Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Entity of Contradiction
Joined : 2010-12-01
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District 80/ A distirict full of crime Left_bar_bleue9000/10000District 80/ A distirict full of crime Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/10000)

District 80/ A distirict full of crime Empty District 80/ A distirict full of crime

Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:05 pm
Toki had never truely been in the soul society his entire life, but he had heard tons of things from other people on the island. One of the things he heard about was how there a lot of crime in the high number districts of the soul society and he wanted to see it for himself. So now here he was in the north district 80 but not a person in sight of him, little did he know there was a thief right behind him and he couldn't even tell.

He felt a little disappointed that no one had tried to attack him or do anything to him. He started to think that they knew he was strong. Then he reilized his mistake here, he was a Iramasha in the soul society of course they didn't attack him they were probably trying to avoid him which disappointed him. But at least a complete l;ost here he still need to meet a shinigami and gain there apperance cause shinigami was still on his list right now.

Toki would have to look for just the right person to take but that would be pretty difficult since every one is trying to stay out of your way but one way or another he would find someone to use. It would only be a matter of time until that person would come by. That person would have to have some use to him causeif he took a random person then he would have no bonuses and wouldn't know anything about the person so he could copy there personality.

Right now he was still walking in the district on the streets. He was just waiting for someone that caught his eye or anybody at that matter. This day was starting to become a waste to Toki but he couldn't give up hope. Also the thief stay right behind him the entire time waiting for someone to attack. It was like the theif didn't even notice the Iramasha but he stay right behind him taking the same path as him. It was like they were put on the road at the same time by fate to take the same path.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:40 pm
The wind. Both seen and not seen. Intangible yet felt by all. It twisted a turned down the paths, leading its ever persistent march against man and nature. A single green leaf on a young tree in a field was slowly tugged by this endless march. After a moment it was freed from its home, and gently flowed along the invisible current. It made its way down the streets of man, swirling around people at play and work.

Eventually it crashes into a heavy set gentle man who wore a filthy white apron and was otherwise bare chested. The man brushes the leaf from his shoulder as he opens the large wooden crate that he had been preparing to load up onto a wagon. As he leaned to lift the crate onto the wagon, the top of the crate suddenly cracks open. Suddenly a white chicken pops its head out of the crate, struggling its way out of the crate. It used its sharp talons on its feet to claw into the man, its wings flapping. Blood ran down the mans arms as the chicken leaps to the ground, taking off in a burst of gravel. Soon it was rounding a turn some ten feet away.

Quietly the emerald eyes of a young girl observes the scene. She turns as the man begins a stream of curses. She wandered back towards home, away from the land where horrors had taken her. It was a....nice visit to the place where she had been so degraded. She had come to let go of that past so she could move on, but it had been an unsuccessful trip. And so, the girl leaves the area to return to her Mistress Yoko.
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District 80/ A distirict full of crime Empty Re: District 80/ A distirict full of crime

Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:12 pm
Mayonaka had began life as a quiet helper in the 30th district of East Rukongai. He had helped many people long ago before becoming a Shinigami in order to help even more people. Since then he had become a Lieutenant within the Gotei 13, the second in command of the 5th division. It had donned on him one day that he hardly ever returned to Rukongai since becoming a Shinigami. Though he had not lived in a rough district of the Rukongai, he felt he should go to a rougher side and try to help the people living there. Shinigami hardly ever came here, making for a lawless and crime filled area. Since he had hardly ever come to the Rukongai before, he felt he should make up for it by coming to the roughest part of it, the 80th district.

For this trip, Mayonaka had made a slight modification to his usual apparel. The white band on his upper arm, signifying his status as a Lieutenant, was absent for now. As he looked, he was merely a normal Shinigami of the 5th division. He was not a Captain or a Lieutenant here, unless someone personally knew him as a Lieutenant.

He was curious what might happen to him. Would someone confront him? He had heard that Shinigami were not very well liked in the farther districts of Rukongai. He would help someone here though, it was his goal for the day. Perhaps if nothing else then he could donate a bit of yen to someone in need. He had little need of the stuff himself, he hardly even bought anything.

Walking around the final corner, Mayonaka was in the final district of Rukongai at last. He had been walking for a little while now. He enjoyed walking though. It was a calming thing. Looking around, he observed the area. A rather small place, looking somewhat run down.

Shinigami of the shadows, Mayonaka - 2-3
Entity of Contradiction
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District 80/ A distirict full of crime Empty Re: District 80/ A distirict full of crime

Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:52 pm
Toki was still on his search when Mayonaka arrived at the district and he was very close, so close that he noticed him as he entered the district and stopped. He stopped because Mayonaka looked familar to him in a way. But he knew that they had never met and he started to think of where he had seen this person before. Then it hit him that this was the vice captain of one of the squads. Though he couldn't remember which squad or even his name but he knew he was a vice captain cause He was informed of all of the captains and vice captains of the soul society because he might have to work with them on some missions.

Then Toki made a decision to confront the shinigami and figure out if he is a vice captain or not and if he is then this would be the person that he would use for his shape shifting because with the apperence of a vice captain he would have acess to soul society and whatever squad he was in. So he saw no cons to taking his appereance other than his apperance would be no use on his enemies. Then Toki started to walk towards the shinigami getting closer to him with every step he took.

"I will have another appearance to add to my collection and more power in my control." he said inside his head.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:27 pm
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Tue May 31, 2011 7:01 am
District 80/ A distirict full of crime Akemi

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