Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:40 am
Kateri Sakuya Shuisen
Is there any sin to this?  -Private-  Katerisakuya-1

The rush of wind blew through the forest, making rustling sounds. Kateri looked around nervously. If it was one thing to never do it was going into a forest all alone at night. She sighed softly as she looked up in the sky. The moon shone brightly, it was full and the stars were glittering all around the night sky. She thanked god for their lights, it was creepy dark out. Although she was outside her destination, she took a moment to stay out there right after she arrived to take a deep breath. She knocked the door out and waited a few moments before grasping her hands around the knob and twisting her wrist to the right. The door was open..Were they expect her? Sakuya shook off that thought and walked in.

She was practically amazed! This place was huge and magnificent, but then again she was never one to be rich. Her mouth was opened in a silent gasp as she walked inside. Her eyes darting around as she took a shaky breath. Sakuya was to meet the alpha, quite a scary thought, she had no idea why though. She had heard the name of the alpha a few times while around here. Urufu Azathoth. It sounded so familiar. She bit her lower lip as she concentrated. Where had she heard it from? No matter, she had to make her presence known. She glanced around before opening her lips. "Hello? Is anyone here? I'm Sakuya Shuisen, the one who positioned for beta." She said this rather loudly, hoping to get someones attention in this seemingly empty tree.
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Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:55 am
Urufu Azathoth
~This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me and take my hand
When the lights go out you will understand~

Around the corner of the tree wound a staircase that led straight to the top of the structure. From that staircase descended a cloaked figure. Holding himself tall and regal, Urufu cast an impressive shadow as he walked slowly closer to the ground floor of the tree. On hand was carefully cast upon a railway, his long nails gliding over the wood, careful to not leave deep gouges. His cloak was untarnished and perfect, the white stitching even free of blood, a miracle in itself. The red cross' that ran down each side of his chest were proudly displayed, although Urufu was not a christian man himself. Blond locks fell all around his head, thick and springy, full of life. A few strands even fell in his purple eyes, which dominated his hard, linear face. The Amethyst stones that were his eyes studied Sakuya subjectively. Finding her ...attractive, he showed no display of this on the outside. Reaching the bottom of the staircase, the arm that he was supporting himself dropped to his side, his cloak whipping with the movement.

"Hello, Ms. Shuisen. My name is Urufu Azathoth, and I am leader of this establishment." He introduced himself, sweeping into a low bow. Erecting himself once more with perfect posture, his head was held high, his eyes cast down onto Saky, despite him being rather short. "Welcome ...To Yggdrasil!" Sweeping his arms out, he spun slowly, his eyes studying every inch of the home that was rumoured to be hand carved by Urufu himself.

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Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:29 am
Sakuya Shuisen

Is there any sin to this?  -Private-  Katerisakuya-1

Sakuya looked up at the sound of someone walking down. Once he came down she nearly gasped out loudly. It was him! Urufu! She knew why it sounded familiar. "My god.." she said out loud, her face was red and her heart beat quickened. It was her first love, standing right there, in front of her. She watched him glide down the stairs. Sakuya looked down to her own attire. A black and blue hoodie, her thumbs poking out of the wholes placed there.The hoodie was long on her. She almost looked like she didn't have pants on. She wore a skirt though, a black skirt that looked rather short and revealing, her feet were covered in knee high boots. This isn't what she intentioned she just threw random clothes on.

She realized she could've dressed so much better if she knew the love of her life would be right here in front of her. She almost felt her breath hitched when she heard his voice. Sakuya smiled at the warm welcome. "Thank you," she forced out as she looked at the handsome blond. "Please, just call me Sakuya or Saku, no need to be formal." She laughed slightly, it was such a cute laugh for such a cute girl, at least that's what someone told her long ago. She could feel the demon stir within her and heard it laugh. 'My, my. This is the one who saved you long ago? He's a rather short human,' purred Kyōki as he grinned inside her mind. She could almost feel him swaying his tails calmly as he chuckled deeply in her mind. She ignored him for the time being as she continued to smile at Urufu.

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Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:48 pm
Urufu Azathoth
~This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me and take my hand
When the lights go out you will understand~

Standing before Sakuya, Urufu continued to study her form with a scientist's eye. She seemed slightly malnourished, but that could be fixed over time. Smiling slightly, his lips broke over his triangular fangs. "Very well, Ms. Sakuya." Chuckling slightly, he raised his hand high above his head. Snapping his fingers, the click was surprisingly audible. Suddenly, there was the sound of heavy wings beating against the air. With a slam, the door burst open, revealing a young, black dragon floating directly outside the door. "Gabriel. Fetch me some chairs." He told his best friend, whom immediately dashed into the tree. Slithering up the stairs, he returned very shortly with two chairs strapped to his tail. Patting the dragon's snout, Urufu pointed him towards the kitchen area, where he promised three large fish. "Now then... please, take a seat." He offered a chair to Sakuya, taking one himself. Sitting in the comfortable arm chair, he smiled.

Suddenly, Urufu bolted straight up. "Wait a minute..." Bringing his left hand to his chin, he slowly stroked it while studying at her scrutinously. "I know you...." He whispered, before returning from circling her to stand directly in front of her. "You're that girl I saved a few years ago from that demon or hollow or whatever..." Snapping hi fingers, he was glad he figured out what he needed to know. Taking his seat once more, he smiled warmly. "So how did you find me?"
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Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:42 pm
Kateri Sakuya Shuisen
Is there any sin to this?  -Private-  Katerisakuya-1

shifted slightly at the feel of his gaze. She tried to keep her blush
from spreading across her cheeks. Her head snapped up when the doors
slammed open to reveal the dragon. Staring at the scaled creature with
amazement as it brought down the chairs. "Now then... please, take a seat." She blushed slightly more as she realized the skirt would not do her well here but still she sat down, her hands in between her legs to cover up herself. Damn skirts. Although the chair was indeed comfy. She twiddled with her fingers nervously as he smiled at her. Kateri nearly jumped herself once he bolted up so suddenly. "Y-You remember me?" she asked, astonished that he would remember her. Even after all these years..

Kateri realized he must've thought she was some kind of creeper or stalker. "Find you? No! I heard of this organization and figured I could come here to become part of the family. I never knew it was you who led this," she spoke softly her eyes were down casted to hide her blush, her hood fell onto her head from this act. "I only realized it was you when you came down here," she admitted as she felt her cheeks growing hot again. Why did she feel so nervous around him?

She could hear her demons rumbling laughter inside her head as he mocked her with that scary calm voice. A soft whimper escaped her lips from the demons mocking, of course he laughed before apologizing and drifted off inside her mind somewhere.
'You're on your own now, Kit.' she heard him say as she realized her whimper was audible to Urufu. She mentally cursed at herself, now she was going to be questioned.

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Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:19 pm
Urufu Azathoth
~This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me and take my hand
When the lights go out you will understand~

This girl definately amused Urufu. Yes, she would do nicely. Studying her for a few moments, his gaze wandered along her body undeterred. Yes. She would definately do. "Well, you have the job. Why not get acquinted with the other members? I apologize, but something came up and I must go." Walking over towards the door, he turned back to look at her. "Welcome to The Coven." And with that, he pushed open the door and dropped from the tree, only to have Gabriel, whom had scampered off, be waiting for him. Flying towards the city, Urufu smiled. She would prove very useful indeed.

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Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:46 am
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Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:28 pm

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