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Chaotic Paths Entwine [Junko/Ritsuko] Empty Chaotic Paths Entwine [Junko/Ritsuko]

Sun Jul 23, 2017 12:31 pm
Puzzled. Disconnected. Confused...

This is how Junko had begun to feel just a few weeks prior. The not too youthful girl had been seeing the new world for herself, the world that she had no place in for... Quite a long time, centuries even. She didn't know... How could she have slept through so many things. Buried away, she guessed was what happened, but she had no idea how or why she was buried. She just remembered... Being on a boat, at sea, unable to be seen or heard, for her words of the beyond had fallen upon the deaf ears of the spiritually inept living.

She couldn't tell how much time had passed, since she saw Arianda last. She honestly felt bad that she had left her new mother so long... She must have been so worried of her... At least, this thought occupied her mind over two weeks ago.

Instead, now her mind was a graveyard for coherent thought processes. She had progressed from being a girl seeing the sights, speaking to Khalaists to know of her... New occupation, and simply having fun knowing about the world, engulfed in utter amazement of what she had missed... Into a rather puzzled, pained, sickened lump of flesh.

She had begun getting the worst kinds of pain and sickness. Every morning she threw up, and at night she couldn't even sleep, and every time she did manage to sleep, horrific images flashed in her mind of days long passed, which kept her up. She became far less alert, far less happy... And her belly even seemed to get larger, but not quite to a degree the now despondent Junko could tell. She felt so tired, and wandered more in longing for purpose than wonder and interest in the world.

Where was this girl today? In America, of course, just walking about aimlessly. She felt a few fits of frustration as she wandered through the city she didn't have the mental consistency to even remember the name of. She couldn't even tell how much time passed. Was it a minute? A day? A year? A decade? She couldn't tell, or care too much. She walked upon a sidewalk, the concrete having been weathered down by many feet treading upon it, the rain striking it's light grey surface, and plants grasping at a chance for sunlight, attempting to grow from the few cracks the manmade path had.

Junko on the other hand, felt uncomfortable in her own body. A few times she was even tempted to tear her own skin off to make the irksome, ever present crawling sensation from continuing. And from the few hints of bite and scratch scars along her body, one who gave her close inspection could tell this state of mental confusion very much bothered her.

She kept moving forward, struggling to find a place to rest for a bit, taking a glance at herself in a reflection. There wasn't too much she could make out from the darkly tinted windows, but what she could see was... Who was that? She took a stop and took a close look at the reflection. Was that.. Her? Her skin was pale, which only made the darkened bags under her eyes more apparent. Her hair was quite out of place, but not too unrecognizable or messy. Junko had to take a close, interactive look at herself to understand it was... Her. She pulled down her eyelids, touched her cheeks, pinched herself, but she was still doubtful this person she was looking at was actually her.

Not many people occupied the sidewalk, which gave Junko free reign to continuously doubt this was her for quite a while, far too long for anyone mentally sound and all there upstairs to be doing.
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Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:57 pm

Chaotic Paths Entwine [Junko/Ritsuko] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Many thoughts clouded her mind as she thought about what inami said to her before she departed "Think about your path" this seal was a breakingpoint so she had one of two options either find a way to control the seal and continue her life or fully embrace the seals power. She looked at both options of this particular scenario if she chose the side of good she'd still be a respected member of vastime and can keep her relationships in check. But the problem was whether or not to tell them about the whole ordeal, she could keep it a secret for awhile but like all secrets they'll eventually be found outnone way or another ever since toshiko told her that story about sofia and how the seal made her a complete psychopath she didn't want the same thing to happen to her and that'd completely break toshiko's heart and she didn't want that to happen.

On the other side of the coin however she can gain access to newfound powers she's never felt before however she'll be seen as a traitor to not only vastime but to her friends and loved ones...would they see her as some sort of freak and hunt her down until she's dead? Even she's not sure of that answer

The seal began pulsating a green grow causing a sharp pain on her chest and to drop onto her knees "Ah" she almost felt her chest burning like putting a hand on a hot grill every second felt like an eternity this pain felt so unbearable that she wanted to tear her own skin off...however she couldn't allow this to overcome her so she continued forward looking for someone who knows how this seal works. So ritsuko started frantically walked around the city looking for someone hell anyone who can help her find a way to control this damn thing. However her prayers had been answered as she could sense a woman walking along the sidewalks of the empty city once she immediately saw the woman she couldn't help but ball her eyes out with tears of joy.

Upon closer inspection the woman was fairly shorter then ritsuko with a slender figure and had a assortment of marks all over her body and the worse part was that the woman was also pregnant as well. What caught ritsuko's attention however was the top of what appeared to be a seal similar to her own albiet a different design, she obviously was the person she was looking for

"P-please i need your help, do you know anyone who can help me control this seal " ritsuko asked with a rather nervous tone of voice before pulling down her shirt revealing the keyhole shaped seal near her breasts.

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Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:26 pm
Junko stared at her dull reflection, soon pressing a hand against her forehead. She felt great distress from looking at herself. Not only was she even unsure of if this was her anymore, she was completely alone. June and Juju had gone completely silent. They were a brief part of her life, and now they had vanished... Did they hate her now? She... She didn't know. Did they? Is that why they left? She missed their bickering so much... Why did they LEAVE?! She pressed her hands against her forehead, holding back tears. Her head felt heavy, loaded with information that she shouldnt even care about.
Was this girl in the reflection even her? Why did she feel so horrid?
Why was she so confused?
Why was her stomach so large?
Why did her head pound so much?
Were they okay?

She wanted her mother back... She wanted to go back so badly..
She sobbed as she thought back to Arianda, regretting ever leaving for so long. She panted quite hard, finding difficulty on keeping her thoughts together. Why did she leave again? Why did she ever leave? A momentary feeling of euphoria clouded her thoughts, the feeling of stirring fluttering around in her chest as she remembered... Sunshine.

The one person... Who didn't think her atrocious existence was something to be erased... She was thinking even less clearly than she was a moment ago, her thoughts becoming Sunshine obsessed. Her figure loosened up from its tense state as the euphoria caused her to drift off from reality for a minute. Her legs trembled, feeling weak and warm... Everything felt... So.. Warm... Her fingers gently and ever so slowly brushed against her cheeks, her breaths becoming heavy and slow. This sense of happiness and safety was only interrupted by something she heard and felt...

Scratching noises and the occasional tapping... Inside her skull. Her gentle, relaxed breathing quickened as she remembered the state she was in before, the chaos energy that had dipped her into a confused, mentally unnerved state. This only... Further disturbed her. But with her sense of control and mental stability being shot, she immediately dipped into a confused thought process.

"Theres something in my head... In my head..." She mumbled. Her eyes were widened as she stared at her reflection, desperation on her face. The noises had stopped, but she knew something... Something... Was... Up there... Was it eating her head?! Was it killing her?!
"Get it out... Get it out... Get it out..." She whispered to herself rather fervently, reaching her hand towards one of her eyes. The fastest way to the brain... Was behind the eye, right? Maybe if she just pulled her eye out... She could pull the thing in her head out too...

She kept reaching for her eye, zero hesitation or stopping as she pulled her eyelids away, putting another, rather shaky hand to pull the eye out of it's socket. The moment her fingers made contact with her eyeball, was the moment she finally noticed the chaotic energy next to her. Her hands immediately dropped, staring at the girl and completely forgetting about the thing she was about to do to herself.

Her gaze went down to the seal she possessed, Junko doing a slow, drained blink. Looking into the girl's crimson eyes said everything about how she felt. They were glassy, lacking in energy, and had some similarities to that of a dead person... A dead eyed gaze to say the least.
"..Oh..." She looked to the girl's face, her expression as dead in appearance as her eyes.
"... Can I help you?" Her voice was monotonous, droning even as she spoke to the slightly taller girl.
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Tue Jul 25, 2017 6:09 am

Chaotic Paths Entwine [Junko/Ritsuko] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Ritsuko could see that the stranger was about to pull her eye out but for some reason she stopped immediately as she was in her presence. Ritsuko would've assumed that the woman was completely insane what creeped her out even more was the fact that woman began to mumble a few words to herself. It would be pretty rude to get into other people's business but she had to ask about her predicament and what she's doing walking around all by herself.

"Uh hey, I noticed that you were almost about to rip out your eye from it's socket and I'm generally concerned, is something wrong? And why are you walking around alone and with a baby mind you, I know it's dangerous out here for a woman such as yourself"

The woman's eyes looked almost similar to that of a dead fish in a bowl, she responded with a question and with a rather monotone voice as if she was bored and uninterested. Ritsuko would leave almost immediately but she needed to find someone who can help control he seal, so she asked the same question again this time wiping her tears and keeping her composure well in check "Well I couldn't help but notice you have a seal similar to my own, and i was wondering if you know anyone who can help me control it"

Ritsuko's well being was important but she couldn't just leave the woman walk around in these streets alone so it was best to ask the woman if she could perhaps help her in finding the person she's looking for. Hell maybe that person may be the key for controlling her seal.

Even though she had a blank expression on her face Ritsuko could tell that she was scared and frightened similar to how she was growing up having no friends to accompany her in times of need.

"Look, I know this may sound strange but may I assist in helping you find, we can walk together and converse a bit the name's Ritsuko by the way what's yours?
she had a small smile on her face extending out her hand hoping for the woman to comply.

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Chaotic Paths Entwine [Junko/Ritsuko] Empty Re: Chaotic Paths Entwine [Junko/Ritsuko]

Wed Jul 26, 2017 4:48 pm
Junko stared dead on at the girl before her, a few times looking as if she was looking past her. She tried to keep her grips with reality tight and her thoughts steady to converse with this girl. Confusion and spending several days still awake distorted her thought process immensely. She could hardly keep her attention on the girl, but one particular thing prodded her attention.

"With a baby"

A... Baby?

She slowly looked down, finally noticing her protruding belly. It wasn't too big of a protrusion but she could tell... She was pregnant. A flicker of shock caused her heart to begin beating quickly. How did she get pregnant? That... That couldn't be possible! She never... She never..! She put her hands to her mouth to stifle a scream, then let in a series of deep breaths. No... No... She did. All the way back then with...

Arianda, her mother.

She began listening to the other girl about her having a similar seal to her's, and about her knowing if she knew of anyone who could help her control it. She didn't know how the girl managed to get the seal, but with what state she was in for what felt like almost a long, agonizing eternity, she was willing to prevent that kind of thing from happening to anyone else. Junko didn't realize, but she had sort of reverted back to her previous mental state, anxiety having a bit of a grip on her fuzzy mind and exhausted, pained body.

Her dulled eyes that bore into the slightly taller dark haired girl slowly brightened up, the dark red brightening up as a bright, shining smile painted itself onto her paling face. This was... A great opportunity! She could help someone and see her mother again in one fell swoop! She... She could be of use to someone! Her pupils dilated as she just looked like the cutest, gosh darned happiest person alive suddenly. Her current feeling of adrenaline powered out the confusion and exhaustion, at least temporarily.

Without warning, she suddenly and rather swiftly pulled the girl into a hug, making sobbing and laughing noises as, well, Junko was sobbing and crying in a show of an array of mixed, strange emotions that were stuck in an icky, mucky limbo for quite a long time.

"I... I know who can help us. S-sorry... My... My mother can!" She pulled away from Ritsuko, staring her in the eyes, "I... I've been feeling horrid the past few weeks.. I never really got the seal under control. I wouldn't want this... T-to..." She seemed to drain for a moment, her body tensing up and beginning to slink away, the bright sparkle in her eye vanishing, before she forced a little more out, "I wouldn't want this to happen to you or anyone else, I can get us help... We... We have to go to Europe, though..." She panted, seeming far more exhausted from pushing out whatever energy she had left. She let go of Ritsuko, rubbing her temples gently.

"Urgh... Headaches..." She mumbled.
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Chaotic Paths Entwine [Junko/Ritsuko] Empty Re: Chaotic Paths Entwine [Junko/Ritsuko]

Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:07 pm

Chaotic Paths Entwine [Junko/Ritsuko] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The name was Arianda and what surprised her even more was that the woman was also her mother. What kind of disrespectful mother would just leave their daughter behind in this street alone and with a baby noneless.

The smile the woman exhibited did cause her to smile as well, looking at this girl ritsuko could tell that she has alot of vigor and spirt in her which was always good. She was in a long hug as she could hear a mixture of both crying and laughing at the same time. Feeling her grip slowly be let go almost immediately as she was staring into junko's eyes as she could feel the negative effects the seal had on her body giving incentive on getting the seal fully controlled.

Ritsuko couldn't hear what she said for a second as her once gleaming eyes started to diminish. It appeared that this Arianda person was the answer she was looking for, mot only will she be able to get the proper training to not only control the seal but the woman can also see her mother. It was genuinely kind that the woman didn't want anything happening to her, however ritsuko could notice that the more she talked the more difficult it was for her words to get out.

The location europe but where in europe she doesn't know, luckily getting to europe will be a snap due to the technological advancements of 2417.

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