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The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:06 pm
Another day, Another journey, Yoma had been traveling around lately as he worked to learn more of his role as a shinigami. Having had a meeting and training with a number of different shinigami resulting in Yoma now holding more information then he held before. He still felt confused as to what would happen next to him and what would change. He had no idea what the future held in store for him but he wanted nothing more than to grow. Walking around the busy roads Yoma took in all sounds, smells, and feelings he could obtain by walking through the dusty yet lively road. There were many men, women, and children all running about, speaking, playing and selling goods which made Yoma somewhat hungry. Yoma bought some food and snacks to carry on him and bit into fresh piping hot piece of meat.

Yoma had decided to enjoy himself with all the excitement going on, a nice change of pace for him. Yoma felt a bit happy enjoying something different which for him was not likely to happen often but it all changed in a simple moment. Yoma spotted someone strange and different. He could see them panicking and freaking out as if they were overcome with fear. Yoma saw them move away in an instant which prompted Yoma to instantly follow. Yoma felt that things could possibly become fun for him. Yoma followed her to a small secluded alleyway with nothing but a dumpster and a dead end.

Yoma found the young girl all curled up defenselessly, Yoma could do nothing but laugh if he wanted to he could kill this girl without hesitation. It also bothered Yoma how stupid this girl was. The world wasn’t so simple and forgiving one must fight to survive and whining about it would do nothing.

“WAKE UP GIRL! OR DO YOU WISH TO DIE?! Damn stupid girl”

Yoma stood over the girl pulling out a cracker he had previously bought and bit into it. He was ready to burn the girl alive if she didn't respond. He knew this girl was different but he didn’t care nor did it bother him. She was no shinigami meaning that if they fought he could learn something new something to bring him forward.

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Wed Mar 08, 2017 10:31 pm
It was another day for mike, traveling around the human world killing any hollows and demon alike in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves. The hollow he fought in particular wasn't really much of a match either, he did meet a certain individual or idol as they call it in the human world who could use  powers of ice/water at his disposal which allowed his electric based attacks to inflict immense damage. Neverless, he introduced himself to the man and came back to the rukongai to find someplace to relax, perhaps  lie down and look at the beautful sky or gorge himself onto delicious food? The possibilities were endless for mike, everything was going fine until he heard a noise coming from the alleyway curious he decided to investigate.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Mike wondered

Mike got a closer look and saw a girl backed up against the wall crying in fear like a gazzele being cornered by a hungry lion ready to pounce at any given moment. Upon further examination the girl couldn't be more than 18 or 19, she wore a
"Hey!, what do you think your doing?" Mike asked the man in question with a stern look on his face.

She's probably scared and doesn't know where she is and your just gonna threaten her some more?  "You make me this what you do to all people who have no idea where there at? Have you even considered giving her medical attention or some food" he demanded an answer from the man for his careless actions

Mike looked at the girl and asked her "Hey, are you ok?, don't worry everything's going to be fine" the girl could notice his change in tone from a serious and deep tone to a more light-hearted and calming voice indicating that he means no harm whatsoever.

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The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Sat Mar 11, 2017 5:15 pm
Yoma grew annoyed at this pitiful soul. Why could they do nothing but grovel and cry in pain, fearing what's to come. The weak girl could do nothing but shield herself and curl up. Even in the attempt to shield herself her soul had no heart for survival. Someone lost with no true will to even guide or search for herself. This really annoyed him as this reminded him nothing other than his other self. Even the horrid stench from the trash in the ally couldn’t faze Yoma. The girl had shouted out to not hurt her but Even Yoma knew her words were hollow just as she was. Yoma decided he wanted to be the one to ignite the flame of survival in her if not she wouldn’t live long.

Long and behold another fool enters the alley hearing the hollow cries of the young girl. Knowing what to expect he expected to hear the same old boring comment of another being claiming to be self righteous. Quickly they assessed the situation then questioned What was going on, Yoma could do nothing but keep two lazily stern eyes on the man. Things had just happened to become more annoying. The other man seemingly continued to talk about weak nonsensical things. Cracking a small chuckle he watched as the man. The man had told the girl that everything will be fine and had even changed his voice to sound much more comforting.


Speaking the word loudly enough so the two others could hear, Yoma immediately pushed the intruder in his task towards the wall of the alley and pinned him there. Yoma’s face clearly showing his anger and annoyance.

“WEAK. You continue with nothing with nonsense and more nonsense. You seem to have a foolish sense of how this world works. SURVIVAL, That is what matters. Those who have no will to survive will be grinded to dust by those who have the will to survive. One must grow and expand through their own hardships to learn understand this world.”

Yoma keep his eyes centered on the man, yet kept track of the ragdoll girl’s location. He was now determined to make sure neither of the two left his sight.

“Oh, little girl come with me everything will be safe and sound if you choose this way. i can make all your dreams come true. I can give you anything you want so just choose what i tell you. Do you think any this could easily be true? Do you have any idea what you're doing? Beings like you keep the weak sealed from their true potential. This girl here do you see any will of survival coming from her? She is nothing more than a ragdoll for people to mold at this point. Yet you call me sick? To me you're the sick one here you idiot. Your words mean nothing if you can’t back them up.”

Yoma’s voice had changed to a calm tender voice, then it changed once again to confident and caring voice, and again it changed before changing backing into his aggravated and annoyed self. His face staring at the man he had pinned.

“Show me that i'm wrong ragdoll girl or it's simple someone other than me will kill you, This world isn’t a nice place and if we wish to obtain our desires then we need to obtain it ourselves not by being handed anything. At this point it seems that my words are just a waste on you but You before me What is it that you desire? Is it really something you can obtaining by waiting or just having it come to you? If not then why would you do the same for others?“

Yoma words targeted the lone girl lacking the motivation to do anything. Attempting to poke her with words as sharp as daggers before then speaking once more to the man before him.

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Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:38 am
Mike could feel himself being pushed against the wall unable to react fast enough to retaliate as the man. At the same time the man had his eyes set on the girl, like a hawk watching your every move making sure she doesn't run off.

Beraiding him with stupid philosophical stuff about survival and how people like him aren't allowing individuals to unlock their full potential.

However mike thought about it and he wasn't far that far off, the only way people can grow and get stronger is to learn from their mistakes and suffer a few hardships in their lives whether it be a family member dying or being beaten up to a bloody pulp it's how the world works and you can't really grow if you just have everything given to you on a silver platter.

"Ok look i understand where your coming from, you cannot grow stronger without having a sense of survival. Every person whether it'd be human,shiniagmi, or even hollow alike they all have one thing in common which is being able to survive and live for another day." Mike replied in a monotone voice" But that still doesn't give you the right to berade the girl and end her life in an instant, she's still young and she probably doesn't have the grasp of survival."

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The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:50 pm
Yoma could not hold back his laughter from the foolishness of the two beings before him. One was stupid enough to walk directly in front of him while the other didn’t even seem to try to escape all he could do is make a statement in a agreeing voice know Yoma was right but yet still refuted the fact just because the young girl was just that, a Young girl with no will for survival. Even the young girl’s simple mind seemed to lack the understanding of what he was saying.

Yet, being called evil seemed to spark an interest in Alter. What truly is evil? This world was no fairy Tale evil isn’t something that exists to be fought by the good. Evil,Good, Light, and Dark in reality was nothing but the same thing. No matter how you spun it both exist in this world and one shall never truly disappear. The girl stated Yoma’s own life was no reason to act the way he was acting then stated how she had no home or a place to return to. Yoma could not help but laugh right in her face.

“Are you that stupid You damn doll? Do you truly believe i am the way i am because i had a poor and sad life? Oh boo hoo whoa is me, Don't fucking kid me you damn girl. I am the way i am because i choose to be the way i am. And you stupid idiot what gives you the right to allow me what to do and what not to do? No will of survival? Even pathetic children in this very area younger than her are fighting to survive stealing and killing at such a young age to obtain something so simple we all long for, Life.”

Yoma had targeted both the girl before him and the male he had pushed to the wall. Yoma quickly released the male and pushed himself back. At this very instant he threw 4 rocks each infused with his flame mines ready to go off on command. The moment they came in contact with anything in this area they would explode in a flash and burst of fire. Within this confined space and area it would be hard to avoid the multiple explosions completely. Even then Yoma didn’t care he was ready for what was to come next. He had created a fire mine on his foot ready to activate in case the moment called for it as he knew who his first target was, The Doll girl. Yoma with his wooden sword would react as the explosions would go off and attempt to strike her directly. As he got out close enough to strike he spoke.

“I tell you now My name is Yoma Yazaki, a Shinigami part of the monsuta. I do what i wish”

He declared who he was to make it clear to them. He made the one fact that mattered to him he did what he chose to do no matter what. Not caring for rules or the consequences. He was ready for whatever the two would do as he would attempt to continue to use the confined space to his advantage.
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Sun Mar 19, 2017 1:13 pm

Mike could feel himself being pushed back as the man started to do some sort of hand motion, mike wasn't sure what he was about to do but whatever it was it wasn't going to end will for both him or the human girl. "Woah Woah let's think about this for a second here man" mike said hoping to persuade him into not blowing up him or the girl
Do you really want to end this in a explosion?

Mike sighed in desperation as he looked at the man with a desperate look on his face. "Look it's not her fault okay? It's mine, i shouldn't have made the whole arugument about the whole will to survive stuff, mike looked back at the girl seeing a sense of terror in her. "Your man those who don't have the will to survive are worthless not even meant too step foot into the real world." Individuals like me are the ones that don't let people unlock their full potential, the world is cruel and the only way to grow as a person is too suffer.
"I'll just take the girl and bring her back home, just please don't do anything you'll regret"

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