Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Cry, Slash, Kill. [Aiko/Sumika - Page 2 Empty Re: Cry, Slash, Kill. [Aiko/Sumika

Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:15 pm
Aiko herself didn't truly click with reality, having even momentarily forgotten who the girl was and what had happened just moments before interacting with her. The memories were simply gone, aside from who the taller woman was. Of course, Aiko didn't have a grasp on her identity, which had made earlier memories easier to slip of course. The girl was no longer shivering, as if forgetting she was covered in rain water. The rain had managed to slow and stop over the course of the interaction, the sky now of a bright blue with large clouds having indicated that it just stormed.

The girl utterly loved this woman for no apparent reason for any onlookers. The girl was actually seeking a form of comfort, and she had finally found it! She rather appropriately celebrated her unintentional goal, having engaged with loving physical contact in the form of hugs of course. The girl heard the girl speak once more, her ears twitching to indicate listening. She lifted her head from her chest once more, releasing her and smiling the brightest most gosh darn diabetes-causing smile ever.

"Weird!" She repeated the word rather cheerfully, of course not having any idea what it meant, just was fun to say! She began rather excitedly repeating the word, uttering 'weird' under her breath as she hopped up and down in a rather hyper, childish manner.

"Name?!" The girl squeaked the question rather dramatically, looking right up at Sumika once more with a giant smile. Her ears and tail were sticking up, as she tried to figure what that actually meant.

"Aiko Inari!" She replied, lifting an arm up rather quickly in a display of joy. Surprisingly she had some concept of what the word 'name' meant. She didn't seem to realize her conception of these words, nor did she seem to really care too much. Still, a rather up front answer was spewed, as if she knew what she was talking about.

Soon Sumika had gone from her grip, which calmed Aiko down significantly. Her tail was sticking up as high as she could muster, seeming like some strange blonde squirrel tail at first glance. Suddenly, her hand was taken by the woman, which intrigued her as she was rather gentle with gripping the hand provided. Her nails were quite long and sharp, and even subconsciously Aiko did not want to harm her, so extra care was given with holding on. Another word crossed her animal ears, creating yet another bright smile.
"Naked!" She cried out, hopping up and down as the girl led her elsewhere in the town she had situated herself in.

However, her excitement began to stifle and fizzle out as they had begun walking through the town. Aiko had stared around as the setting began to melt back into reality. The rather drab atmosphere, the run of the mill buildings anyone would expect in a town with squished together structures, and people...

As she walked along, the area seemed to darken as the scene momentarily went silent. All she saw were eyes on her, staring, fearful, hateful... She heard their voices... Their comments on her...
"She's going to kill us..."
"Why is she acting like that?"
"That girl is going to die..."
"She's going to eat my babies..."
"Monster... Monster..."
"Monster... Monster... Monster..."
The girl did a rather wholesome swallow as the tension in the area appeared to climb. If noticed, Sumika would even feel a slight tug at her own mind, something weighing her rational thought down, but hardly enough to cause too much of a disturbance in thought, but enough to be noticed.


Aiko stumbled on her words as she stared at the people who seemed to become tense and terrified as they stared her way across the street. Though, if Sumika had taken acknowledgement of the girl's tone, she could notice that she was more in a trance-like state, staring across the street at the people meeting her gaze.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Cry, Slash, Kill. [Aiko/Sumika - Page 2 Empty Re: Cry, Slash, Kill. [Aiko/Sumika

Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:08 am
Sumika had come to terms with one thing. She had probably just accidentally come in custody of an orphaned child, or at least a demon who had a child's mind. There were still concerns she had. This girl clearly had something up with her head. Either some animalistic instincts or something, because what she witnessed was much different. Still, whatever it was seemed to have passed. It didn't occur to the little Iramasha that this girl could have been trying to trick her to let her guard down. Some demons were truly diabolical like that. The girl repeated words back over and over, choosing to repeat weird like 2 or 10 or 500 times, she didn't know. She laughed softly, she wasn't going to really comment. Weird can be a compliment or insult depending on the person, but she certainly didn't mean it as an insult. So she wasn't gonna say anything for now. "Yes name." Sumika said, repeating the word slowly. She kneel'd down besides the girl to get on about equal height. "Aiko Inari? That's your name?" She asked, but she could tell it was the girl's. Truthfully she looked like an Aiko. "Alright, come on Aiko. Let's get you...not naked." The girl parroted even the word naked, which was...well not what she had in mind. Still, she was gonna try to help the girl out.

The tension mounted as the town's rumors fluttered about. Sumika felt it not as a result of the aura of tension that the girl beside her gave off. The demonic energies forcing their way into Sumika's body failing to find any mark before her natural energies found and purged them. Her power over purification was weak, but it was stronger than what was being dished out. If this girl's energies became too strong before Sumika could figure herself out, that could be a problem. For now though, she was fine. Sumika looked down to Aiko, something just...wasn't quite right. She was kinda...vacant? No the girl was clearly unhappy. It was strange. Sumika pondered countering them, but she knew little about the girl. If they refused to listen to even reason it could scare the poor baby worse. She thought for a moment. What would her brother do? She strained thinking, trying to come up with a solution. Damn it, it was so easy for her brother. In half a second he usually had a pretty good plan, but for her it wasn't so easy. She wasn't dumb, it's just that her strength lied in heart, not mind. She wished she could figure out what had them so spooked about her, but again, she wasn't gonna risk scaring the poor baby. "Relax!" She shouted, though the voice was soft and calm. She looked to each and everyone, a soft and gentle smile on her face.
Not an ounce of fear or hesitation.

"She isn't gonna hurt ya! I think she just needs some help. Have a heart. I'm leaving anyway. If someone can point me to a clothing store, that'd be great. I planned on just grabbing her clothing and leaving anyway, I have to go visit my brother. The sooner I have this girl dressed, the sooner I take her out of your hands." She looked down to Aiko and back to them, she generated a bit of electricity and crackled it over her free hand. It was a visible display, creating enough that would seriously damage a normal human, but not flashy or loud, as to not spook Aiko. "I can protect myself you know..." She heard the comment on her dying. " I'll be fine. So just let me take her off your hands, okay?"
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Cry, Slash, Kill. [Aiko/Sumika - Page 2 Empty Re: Cry, Slash, Kill. [Aiko/Sumika

Fri Sep 29, 2017 10:07 am
The general public's anxiety seemed to grow along with Aiko's. The girl's aura only caused a sort of rebound effect, as the public grew more fearful, Aiko would feel it, and the aura would only grow strong from Aiko's own fear, fueling the public's, a nasty back and forth until one or the other snapped and did something. Though this time was different, indeed. Aiko wasn't alone when this same scenario had begun, the tension in the air that had begun compressing and beginning to inspire the need for violent action from both sides... Suddenly began de-escalating when Sumika had spoken up.

When told to relax, the darkness in the young fox's vision seemed to vanish, the public around's fear seeming to be held at bay. The tension in the street appeared to lighten as Sumika continued speaking, some people around appearing to even grow happy to hear she was taking the girl off their hands. Aiko simply remained silent as someone had walked over and spoken to the girl.
"At the next corner take a left and go down the street, can't miss it." A young man had come up and given the directions, soon rushing off and going on with his day, likely from fear of the girl and just wanting to get away mostly.

Within Aiko's silence, she felt a wind rush as the world suddenly changed, the scenery appearing as dark clouds with a ground much like a giant, watery mirror. Aiko didn't act out, in reality just going along with Sumika with a spaced out expression which wouldn't seem too strange. Aiko felt hands clasp her temples rather gently, the desire to move or turn around to see who had touched her never stirring, as if she knew who the presence was already and was in comfort of whatever they would do.

Suddenly Aiko's mind was rushed with flashes of things before her vision, going far too fast for any person to process. The sudden flurry of information left her feeling fatigued, but not falling over. Her ears twitched, when she honestly heard a voice utter;

"You're going to need that. Take care."

And suddenly she was brought back into reality. She blinked, rubbing her eyes at the sudden drop back into a light-filled space, doing a gentle grunt of discomfort as she looked up at Sumika. She suddenly could comprehend what had just happened, what this woman had done for her... Tears welled in her eyes with the realization and awareness of her surroundings.

"..Thank... You... Miss..." The words were structured surprisingly well, though Aiko did have issue with the sudden convoluted amount of thoughts rushing through her head, about today, about the past week... The girl seemed plenty exhausted and confused, but could easily be mistaken for other things of least concern.
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