be taken lightly, that is an understatement. If she were to cross Bikuta's path he would have no choice but to fight to his death in efforts to keep his people alive. As he thought of this he figured he would let headquarters know his status.

"HQ, this is 1702. I've established my presence in New York city, request you maintain visual surveillance of the city in efforts to find someone that is fit for my plan. Other than that keep the cameras away from me, as they will be destroyed..." He warned them as he wasn't ready to keep his spiritual pressure limited in order to keep the equipment from being damage and depending on his opponent he knew they wouldn't even think of it. It would be a joke to even think of asking them to consider such limitations. It wasn't long before Bikuta had received a humming within his ear that would be the response from headquarters repeating his prior words and telling them they would comply. Bikuta smirked as he began to think of the abilities he could learn from the demons bodies being put under such harsh conditions and what their limitations were to their abilities. Though, he knew that if really wanted to know what the complete limitations were of the species he would have to improve his own power and take on Mana himself. Then he would truly understand their power, their effects on his kind and the extent of their abilities. However, the very thought of doing so at his strength level sent chills down his back, knowing that he wouldn't be able to even stand in her presence.

Bikuta's brow took an arch as he began to experience a slight rumbling upon the ground, after realizing that this could possibly be his enemy he smirked letting his pearly whites expose themselves for a short amount of time before returning to his solemn stature. So the time has really come. Thinking to himself, he began to ponder as to why he was unable to sense the dark power of his opponent as if they were trying to suppress it, yet they decided to make such a loud entrance. Before giving himself any longer to think about why or who it was he was greeted by the lovely site of a floating building gracefully making its way toward Bikuta's position. Bikuta was pleased just as much as he was disappointed by the opponents lack of humbleness. Though, the attack had just come from an are at which one of the buildings had fallen over too, so fighting fire with fire did make some sort of sense.

Bikuta wouldn't let such an attack phase him however, but he would keep his senses open as he dealt with the minor inconvenience. He used one hand to brush his hair from his forehead as he unsheathed his Zanpakutō with his right. In doing so he pointed the Zanpakutō toward the building, as the building proceeded to descend to his position the Zanpakutō began to imbue its energy into the building upon impact. With a slight spike of Bikuta's own reiatsu he was able to keep the building from crashing down on top of him and simply made a wide swing the right letting it fall to his side. The building crumbled as screams could be heard from within the building. Bikuta looked over to see the faces that looked at him to be a hero, though he was displeased with none of them having the ability to do anything about it. They only stood in his way and would prove to be a waste of time, he began to have thoughts of having the building crumble around their bodies suffocating them all, but that wasn't his style. Instead he tapped his Zanpakutō to the ground and slightly whipped it up creating a long pillar that matched the size of the building to emerge from the ground sending the building rolling down the street. He thought it odd that he had changed so much since the war had began and he had lost in his efforts to gain alliance with the Monsuta, but he had saw himself and the Kurikku going no where fast. They had to make a name for themselves, whether it meant taking down this entire city or just killing a few innocents he'd do what it took in order to get the job done.

Bikuta took his sights away from the building and back toward the source of where the building was eradicated from existence, or at least to Google Maps it would be. He looked upon the area trying to sense for some sort of spiritual power, but felt nothing. Were demons like humans only able to produce Chi energy? Even so why was he not able to sense the power, truly the one that was able to throw a building had to at least be in the same ball park as himself when it came to strength or power. Bikuta sheathed his Zanpakutō and decided that he would wait just a few more moments before he decided to take it upon himself to find his opponent.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Sbb1I7e
The Cookie
The Cookie
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When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Empty Re: When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou)

Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:17 am

Artist: Dedicatus545 - Song: Konran - Word Count: 1179

The nightmare may not be a literal god, but the one that haunts you with his bare hands and out of your organs.

Sounds of crashing could be heard by the thrown building he did, screams of mortal beings by the collapsing building that the attacker had dropped it down as if it were nothing. Sou was not as surprise as he expected it, since he met opponents that as far as slicing buildings into half like a mere butter, or smashing it into pieces. The red-haired beast didn't care, no.. he didn't want to care these bullshits at all. The city is already stinking shit of demons, being inside of a city that is worth nothing but a pile of lower-ranked demons living here as if it was their turf. He cared nonetheless, Sou wanted to end things quicker before another entity would enter. This is a big risk to take, for someone to enter this area wihout permission, and the people from the higher-ups might interfere to search the main cause of the issue.

His face was of that a blank expression with a mixture of displeasure, a clear word written of his face saying that 'I care less'. Looking at the sky, his mind began to run with useless thoughts, he wanted to become stronger by fighting, that no one would underestimate him, that every living being in the world would fear his powers, avoiding him as far as possible so that he wouldn't need to fight them or put a harm on them. His need for power was nonetheless a very strong will for him to hold on, a goal to move foward and defeat the ones who tries to defy his will to move foward and protect. Sou wants to show the world that he isn't just a 'human' to mess with, he will rip out your limbs just the sake of becoming stronger, but in the end, his path to become 'righteous' and 'strong to protect' became twisted, turning him into a demon-like human that everyone turned their backs on. There's no turning back, if the attacker wants to fight and doesn't give a damn shit about his own life, bring it on.

Using strength and throwing buildings at his opponents were indeed his forte, if one isn't enough, he will use two more buildings against Bikuta from a distance where he won't be able to see him, even if he could sense energy signals from an individual, it is rather impossible yet still possible to detect what little energy Sou has. Sheathing his underarm crutch against his back, one of his arm shoved into a building and the other arm to another nearby building, shouting at the top of his lungs where almost anyone near his vicnicity could hear his voice, and attempting to throw both buildings at once to see if his opponent is either an easy-to-kill prey, or just another ultimate, superstrong fucker who wants to mess around and pick a fight with your damn life.

Sou may be a damn psychopath in battlefields, but as sure as hell you don't underestimate him, because he'll rip your damn guts and eyeballs out before you would get a chance to blink. His right foot adjusted and launched himself before the air at rapid speed against the air where his target should be located, and the moment he found him, he chuckled and smirked sadistically, slowly from giggles to a huge burst of laughter. Landing against one of the still-standing buildings on its rooftop, he slowly glared against Bikuta with a sadistic smile, one of his knees still bent and his other leg were facing sideways in a straight posture, "So, you're that bitch who attacked me with that orb of shit? You're just asking for a grave-digging, you know? Then i have a damn question for you."

"Do you want me to kill you with my left hand..? Right hand..? Or.."

He slowly stood up with a continuous smile on his face, adjusting the position of his legs properly before his muscles expanded for input and suddenly contracting to let out a huge burst of force from his bare foots, pushing him foward against the gravity unlike most humans and spiritual beings around him that just uses 'spiritual energy, chi energy' and all other shit they can to float at the air. For Sou's case? He just burst himself into the air with pure natural strength of his to stay above the air for the temporary amount of time, "DO YOU WANT BOTH OF MY HANDS TO RIP YOUR FUCKING FACE APART UNTIL NO ONE IN THE FUCKING WORLD CAN RECOGNIZE YOU!?"

The building below him was pushed backwards by the force of his foot that forced him foward against the air, collapsing and crashing down like a fallen statue and slowly smashing itself against the ground into pieces. Of course, he wouldn't literally launch himself foward against Bikuta just for fun. Sou stops himself before Bikuta's bare eyes, fist moving foward and attempting to smash his fist right before his face, enough to puncture a hole against an average human skull if Bikuta were one, and force 1/2 of the mountain to collapse down as if it were being flicked down by a rubber. That amount of force can force a shockwave between the two individuals that extends miles outwards of their current position and blasts away the nearby buildings to pieces, further away would force the windows to shatter by the sheer vibration of the mere punch by a mortal human being like Sou. Most likely would be a mystery for Bikuta's questions, since Sou doesn't have much chi energy and a little bit that is out of most experts and professional's detection unless they are sharp enough to pinpoint his little-to-no chi energy, how in the world can his bare fist generate such monstrous force wihout the support of supernatural powers, genes from an inheritance of a family or training.

Sou didn't have any trainings in actual reality, he didn't know who or what his parents were, and his brain simply unlocks every bit of potential that a superhuman could have. Unlike an ordinary human, his brain can use his strength and speed higher than an average human, and could be considered as a superhuman due to the brain allowing him to extend his strength beyond reason and science could say. The nightmare may be a human, but his nickname isn't just made for show in his potential to even demolish 1/4 of a building with just a tap on the ground with his crutch. And of course, he has an all-time star crutch behind his back that can do even more stuffs than himself could. Afterall, it isn't called Annihilator for fun, and this time, he is going to make a well-use out of it to demolish everything he sees until Bikuta is completely crushed and defeated by his bare hands.


Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

Empty, blank space.
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
Joined : 2013-11-18
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When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Empty Re: When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou)

Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:31 pm

word count

Patience... was that what it was going to take in order to fulfill his mission's task? So it seemed as Bikuta stood in the middle of the street 50 or so yards away from the building he had just effortlessly caught with his Zanpakutō and then tossed to the side. After sending the building hurdling away Bikuta had realized that whoever he was upon against was able to produce such attacks without releasing the slightest bit of spiritual energy. He began to wonder how colossal the being was, but then again he had always been surprised by his opponents attacks. Thus, he never tried to judge a book by its cover when it came to battle. If he did that he would leave himself too far open, he believed in a unified respect to everyone that he had fought. Though he may be a bit of a narcissist when it comes to his own abilities he definitely doesn't let his guard down because of it.

Silence, with exception of gravity still taking effect on the buildings as small bits and pieces of debris continued to hit the ground, filled the streets and eardrums of Bikuta. He would wait for his opponent, but how did he even know that he was still there? He couldn't sense a life presence at all, perhaps it was just all of the other small demon presences that masked his target's presence. Perhaps they were afraid after the witnessed how easy it was for Bikuta to stop the building. Letting out a sigh Bikuta proceeded to close his eyes and try concentrating in order to find his new friend. As he did so he began to lose himself in a trail of thoughts flooding his mind making him unable to concentrate on finding him. Though it was very unlike Bikuta, impatience was beginning to take him over as his face slowly started to crinkle from frustration.

Suddenly he was able to feel the ground sending off vibrations once again, quickly Bikuta released his eyes from their covers and looked up to see which building would be coming his way this time. One of the buildings erected out of the ground and seemed to be being held only a few feet higher than what it was before, he then witnessed yet another building being picked up from his cement roots. Bikuta now becoming interested in his opponent he let out a small chuckle as the buildings took flight toward him. Unsheathing his Zanpakutō and letting it set on the ground as the buildings came near Bikuta pivoted on his left foot letting out a jolly laugh. "THIS IS QUITE INTERESTING! SHALL WE CONTINUE TO THROW BUILDINGS ALL DAY!?" He shouted in a high pitched voice. As the buildings came closer Bikuta kept his Zanpakutō positioned on the ground, before they finally came within twenty feet of the man he let out a spike of his own reiatsu as it infused its energy with the asphalt beneath his feet. He then let out a stomp as the ground began to project up from the crust, making a pillar beneath him closing the gap between him and the two buildings. As the two neared Bikuta drew two parallel lines on each side of him with his Zanpakutō and then with his left hand at his side he simply made a flicking motion as the two edges broke off of the pillar of earth and launched them toward the buildings' side causing them to create a bigger gap. As the block was executed he noticed the arrival of a figure a top of the building, Bikuta winced to try to triangulate the race of the, what looked to be, man. It was no use, though, giving him yet another reason to sigh.

"Hm?" He hummed ever so lightly as he began to hear the man shout to him, his words insulting Bikuta. Which was one thing that Bikuta wasn't too fond of was the unneeded shit talk. However, the man's next action would send Bikuta into shock as the man leapt into the air sending the building behind him to fall to rubble with the others. Bikuta knew that it was just pure strength, but yet out of such a small body, it seemed unheard of. He wouldn't let himself begin to judge this book, for all he knew this man was hiding his real abilities from Bikuta. As he began to ascend into the air Sou began to shout once more, this time his words made Bikuta laugh. "Are you really that foolish to think there is anyone who truly does recognize me? Do you recognize me?" His eyes shifted from the ground back up Sou with great velocity as he proceeded into his second sentence.

Before he knew it the red head was finally visible as he stopped and looked at Bikuta who slowly dragged his Zanpakutō in front of him. Bikuta then closed his eyes and let out a humble laugh as he stomped down onto the ground the asphalt encased his feet and the pillar stretched away looking as though it had just peeled itself from a banana. Bikuta stood perfectly erect as the asphalt began to return back to the ground and released Bikuta from it's hold letting him place one foot after the other back onto the ground below them. The force behind the man's punch resounded throughout the area and even sent a large gust of wind down toward his way, shattering what little glass wasn't already destroyed. "Your strength... it's rather amusing. Although you are not who I am looking for, I would have no problem taking you back with me. Dead or alive." His eyes became intense as he set his prior goals to the side and focused himself back to his enemy. Bikuta would play the fight on the defensive for right now and see how well the red-head's stamina was. Until then Bikuta would use the simplest of maneuvers in order to dodge, block, or counter his attacks. However, he wouldn't let his guard fall down as he awaited to find out his opponents true abilities.


The words made Bikuta look at him, he began to realize how rash this kid was. Bikuta didn't understand how anyone could be so foul to their opponent. After all, they were both fighting toward the same goal weren't they? Life. Bikuta sought it useless to use such slander. The words caused him to sigh but then smirk as he realized that he wasn't going to lose to such an opponent. "If you believe that I consider destroying things to be fun, I would consider you, yourself, a barbarian. I am here in this city for specific reasons that don't concern the likes of you, kid. Now, if you'd please keep your yapper shut we can settle this before Mana decides to show up and take both of our lives."

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Sbb1I7e
The Cookie
The Cookie
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When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Empty Re: When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou)

Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:44 am

Artist: Iuchi Maiko - Song: Aratanaru Tatakai - Word Count: 1404

The rage, the anger, it crushes, it destroys, the Nightmare will find his way around you to make you wish that you should not have met him in the first place. Red-headed, bartender clothes, monstrous strength, totally fits his title for being the 'Nightmare'

"Taking me back? What are you, Chuck Norris? Bitch please, you're not even worthy of seeing how my actual strength works, and that power i had released earlier ago was less than 1% of his actual capabilities. Implying that you're even worthy to be my opponent, I'D RATHER ASK YOU TO CRAWL YOURSELF INTO A HOLE AND TREMBLE LIKE A LITTLE BITCH!"

One of his hands reached to the crutch behind his back, still floating above the air while still able to for the time being. Grasping for his crutch behind his back, he smirked, chuckled and bursted out into a laughter so hard that no one in the world even knows why. His sharp glares aimed directly against Bikuta, expressing a smile sadistically that you can't even compare an actual maniac and a psychopath against him, "RECOGNIZE YOU!? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH. YOUR EXISTENCE IS SO DAMN WORTHLESS THAT NOT EVEN HEAVEN OR HELL GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOU. NOT EVEN I WOULD EVEN GIVE ANY FUCKS ABOUT HOW PEOPLE RECOGNIZE YOU AS. ALL I SEE IS A FUCKING WEAKLING, A TRASH, A FUCKER, A BEING THAT THINKS HE IS ABOVE THE LEVELS OF MORTAL BEINGS. I WILL SHOW YOU HOW I CRUSH FUCKS LIKE YOU, THAT YOU'RE NOT EVEN WORTH BEING RECOGNIZED BY ANYONE IN THIS WORLD!"

Unsheating his crutch from his back, his body fell together with the gravity whilst he swung down his cane. Whether if his underarm crutch, Annihilators, hits Bikuta or not after its initial slamdown using his own weapon, the crutch sends some serious offensive force against Bikuta, enough power to even obliterate a couple of buildings with just a swing out of it, or as far as ripping apart roads just by a tap out of it, for a being like Bikuta, Annihilator's strength is unpredictable through the fusion of his own power and enchantments in its material. That's why Annihilator was made, under the use for being his backup and actual weapon to take in strong attacks and release enormous power that can send mountains flying with an upper swing from it, just some deadly weapon. Depending how Bikuta does, he might get injured despite being sheilded by his own pillars, because Annihilator holds enough force to rip apart things that cannot be done by Sou, or do not want to be done through manpower.


He wasn't absolutely done yet into beating the bulb out of this young man, Sou wanted to teach him a lesson that he shouldn't be messing with the Nightmare. Power, he needed it, and to gain that, he would want to destroy the lives out of these people to make sure his form of power is higher above anyone else, even as a human with no superior powers unlike chi humans and soul evolution humans, with strength and power alone, its enough. His mind processed with a new method on using his strength, although not convincing enough to be actually 'strong', it is enough to get one's body to a million shreds and pieces just by the touch of it, for an average human, of course. Since his muscles focuses on the contraction and contraction in release of energy and force out of his punches, he could as well as transfer vibrations throughout his limbs and create a higher form of force out of his attacks, which creates a superhuman strength out of his body, but these outputs he uses are according to less than 1% of his actual strength, though these methods are considered enough to break your bones like there's no damn tomorrow.

If he weren't taken ahold by Bikuta, he'd lunge backwards to the air and land a few feet away from him, and cause a vibration during the landing from his bare feet, and same goes to when Bikuta successfully grabs him when he launches the attack from his crutch. Both or either one of his foot that touches the ground could cause an intense vibration from his muscles, transferring it throughout the road and below the young male in order to force a burst of earth out of the ground and into a spike that pierces into one's body. Sou felt like he was one with the earth using all that power from his body, bursting into laughter before tapping his feet a few more times and transfers the vibrations as he wishes through the reminder of his brain that still holds the information of how vibration from his muscle works with his photographic memory. Even if Bikuta travels at the air, it would transfer across the buildings whilst ripping its concrete walls apart during its transfer to force an earth spike near Bikuta to at least land a scratch against his face or a pierce down and into his body.

Buildings and earths bursts as the rubbles and rocks fell out from the collapsing building and the damaged road. His final trick for the day was another new use for his strength, and since he can execute any amount of strength he desires, Sou is going to tap into 5% of it. Picking up one of the stones from the rubbles of the building, he held it in front of his bent thumb, his hand forming a shape of a gun where kids used to 'play shooting' when they don't have actual guns or toy guns, and their fingers are an 'imaginary gun'. But his? Sure as well he is going to make every kid's dream come true with a mere finger. Aiming well enough when Bikuta's visible to his fight, the second his thumb flicked the stone, it launches foward 10 times the speed of sound, going foward at an insane speed and ripping apart small chunks of road below its advancement. But because his force can demolish small stones like the one he fired, he was smart enough to detonate its actual force of his 5% strength BEHIND the stone itself, tuned with enough of its vibration's radius and wavelengths to safely fire the stone itself wihout demolishing it completely which will render his methods absolutely useless if he flicked it directly.

The stone itself holds enough force to rip through steel like a butter the moment it gets into contact with it, moving 10 times the speed of sound and additionally force from his thumb could allow him to demolish almost anything he wants to using enough strength and precise timing to launch an attack. If it hits any part of Bikuta, he might as well lose a limb or two, or even at least have his bones being shattered by the intense force of his stone. Even if Bikuta had the power to stop concrete buildings that he previously used against his thrown buildings, he doubted he could stop anything that moves past the reaction speed of an enhanced reaction like a shinigami, spiritually enhanced at any way, an arrancar that is as well as spiritual enhanced as well. Or even with a protection from Bikuta's defenses, its force can automatically rip through it as if it were some air that was blocking its way. It can be sliced into half, avoided or any methods possible to stop his 'bullet' from hitting the individual, but be aware though, one of your 'things' might snap into half.

The ashes cleared from the aftermath of the stone he launched, his lips were still smiling with joy, his hands clapping with a smile on his face, "I'm congratulate you if you made this far against me, the Nightmare, with your limbs intact and still breathing. Rejoice, you might be the first one in the world, ya' know? Asking a bit more would be too luxurious for you, don't you think so? Because i'd love to see you sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, because i don't have time for 'immortals' like you, to be shooting your damned orb out of nowhere just to surprise my ass. I'd be pleased if you allowed me to dig your fucking corpse so i wouldn't need to go so far to recognize your ugly, figureless face anymore."

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

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When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Empty Re: When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou)

Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:18 pm

Artist: Diablo Swing Orchestra - Song: Zodiac Virtues - Word Count: 2315
In a matter of moments, the presence of a truly demonic force was upon the horizon. Hearing reports of a bunch of runts around New York City causing a small ruckus, there was nothing but a demented smile across the Queen's face. Currently, she was making her rounds throughout some of the capital cities of America and today JUST so happened to be the day that The Demoness had desired to pay tribute to her hometown after being away for so long. It brought back many memories of when she shared this being with her former human-host; bringing a sister cackle to the surface as she recalled the slaughter of the Iahhel family, the days she spent in the cities slums as a newborn Demon and the joys of getting lost in the city's madness with her fellow sisters. They were quite exciting times to live in, and it seems the city, even after all of these years, has not lost an ounce of it's chaotic sprawl as she made her arrival in the town.

Coming from the direction of the Statue of Liberty, The Demon Queen was seen dropping out of a colossal airship that came from the ocean. Giving orders for it to fallback, the force that was heading in the direction of Sou Yuuki and Bikuta's direction had enough firepower to end it with just one percentage of this Demoness's power; if that. Therefore, like a sonic-boom, the pressure of The Royal Asthavon's essence slammed down on the section of New York City where these two brutes were combatting in. Like the shattering of glass, through this small release of her aura, it was more than enough to darken the area and engulf it within a green glow as the skies themselves within the immediate range of the brawl were consumed by a gem green hue. Knowing just what was about to occur next, most of the citizens were seen as screaming for terror, shouting for joy and others watching in wonder as the 150th President of this fair country was about to make her explosive debut in the middle of this spat.

Like the eye of a hurricane, the heavens themselves gave way at the centermost point of this vicinity and a slade shaded glimmer of radiance was seen as descending upon Times Square at a steady rate of speed; many sorts of green entails streaming off the darkened afterglow of this woman's energy. Hence, it was at this point that chanting of occult members rushed to the streets, the buildings and the tops of hovercars as they started chanting: "All Hail The Wicked Queen, All Hail The Twisted Queen, All Hail The Demon Queen!" over and over as her dawning grew closer. This chant, this sort of madness, this chaotic nature caused the echoes of laughter to bounce off and around the vicinity as it made The Danava of Discord and Lunacy even more thrilled to make her appearance on this day. "Fate has driven you to the path madness! The light which was that of the day has been consumed by coldness of night! And that which was order, has now been replaced with disorder! As this chaotic frenzy seizes the land, I've come to take my piece of this delectable pie and feast upon those who summon my will!"

And in that moment, the intensity of tens of millions of souls laughing, screaming, howling, shouting, wailing and crying out in pain hit the impact center of Sou Yuuki and Bikita's battle like a freight train obliterating the silence of the night. Most civilians who chose to stay in the area were blown away like ragdolls from those unable to withstand their presence in the wake of The Queen's power; making the remaining oculist who were bold enough to still stay shout even louder as they knew the dangers of staying in the pit of combat with the Demoness and considering themselves devout followers of this bizarre following The Queen was gathering within this country. At the same time this was transpiring, the foundations of the structures around the combatants started to crack; all of the glass from vehicles and buildings alike shattered and the debris scattered throughout their little..spat...had been directed around the range where The Royal Demon had hovered one hundred feet above.

In that moment, the shades of blackness dissipated from around The Demoness's body and nothing but an ominous emerald hue remained as it radiated softly across her being. It was at this point the chanting grew lower and vocal humming throughout the area began as the sounds of drums echoed throughout the range; bringing a malevolent grin across the The Queen's face. Now, being able to viewed by all on the field, it was easy to discern her appearance. On her head were placed two horns that resembled vertebrate in a raven hue; with each tip comprised of three tips joined towards the end of them. Blending in seamlessly with the The Royal Demon's dark hair, the theme of black in her attire and body contrasted nicely with her pale white pigment of skin. Sketching out her back, two onyx shaded wings extended from her middle spine; each looking eerily similar to that of a bat.

In a strong gust of wind, the jet black colored dress that The Demoness was wearing down to her thighs and equally shaded bolero that the Queen adored had blew in the menacing wind, while the sensation of grim hauntings were being whispered in it's wake of this air. This perilous feeling in the area sent shivers down the backs many less powerful creatures in the vicinity; as they all knew that if the entity that lay before them....could lay nothing remaining of this entire city with but raise of her hand if she so willed it. So to be in the presence of such a force...was unnerving to say the least. Clenching her fingers, The Regale Demon relished in the sounds of scraping from her coal shaded gauntlets that were fitted across each of her arms. Gazing down to her feet, Mana took notice of the white ribbon seated at her waist, the black leggings and pumps upon her legs and realized that she had indeed fully materialized at this point. Having come to this crux, it was time to repair the mess these children had made as a soft chuckle escaped The Queen's blanched lips.

"Ahahahaha! You did it! You tore everything to sunder....but it's all for not." Moving her right arm in the air slowly, there was a strong surge of energy coming forth to the surface; even if it was merely one percent of what she was capable of doing. In one swift motion, The Wicked Demoness would slam her arm down and release a demonic aura that had the very strong chance of obliterating all of their attacks that they had set into motion with sheer force alone. In this chain reaction, a deafening boom roared throughout the many city streets; the buildings would all but crumble that were being tossed about and the vibrations taking place in the area would cease as it was overwhelmed by the raw power this unnaturally strong demon produced.

Going on for a few more seconds, a crimson cyclone of destabilization surged throughout the area at INSANE speeds, swiftly moving throughout the area and barely giving each of the males time to register it as Mana's wicked and chaotic energy soon became intermixed into. If they should try to outrun it? The rate in which it expanded was enough to cover a mile radius before they could blink. This overwhelming destructive force had effected everything within it's sights; this absurdly potent typhoon would render all creatures, structures, attacks and all other things in the battlefield to nothing but ash as Mana...DISINTEGRATED everything around them into nothing but dust. Provided they were caught up in this blast, this assault's effects on their bodies would be critical. If they should come into contact with this scarlet twister, each of them would sustain heavy damage in the forms of thousands of wounds opening up throughout their body; the shattering of broken bones throughout a majority of their bodies and burns turning their skin to cinder.

Yet, that wasn't all. On a metaphysical level this blast of force had the potential to even break their supernatural capacities and damage them. How was this possible? It's quite simple: The Queen is able to easily manipulate her attacks to take range on a physical level for living being, and a otherworldly range for mystic abilities a person generates from races such as Chi Humans, Arrancar's, Demon's, Shinigami and so forth. Ergo, with this assault penetrating deep inside of their bodies, it would attempt tear the particles of their bodies internal energies, rather it be Chi, Spiritual or otherwise, into nothing and cripple them to prevent them from releasing into their ascended forms, using any heavy abilities and leaving them only with the route of escape if they should decide to flee. It wouldn't be permanent, however, as they'd recover soon enough within a day or so; but it would leave the message: do NOT trample upon the Queen's reign.

Such destruction brought nothing but a series of demented giggles, cackles and eventually full blown laughter as the element of chaos, discord and absolute madness pulsated strongly in her heart and mind in the wake of such annihilation, carnage and murder. Shuddering ever so quietly, the Queen would lick her lips and go on to utter these words for all to hear:

"Human, you speak of nightmares, but the true terror hasn't even began! The beginning and the finale...are all an endless loop! Man's fantasy is but an alluding dream for a brief moment in space. With but a tiny tear from realities horrors, this turbulent force will grow to swallow the entire fabric of this delusion and begin the true nightmare as your hallucinations collapse like a house of cards; giving way to this fear and everything that was your pipe dream being all but shattered! The full moon will burst, the surge of the inner mind's dam will break and it won't allow flies such as yourself to escape its wrath! Under the sky of this abyss's eclipse, ye will crack and break into a millions of shards of darkness; becoming one with the void and learning to understand true madness!"

Her voice was maddening, the energy utterly chaotic and the power behind her words all but bridging the gap between dreams and reality. As The Queen held her hands directly before her eyes, a bellowing laugh roared throughout the area before these enchanting words brought her will to fruition: "One must fall before one fan ascend! One must be killed before they can be reborn! Piecing together the borders between annihilation and creation, I invoke this spell to the world in order bring forth that which has been lost to the gulf of extinction!"

In those words, words that spoke to layers of existence itself, a wicked incantation was echoed into the world around them. Through this spell of the demonic arts, all that had been rendered to ash was being restored in a matter of seconds. Buildings that were blown away had been erected, vehicles that had been obliterated were reforged and eventually the entirety of Times Square was all but pieced back together by strange waves of blackened light. Transitioning into a new phase, the next level of this spell was put into place. "Bring the shells of those whom have lost the flare of life, and summon to me what remains."

Uttering those powerful words, within a matter of moments, all those who had lost their lives in this battle would appear to be brought back to life. However, this was only Mana's necromancy effecting the sub-atomic particles of what remained of their bodies and using them as host to channel in their spirits at later date. Snapping her fingers, these husk of their former selves would mend themselves into the shadows and break down into actual darkness as they faded into the alleyways, sewers and blackened smoke in the city streets blow. To think, all that had occurred here wasn't even a fraction of what The Queen was capable of.

"Alter your perspective, and you change the world! From where I stand, I can grip the whole of this world and the land before me is nomore. Above me, before me, within me; all that is disorder in this existence clings to my essence and eternity of true nothingness spreads outwards. Eternal nothingness that began before my time was had, and eternal nothingness that will be here long after I've been dead. This wretched sham you call a life will be over one day, the light that is life will dissipate; and everything that exists is as ephemeral as a comet's trail in the cold, dark, silent and infinite abyss that is the night. So please, render your cries into the moon silent, take a retreat from this land and contemplate the futility of your feats to embrace this lunacy that is your life. Bare your fangs at me once more, lay sunder to my beautiful home and the crashing waves of this ocean of emptiness will consume all that comprises you; slaying your spirit and signifying nothing as it passes from this world in a pointless endeavour to defy this nature and law."

Uttering those mystic words to what would be left of both combatants, this was a chilling message for them to stop, decease and turn away from this city before the true wrath of the Queen would be unleashed; signifying the dam that is madness to surge into the city and claim each of their lives once and for all.

When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) WVMWLOu
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When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Empty Re: When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou)

Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:13 pm

word count

Patience...what an unworthy decision to engulf his time with meaningless combat against that of a human. Patience with the man would only lead to further altercations and the arrival of higher entities. Bikuta was gaining composure while at the same time dwindling it away as he continued on with the battle against the red-headed narcissist. He felt as though his time in battle against the mere boy was not nearly enough to change the child's absurd personality, and nor would it lead to him finding out anything of demons. The boy was simply hindering his ability to continue on with his research.

Traveling back in time within his mind he began to retrace the steps that had taken place to get him where he was now, just tens of seconds away from being willingly dominated by Sou's weapon. In doing so, he found himself back in the populated monument that was Times Square of New York City. He began to unravel the events once more throughout his mind that led him to this point not letting a single count of hair go unseen. It was then that he was able to realize that his strategies to find the demons would indeed be all for none, and that he would need to spend no further time at the venue. Staying there would only result in more wasted time as well as effort. It truly was unfortunate that he would be returning home with nothing but a few observational words from the few weak Demons he was able to see and sense. His mission would result in failure.

Returning back to reality, escaping the ill-thoughts that ran through his mind of returning to his leader empty handed, Bikuta awaited the strike that would come from Sou. However, the sudden arrival off a dense pressure sent Bikuta to one knee as though it was the new arrival's plan to have them bow before her as she made her extravagant entrance. Struggling to do so, Bikuta lifted his head and looked upon Sou before shifting his sights to the sky. A melody of green hues illuminated the sky and filled it with darkness all at once as a small figure garbed in black descended. In doing so chants began to brew from the surrounding areas hailing her arrival, as though she were some sort of heroine figure to all of them. As she began to speak Bikuta was only able to visually view her as the words escaped her mouth, nothing being able to entire his ear canals as he became memorized by the large and overdone entrance of the Demon Queen. The chants soon shifted to howls of laughter and screams of horrow, still nothing able to shift Bikuta's attention from that of the Demon Queen. From another person's perspective it would seem as though he had became infatuated by the very presence of her physical being, but no that wasn't it...entirely. Her very presence sent chills down Bikuta's back causing him to jerk his body slightly as though the temperature of the area had dropped tremendously in a matter of seconds. He found himself trap in amazement by that of her sheer and utterly devastating power, and he knew that it would only be the smallest fraction that she would display on two weaklings.

As the wings began to sprout from her back and released a gust of wind Bikuta was finally able to release his eyes from the Ashtavon's engulfing grasp on his attentiveness. Still marveled by her overwhelming being he smirked a little and placed his hand to his chin pondering on the more common power of demons and if they held powers greater than spiritual beings. She once again spoke, this time Bikuta was able to interpret it. Her words had a flavor to them that she seemed please with their doings, but would in return be a hint of a sarcasm. Bikuta pressed his Zanpakutō's blade to the ground in anticipation of the Queen's intent to pursue with more that just verbal reactions but with physical as well. His hypothesis of her next actions being correct as a great surge of energy began to whip the streets clean of all things. Quickly Bikuta poured out all the spiritual energy that he could into the street and created and dome around himself. However he was sure to include enough space for the boy to have protection as well if he were to be within a close enough distance. Letting out a loud cry of anger as Bikuta fought to keep the dome intact having to constantly recreate the walls, though his ability would not be enough to keep the Demon Queen's immense power from entering his safe-hold. The bitter end of the attack was able to sweep Bikuta up from the ground before it came to an end, his body slamming against the earth's surface that was covered in shards of glass and random debris. Wincing in pain he tried to overcome the tremendous pressure that kept him plastered to the ground, but would be unsuccessful in the beast's godly powers. He could feel his own spiritual pressure dwindle to an all time low as her power striped him of the ability to progress further with his Arrancar state. It was then that he had realized the whole trip very well may have been a mistake from the start.

He'd come to the realization that this was not a foe that he nor the Kurikku wanted to tinker with. His knew found thoughts of the demon race became only more ingrown as she spoke a rather lengthy incantation and proceeded to recover the damages that not only she had committed but that the two had put onto the city. His eyes turning to pins as he watched the land recover from its tattered state, he began to marvel at the Demon's power. Not only was she able to eradicate but she was also able to recreate, it was something that was far beyond that of his power to heal, much greater. She spoke once more as the buildings finished their reconstruction to their proper homes, Bikuta watched as the process came to a halt. Soon he was able to see the bodies that were within the building that he seamlessly tossed to the side rise up and continue on with their prior work. He couldn't help but grunt in fear for his own life as he began to ponder on the things she was able to do to his own being.

She spoke words of wisdom toward the two while simultaneously insulting them, her words rang within Bikuta's head leaving him with nothing but a smirk on his face. He was intrigued beyond a measurable extent of the demon race now. Knowing that he would be unable to further study them somewhat discouraged his own abilities. This was not his place to be, he should heed the warning presented by the Queen of Demons and leave the city, only to return he would prove worthy to her power.

Bikuta struggled his way back to his feet still being bared down by the immense pressure that was present of the Queen of Demons. He proceeded on to open a garganta that would take him back to his own realm. Before doing so he would look up to the woman strangely named Mana, or so he had heard, and gave her a thumbs up prior to his words. "Who would have thought that the Queen of Demons would be such a people person." He said it with a volume loud enough to hear as he proceeded his way into the garganta, closing as his body began entry.

Though the destruction of the city may have been all for not, the information that he retained from the encounter would forever be installed to his mind...

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Sbb1I7e
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When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Empty Re: When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou)

Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:48 pm

Artist: Iuchi Maiko - Song: Aratanaru Tatakai - Word Count: 888

Darkness, what are they?

Obliteration, that his own type of railgun that ripped apart the roads of New York weren't so surprising afterall, or is it? The mere presence of Bikuta and Sou simply attracted the likes of Mana, the Demon Queen, most likely known for her power when she fought in London, and he knew that very well. The nightmare was all yet pleased to see the presence of the almighty Queen, and for him, she is just a spawn from darkness, corruption and madness. The energy that Mana gave off in only a percentage out of it was indeed massive, as far as bringing Bikuta down to his knees, but Sou himself, persists to stand up against Mana wihout a second thought, although his legs were trembling like a broken jelly.

Being the nightmare himself, Sou did not want to be engulfed by the darkness around him and being the spawn of anger out of himself, but light was nothing else than something that is miles away from his own reach, and to get that light, he'll persist against the clash between himself and the darkness, unless he can take an inch in front of the Demon Queen, he'll be more than pleased to even move a muscle against her. The sky became green, the city turned loud and annoying to his very ears, chanting and spilling nonsense after the arrival of Mana, this is truly annoying for a mortal's ears. The surge of energy began throughout the city with a large boom, and of course, they are something to be reckoned with moving at a speed where his reaction can find it hard to register everything in. In an attempt to swing in his crutch by force to counter such force, it took all than a second before his weapon was obliterated to a million pieces, his mortal body flung to the air with lesser damage than expected by the demon queen, all thanks to his crutch that created the force of interaction between hers and his, forcing the extending force that moved almost at an unpredictable speed by a human eye, to lessen the damage taken by a mortal human like Sou, but nonetheless, his body is still externally wounded from tip to toe, from scratches to major wounds that blood will slowly bleed bloody tears out of the pain of the wound by the very blast that the Queen had created, while leaving his insides a little to no damage all because how little energy resides within him.

While one, a mortal human and beings above him should've feared just under the presence of Mana herself, Sou took it further down to an extension, and instead of submitting into fear, he decides to stand up to it, allowing himself to continue rambling and fight, by inducing himself with more anger, hatred, insanity and so on, "Oh? It seemed that the so-called 'Demon Queen' made her appearance in this city. I may be a human, but i know terror and nightmares more than you can count with a single hand. I don't have any of that 'dream' crap as if i were a little 5 year old child anymore. Darkness like you should go back where you came from, because you're taking up too much of my space to go back to where i should've been in the light. Your presence is enough of an annoyance to me to deal with, and even if it takes my very life, i guess i should get it back.. what should i call it? Rights? No, not that, more like, i want my rights for my sane soul back. If you want to drag me back into that fucking void of darkness, then try to take the remaining light from me, you damned brat."

Before Sou was able to finish his speech with a smile, Mana decided to leave her message for both fighters, himself and Bikuta. Running his head again, he wouldn't try and fight against Mana, learning what happened in the incident between Eiji and himself, he wouldn't try to make a fuss against the other side as well. For now, he'll heed the warning for once.

"Although i feel like settling scores with you right now, i'll heed your warning and scram out of this area. I had enough of having an official organization chasing my tail from behind, another one from Shadowfall, especially a Queen would only worsen my situation. But remember, I will fucking destroy the darkness you've once built through power with my bare fist when i meet you again. So, farewell, Demon Queen."

Electric began to surge throughout his crutch as the compression began across his body, plasma gathering with his body as the teleportation began. His lips formed a sadistic smile towards Mana while his eyes tightened in a sharp position to take a last glance of the queen, before his teleportation took the effect and sent him back to Japan, but since the effects out of it are still incomplete and the sent location were random, he would land between the outskirts or inside of the karakura city again wihout his knowledge. Of course, he shall meet the Queen again soon enough, and of course, he wouldn't forget about Bikuta as well, since his head had everything around me memorized throughoutly.


Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

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When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) Empty Re: When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou)

Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:26 pm

Artist: Birthday Massacre - Song: One Promise - Word Count: 2203
It seems as if the spirits below her could not handle the sheer amount of lunacy that is brought with the awakening of the Demon Queen. It brought quite the sadistic grin across sweet Mana's face to watch them fumble at her feet as the effectiveness of her attack became all the more clear; detecting through her keen senses that she had swiftly felt each of the males spiritual pressures fall back in the wake of her power. Staying very true to her maddening element, it seemed that even the darkness that lay within the depths of the human's soul could not withstand the likes of the state of True Discord and Disorder that lay within the heart of The Demoness. It's why when Sou started speaking words of nightmares, horrors and terrors; they were but a drop in the bucket compared to the vastness of the void, the emptiness of their reality and the frightening realization that this existence was ultimately a futile one.

Everything that is, was and ever will be is all steadily breaking way to the sheer nothingness of what it meant to sustain one's life in the universe. You may live today, you may live tomorrow, you may live for a million years; but all things come to an end and it's a maddening fact to accept that even the universe itself is doomed to this fate. So for now, during the manic moments in which one is given life, there is nothing left to do but relish in this fact. Savor every movement, understand the depth of the irrationality of what it means to be alive and let it consume you, guide you and place you on the path of becoming one with the cosmos during it's fleeting dance in the sun of life.

As the swiftness of this tango carried out, The Demoness was more than able to hear the echoes of another soul down below her feet as she spoke words that described her aura as that of a sociable one. Letting out a wicked laugh in place, The Queen was more than amused by his choice of wording as perhaps the individual was correct in assumptions of Mana. When in her clear states of mind, or however rational The Demon of Madness and Chaos Incarnate can get, Mana loves to put on a show; give out a cackle, break out a spectacle and make those whom are drawn into her inner circle of turmoil a good reason to be apart of the dynamic presentation that is her life.

"Aye, aye honey! That I am! Your deductions into my enigma holds some substance, does it not? The display I've given here, the feats I've performed and the words I've etched into the inner depths of your minds surely give off the radiance of one who is truly the life of the party! I'd grow old, decrepit, retarded and dull if I were to simply lay my keister on the throne all day like royalty of the past. Nay, I require air, I require fragrance; I command the excitement of it all in these moments of life that tick down to my final hour. To tap into this wealth of utter insanity in the world today is a venture worth living and dying for, do you not see? Even under the eclipse of the crimson moon above our life, I shall dance in it's burning ballroom stroll until the lights fade, my body crumbles and I accept my place in the void! To see you embracing such a phenomenon gives me such amusement for your potential in the future!"

Having marked those words into the vicinity around them, she'd make sure that their weight, their depth and the sheer meaning behind them would pierce the gap within the space around Bikuta; press it's vibrations into the garganta and ensure that these echoes of chaos would venture forth into the ear canals of The Arrancar and part with him as he exited the range; having sense enough to know not to tangle with a power like this. It was these actions, his giving into her will, that allowed Mana to have such a gleeful expression beaming across her face from side to side. Why was that? Only those whom have a shred of understanding into the realm of madness would begin to gain a depth of knowledge to it: there is no stopping disorder; as much as it is improbable to prevent order from occurring.

They are two sides of the same coin; constantly countering each other in the merry go round of life. There are cycles where one must bow down to order, logic and reason; then there are times where a being most give way to utter disorder, pure chaos and the wavelengths of madness. Ergo, the bowing of his will to hers was a confirmation that the time of her manic duration was at hand and the he too would take away such depths of strength from this encounter having accepted that in her twisted means of logic.

Turning her attention towards the male whom addressed himself as the human among monsters, The Demon Queen paid close attention to the words that he bellowed out to her and cracked a wicked laugh in the wake of such boldness to her power. It always did her spirit good to see a rebel here and there; and this guy was the real John McCoy. Uttering redic that said he understood "darkness", muttering nonsense about claiming his "sanity" back and calling the likes of herself a "Brat" were all tell-tell signs that the individual before her was simply full of himself. There wasn't a need for her to snatch the light within him, for the fact of the matter was, one day that source of radiant life within him will fade; and with that passing moment in the wind, so to will the flares of souls that give him that light dissipate into the vast cosmic nothingness of space itself and the futility to resist death's calling.

"How quaint, how rebellious, how utterly insane it is of yourself to bark such ludacris words into the universe! Okay, okay! I get it, you've got moxy; you've got something to prove and you wanna bounce off the reflection that my depth of sheer madness flows as you are pull into it's sunder. I get that much, Sugah', but you are utter obvlious and unaware of the reality of things around you. To drink from the waters of strength that stream like a monstrous waterfall in the depths of your mind's eye is not what I desire. Nay, it's merely the fact you should accept the inevitability of it's demise. Ye' may be powerful to some, ye' may possess outstanding willpower; but do you honestly fall under the assumption that it is going to last an eternity? All things come to an end, all forces break down and you are no different in this grand land of ours, Sou Yuuki. Merely give in, relax and embrace this lunacy so that you may one day to become like myself with enough derangement under your belt!"

Repeating yet again the cycle of her laughter, a joyous cackle escaped the pale lips of the Demon Queen as she basked in this wonderful feast they were all having under the guise of madness itself! Licking her lips to savor the moment further, she'd gaze her emerald eyes down upon the crimson scowl of the male before her heels once more as he started shouting such sweet notions as destroying the satanic empire in which she has crafted, yet muttering the soothing sounds of submission to the chaos binding his soul at the same time. 'Twas quite the spectacle to behold as perhaps, with enough time given, maybe he could IN FACT follow up through with his threats! Yet the probability of that...WAS NEAR ZILCH! So it was this insanity, that despite the odds before him, SOu Yuuki would scream, howl, cry and shout out throughout the infinite darkness, the eternal madness and the endless stream of chaos that rained down on his soul like a never ending hurricane of sheer INSANITY!

"Oh dear, oh my! YOU ARE TOO MUCH! SIMPLY TOO MUCH FOR ME TO HANDLE! You've come to a place of understanding within yourself that you are beginning to wake up to the depravity and disorder around you, throughout the world you center yourself in and even within the deepest recesses of your minds enigma; rooting itself further into your subconscious brain to understand that this whole existence is merely a devoid SHAM! Ohohohoho, but before we dwell and give way to the sweet delight of discord herself, there is still a stubborn spark within your spirit that desires to fight against these everlasting odds!"

Positioning herself directly over the center of the now rising moon on the horizon, the eyes of The Demon Queen would become a flare with a gem green flare extending from each side of her face. The Asthavon was excited, no, she was thrilled! And now, more than ever, she wanted to see if the individual who claims the darkness as his own had enough balls between his legs to actually carry out that threat! Therefore, the final words given to him by the likes of the Royal Demon would have such....pleasure....behind each verse that she brought into existence.

"Yet, even though by all rights I should obliterate and reduce your state of being to dust in the wind, I think I'll await to see one day if you've consumed enough madness within this world to actually carry through with those threats. I won't slaughter you on this eve, I won't send my goons after you and I'll let you escape with your soul today. However, as hands of time goes on in the universe and the winds of change storm into your life a raging typhoon, you will awake to find yourself consumed by this all devouring state of mind. And then, only then, will you have an ounce of a chance of actually achieving those delusional goals. I speak arrogance now, I utter such bold claims; but it is going to be up to yourself to prove the plight of madness itself wrong. If you are as strong willed as you say you are, if your hands hold the ability to dissipate chaos itself; I welcome the challenge, I implore you to get stronger and I'll await the day where I am killed by your hands!"

Roaring those words down upon the likes of The Human Beneath off, as he would attempt to travel off into the worlds of the unknown, through a simply tracing spell conjured up by her by locking on to the sweet males spiritual energy; she'd deliver those words into the depths of his mind if he had disappeared too swiftly for her to echo those sentiments into the darkest pits of the rebellious youth's mind. Would he heed her advice? That much was uncertain to the Queen. Could he survive the challenge? Maybe not. But if he did? Hehehehe, things might be more amusing than the Demoness once thought. So this was merely another event chalked down on the events of The Royal Demon's life that was meant to anticipate and bring out the inner lunacy within the spirits of those whom she encountered. Grabbing on to her heart, taking heavy breathes and closing her eyes; she'd feel this surge within her grow stronger she once again started to embrace what she was, recover from the near-death she was in not too many months ago and was one step closer towards obtaining the answer she needed to diffuse the inner timebomb within herself through this encounter.

But....not tonight. Taking an exhale of breath, the air misty green skies, the darkening fog and the over zealous show of lights soon faded; and like the flick of a switch, the sounds of typical New York, New York blasted in like a crashing thunder clamp into normalcy. Directing her sights towards the empire state building, in a flash, in a hurry, she was at it's peak and a heavy sigh escaped her lips before saying these words and looking towards the direction of the statue of liberty:

"Hehehehehe....above all else, I believe I need to get better security for this place already! I've really been slacking in my absense of this country, haven't I?"

Having said that, the Demoness had faded into the blackness of the night and a emerald sphere was soon seen coming into fruition across the range of New York City. It seems that through this bump in the night, The Royal Mistress had some planning to do and the changes that would soon come to this fair metropolis were going to be quite major. Thanks to the flare of valor within the spirits of those two wonderful boys, a roaring surge of improved measures of defense would be birthed within the depths of this colossal jungle of buildings, concrete, people and demons alike as the new year would proceed onward.


When Christmas Colors Collide(Private Sou) WVMWLOu
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