Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 6032
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:11 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mongolia was a nice place. A good place to run. And running was nice. No longer an obsession, she had smashed through the wall and there was nothing more blocking her from the horizon. She had finally reached it. There was, obviously, more. Endless more, limitless more, the ceiling of infinity streched above her. But she didn't mind so much. She was content where she was, and if anything came of it that was more, then she would accept that heartily, but did not feel so beholden to it anymore. Like a free woman after years of slavery under a cruel master.

The problem was, now she was going to have to exercise restraint, and control, or everyone would be boring because now she was like Flash with breasts. Only sans Speed Force. Speed Force, would be fun, maybe she should look into that later on. But for now she was heading for a small community in the middle of Mongolia that made a brilliant concoction out of some plants and the gall-bladder of a horse. She tried to coax out the recipe, but they were stubborn, so she just bought it off them and was happy with that.

However, then something caught her nose, and her reiatsu perception to boot. A Shinigami was out here, and it wasn't one of minor standing either. Intrigued now, Mirja turned in that direction and took off towards it. What wonders would the Wolf Girl learn there? And how hilarious would it be to simply appear out of nowhere, having no reiatsu to be sensed by, and a rather limited physical presence while using her Slip Stream. It was a favored trick of hers and she so loved the reactions when people fell foul of it. She made sure that, as she came out in front of the Shinigami, she pulled her most terrifyingly cute Wolf face to add to the confusion.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Ye Olde Guarde
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Fri Jul 07, 2017 8:31 pm

Tsubine Koezuka

It had been approximately three days since Tsubine had left Tsubasa's manor. His offer, while generous, required her to take time to think on it. At the very least, she had two people she wanted to see before committing to anything. Shadin and Zin were currently the only two she would trust to be impartial about all of this. Erika would ask for her to come back... despite probably being extremely upset. That was the trip Tsubine was dreading the most if only because of how bad she felt for the poor girl. Thankfully, that trip was not happening any time soon.

Tsubine was back to being cloaked, swords almost hidden under drab brown. There wasn't much to see or do between where she was and where she needed to be. The sand dusted over her feet if she stood too long. And while fun on the beach, it was almost despicable in the desert. With how deep in thought Tsubine was, there was a chance she might end up buried to her knees if she decided to stop. It was dangerous to be so deep in her thoughts in the middle of a hostile land. Nature was man's worst enemy, even if the man (or woman in this case) happened to be long-dead.

Even if Mirja had been holding a bright red flag while running towards her, Tsubine would not have seen her coming. The limited presence, the hidden Reiatsu... it didn't matter. Tsubine was too distracted. The moment Mirja decided to pop out in front of Tsubine was perhaps a mistake. Ten years ago, Tsubine would have followed through with the draw of her blade. It was hard to see her hand move. Within a blink, Tsubine's left sword was half-out of its scabbard—but it didn't move past that. A nonplussed confusion rose on her face as she held her pose. "...I don't feel any hostility from you."

Tsubine raised an eyebrow, wondering why this woman—"Ears." Her voice was genuinely confused, though excitement somewhat peeked out. She had seen similar things in Captain Komamura, but seeing anyone else with those types of traits always fascinated her. "Are you related to former Captain Komamura, bychance?" It was her first question to anyone with ears like that... Even if it just happened to be a headband.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 6032
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:03 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

The flicking of her ears, and the swishing of her tail, seemed to display the idea that they were artificial long before it was brought up. And a smile that showed off broad lupian fangs added to the idea that she was not just a girl in costume, but an actual wolf. And it seemed to shock the girl enough to go for her sword with considerable speed. A speed that most would be shocked at, but Mirja, was a girl who thrived on the swiftness of life. And so when the hand went for her sword, Mirja reacted like a lightning bolt, placing a hand on the butt of the sword and preventing it from being drawn any more than the half-out nature that it was right now. Unless the girl wanted to force the issue. Mirja could smell her strength.

"I am rarely hostile to cute girls I have just met, dear. But don't worry, if I was hostile to you, you'd feel it a good mile off. Not that that mile would give you any time to do anything about it..." she teased, giving her a quick wink. It was, after all, her nature to flirt. And then she came to admire her lupian apendages, which broadened Mirja's smile.
"You know, I don't think anyone has ever actually mentioned my wolfish additions before you. So, kudos, I'll get you a cookie when we are closer to civilization. But no, he's a giant fox, I'm a wolf-girl. As for all these...well, I have to say hello deary. Few people would react so quickly or so decisively. I am intrigued as to who you are now. I'm Mirja Eeola, Wolf, Vizard, Maker of Cakes, Member of whatever the Gotei is calling itself these days. They go through so many names, it's hard to keep up"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3873
Age : 30
Location : Gracemeria

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Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:35 am

Tsubine Koezuka

Whether or not Mirja had stopped the blade with force, Tsubine was ready to draw. Two swords weren't her only weapons, and the other was still hidden beneath her cloak. Thankfully, neither side seemed to want to fight. The lupine woman was very confident, which in some cultures would be reason for hostility. There wasn't a need for that, however. Tsubine was the type to stop hostility against an unknown threat the moment the threat... wasn't a threat. Beating someone senseless after surrender was only a hinderance. Unless it was something personal, she had no want to do it.

The comment about the mile made Tsubine raise a bit of an eyebrow. She had once been able to keep up with Shadin for very brief periods. Her few years of inactivty had worn her down, but she was once someone to be feared. Nowadays, she'd rather face someone as they met her face-to-face. Blade against blade, soul against soul. She didn't have time for fooling around ...most of the time. She was surprised that no one had mentioned the ears before. Were they afraid? Disgusted? Tsubine had seen many odd people throughout her long short life, and Mirja's ears (and tail, but she hadn't noticed) only made Tsubine curious about her origins. While disappointed, Tsubine did feel a small smile crawl on her face. Mirja was, at the very least, interesting to listen to. "No need for the cookie. Consider us even." Tsubine gestured to her sword. "I've met only a few who could stop my draw—no matter how obvious it was." Plus I'm trying to watch my weight was an unsaid thought.

"...but a member of the Gotei who is a vizard? Are they allowing you to serve openly? Ah, that came out as offensive, didn't it? I was always trying to get Vizards the capability to serve openly... I'm not one myself, but my best pupil was one... I think he'd be a lot better if he had gotten some proper schooling." Tsubine shook her head. "But if you're a member of the Gotei, you must know who I am already." Tsubing was jumping to conclusions. "I don't have a reason to return. I think my talents are better suited outside of any chain of command, the Soul King included." She was trying to let the girl down easily.

Tsubine's Character List
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 6032
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Have you ever eaten Horse? Neigh Empty Re: Have you ever eaten Horse? Neigh

Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:24 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja stared, with a broad grin, openly admiring the girl's body. Because hey, how could she not enjoy the sight of a woman like this? She would be very glad to have this one over for dinner. Her power would make her rather excellent when it came down to it. Mirja never liked people who just rolled over and whined, she liked to tear it out a bit before getting down to the dirty. Of course with most people actually getting down to the dirty was just something she teased them with and wasn't an actual goal for her.

Then came refusals, and it made her said, which was never good. Sad wolf made sad wolf eyes and the fluffiest tail in the universe swished sadly behind her.
"No cookie? But cookies are great. I love making cookies. And seeing the look on people's faces when they bite into it and it is tasty, and then breaking up fights when someone wants the last cookie, and then resorting to beating the crap out of everyone when they don't calm down and just eating the cookie myself" she yammered, seemingly enjoying just talking for the sake of talking. "And don't worry about that, darling. I've spent a long time being able to keep up with all the people around. And I've got a few tricks to help in that regard, so don't feel bad about it"

And then she brought up the race card. Because nobody could just look at her and think she was a cute wolf morph, no they had to pick on the Vizard part.
"Well, with my lack of Reiatsu and my lack of advertising about said Vizardiness, I doubt anyone actually knows about it. So I guess. I've met a few others, but none in the Gotei. May have to talk to someone smarter than me. Anyway, enough about that, hello! Where are you off too?"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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