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A Journey to the Shinigami Empty A Journey to the Shinigami

Wed Sep 06, 2017 10:54 pm

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This wasn't exactly what he thought it would be when he arrived. Entering through a portal he crossed his arms behind him. He glanced at Mirja's map or what was left to be considered such. This was an unreadable mess for him, it was just the language wasn't something he was used to. His eyes looked over the area slowly figuring out he'd been seen. Qiang blinked for a moment as he put his hand out to the side. Death was the Tarot eh decided to activate as the regular scythe formed. The Stygian metal blade formed in his grasp. He slammed it into the ground as he grinned. "Attacking me, might be an unhealthy choice boys.But regardless, this is what warriors live for. We revel in death and pain. That is the price we must pay, now come and face me the mettle of this realm. " Li Qiang was a warrior first and foremost and his beliefs never splintered or left that. Bringing the blade of the large scythe in front of him at an angle he began his movement. His eyes tracking each movement and cognitive outcome.

It wasn't like he was quick or showed tremendous strength. Simply the fact was that Li Qiang saw and acted taking his chances. Five Warriors were what he detected as one of the blades broke against his scythe. This wasn't going to work for him at all, they were too weak. They didn't have the warriors heart he wanted. But that wasn't the issue at the moment. He stabbed his scythe into the ground laying his frame on the blade's pole. He began staring at the map as the beaten and dead lingered around him. Those who died simply weren't able to match up with him well. But he wasn't out for blood, not originally. He seemed bored and most could survive if medical attention was brought. Only one guy wouldn't survive and Qiang made sure of it. he'd attempted to stab Li Qiang through another person. Such rotten tactics had no place on this battlefield. So that person's very existence mocked warriors for what they were. That one laid cut in half at the base of his large scythe as he stared at the map.

He'd suspected Mirja was like him with a terrible sense of direction. He couldn't figure this stuff out and sort of went with the flow on things. People got too worked up over the details. They didn't know how to have fun with fights or enjoy them. That was an exchange he longed for. To exchange blows with someone who understood just how to communicate with weapons or fists. Ah to dream, but now back to figuring out where in the seven hells this place was. Sadly no answer would come as he looked at the sky a bit. He guesses eventually someone who knew the way could give him directions hopefully.

Kai Lam
Kai Lam
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A Journey to the Shinigami Empty Re: A Journey to the Shinigami

Sat Sep 09, 2017 2:45 am
Ever since leaving the Gotei Thirteen Zaraki Kenpachi had moved out to the 80th and most dangerous Rukongai District, Zaraki. Though once the Gotei provided him with a good source of powerful allies and enemies alike to fight, at some point he grew limited in this respect due to the increased stringency of the organization's rules. At one point people were barely allowed in or out of Seireitei, severely decreasing the pool of potential providers of enjoyable combat. While this fact seemed to change with time, Kenpachi stayed in his home District. Here he could come and go as he pleased, and with Yamamoto long dead there was nobody to keep him in line so bothering with the Gotei wasn't a top priority for him. Despite, or maybe due to, this fact Zaraki continued to wear his sleeveless Captain's haori and still allowed the Gotei to point him in the direction of powerful foes.

While the Zaraki District was once overrun by the most dangerous thieves and criminals in Soul Society outside the Maggot's Nest, his mere presence in the region alone was enough to deter many of the stronger ones. Only the foolish and weak remained, too dumb to flee but too weak to be targeted. Many of these individuals had come from lower numbered Districts because it was clear Kenpachi had no interest in dealing with petty criminals so as long as they stayed below his radar, no amount of undue felonious activity would draw his ire. However what would pique his interest was the arrival of an individual significantly stronger than everyone else in the area, the only attribute Kenpachi really cared about in others. Heading directly to the person's location, it wasn't long before Zaraki Kenpachi discovered a man surrounded by the corpses of this District's seedy citizens. With a greater Reitsu than anyone else he'd seen in a while as well as a trail of dead behind him, Zaraki figured the man could at least be used as a warm up for the day but knowing how obnoxious the Gotei could be if he bloodied someone they cared about he made to sure to ask for his identity in a way typical of the previous Captain of the 11th division.

"Who the hell are you?"

A Journey to the Shinigami Empty Re: A Journey to the Shinigami

Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:59 pm

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It didn't take a genius or a rocket scientists to put two and two together here. The big guy in official looking gear, but what stood out more so. Was the fact that he was a fighter that much was clear. Scars he could see clear as day as he exhaled a breath. This wasn't exactly what he had in mind for continued delays. He got off his scythe's pole slowly standing up as he put a hand on the weapon's pole. He sensed danger from this one similar to Mirja in a way. But something far more deadly beneath the surface. "Another warm welcome, my name's Li Qiang. You look like fun, I may just forget my diplomatic mission to play with you." He couldn't help himself really in these situations. Li Qiang loved a good fight and enjoyed every second of it. Losing or winning it didn't matter to him in the slightest. The guy's size and build were interesting as he spun the scythe to let it rest on his shoulders now. The blade's edge hung towards the ground. If Yusuke were here he'd never hear the end of it.

Throwing his kingly duties aside to enjoy a scrap with this guy. Well, what did they expect from a Warrior King? He wasn't the prince of pussies exactly. He didn't see a strong guy and run from the challenge. No, he barreled into it head long looking and enjoying himself. He wasn't caring who was stronger or what their purpose was. He was going to enjoy himself one way or another. Now this guy, he didn't have a name for this guy. He ran a hand through his hair as he grinned a bit. "Got a name, big guy?" He asked though he didn't really care about names or titles in this situation. He wasn't from here so even if he heard it. That wouldn't give him much information, to begin with. Coming from a different realm Qiang's reactions and beliefs were different fundamentally. Also, it didn't help his ideas and beliefs weren't normal for royalty. Qiang still remembered the thrashing from Mirja. That was an entertaining fight, he was hopeful that this guy would provide a similar feeling of elation.

Kai Lam
Kai Lam
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A Journey to the Shinigami Empty Re: A Journey to the Shinigami

Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:46 am
The strange, somewhat-alien man's sarcasm fell on deaf ears. The only words to stand out to Zaraki were "diplomatic mission", meaning he likely had official business with the Gotei or Soul Society government of some kind. While usually he would likely have just scoffed and walked away due to not wanting to bother with annoying repercussions from the Gotei, something about this man antagonized the Rukongai Demon. Maybe it was his carefree killing of weaklings who could barely harm a Shino Academy student much less anyone actually worth their weight in strength; perhaps it was his tone or the things he said; maybe it was just the way he dressed. Regardless since the odd individual seemed to want to "play", Zaraki was fine with obliging. Perhaps he'd even provide some fun for the monstrous Kenpachi. Then again, maybe not.

Once the stranger asked for his name Zaraki placed his right hand on the tsuka of the weapon sheathed at his hip, long fingers curling around its long handle. As Zaraki drew his Zanpakuto the Kenpachi's spiritual pressure exploded out, its inherent killing intent alone being enough to send any onlookers or nearby civilians sprinting in the opposite direction. Though just a taste of his full power Zaraki's Reitsu went off like an atomic bomb, whipping up strong winds and sending a clear message to his opponent: If he wanted to play, he would have to go all in. If not, Zaraki would just get bored and for him boring fights tended to end rather quickly. In a flash he shot forward, closing the gap between the fighters in an instant. As he swung his sword downward in a heavy slash capable of leveling a building and shattering the ground beneath his foe's feet, the Shinigami's voice rang out in response to Li Qiang's question: "I'm Zaraki Kenpachi, let's play then!"

A Journey to the Shinigami Empty Re: A Journey to the Shinigami

Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:16 am

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So reading this Zaraki's moves wasn't terribly difficult through his eyes. The cognitive outcome was clear to witness now there was one little factoid that required mention. This guy was much stronger then he was letting on, call it instinct or whatever. He could sense that beneath the surface as he felt the killing intent. Speed was good too, from what he could see it was very likely this would be a loss of some sort. That made things interesting, well he'd add a scar to that pretty collection hopefully. As the blade swung downward, he got to see the amount of power this man had. This would have knocked most men's weapons or broken through them. Raw power ahead of even Mirja's he'd say. Though he couldn't be sure as their fight wasn't quite so direct. He brought his scythe off his shoulders quickly. He'd have to do this with as much skill as possible. He wanted to feel a bit of the power this guy had. He used the scythe's pole portion to deflect slightly of the blow. The problem was it didn't exactly work perfectly as he planned.

But he was able to adapt as the blade went down with massive force. He felt his muscles tensing and his body struggling to hold on. But screws to losing his grip and everything else. He was going to make sure he kept ahold of this. A fight like this didn't walk around the corner every day. Well, one did but that cost them their home. As he held on through sheer grit and determination. He used the blade end to cut across Zaraki's midsection. Or to try to anyway, there wasn't any promised strike that would win. He had an idea of how this would go anyways. He suspected something rather interesting would happen. Would this man be what he suspected him to be? The questions did pile up, perhaps he could even aide him in waking up some power. Qiang couldn't help but shiver in anticipation about it. Perhaps this guy would be perfect for unlocking death.That would mean death and then be stuck in death in a battle with this guy. Oh well, worse things could happen to a bloke he supposed.

Using the pole aspect of his weapon would make this hard, especially since Zaraki was using a weapon of a rather large size as well.

Kai Lam
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A Journey to the Shinigami Empty Re: A Journey to the Shinigami

Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:22 pm
The corners of Zaraki's mouth turned upward slightly, a small smile forming on his face due to his opponent not being crushed by the first strike. Too many of his victims didn't live past the initial attack so he was at least somewhat happy by this turn of events, his Spiritual Pressure reflecting this fact by surging forth from his gargantuan body. Sparks flew from the clash of steel, illuminating the faces of both warriors like a light show. This lasted but momentarily as his opponent shifted his scythe in an attempt to tear through his abdomen, but before it came close Zaraki's off hand shot out and grabbed the weapon by its blade. Despite the strength of both Li Qiang and his weapon, Kenpachi remained uninjured by his foe's scythe. With a rock solid grip on the blade and his own sword pushing against its shaft, Zaraki bent his neck back slightly before ramming forward in an attempt to headbutt Li Qiang directly in the head. The force from this impact could crush cartilage and bone alike, potentially breaking the Sugiura's nose or more.

While still holding his opponent's scythe Zaraki suddenly pivoted in place, pulling Li Qiang along with him. After turning about two hundred and seventy degrees Zaraki launched the Sugiura by is weapon in an attempt to send him flying into a nearby building with enough physical strength to collapse the entire structure around his opponent's body. Reitsu continued to radiate wildly from Kenpachi's body, his killing intent permeating through the air like an ocean of pressure capable of bringing people to their knees. Assuming this all went well Zaraki followed up quickly by lifting his hefty blade in front of him and flicking his wrist, sending a shock wave of force directly at the building Li Qiang was potentially still in. The strength of this movement was great enough to essentially blow up the wreckage of the structure Zaraki had sent his foe flying into. All of this was just the preamble to the fight as Kenpachi waited for Li Qiang to come back out and continue the fight they'd started just a few moments ago.

A Journey to the Shinigami Empty Re: A Journey to the Shinigami

Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:17 am

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So it was like he thought, this guy's fighting style was crazy. He couldn't win with the scythe in this shape or form. It was a rather painful reminder of the difference. But he couldn't let himself lose in this situation entirely. Reading the movement of the Headbutt as it came he prepared himself for the next situation. His hands released the weapon as he sent a powerful punch into Zaraki's jaw now. Using his own momentum against him. Qiang's Mystic eyes were the only thing keeping him from being completely outmatched. He couldn't do anything aside from throwing his blows at him. But this one had a bunch of force and power behind it. Also being a counter punch angled to connect into the jawline of Zaraki. This man's strength was dangerous and he wasn't sure even by playing the angle game if he won. But the force would certainly give Zaraki at least a jaw ache for a moment. He didn't need his weapons to be dangerous even slightly. Qiang's fists were just as dangerous in this situation.

But his senses told him this wasn't enough to stop Zaraki. So while doing this he gave that blade a kick into Zaraki's gut. Using his foot as a nail to send the weapon flying into the male's abdomen. Sending the blow at the weapons back as fine for the moment. This wasn't exactly a weak martial arts move. As he began to fight with his mind settling on the course and path he needed to go towards. He wouldn't bow not to this man either. He was done shaking his knees or being the figure people fled from. He didn't intend to go quietly into the darkness either. This wasn't going to be a simple fight for this big guy. The guys around him only one had been killed the rest simply were stunned. Qiang didn't kill the weak who fought him. But Zaraki's little lesson was starting to take root in his mind. The weak couldn't provide what he sought in this world. He wanted to grow and be able to defend his people without fail. He wanted to show them he was able and capable of doing things. Qiang wanted to be more.

After finishing the movement he used his version of a flash step to move away. Most Sugiura used magic to perform the feat. But Qiang's was based on the martial arts they used instead. He went against the grain as he grinned prepared to duke it out with his bare hands if need be. Leaving Zaraki to recover from the potent punch and kick he'd struck with at the same time. He figured that this wouldn't go anywhere without causing trouble. It was clear this wasn't an ordinary guy in the slightest. Catching the blade of his weapon clearly stood out. Even when he saw it coming it didn't make sense. So obviously, this guy was a different sort.

Kai Lam
Kai Lam
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A Journey to the Shinigami Empty Re: A Journey to the Shinigami

Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:02 pm
A smile appeared across Zaraki Kenpachi's face as his opponent dropped his weapon in order to land a punch on the Shinigami, a plan which wouldn't quite go according to Li Qiang's intentions. Zaraki allowed the punch to go through unhindered, taking the blow to his jaw while completely ignoring any potential pain that might come for it, in order to slam the shaft of the scythe against his opponent's chest with tremendous force capable of breaking ribs and knocking the air out of his lungs. Zaraki had zero interest whatsoever in disarming Li Qiang, in fact he wanted him to keep his weapon for as long as possible. There was only reason he wanted his foe to keep his scythe in hand: Cutting up an unarmed man wasn't all that fun. It was his thirst for battle that kept him from taking advantage of his opponent. Almost everything he did was to squeeze out as much enjoyment from combat as possible, from the energy and vision blocking-eyepatch he wore on his head to the spiritual pressure-sensitive bells at the ends of his hair spikes. It was all to make winning more difficult for the Demon of the Rukongai.

Having a significant reach advantage due to his near inhuman height and limb length made it easy for Zaraki to catch his opponent's shin mid-kick. By turning and shifting his arm Zaraki was easily able to use enough force to launch Li Qiang into the ground a dozen or so meters away, the force being great enough to, if successful, create a large crater around the Sugiura's body and break bones if he landed poorly. At this point Zaraki's spiritual pressure began flaring up even more than previously, exploding outward as if an atomic bomb had just been dropped directly on the Shinigami. Powerful gusts were whipped up and nearby wood buildings began buckling from the wave of weight Zaraki dropped on his surroundings. Like a tidal wave of pure killing intent, this force washed over the Rukongai District these fighters found themselves in and struck daggers of fear directly into the hearts of everyone not named Zaraki. "If you don't use everything you've got, you'll die!"

A Journey to the Shinigami Empty Re: A Journey to the Shinigami

Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:23 pm

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This guy was a damn tank, it was evident no martial skills mattered in this moment. He couldn't seem to make use of a scythe in the slightest in this situation. Feeling his chest practically caved in by the scythe as he felt his kick caught by the huge man. This was an issue and it wasn't getting much better as he gripped his scythe. Using it to help himself and a bit as he could sense this impending doom of sorts. This was a mismatch of epic proportions and fighting normally wasn't gonna cut it. Death didn't have attributes he could use at the moment. Did he switch to long range and try to fight this monster of a man? Getting cut to pieces wasn't on the agenda. His body skidded across the ground as he took stock of he was free to him yet. This wasn't exactly over but it wasn't getting better either. This was a situation that was quite literally going to hell. So without Death's power, he couldn't feasibly beat him. Hell at this point it was a child kicking a grown man's ass. It wasn't going well at all for him in that regard presently.

His digits gripped the scythe as he began thinking of ways he could use it to fight. It was too long a weapon to fight against Zaraki in its present form. Too broad and he wasn't wielding or whipping it around strong enough. He put his hands in the middle and yanked left and right. pulling the scythe in two for now. He needed a smaller size to continue this fight. The weapon turned into two short blade scythes now. He could reconnect and fight with faster speed now. The chains on both of them also gave options. A spiritual pressure blast of massive proportions hit him and those around him. Screws this wasn't exactly what he suspected when he arrived. Only one chance to get stronger existed here and he knew about it. He'd not been eager to try it out since it couldn't end well. He threw a scythe at Zaraki or rather past him now. It was a distraction as he ran towards him. This weight was immense and causing tension to flow through his body.

The warm up's were over and at best now he could try and fight Zaraki this way. Two choices were free as he considered his options now, he needed to use it at the last moment. Moving forward he'd used enough pull on the chain to bring it back towards Zaraki. Before the chain vanished again into the weapon. The blade would come towards the male's back. He needed to do this with pinpoint timing in order to truly fight him. This couldn't be done slowly anymore, the only advantage was none. There wasn't a real stand out an advantage for him. Martial Skill was a false one to linger hopes upon in this stage of the game. As he got closer he prepared a swing for Zaraki's midsection. He'd use his trump card here and now. Waiting for the moment Zaraki would react he teleported to his other scythe. Slamming the blade downwards and finishing his slash. As his other scythe would be aimed toward's Zaraki's neck. Trying to draw blood and maybe potentially knock down the big giant. But he knew it wasn't enough to even slightly. It was why he threw the blade going at Zaraki's shoulder away.

Just in case he needed an escape quickly and without issue at the moment. He'd be able to recombine the scythe if required. Its nature wasn't perfect in this situation. But nothing he could do or would do to this giant monster of a man would work out perfectly.

Kai Lam
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A Journey to the Shinigami Empty Re: A Journey to the Shinigami

Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:58 pm
As his opponent came to grips with the situation Zaraki stood still and quiet, as if he had suddenly been turned into a statue somehow. The long chipped katana he used for combat laid resting across his right shoulder, apparently completely relaxed despite fighting a Gotei Captain-level enemy. In fact even if Li Qiang was ten times as strong as he currently was Zaraki would still be relaxed as he was entirely in his element, a one on one battle with someone tough enough to survive his sword swings. It was for this very fact he was even continuing this fight despite knowing his own true power dwarfed anything shown so far in this battle. With the eyepatch continuously eating away at his strength Zaraki hardly cared about what he was actually capable, all that mattered was making sure this fight was as fun as possible. Despite all the devices and skills he had for keeping himself down and giving advantages to opponents, the pure physical force the 11th Kenpachi was capable of producing could not be limited enough to entirely even this fight. Regardless he was still going to milk as much enjoyment out of this conflict as possible.

Though Li Qiang was mixing things up by turning his weapon into two smaller one-handed scythes, Zaraki wasn't exactly impressed. A weapon transformation wasn't what he wanted his foe to use, he wanted Li Qiang to go all out and use some abilities or powers or releases or really anything extra at this point. Despite his opponent's best efforts Zaraki remained unharmed, a fact which wasn't lost on the former 11th Division captain. Due to this he decided to let whatever the Sugiura had planned actually occur without interrupting yet. "Go ahead and hit me wherever you want, I'll give you a free shot at me with your full power." As his enemy's scythe flew past him Zaraki did nothing to interfew, sticking to his word. Refraining from flinching or reacting in any way, Li Qiang's plan would go off without a hitch: Both scythes would easily strike Zaraki at the exact same time, one at his abdomen and the other at his neck and shoulder. However, injuring Kenpachi wasn't so simple.

The first thing Li Qiang might notice is, as previously, both weapons would be stopped in their tracks upon hitting Zaraki's steel-like Reitsu reinforced skin. Except this time due to the recent explosion of Zaraki's spiritual pressure, it would be like striking diamond with a metal bat: Theoretically pain should shoot through the Sugiura's arm and potentially even dislocate or break his wrist and cause his hands to bleed due to Zaraki's incredible durability. Once he could look past the pain Li Qiang might also notice the tips of his weapons cracking and beginning to break just from striking Zaraki directly. While this damage wasn't entirely widespread, it would certainly make clear the Shinigami's inhuman sturdiness. "My turn. Try not to die too quickly."

Turning in place almost instantly Zaraki quickly grabbed Li Qiang by his shoulder, utilizing his superior reach to prevent his foe from running away. Immediately after this he lifted his Zanpakuto up and above both of them before slashing downward as if his weapon was a meteor, ripping open a gigantic gash from his opponent's shoulder to opposite hip if successful. Blood would likely spurt out from the Sugiura and wash over both Zaraki's clothes and the ground between the combatants. Even if Li Qiang tried blocking this attack there was a good chance Kenpachi's weapon would break right through the man's scythe due to the Shinigami using far more physical power in this sword swing than he'd done so far as well as the potential damage to the weapon already accrued. Regardless of what would end up occurring he released his foe and allowed him to either stumble back from the injury he sustained or, in the case he somehow avoided danger, walk backward.
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