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Target Practice! [OPERATION JUNK PATROL] Empty Target Practice! [OPERATION JUNK PATROL]

Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:59 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: Death By Glamour Remix - Word Count: 643

God damn it. Why couldn't things just be a NORMAL day for once?! Without crazy shit going on every five seconds?! The thoughts of Vanyel Xioyang were plagued with this topic. The moon was falling from the damn sky! What the fuck?! Why couldn't people just fight somewhere without making a cleanup job afterwards? Seriously! In the end, someone has to clean all this shit up! However, he did live there, was a tiny bit HIS responsibility. He did participate in the destruction, and he did live on Earth, so he did have it coming to him.

Sighing and putting a hand on his forehead, Vanyel groaned as he continued to travel through America. Such a strange place! However, he was not defending the entirety of America. Only that small, penis looking island at the end of it. They called it "Florida". He heard that it was warm there. Huh. Maybe he would visit sometime for a vacation! However, for now, he had work to do!

Flicking his thumb over the small strap that held his dagger on his shoulder, the Dark Chi Wielder pulled the small weapon from it's sheath and stuck his index finger in the small hole under the handguard, spinning it around in circles. Using his other hand to shield his eyes from the giant ball of fire in the sky known as the Sun, Vanyel's eyes darted around, eager to not just destroy some stuff, but also to get this shitshow over with! People wouldn't murder themselves! He had his own job to do!

However, this could be a different way to vent out his rage and anger. Grinning a little, Vanyel's mind was soon occupied by one thought. Where the hell were these....oh. He was at first wondering where these supposed "giant hunks of moon rock" were, but that question was soon answered. There they were. Milky white rock chunks heading straight for Florida. Vanyel tilted his head to the side. He had been expecting bigger.

Shrugging off the fact that the weren't large, but big in numbers, Vanyel didn't really care about it. As long as he could destroy it, he was happy. Drawing his left arm back, his eyes locked onto a single, long bundle of space rock that was hurdling itself right towards him. Activating Jiaodian, his eyes flashed blue and the Sei ability began scanning the chunk.

Quickly finding the weak spot within the rock, Vanyel sparked a single, small orb of a sickly black and crimson energy in his let palm, before thrusting his arm forward, sending a single, large energy beam flying through the air. As the large beam made contact with the rock, the chunk of the Moon was quickly shattered with the mere force of the attack that was presented upon it from Vanyel's Yoh attack. Shattering the chunk in a single hit, Vanyel made one, single observation from this. These chunks of the Moon were not enforced with anything. It was just rock.

Grinning even more, Vanyel now knew that he didn't have to be doing anything to enhance his own attacks to destroy these things. All he had to do was crush them into nothing. That was perfectly fine with Vanyel. His eyes widened and his grin spread. The adrenaline that started pumping through his system was kicking in. Rolling his neck in a circle, loud cracks came from the bones and muscles inside the neck of the madman.

Launching himself upwards, Vanyel ripped his sword from the sheath, preparing both of his deadly sharp weapons to strike. His eyes darted from left to right, with his movements gaining more and more speed. Disappearing and reappearing with Buzhou, Vanyel was using all of his skills to simply destroy everything that was in his way. The madman was having so much fun! Perhaps this wasn't going to be as boring after all....

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Target Practice! [OPERATION JUNK PATROL] Empty Re: Target Practice! [OPERATION JUNK PATROL]

Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:33 pm


Artist: ??? - Song: Death By Glamour - Word Count: 993

Now then. There was much to be done, now wasn't there? Shit to destroy, and a whole lot more to stab. A grin broke out on the male's face, his strangely cheery demeanor not vanishing for a second. Even when the world was going to shit, there was still something for him to smile about. At least he had a hobby that allowed him to smile about something like this. So, with that, the male would continue his destructive ways of clearing out the area.

With energy blasts being thrown left and right, with each one piercing every single one with such precision, Vanyel really didn't see why this was such a problem. Just throw a couple of people who can use energy to this level, like an Arrancar with their Cero or something of that like, and just have them stationed there. It confused him as to why this wasn't the case, but it didn't really stay long in his mind. After all, there were other things to worry about.

One of those things was a blue light that flashed across the sky and descended from what seemed like space down near him. Ocean blue eyes flickered from left to right, observing what was around him, and cracking his neck whilst twirling his dagger in his left hand. As he observed the scene in front of him, he could feel some sort of energy signature from that strange person who had descended from the skies mere moments ago. The energies of both Shinigami and Demon could easily be felt by the Chi Human, and his eyebrow raised in curiosity.

The small grin that had faded a little while ago soon spread back onto his face, and his fingers locked onto the handle of his dagger, stopping all motion that had been occurring. Now, wasn't that interesting? A Hybrid coming to help little ol' him. Like he needed it. But, with so much shit coming in his direction, he figured it would be a little bit helpful to have someone there who could help not only destroy the objective, but also who could potentially watch his back for him.

That small sense of comfort and confidence was soon replaced by confusion and just the slightest bit of irritability. Taking another glance at the sky, he soon noticed that there were chains surrounding the area that these two Shadow Fall members were in. It was a little bit confusing at first as to WHY these things were here, but that was soon cleared up as he realized that all movement had been halted in these cosmic items that threatened to crush not only Vanyel, but the country that they were in.

Gritting his teeth slightly, the male would sigh, annoyed by the actions that had been performed. It may have just been this person's strategy or something, but it still irked him. So, with his body exerting a large amount of Chi underneath him to form a pitch black platform, with red accents swirling around the voided item that he stood upon. Turning to the new arrival to speak, he saw her staring dead into his eyes. The first thing that Vanyel felt, that he truly hadn't felt in a long time was uneasiness.

Simply by staring, this woman was...unnerving him. The grin and gritted teeth gave way to the feeling creeping deeper and deeper into his nerves, before shaking his head slightly and his mind picking up the mental conversation that this woman was attempting to use with him. So, using a portion of his own energy to channel his thoughts across the "line" that the Archduchess had created, the male would respond accordingly.

"Yeah, I'm an ally alright. Didn't expect anyone to come, if I'm being entirely honesty. Tiny bit irksome, but whatever. Name's Vanyel Xioyang. Knight of the Eighth Circle. Yeah, yeah, nice to meet ya too, sweetheart."

Bringing a hand to his hair and flicking the blue stripe out of the way, the male's ocean blue eyes would be fully revealed, with him gazing questioningly at the strange woman in front of him, before his hand lowered down to his side, resting on the sheath of his katana, and his index finger gently tapping on the pommel of his weapon. The next thing she said was fucking music to his ears. In fact, the statement made him grin once more, even larger. The tips of his lips reaching his cheeks, the male's shark-like grin caused his eyes to flash.

"Kyahahaha! Are you fucking kidding me? Sweetheart, you are making me day better and better. I'll make sure that the shit up there is reduced to absolutely fuckin' nothing. Hell, that's my damn hobby!"

And then, without further ado, the male would crouch down onto his platform, whispering the words that would create claws upon his arms with hardened Chi. As a strange incantation circle would spiral to life, the male's eyes would gleam red, and five runic items would begin floating around his shoulders. As a result of this Chi Ritual, the male's strength would be raised a level, and his durability receiving the same treatment. Launching himself off the platform he stood on, the mentally disturbed mind of Vanyel Xioyang would proceed have the rest of his body do what he had been sent here to do.

In short, destroy everything.

The male would resume the actions he had been performing before, slashing wildly with both his arms and his dagger, which would simply tear through the cosmic substance that had been frozen in the air as if it were paper. His blood boiled and adrenaline pumped through his veins, and Vanyel would simply be carrying out his mission.

Right now, he was happy, and he had no intentions of stopping unless he was told to otherwise, the mission was complete, or if he dropped dead. That last one wasn't something he planned on having happened, so he was counting on one of those first two to happen before anything else.

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Wed Mar 29, 2017 1:48 pm
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