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Snakes in a House(OPEN) Empty Snakes in a House(OPEN)

Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:33 am
"It's Lupus."

The hollow craned over a person's bed, peering down at them; his face was expressionless, though the mask he wore made that much easier. He had coiled over his own tail as he typically did, making the already weird appearance even weirder; all along the length of his tail, there were odd bulges, similar to eyeballs. Each one was about an inch across, and jet black; there was a sense that if one touched it, it would be as smooth as glass. His hands, all four of them, were folded over his chest, and his tone was shockingly gentle for such a terrifying beast. The doctor stood only a few feet away, speaking with great care.

"As I said already, until the tests get back we can't tell you anything-"

"He's bullshitting you. You have Lupus. Typical autoimmune disease. Your body is tearing itself apart, quite literally. It won't be fun, it will hurt quite a lot...but you can survive." He sighed, turning his body away; his entire body bunched together and he launched towards the nearest wall, barreling out the other end and slipping towards the next closest wall, and crawling up it towards the ceiling. In this room, a couple sat, both clenching their hands together. One of them wore the traditional hospital garb, but the other was dressed in an expensive suit. Yaksha peered at them both, letting the voices inside of him speak. He kept them throttled away tightly, hardly allowing more than a small inkling of their knowledge to leak forth.

"She's cheating on you. Get yourself tested as soon as possible."

Ah, the joys of being among the living again. It never ceased to put a spring in his step. Or slither, as the case may be.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:14 pm

The Doctor slowly opened the door to his patient's room. The woman had a rather severe disease, transmitted through intimate contact. According to her papers, she was supposed to be married. Not that the Selve particularly cared. All that he was really concerned with was insuring that the modified blood was being pumped inside of her body as his master willed.

How Strange… Selve continued to think, observing the couple with his dull blue eyes. HE thought it strange that two individuals could cling to one another like that for support. The Selve considered himself relatively normal, or at least normal looking. He had dull gray hair, large rimmed glasses, and a small nose. His eyes were an unimpressive blue, round and regular. And yet, he could not understand the simple human emotions happening before him.

He wore a white medical professional's jacket with a badge that identified him as Dr. Kurup. Around his legs were typical gray slacks, and on his feet, loafers. To examine him on a spiritual level, he would appear to be moderately proficient, but not as powerful as a Vice-Captain class being. A light weight, in other words.

At last, he stepped through the door. "I apologize, but you will have to stay here for a few more days." The Doctor explained, before turning to the man. "And as for you, sir… when was the last time… you had blood work done?" He asked slowly, facing the two of them as he slowly lifted up his hand in gesture, questioning…

An innocuous question. But the Selve was not interested in this man's life; rather, he was concerned with the chances that he would be admitted just like his wife to this hospital.

But as he stood there, in this otherwise perfectly normal instance of time… the man and woman both began to slump forwards. Their eyelids shut, and all will left their bodies, like puppets with their strings cut…

"Found you…"

A different voice let out, one that seemed much more purposeful than the Doctor's. As the hollow watched, the Selve walked back over to the man and woman, before sliding two tiny needles from their necks. They had been pierced in the artery, but they were not dead. They simply would stay… asleep for a while. "You are interfering…" The voice explained, as the Doctor then turned to the hollow. His eyes had changed completely, becoming vibrant blood-red orbs. The pupils had become slits, like a serpent. "But perhaps you could serve as a subject for research yourself…"

The Doctor explained, as he slowly began to walk towards the creature, without any sign of fear…

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:52 am
What was it about hospitals that made people always feel so unnerved about them? Was it the drab, colorless interior? Was it the fact that there were always simply too many people crammed up in one place, waiting to die? Waiting for words they could never comprehend but which always led to the same final result; that they were sorry, they'd done all they could, and it inevitably wasn't enough?

Oh, that's right. It was people like this. The man who stood above them, with that ever so faint aura of malicious smug satisfaction, as if he knew something no one else in the room did and was not at all shy about making it clear that yes he knew more than you, and no he didn't intend to share, and wasn't trust just so very important? After all, a man didn't get handed a white lab coat and a name tag for nothing did he?

The hollow stared dispassionately, eyes flickering all around the room as he heard a new voice booming through the room. It was a far deeper, far less pleasant voice, and Yaksha had no doubt whatsoever that this body was the source. He stared in silence for a few more moments, cogitating at a speed that felt ever so slow, even to him; why was it that the speed of thought was only fast when one was alone? The moment he had to start conveying those thoughts, they always stumbled over one another, like people crowding around a doorway.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I'm simply an objective observer. You don't honestly think I have the slightest interest in whatever you're trying to do here, do you? I won't deny that it's a curious little thing, but...I'd hardly call watching interfering. Or are you researching some manner of quantum conundrum? If so I suppose having people watch could tamper with the results. Or, no it couldn't be anything involving elongated string theory...nanites...perhaps tachyons? Oh dammit, now you've got me going all over the place. Just look at what you've done, I won't be able to sleep until I've got this all worked out."

The reptilian monstrosity rose one long, tapered claw to its own chin, tapping ruminatively, almost rhythmically, his eyes seeming to grow distant and curious. If one were willing to believe the evidence of their eyes, it seemed like he was no longer even in the room; it seemed his mind had retreated elsewhere, and his body was simply going through the motions.

Yaksha really did like it when people believed the evidence of their eyes.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Snakes in a House(OPEN) Empty The Game Begins.

Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:30 pm

Perhaps, to the man before him, the Selve did seem smug. However, that was only because his information was… incomplete. After all, the man before him had an inferiority complex. The psychological makeup of the one who controlled the Doctor that the Hollow could see was one of the more complex in this world… but that was a dominating theme. After all, if he was on the very bottom, he only could continue to look upwards and see the entire sky for what it was. His very nature dictated it… so he could never be smug, or uppity… he simply could state the 'facts'.

Waves of distrust seemed to flow from the being that the Selve was observing. The usual signs of comfort were absent; instead, it seemed irritated by his presence, and his presence alone. How peculiar… this weak, and possessing that much intelligence? The Selve wondered to himself.

"Yes, you are interfering… after all, if you were to get to close… you could well be absorbed by what is taking shape." The Selve commented off-handedly. He was not looking to especially give details, but one of the things that the creature said caused him to raise an eyebrow. "Tachyons…? Of course I've researched them… but mysteriously, I'm unable to apply any concepts with them…" The Doctor commented, before shaking his head.

"As I said, you're interfering." He explained, before taking another step forwards. The Wizard of Oz reference was not lost on the Doctor. He would well enjoy a battle of wits, truth be told… but…

"Very well then…" The Selve continued, reaching into his pocket before pulling out a picture of a small child with gray hair, who looked much like a small version of the Selve. "I have been authorized to declare upon you a game." The Selve explained to the hollow, his features expressionless. "Discover what this experiment seeks to gain… and you shall receive a special invitation, to a place that could sate your curiosity until the end of time…" At last, the Selve smiled at that thought. After all..

That was what the laboratory of Kabuto Hebi, his Master, Host, and Father strove for.

"But should you fail…. You will become pet and guardian to this being." He finished, before reaching both hands behind his back. "If you attempt to leave the hospital… I will hunt you down. You have six hours. I will monitor your progress… You make ask me any number of questions, and if the answer would directly give away the result or close to it, I may choose not to answer. Your questioning will become cut off after three consecutive failures to answer. You have the entirety of the hospital to work with…" The Selve completed, before turning around.

"In five minutes… the bell will ring, and the entire staff, and all current patients, will fail to notice your presence, even if you touch them. Harm the staff at your own risk. The patients, however… are free game."

The Selve finished with a cold smile. He had not been able to experience this kind of joy for far too long...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:09 pm
Yaksha stared at the man across the room, his claws folding over his chest. He didn't speak for several long moments, simply examined him as he circled, as if he were sizing up a potential meal. He even approached, plucking the picture from his hand, and setting it gently on the bed, just next to the two resting humans. He smoothed their bedsheets along with the picture, careful not to touch any flesh, as he looked up at the roof. He made a sucking sound that brought to mind a clogged drain, as he seemed to be considering his options.

"Games are a frivolous snare, for people with little imagination. I honestly have no interest in whatever plans you have. Let them come to fruition, or let them collapse under their own weight. Or let the shinigami have your head and be done with it. Who knows? Maybe they'll even continue it in your absence. That would be rather nice to see."

He then turned back towards the human, disgust telegraphed in every feature; his eyes, his stance, his claws, his teeth, glinting ever so faintly in the sterile hospital lighting.

"That said, you wouldn't be the first to try and tame me. I would suggest you set out on that course of action well armed. Your game is a haphazard, sloppily devised mess, and it reeks of desperation. If you're going to go about trying to enslave someone else, it's only appropriate that you know what you're buying, first. But no, no. By all means, feel free to continue your studies. I'm sure they're so very fascinating." Yaksha turned away, his voice dry and monotone, not even trying to hide how little this entire game meant to him.

Or, just maybe, hiding his excitement very very well.
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Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:55 am

The Selve stood there calmly as he was circled by the strange beast. He did not have anything in particular to fear. After all, his own life was pretty inconsequential. Two years he had been alive, and in those two years he had never been disconnected from his Host. Therefore, if he was to fall, it would not be that problematic.

He did, however, hope that the Hollow would agree. After all, it would help him to break up the boredom that inevitably arrived between the time an experiment started and its conclusion. He blinked as the picture was taken from him. It was not something that was particularly bad; after all, it was easy enough to replicate with what the Selve knew.

The sucking sound was a bit unnerving. It was not something that the Selve could not handle, but it nevertheless seemed out of place.

"I never said that you had a choice." The Selve explained, slowly crossing his arms behind himself. What the creature said also made him smile… a toothless grin. "The Shinigami have nothing to offer this project, either." He said matter of factly, his eyes blinking. "Though the idea is similar to one of their infamous projects…" He trailed off, looking at the creature.

"Tell me… have you ever heard of the Slenderman?"

The Selve asked, turning his back to the creature. "The one who is currently guarding this complex… certainly you could sense him, just a little bit…? That Hollow whose very existence causes rational beings to squirm… A Hollow, like yourself. Unlike myself.. a Corrupted Angel." He trailed off once again, before looking at the picture. "I am simply a cog in a much larger machine, a machine you have become dangerously close to. The game is what keeps that machine going: simply destroying you would prove nothing, accomplish nothing. It would not serve to help you understand the magnitude of what you are dealing with."

The Selve finally concluded, looking up at the ceiling with a smaller smile. "After all… the decision to come here…

Was all yours…. Wasn't it?"

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:30 pm
"Slenderman. That's your secret weapon, then? A dead meme? Do you at least have Harambe flash-frozen somewhere? Or maybe you'd like me to find dat boi for you. Honestly, I came here to while away some free time, but this is ridiculous. If you're not going to take this seriously, I see no point in reciprocating."

Yaksha's tone was dry, full of scorn, but he beamed inwardly; it was never that hard, prying information out of the unwilling, when you got right down to it. Whatever game this man had been authorized to play, it was one he desperately wanted to play. And he realized that force would do nothing to persuade or concern Yaksha. He craned his head over his shoulder, ever so slightly, tongue dipping outwards, as if tasting the air. His eyes widened, seeming to drink in all the details, as he spoke.

"If your plans resemble the soul society's, I hardly see why you need the help of another worthless hollow. We're a dime a dozen, after all. And notorious for breaking our contracts when we get too hungry. You don't honestly expect me to cooperate, and be content under your thumb. Or the thumb of...whoever authorized this little game you seem so intent on playing."

He folded his hands over his chest, once more looking out the window. He'd start his searching soon enough...but for now, there was no need to go looking. A good hunter understood that stalking was reserved for the more juicy, appetizing meals. For now, all he had to do was sit and wait for it all to come to him.

Three questions? Please. This was almost disappointing.

"Save the allegories for someone who has the experience to drop them effectively, please. Machines and cogs are done to hell and back."
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:41 pm

"…" The Selve merely continued to stare at the hollowed being, his eyes staring dead into his eyes as every trace of levity was drained from his body. "If you look down on the ridiculous, you'll be consumed by it." He said, before a massive smile appeared on his face. "Just be careful… You don't die." He said, the smile continuing to grow on his face as the eyes behind his glasses finally became clear, bloodshot and twitching lightly.

"No, no no no… not resembling… merely similar in a few of its themes… They may rhyme slightly, but the Soul Society are after something completely different… Not that they've really had anything that well defined in a long time." The Selve explained, before pausing for a moment. "...That's the idea. My Master could never hope to control another. He merely has hopes… and this way, his 'hopes' are easier to make a reality. Emotions, of both the individual and the people around them…" The man almost babbled, his sanity a bit dispersed as he looked at the wall at his side.

I wonder what form of awful things occurred to this individual… to create such insecurities to have no qualms to lay out this kind of verbal abuse… The Selve thought to himself, before shrugging. "Very well. I shall be waiting in the main office… if you decide that you need any assistance, that's where you'll find me… probably." He concluded, tucking both hands into his lab coat before stepping out of the room, the tapping of his footsteps following him as he strode down the empty hallway, the clomp, clomp, clomp echoing throughout the hospital...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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