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Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:53 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

Another day, and another riveting experience. Yaksha had heard it said that for immortals, time seemed to slow down, and everything grew so boring, so...routine. Almost mundane. Perhaps that was true to an extent, but Yaksha had lived 2500 years and still felt like there was an endless array of entertainments available to him. His performances had developed a sense of familiar ritual to them, but it was still an exceptionally invigorating ritual, one that left him feeling drained by the end, and paradoxically alight with some divine light from elsewhere.

Perhaps it was because he had spent the last 2000 years doing nothing, but everything about this place and this world was so spectacular to him. From the cheers of the impressed fans, those who fondly remembered things of centuries ago, stories passed on by their parents or grandparents so long ago it was hard to say if they were even true. From the incredible feeling of rolling even a peppermint across his mouth, leaving it delightfully cool and almost tingling. From the sensation of hands clasped into his own, and breathless adulations. All of it left Yaksha drowning in experiences denied him for centuries, for millenia in fact. And he couldn't imagine how anyone this old could actually feel some sort of boredom with this world. After 2500 years, after spending so many centuries drawing connections and patterns that could only make sense in his diseased mind, Yaksha was still driven to tears by how incredible humans could be.

Today, he was intent to share some tiny spark of that wonder with everyone present. He'd been doing it for a few months now, making his interests and intent quite clear; he wanted to bring to the modern age the dinosaurs of old, those fossils that had very nearly been forgotten by time. He exhaled, running a hand through his hair; as he did, it seemed to fill out and billow, leaving him with hair that looked like it weighed half a dozen pounds. His hand slid across his outfit next, slowly and carefully, as if he were brushing off motes of dust. As he did even his suit melded and shifted, leaving him looking the spitting image of another classic.

The curtain rose, and Yaksha stepped forward, clutching the microphone, and beginning to sing with every fiber of his being, with all the force and passion he could muster. He was far from a spectacular singer, and he knew it; his throat muscles were well-tuned to the task of emulating voices, but his actual range in the short term could use some work. But it was the pure and honest love for what he was doing that shone through more than anything, and...well, the appearance was what they really wanted, wasn't it? Who cared if this was more a lip-syncher than a singer? It was Bon Jovi dammit.

"It's all the same. Only the names'll change..."

Yeah, this was a pretty damn nice life. Yaksha could see himself holding onto it for a couple generations before he moved on.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:16 pm
Of all the situations Ryuzawa could have expected an assignment to take him into... a concert was not on the list. Yet here he was, concealed comfortably within his Gigai, and watching from near the front of the crowd as the star of tonight's show took the stage and stepped up to his microphone. This apparently popular singer was the subject of Ryuzawa's present sojourn into the realm of the living; specifically, the bright lights of Las Vegas.

What Ryuzawa was banking on for now was the hope that his Gigai would render his reiatsu suitably unremarkable that he would not draw attention to himself before he could make his move. He was here rather unannounced, after all, in pursuit of an objective all his own. He understood this singer to be the subject of a visit that would later be paid by none other than Lieutenant Kuchiki; Ryuzawa had taken it upon himself to show a little initiative in conducting a preliminary intelligence-gathering mission of a sort, in hopes of uncovering any sort of information that might prove useful to the Lieutenant down the line.

That being said, he could not force his opportunity to speak to his mark, but rather would have to wait for an opportunity to present itself. For now, at least, he reasoned he could enjoy the performance for what it was. Just what was this song, anyway...?
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Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:17 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

Ye gods, the time passed so quickly. He segued from song to song effortlessly, with the same grace and speed one would remove a shirt and put a new one on. It had been quick, and yet at the same time Yaksha had wished it could've gone on for another hour or two. The people were all on their feet by now, standing and applauding with great gusto. Yaksha bowed a few times, clearly supping himself on their attentions, allowing the applause to lift him up, buoy him and anchor him simultaneously. He drifted above them all, of them and yet somehow above them at the same time. He let out a low, trembling chuckle, and reached up to the roof, clapping his own hands a couple times.

"Thank you so much for coming, ladies and gentlemen! I'm always delighted to see you all at my performances, even the new faces!"

His gaze lingered on each of those present, hovering over the newcomers each time he could; the regulars were easy to recognize at this point, and they were all quite pleased as always to see him at his work. But there were others present who didn't look quite so pleased, or enthralled; one or two had actual looks of disturbance on their faces, as if they were unhappy with the performance, or concerned with the man. Yaksha was used to this; after all, he'd spent the last few months casually steering every conversation away from himself and his personal life. A man who was this active in the public sphere, and this secretive? Absolutely absurd.

And speaking of absurdity, Yaksha could almost smell the anachronism coming off of one of them. Perhaps it was the stance, or the look on their face, or something far subtler, something in their reaitsu, but Yaksha could recognize it almost immediately. He'd finally snagged a big one, and this was what made it all worth it to him. He'd had his fun, now it was time to talk business.

Yaksha approached Ryuzawa rapidly, slinging a hand around the man's shoulder, and seeming to shrink and meld down as he did. Now he looked like a slender, tall man with an exceptionally handsome, well-formulated face. His hair was slicked back, but only in the center, the rest springing up naturally, wildly, giving him a shocked look. And that expression in his eyes, that smile of his, promised that this was a man who would sell you the shirt off of your own back, and leave you proud for the opportunity.

His touch was as cold as ice, even after a good few hours of exertion, the biting chill almost seeping beneath the layers of clothing.

"Walk with me, m'boy! Talk with me! I've never seen you before, and I've seen a lot of people around this illustrious town!"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:16 pm
What an... interesting concert that had been, in all honesty. And what admittedly enjoyable music! Ryuzawa made a mental note to look into those songs in his downtime. What had the singer called the artist he'd been covering again? Bon Jovi? A strange name.

It was with some measure of trepidation that Ryuzawa noted that the singer came down off the stage into the crowd - and made a beeline straight for him. He couldn't be certain in the mass of bodies and the shifting lights, but he swore he saw the man's body... change somehow. For the time being, he set that odd thought aside, and put on a cordial smile as the singer draped an arm around him as if they were long-time friends reunited.

"You have enough regulars to know the new faces?" Ryuzawa remarked. "Must be, uh, pretty popular on the local circuit."
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Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:02 am
"M'man, I remember -all- the faces I've seen! When you get to be my age, memories all start taking on such quality."

He rose his brows for a couple seconds, eyes widening and his smile turning almost knowing, as if to say that he was well aware how vague that statement was, and how little it actually contributed to the conversation. Every motion he made was slow, careful, meticulous. He knew perfectly well that the man standing in front of him had come here with questions, questions that burned him to his very core. After all, how often was it that you met a man who had talents this odd? And one who wasn't interested in using them to rule, much less?

He began to push through the crowd, keeping his hand tightly clutched around Ryuzawa's shoulder, clasped to his side as if he were a close friend. He smiled and touched his free hand to his brow several times as they passed newcomers, various fans and other performers. Yaksha's smile carried such earnest, vivid enthusiasm that it was almost hard not to smile with him and feel dragged along in his wake. It felt like they had suddenly entered the gravitational field of the sun or some other enormous star, and were now forced to orbit him. And yet it was a pleasant, warm sensation, drowning in his dulcet tones, feeling his gaze settling upon them, knowing that this spectacular specimen of mankind had acknowledged them.

"So, m'man. How can I help you today? I could smell it on you from across the room; you're not just a regular fan, are ya? You're a guy with questions. You're a guy who isn't satisfied with accepting the world the way it's presented to you. Nah...a guy like you, you need answers. You need something you can sink your teeth into. You're a guy on a mission, and you know that what you've got right here, facing you right an opportunity."

Could this have something to do with the letter he had received quite recently? The one carrying the name of that most prestigious of shinigami, the youngest prodigy of the Kuchiki family? Yaksha had to confess he knew very little of the soul society and its families, but there were certain names that just couldn't be easily overlooked in the annals of history. For someone as old as Yaksha, Kuchiki may as well have been Kennedy; even the notion of the attentions of such a person was enough to put him in a beautiful mood. Finally, it was time for him to make his sales pitch, and do it right.
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Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:45 am
It had to be said - being led around like this by a man merely pretending at cosy familiarity was more than a little uncomfortable. Ryuzawa had been handed this opportunity to be close to his subject, however, and wasn't about to squander it by shying away. However, the troubling feeling that he'd somehow already given away too much nagged at him. Did he look so out of place that he'd drawn attention to himself?

He listened to the singer's estimation of his purpose; an estimation that he considered rather too accurate to be mere intuition. All the more reason to be cautious.

"I suppose you're right, in a manner of speaking," Ryuzawa answered, maintaining a calm, cordial tone. "There've been some rather troubling rumours floating around this city of late. I'm hoping to find out what I can." That felt like a suitably vague explanation of his purpose. Hopefully it wouldn't invite more, similarly pointed questions.
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Fri Feb 17, 2017 10:47 am
Yaksha knew damn well that he was causing discomfort to the subject of his attention; he could feel the tension beneath his hand, could sense the ever so subtle changes in pulse and body temperature. It wasn't that hard to extrapolate, and determine that he was really not having a good time standing this close to an unknown, dangerous man. And Yaksha's mouth opened into a wide, impossibly wide smile. It was, in fact, a smile that stretched his mouth out grotesquely, until it almost looked like the top of his head was going to fall back as on a hinge. He showed dozens upon dozens of perfectly white, well-maintained teeth, that nearly sparkled, as he spoke. Oddly, it didn't seem to interfere with his speaking whatsoever.

"Rumours? I can hear the extra 'u' in there when you say it, man! Doesn't actually make you that fancy, y'know. But hey, I'm not the kind of guy to hound someone just because of a bit of an accent. If you're hoping to find truth, you came to a good starting place. I hoard truth like a dragon hoards treasure, and virgins. Which means you'd better have come armed with some choice truths of your own!"

He ran a hand over his face, slowly, meticulously, and could be heard grumbling ever so slightly as he did. It sounded for a moment like he was speaking to himself, and as his hand slid over the pale, completely white flesh of his face, it slowly began to smooth out, returning to that handsome, pleasant visage from before. He let out a single soft sound, something that could've been either a chuckle or a clearing of the throat. And in that single span of time, everything about him seemed to have changed. The exuberant, intimate sense of confidence was gone. He no longer seemed like a man riding a high, or loving the world around him. Now, the man staring at Ryuzawa seemed to exude an aura of meticulousness and calm, his eyes appraising, almost seeming to peel the man apart layer by layer.

"Sorry. Performances leave me experiencing an adrenaline rush for a bit, and it takes me some time to wind back down. Ask me whatever you like. I can't guarantee you'll like the answer, or even understand it. But I don't plan to lie to you."
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Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:27 am
...Well, that was a distinctly unnerving sight. Not even under the shifting lights could Ryuzawa mistake what he'd just witnessed. It was as if the man's jaw had dislocated altogether, gaping unnaturally far like the mouth of a great snake about to swallow its prey whole. Certainly, he felt a chill creep up his spine - quite as if he was to be the prey.

That the singer was so forthcoming, at least after a fashion, was at least a good sign. He appeared to have an inkling what was going on; besides, individuals like this could be counted on to keep an ear to the ground, especially in such a place as Las Vegas. Ryuzawa was willing to take the risk of being a little more forward himself.

"...Allow me to get to my point, then." His tone was hushed, so as not to draw prying ears. "The rumours I'm looking into concern attacks carried out by roaming Hollows. I have a feeling you're familiar with the term."
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Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:52 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

"You...ask dangerous questions. And flippantly."

The expression of the man staring at Ryuzawa hadn't changed one iota, but his voice had turned wry, softly amused. He shifted in his spot, which was to say that...something began to twitch and writhe beneath his skin, as if the veins themselves were alive, and responding to a threat. He drummed a finger on his hip, and gestured for the shinigami to follow him, as he walked away from the stage.

"Hollow attacks are far from odd. You know that. But what you don't know is that the hollows in question here were far from roaming. They were in Las Vegas with very particular plans, and it is very unlikely it will be repeated anytime in the future. That is the extent of my answer, at this time. Dangerous questions inevitably come with unsavory prices, and I simply can't go speaking idly about such heavy topics. We will continue on it when the matter of payment has been settled."

He turned, staring at the shinigami with two eyes that were...neither warm nor cold, but simply deep. Their focus gave off a suction force almost like a black hole, making the person subjected to their attentions almost feel like they were being dragged forward. He didn't simply stop speaking, he seemed to turn off; he didn't breathe, didn't blink, didn't even seem to exist anymore. He gave off as much vitality or presence as a mannequin, as he stared at the shinigami in front of him. The room was silent, oppressively painfully quiet, for nearly 30 seconds, before he finally spoke. Each word came out slowly, picked out with great care.

"We start simply. What, exactly, is it you're buying? Do you even know what it would mean to you, knowing the truth?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Thu Mar 09, 2017 2:06 pm
The longer the singer spoke, the more certain Ryuzawa became that he knew considerably more than he was inclined to let on. His word choices betokened the knowledge he was withholding; he almost seemed amused by the notion of being questioned about these particular goings-on. Ryuzawa was definitely on the right track.

He followed at the man's invitation, slowing his gait just enough to open a more comfortable distance without appearing to be retreating. The man turned once they'd gained some space from the risk of unwelcome ears, and Ryuzawa found himself inexplicably, uncomfortably drawn to the icy, lifeless stare turned upon him. It was unnerving, for a surety - but he stood his ground as best he could, meeting the singer's eyes more or less levelly.

"...Information," he answered at length. "Any sort of actionable intelligence that can inform a further stay here to investigate these... very particular Hollows. I've a job to do."
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