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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
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Learning is fun~ Empty Learning is fun~

Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:39 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Jizen. It was such a lovely state, meditating with your sword to achieve harmony and enter your Inner World. However, right now she was struggling to do that, as she had been disconnected from her Zanpaktou for an entire month, without so much as knowing he existed. It put a dampener on their relationship. She couldn’t even remember the names of her Zanpaktou, nor whatever that energy was that helped her in the climatic fight against Caanan. She wanted to know both of them, but after a few hours of sitting here trying to talk to her sword, she was getting nowhere. A month of hell was not going to be erased by a few hours. It would take weeks of contact to do that, so instead she turned to something else.

Ashigoi Kazuri had taught her the basics of the Territorial Tulpa, but Mirja didn’t really like the idea of controlling the surrounding area. She had never been a girl that enjoyed being in control, which was the reason she had not gone for a Captaincy spot in the Gotei 13. Or, Reformed, or United, or whatever they were calling it these days. It was hard to keep track without being there all day, which Mirja was distinctly not. She had an aversion to being there all day, everyone was all stodgy and boring.

So, she put away her Zanpaktou and thought about the Territorial Tulpa instead. She would need, some hallucinogenic mushrooms first. Maybe. Or she could just try to think about it calmly like a rational adult. After a couple of moments of thought, she went with the mushrooms and got up, stretching and feeling the Bodysuit around her. An ever present memento from Caanan. She had tried to get it off a few times, but it was decidedly sturdy, and resisted her efforts.

Still, as she was stuck inside her suit, she decided to ignore it for now and turn her attention to herself. Inwards, but in a different way than looking to her Zanpaktou. This was instead looking to herself, to know herself better than she did so far. She needed to know exactly how her Tulpa would go down before starting work on it, mushroom or no mushroom. She didn’t want to control anyone but herself, but the Tulpa seemed to be rather based around the control of your surroundings, it was a most vexing riddle. But, at the same time, Tulpas were based off your own mentality, they moulded to your will, and if your will said monkeys, bananas would fly. So from there, came a thought. If she didn’t want to control anyone but herself, then why not use the Territorial Tulpa to control herself? The thought appealed to her. Absolute, total control over her own body and eschewing everything else. She would be able to do all manner of cool things with her knowledge of personal anatomy and this Tulpa. And so the what was decided, now all she had to do was fix the how.

Mirja stood up from her sitting position, her mental what now done, and looked around. She’d need mushrooms. And Opera. Why Opera, she didn’t know, she just had a feeling as if she needed to sing right now. She didn’t sing very often, but singing was now a thing. And the best place to find Mushrooms and singing was the Forests of Karakura. She wasn’t exactly sure why she knew that, it just felt right. Mushrooms sparked a memory there, and so she knew she would be able to find something very nice and hallucinogenic. She wandered a bit before finding something really nice looking. Growing out of the bark of a tree, it had a bright red top with white spots dotted around. It looked perfect for her goals, and so she pulled out the cluster of five and popped them into her mouth, chewing radically before waiting for the work to kick it. It took a few minutes, and then she was smacked across the head by something. So she looked up and saw herself. Gods, she was beautiful. Mirja had to restrain the urge to flirt with her hallucinogenic twin, and that restraining was difficult.

“Why did I have to get saddled with such an idiot?” The hallucination asked, before sighing and shaking her head. “No, don’t answer. I know exactly why you are as you are. And it isn’t something we are going to change. I get it. Just, your stupid antics sometimes get us into a lot of trouble, you know” Mirja-H exclaimed, staring at Mirja and shaking her head.
“Hey, I’m training here. If you just want to blather, go elsewhere” Mirja retorted, crossing her arms and sticking her nose up in the air.
“No darling, you are dying, here. It happens when you pop a handful of poisonous mushrooms like you just did. Half of one of those can kill a normal human adult, and you took five of them. Right now your unique biology is slowing down the toxins and preventing saturation due to the level of density, but there is just too much in your blood stream. In a couple of minutes, you are going to die. A very shitty, very ignoble death. From mushrooms” Mirja-H told Mirja, shaking her head and looking to the sky in askance for some sort of guidance against this madness.

“Ahh! But the hallucination worked! So if I am going to die, then we should learn this Territorial Tulpa very quickly!” Mirja put in, not one to be dissuaded even by her immanent death. It caused despair and humour in her hallucination.
“Didn’t you….no, you probably did. And yet, knowing you are going to die is somehow secondary to everything isn’t it? Tsk…I’m just a hallucination, love. If I know how to do this Territorial Tulpa, then you already know how to do it. The basics Ashigoi taught you weren’t basic. They were exactly what you needed to learn it. You just had to decide how to manifest it. Now, hurry up before you actually die from mushroom poisoning” Mirja-H urged her, complete with shooing motions that made Mirja sit down and focus intently on her own body.

It was quite a lot of pain, her body was disturbed and she wanted to explode, but she forced that discomfort away, and focused on herself. With the Reiatsu flow, she could sense her entire body, and could tell the spots were most of the toxins resided. With focus and actualization of her Willpower, Mirja ousted the toxin, denied its hold on her, and dissolved it into nothing. It was quite a fight against the mushroom, but eventually she was finished, and left shaky and weak, but alive. Getting up off the floor – and realizing that the hit to the head was her collapsing, not her hallucination hitting her – she staggered back home. There was a point that the hallucination made. She really needed to focus on what she was doing rather than going off wild impulse. Wild impulse got her into a lot of messes like this, and this was not something she was eager to repeat in the near, or distant future.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:42 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 6029
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Learning is fun~ Empty Re: Learning is fun~

Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:40 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

After the mushroom catastrophe, Mirja took a couple of days to rest and recover, doing little more than cooking, sleeping, and Jizening. She practiced with her Territorial Tulpa, to make sure she had mastered it, and tried to very to talk to her Zanpaktou. She wasn’t getting anywhere in that respect however, and it was irritating. There was a feeling as though she knew exactly what she was doing, she just couldn’t do it, like a five-year-old trying to fix a car engine. The knowledge was there; the arms were just not long enough to support such activity. Eventually, frustration grew to a point where Mirja called herself well enough to go out into the world again, and so she headed off to the underground. These fight clubs held lovely events every so often and she found it soothing to watch people beat the shit out of each other. Sometimes throwing a punch wasn’t as good as watching someone else throw a punch. She ran there, and felt the glorious wind in her hair, and was at peace again. Nothing the world could throw at her was harrowing enough that the wind could not wipe away all of her tears. She wanted more, needed more. And while the new Eve legs let her go faster than she had ever gone, it was still not enough. She needed to work at it, push harder and run into the horizon. Maybe collar Yoruichi one of these days and see if the cat-girl was up for a bit of super-practice.

However, that was for later, she arrived at her destination, and got her head in the game. A man, her handler, came up to her and exclaimed his worry that she had been gone so long. Mirja brushed him off, saying it was some personal family time, and that she was here to watch whatever they had going on now. As luck would have it, they had something incredible going on right now. The Contest of Divinity. So called because whoever won their individual bracket would be given the title of ‘God of XXXX’ for the year. Mirja had been interested in the idea of being called the God of Fists, but decided to let some other chipper dude guy or dude girl grab the title instead. She didn’t need her ego boosting by an event like this, she knew she was strong.

But the good part of this was that it drew in some of the best underground fighters in the world, and so promised to be spectacular viewing. Mirja bought a box with the best view and some really luxurious conditions, and then settled in to watch the fights. First was the Staff bracket, and out came some truly brilliant fighters with a length of wood. Despite being solid oak, they were wielded in such a manner that made it look as if they were bending around the other person’s weapon, flexing and moving as if they were naught but limp noodles. But then one of the fighters got a good catch on the other and proved they were very solid as the crack rang out across the arena and knocked him out in short order. The fight was insightful to Mirja, who sat back and watched the rest of the fights with only half a mind. The other half was inward again, thinking heavily on herself. Territorial Tulpa gave her control over her body, peerless to anyone else. And she was a marital artist first and foremost, so that meant that her weapon was herself. And she was definitely skilled, so was there any reason she couldn’t bend her weapon the way they were?

Through the fights she thought to herself and eventually came to a great conclusion. This new technique, this concept of a perfect human was going to be glorious. As Prometheus crafted man from clay, so would Mirja craft herself. The fight, now onto the hand to hand segment, featured a man using the exotic Pencak Silat style, caught her eye. The style seemed to be pretty impressive, and so Mirja decided to honour it by taking its name and giving it to this new style she had made. It would be the Wolfcak Silat style. And the everything about it would be glorious. Mirja waited until the end of the event, and then returned home to start her work. It was so exciting, this prospect, that she didn’t even get lost in the love of speed, so focused was she on the idea and the execution. Arriving back at home again she leapt into the garden and sat down beneath the tree she had planted, focusing on her body, and the flow of Reiatsu in it, so she could get a solid view of it.

Looking over her body, she uses her Territorial Tulpa to correct the minute problems, strengthen what was already right, and turn her skeletal structure and muscular structure to a much more efficient and optimized degree. Slowly, over several hours, her body became a masterpiece, her masterpiece. Her Body of Clay. Finishing up with the bones and muscles, she looked to the joints, and propagated nitrogen pockets there, allowing it to bend, flex, and twist more than should have been anatomically possible. She made a few more edits to her body to make sure that she didn’t pull a muscle or break a bone while doing this flexibility, and then finished up and stood. She felt new, she felt glorious, and she felt alive. Like punching someone in the face would be an entirely new concept to her. She wanted to test it out but didn’t want to just blow someone’s face off for the hell of it, so had it wait by the wayside for now while she thought of other things she could do with this new Territorial Tulpa technique. Its versatility was unmatched, and so she would be able to get some serious juju done with it if only she thought about how best to do it. Testing her new flexibility – that didn’t require anyone – she got to work on some serious thinking. There was a lot of thinking surrounding these, but then they were more mental techniques than physical, so it was natural that she would think more than act in this situation. One did not charge a maths equation and punch it, after all. Although, that would be a brilliant way of dealing with Maths, the most hated of all subjects.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:43 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 6029
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Learning is fun~ Empty Re: Learning is fun~

Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:40 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Maths aside – although maths was never put aside, it seemed present everywhere, like some sort of ghost of equations past - there was something else that she really needed to work on. The technique that she had used to obliterate Caanan was a very interesting one, in the fact that it took out a guy so incredibly overpowered and blasted the holy heck out of some forty foot of solid subterranean earth behind him, after blowing through the reinforced steel wall. She had learned a lot about her techniques after being detached from the memory-supressing field of the neuro-hood but nothing yet about her Zanpaktou. She felt as if she needed to learn that herself. Nothing would come to her if she didn’t go to it. However, that train of thought didn’t help her right now with what she was planning to do. Old Mirja seemed content with these cobbled-together techniques, but New Mirja was here to smash pens and pineapples together and see what fit. One pair of techniques subjected to this, would be her Silent Scream and her Wolf God Fist. The two worked very well, but not together, however smashing them together might reveal something interesting. Or it could destroy the earth and all life on it, that was the gamble she was going for. Wolf God Fist was destructive enough, so giving it a high-five with another technique could turn out to be the worst idea since Mirja flirted with a Hollow.

First, she activated her Silent Scream, and felt the roar of Reiatsu through her. Every part of her reacted suddenly and beautifully, flaring power in her body and making her feel more alive, more solid. The sudden rush of the once-ordered Reiatsu was a buzz, but then it was deactivated as she realized that would get her nowhere fast. With that technique she couldn’t do anything else while it was active, and she needed to do else or it would just be a time with Silent Scream and friends looking onwards as if someone was playing a single player and making their friends suffer through the torture of watching them play it. Mirja looked out to the town for a few moments, and then left in a hyper-sonic blast of speed. There was something about Karakura town these days. A feel of sadness and loss she couldn’t quite place, and this feeling wasn’t going to do any good when it came to try and focus on new techniques, instead she travelled to her Tundra home, and took solace in the several hour trip and then peace of the tundra as snow whistled around. Not hard enough to be called a blizzard, but whistling none the less. Cold as well, Mirja could feel it kiss her cheeks and if she was a normal girl, then insulated bodysuit or no, she would be shivering her ass off right about now. In a manner that would be very funny for Mirja to watch, and entirely not funny for the person who was shivering. Of course, it was never fun to be the person shivering.

But she was not a normal person. Far from it, and so she headed out, deep into the wasteland between the Dome Cities and smaller settlements, and even her own log cabins. This stretch of land was entirely untamed. Too much snow and ice, it was a vicious, violent place that had buried all but subtle hints of civilization, and explorers could never handle the weather and the beasts long enough to make any discoveries worth a dam. That, made it the perfect place for Mirja to rest. And by rest she meant beat the crap out of the special Yeti Hollows that loved this place and the strange, wolf-like creatures that had evolved over the several hundreds of years of making this desolate landscape their home. She was sure that this place had gotten worse over the years, since the start of World War Three, and the decline of the world since then, nature took back what it owned with a vicious, harsh vengeance that left only the strong alive. And Mirja was included in that number.

What the snow and the ice and the monsters had to do with thinking about mashing powers together, she didn’t really know, but it was a soothing kind of danger to her. Speed, Fighting, and Danger. Three things that brought her mind into a calm state. Each with its own subtle nuance. And then she heard it. The snarl in the distance. The snow was blown harder here, stripping visibility to barely ten foot in front of you. And the creatures knew this. Circling her and snarling, she could hear them gather in their masses. Hollow and Living alike, they co-existed to hunt, sharing what prey they could catch. But today there would be no prey, only death. Mirja stood in the middle of the circle, counting a number approaching a hundred, and the howl of the wolf – rivalled closely by the howl of the wind – was gathering more every second. Soon they would come, and soon Mirja would begin. Not until they brought themselves to her, however, she was not going to be the one to start this fight. Maybe that was stubborn for a girl who hunted hollows all her life, but she was a stubborn girl, and had decided not to start anything, so she would not start anything, it was simple as that. More beasts arrived, and then it began.

The shuffle of quickly moving creatures was the only warning before a canine-beast burst into view, claws sharp and teeth bared as it lunged for her, but that view was distorted somewhat when Mirja punched it’s jaw off, the body part skittering across the snowy field and melting the sub-zero snow with the warm blood. The one death opened the floor gates, and Mirja was inundated with the monsters. Countering feral rage with martial precision, Mirja carved her attackers up, breaking their bones, shattering their organs, and cleansing Hollows so they could return to the cycle. But there was always more. These creatures seemed too stupid to understand that Mirja was going to kill them all, and so there was a never ending wave of arrivals. She grabbed one of the incoming wolves and spun him to use as a deadly weapon against another, and then slammed her foot into the face of the Hollow trying to bring his large hands down on her head. Her mind was solely on the battle, and tainted by the earlier thought of not using her Silent Scream because she needed to work on the other technique that was locked off because of it, she didn’t do anything in that vein, even though it would have made the fight a lot either to weather.

They swarmed her and caught shots of luck and rage. Their claws failed to penetrate her bodysuit, but they still hurt, and the powerful jaws that locked around her legs clamped hard and staggered her. She needed more, as a high leaping wolf racked his claws across her face and a pair of the larger Yeti-Hollows rammed her as if in coordination to take down this mighty creature. As soon as she was off her feet she was mobbed by an endless tide of fur and fang.

She wouldn’t go out like this. She couldn’t go out like this. It was something she refused with every fibre of her being. Her will, her drive to carry on was too strong, and her head screamed in mindless response to the unending claws and teeth that bit at her. Such was the volume that her face, neigh-impregnable to most assailants, was beginning to get warn down. Layer by layer skin was scrapped off by ceaseless claws, and blood was leaking out of the cuts. Soon, her heart joined in with this screaming, the desire to fight on, and hard. And then it stopped. Not the screaming, but her very heart. Suddenly all the clawing and snarling and the surroundings were nothing compared to the pain in her chest. It had just stopped. Given up on her, and her dreams. That was fine. Everything abandoned her eventually. The world turned grey and she closed her eyes, the sound of snarls drowning out as she drifted away.

But then she was thrust back into the situation with a heart that seemed to be trying to either beat in sync with eight different hearts at once, or just burst itself from the sheer activity. She could feel each of the incredibly fast beats were a force to be reckoned with, pushing her body into a state of hyperactivity. She rose in a whirlwind of thrashing legs and punching fists, obliterating the enemy as she connected with them, and spilling such quantities of blood that the ground had become even more dangerous. Deep crevices in the snow were being melted by the blood, and as the newly invigorated Mirja acted, they grew deeper as the horde grew thinner. Still she was clawed, bitten, and brought down, but she pushed beyond it.

Pushed beyond everything to deliver power and fury to all that came before her. The horde eventually became less of a horde, more of a straggle of dead and dying monsters, banished hollows, and general despondency. And then there were none. Her hair matted with so much blood she looked to be red-headed rather than white, her eyes ragged and her body groping for something else to crush, something else to destroy, tear, maim and kill. But then, just like that, it stopped. As the minute passed, so did the fire in Mirja’s body, and with that her very ability to stand. She hadn’t collapsed in the snow like a milksop in what felt like forever. But here she was, face down in melted blood-snow, unable to do much more than mewl pathetically. The pathetic mewling continued for some time before she decided she had had enough mewling and forced herself to stand, every part of her body feeling like badly made jelly, promising to give out at any moment and plant her face first in the snow again. The wind had become so much stronger, and she had a fight on the scale of the one she had just finished to even more through it. Each step was a herculean effort, each moment a lunge forward rather than any stable walk. She became more stable as it went on, her body adapting to the exhaustion and pulling out reserves to put the steel back in her legs, even whatever she had done couldn’t burn everything that was Mirja’s energy. It was, she liked to think, practically infinite. But not infinite enough to survive using that technique twice in a row. Soon she would decide what it was. But right now, she was just trudging.

The Tundra never seemed so vast to her, who was used to being gone before a place realized she was there. It was something that went on for a good while in Mirja’s opinion, but right now there was nothing but Tundra, like the entire world was one giant snowy wasteland and she would never reach her destination before dying. It wouldn’t be a terrible place to die, after all, she loved the Tundra and all the little animals that bounced around it. The cute white bunnies the most. They made excellent strew when she caught them and put them in the pot. However, death by Tundra was not her fate, as she saw her Log Cabin in the distance, this was nearly over. Stumbling forwards until she hit the wooden door, she opened it, and then found her bed and flopped without any ceremony. Hearing the supports and the wooden beams crack and splinter, she knew she’d need a new bed in the morning, but right now so long as it wasn’t outside, it was comfortable enough for her to sleep in. A few more minutes and even outside would have been comfortable enough, but she made it.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:43 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 6029
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Learning is fun~ Empty Re: Learning is fun~

Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:40 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

In the morning, Mirja got up and was feeling achy and like crap, but not exhausted like yesterday. That feeling was horrific, she was going to avoid it whenever possible. It was an interesting technique, and with some safeguards in place it could really work for a sudden unexpected power boost. But she would need to control it if she wanted to see the fruits of it. So she got up, headed to the shower and spent the next hour bemoaning the fact that she had dried blood in her everywhere. It was a bitch to get out, but she eventually managed it, and her bushy tail was clean again, her pure white hair and snow-pale face now clean and blood free. Before her sub-sonic jog to the nearest town for a new bed, she would cook herself something to eat, so raided the cupboards for a massive breakfast. Food didn’t cook fast enough so she ate it straight from the pain, using her Territorial Tulpa to make sure she didn’t get ill off her impatience. Once full of half-cooked foods, she headed out. One benefit of being in a skin tight suit that couldn’t be removed, was that you were always dressed to go out. Unless you were one of those that got really embarrassed when all you wore was latex, like there wasn’t a thick rubber coating between you and the outside. People were weird like that. As was her. She went out to find a quiet place to work on her new technique, and ended up massacring hundreds of freaky monsters and dozens of Yeti Hollows in the middle of nowhere then dragging an exhausted, near worthless carcass back to her house and throwing it on her bed for Morning Mirja to deal with. Which she was now in the process of doing.

Heading out and picking the pace to stretch her limbs from stiff and aching back to normal working order, she thought on her Reiatsu flow as she moved. Maybe she could work something like, focus the power in her arm to her fist, and then flare it all off Silent Scream style. The Reiatsu in her fist would feel the command to go big or go home, and would rage inside were it was stored. It wouldn’t be possible to do a full body variant of that because she’d need all her focus to contain everything, but the smaller amount of just her fist would be fine when it came to silently screaming and keeping it there in one place. She decided to put it in with her Wolfcak Silat and throw them both into a grinder for the fun of it. Names were what you made of it, after all. The strange heart trick would be more interesting. It was like, it was shouting before it went still. Maybe, Cardio-Roar? No, that sounded super tacky. Rolling into town, she had a cool name for the Wolfcak Silat technique, but nothing for the scream in her chest. That was brushed to one side, however, since she needed a bed that was able to support her. Going to her best friend’s place, the master carpenter Bob Bobbert. It was clearly such a stupid fake name, but he held onto it viciously, so she let him have it. No point in arguing with a man who made the bed after all, what was she going to sleep on without him? She had some small talk about beds, unsurprisingly, and then she left the establishment with her order placed. Strong bed, wide, long and comfortable. He was a good enough bed builder to make her something she would love from that.

And with that done, she headed back, but then took a detour. She wasn’t the kind of girl to use a technique half-cocked in a fight but it turned out that was exactly what was going down, she was going into a fight half-cocked and was going to blow their face off with such unprecedented violence. It was Mirja’s nature to blow people’s faces off with unprecedented and unexpected violence coming from a cute, albeit tall wolf girl who could snap your everything by blinking. That was actually a great introduction for her, now she thought about it. ‘Mirja Eeola. The One-Hit Wolf. She can break your everything by blinking’. It would certainly sell tickets to whatever she was going to at the time. And this at the time turned out to be her in her underground fight club, sorting out a battle with the current God of Fists. Always a pleasure to fight guys that really knew what they were doing. And while he wasn’t Mirja level, he was obviously good enough to know what he was doing with the small people or he would never have gotten where he was in the first place.

Meeting in the arena, Mirja saw that the guy was pretty well stacked, but limber all the same. Strong without being hulky. Which was the best way to go about it. It was how Mirja went about it, and that was fine for everyone else in the world as well, weather they wanted to do it or not. Taking her stance after the respectful bow for each other – he was no riff-raff and so deserved respect – they began. He moved in with fast but measured steps, not abandoning his defence to close the gap, but not being overly cautious and making it easy for Mirja to catch him in the movement. He really knew what he was doing, which was great. She hated weaklings and the people that gave her the name, One-Hit Wolf. A fight over in one punch was far too boring. So boring she felt like she was going to lose all her hair and wander the Earth.

Still, there was the question of just how powerful she was now she had perfected her body with her Territorial Tulpa. So when he came into range, she moved in herself and swing a punch for her jaw, hoping not to break it but knowing restraint wasn’t her thing. However, what she wasn’t expecting was the man to use the old Leeching Fist style and deflect her shot with seeming ease. The Leeching Fist was a great school, designed to parry at the very apex of the punch to steal all the power from the blow, making even the strongest of strikes generally harmless. Mirja loved it. That he was skilled enough, had sharp enough instincts to pull off something like that, it was magnificent. So she pushed hard, throwing blow after blow at him with all the strength she had. It was a spectacle to really appreciate, and heated Mirja’s blood to a point where she wasn’t able to think of anything but the fight. He was so good that she didn’t drive him back to the point he couldn’t reply, and his fist found purchase on her own guard, things of such power and having fought for so long that he probably didn’t even notice that she was like punching a solid steel wall. In her revelry, she burned through the concept of her new technique and charged it up. Sending the flow of Reiatsu from her arm into her fist, then flaring it dramatically and feeling it swell, she threw the blow at him. Only, when he deflected it, it vanished as if it had never been there. Her Utsusemi Fist had given her a momentary advantage that she was not going to waste.

Driving the charged fist forward, it connected with solid, beautifully crafted muscles and then blasted outwards. The power was not like what she had taken Caanan out with, nor even like the power of Wolf-God Fist, but it came a lot faster and fired off a lot more versatile…ly? Whatever, it punched and it punched fast. Being the mighty warrior that he was, the man recovered, albeit only just, and held his guard, determined to fight until the end. Mirja admired his spirit and didn’t want to take his title from him because he had truly earned it, so she just waved and left the arena, her surrender evident as she strolled to the exit. And ruining her record as well, she’d never lost a fight before now, and so her record would always have that strike against her, and would never be removed. But he deserved to be the first man to ever fight in the ring against her and remain conscious. He was a fighter of unparalleled equal in her mind, and he had given her the name for the technique that was basically a mini Wolf God Fist. She was going to call it ‘God-Bashing Blows’ because it certainly bashed that god with its blows. Her handler – having gotten very rich on bets when she proved herself in the ring – was seething with incontinent rage, and she was probably going to have to deal with some thugs of his later. He never clocked on to her supernatural status, nor the idea that she was doing this exclusively for the fun of it. He just saw Mirja when she came here the first time and decimated the competition, as a girl that he could get rich off betting, and saw the cut he gave her as something that should solidify her loyalty to the currency he was throwing her way. He never got that she could just give it up if she so wished. Just fight for fun.

The amusement that he had lost so much money - because he wouldn’t have played it safe, he would have gone hard – warmed the cockles of Mirja’s heart and made her smile broadly on the way home. She even pushed herself to the border this time, not just going travel speed but truly getting right up close to see how fast she could go before hitting the block of physical impossibility. At this speed even a single meter per second faster was a gruelling test of her body, and at the speed she was capping out at now, she knew she couldn’t go any further without pushing very hard and probably getting in trouble with her body later. She wasn’t invincible, just really really hard to break, and if she tried to much, she could break something. But thoughts of her limit pushed her into thoughts of that heart trick that she had done earlier. And so when she arrived home, she went out back and sat down, meditating as if to Jizen, but not Jizening.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:44 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:40 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Reiatsu came easy to her, but the physical side of things required a bit more. More focus, and more indepth. She couldn’t feel her body the same way she could feel her Reiatsu. So it took her a few hours, and she was speckled with snow by the time she got a grasp on what was going on, and then made her heart scream vigorously., while also keeping a leash on what was going to come out Willpower, Tenacity, and Guts forced it to start pumping harder, and she felt the effects immediately. Not as pronounced as before, which was good, she wasn’t going to burn through her everything if it wasn’t a full roar. Standing up and flexing her body, testing some more of that disturbing flexibility of hers, she started counting from the moment it had started. The power then faded as she hit the minute mark, and Mirja knew that was her limit. These two heart techniques, these Cardio-Kiai had a limit of one minute each. Which was good to know. Know your limits, and you won’t fall on your face, so she thought. Of course, now she had finished that, she had thoughts of another technique, something that could be linked. Physical and Reiatsu as one, would make for the best of techniques. So she thought to herself. Shaking the snow off, and flexing her fists, she needed some sort of distraction before she was prepared to go full tilt. If she could focus on one thing, then her mind would be free to wander and she would be able to get sudden and great inspiration from it. That was how her mind worked, anyway, she wasn’t sure about anyone else, but they didn’t have the glory of having what she had so they didn’t count when it came to Mirja being Mirja.

She wanted some control over how her muscles worked, how they contracted and relaxed. If she could work something that was designed to contract them all in an instant, then she would have a good weapon to suddenly break out. She could never get enough weapons to suddenly break out. Flexing her fist slowly, she got a good feel of the motions her muscles made through her Territorial Tulpa, and then when that was done, she got to work with the rest of her arm. Taking a deep breath, and then ordering the arm to replicate the feeling, it took a few tries, but then her entire arm was suddenly one tense block of muscle, ready to strike. She relaxed it again a felt a bit of a strain. While this technique would be cool, it felt like one that she shouldn’t do a lot, or she might end up tearing something. If she could pull that off with her entire body, then something like Chai Kick would be even more dangerous than it was before. It would be a good thing to break out in the middle of a fight, not something to start with. Get them used to her strength and then boom, more strength. And then exploit their surprise for a solid punch in the face. Chai Kick was just a name; didn’t mean she couldn’t punch someone with it.

While smiling over this new muscle power, her mind popped in with its glorious inspiration that she had so hoped the spare time would give it. Apparently, the idea of Silent Scream could be reworked into something even better, with a freeze-thaw method to invigorate her body and make it stronger and more powerful with each flair. So following the expertise of the brain, she sat down and activated her Silent Scream technique. Letting it roar for a few seconds, she then sucked it back into her core only to blast it out again a second later. Repeating this process several times, she was shocked to feel two things happening. One was the power of her body surging to new heights unheard of since a time she fought the Captain man for information. It was fuzzy but she knew she had been stronger there than ever before. And now she was replicating that strength, but not without cost. The waxing and waning constantly seemed to confuse her body and her spiritual energy, and they were in a bit of disarray, both sending strange and entirely unwanted feelings to Mirja. She was thrown off by the suddenness and the intensity of the feelings, and scrambled for solid ground. The technique seemed self-charging so there wasn’t any worry of it going south in a hurry. Only, her body going south in a hurry. She took herself by the throat and forced mind and body to withstand the feelings for as long as it could. She would need to be able to bare this for extended periods of time in a fight, so there was no point chickening out a couple of seconds into the start of it. It would get better with time, as did everything, but that didn’t comfort Now Mirja.

She managed to keep it going for a few minutes, before dropping it out and shaking her body violently. It wasn’t pain, pain she could deal with very well. It was, something she couldn’t put her finger on but really sucked. She’d practice some more with it later and hopefully get a better grasp on it and the other techniques she had perfected these past couple of days, but right now it was time for Mirja to get into the house, made dinner, and then go to bed. Tomorrow was another day that she could think about all of this, but today was for food and sleep.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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