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Kai Lam
Kai Lam
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Big Trouble in Little Zaraki Empty Big Trouble in Little Zaraki

Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:52 pm
As of late the Zaraki District of North Rukongai had actually started to straighten up in some ways. The constant and active presence of Zaraki Kenpachi, even on days without much enforcement from the man, lowered the tremendous amount of crime in the infamous District. The fear of running into Kenpachi forced the criminals, who had plagued this area since its creation, to either cut down on their delinquency, hide their activities, or leave. While the smartest left, the others stayed behind. It didn't take much objective intelligence to realize there was no escaping the terrifying shadow that hung over the Zaraki District, yet for many of the murderers and thieves which populated the area that thought apparently didn't cross their minds. Unfortunately for them the nightmare looming over Zaraki district would not abate.

Over the past few days whispers of a powerful foreigner had reached Zaraki Kenpachi's ear. What many deemed to be bloodthirstiness drove the old guard Gotei Captain to try confirming these rumours by (almost) any means necessary. In fact it was his curiosity which drove him to walk the dirt and pebble-strewn streets of his namesake District, his spiritual pressure blasting outward wildly as he did so. Though not intentionally trying to harm civilians, even just being near Kenpachi brought innocent bystanders and criminals alike to their knees, gasping for breath as sweat dripped off their brows. The same presence which had been somewhat improving the quality of Zaraki District was now being used to try to draw some stranger out into the open. He'd even told people to spread the word he was looking for this foreigner. Months of staleness and stagnation had worsened Kenpachi's mood, making him more and more eager to seek out any kind of worthy fight. After all, if he wasn't fighting someone powerful, he wasn't living.
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Big Trouble in Little Zaraki Empty Re: Big Trouble in Little Zaraki

Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:42 am


Big Trouble in Little Zaraki 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

” You know he’s going to continue to do that until he finds you right?”

The not so welcome voice of her companion and ever faithfully sarcastic zanpakuto spirit, raijin reminded her as she sat within the eve of one of the old thatched houses; her rice hat tilted to shade her eyes from the suns rays. All in all, Magnolia was having pretty rotten luck of it. After running into those . . pigs she had dealt with them in the easiest and just of manners. Her blade administering the penalty for their misdeeds. However, what she hadn’t anticipated was what would have been overlooked in her own version of the soul society and quickly forgotten had actually garnered a rather large attention here in the zaraki district of the seireitei.

First that . . . Ugh. She didn’t even want to think of the encounter that followed her meating out karmatic justice. Now this? A man whose hair was spiked up like a spiked mace in every direction? Who was blasting his spiritual energy in an obvious display of his power to the surroundings, at the cost of those innocent bystanders? Even if she wished to continue her day like she was, loafing around without a care in the world, unfettered and free; she just couldn’t.

Warriors, or atleast in her world there were beings who were corrupt to sickening degree but there was also those who lived by the code. Do not kill the innocent. Do not flaunt your power around the weak. Avenge those who cannot protect themselves. It was a mantra that she remembered fondly in her heart; it was what she followed and believed in without a shadow of a doubt. This would be the reason she sat up from the wooden beams she was laying amongst, a sigh escaping her lips as she muttered in a hushed tone under her breath.

”I just seem to be a freak-magnet huh?”

She hopped down from the eve and landed silently against the ground, only causing a faint cloud of dust to be released. Her kimono billowing out around her as a hand had been resting atop her hat to keep it from falling off as she did this maneuver. Only after did she take a step forward, dust rising faintly before her gait was established, not too fast; however not so slow either. She walked directly in the direction of the kenpachi’s spiritual pressure, it was a bemusing duality seeing as the amount of reishi magnolia was giving off was as faint as it possibly could, it was merely like static clinging and freely floating about in the air.

There was nothing unique about her, the aura of a warrior was muted, like the presence of a sheathed sword. Not immediately in ones face, but there in the background; just waiting to be brought to the forefront. Each step she took was clear and precise. Her breathing faint, but even to the point it almost had to be done consciously. Now, after 10 minutes of this unhurried stroll, she finally came close enough to the kenpachi. Her voice echoing in a muted tone that was like floating water. Calm and placid on the surface, but underlying a ferocious unstoppable force.

”I think thats enough, if you haven’t noticed your enthusiasm is of detriment to those around you. “

She seemed totally unphased by the kenpachi’s splendor, and to the untrained eye it would look like she had no defenses up. However someone of kenpachi’s calibre could probably detect the tension that underlie that soft and calm exterior, the soft shift of her back foot, and the tilt of her hand imperceptibly into the faintest of stances. Yet another sigh escaped her lips as she said matter o factly.

”Now, why is it you’ve been asking about me?”

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Big Trouble in Little Zaraki LzZCuy7
Big Trouble in Little Zaraki BtXe12b
Kai Lam
Kai Lam
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Big Trouble in Little Zaraki Empty Re: Big Trouble in Little Zaraki

Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:38 pm
On the surface Zaraki Kenpachi's mentality and reasoning dripped with simplicity. To most, he was just a bloodthirsty beast incapable of complex thought. To some, he was the definition of fierce warrior. In reality he was both and neither of these things. While entirely fine with killing, Zaraki rarely goes out of his way to end life unless necessary. In fact, in many cases he would allow his opponents to escape with their life still intact. Sure he didn't like complex thought or dealing with complicated powers, but if necessary he could certainly do both. Zaraki's insight into difficult matters, though not usually polite, could be as wise as any other's. The very basis of his mentality was multi-layered. While Zaraki constantly strove to get stronger in order to take on more and more powerful foes, he simultaneously resented his strength in how difficult it made fighting weaker enemies. His eyepatch was a testament to this.

Today though his motivations for attempting to draw Magnolia out were quite simple. Above all, Kenpachi was bored. Tired of the monotony of never finding a worthy opponent, Zaraki would jump at any possible bout that could potentially provide any modicum of excitement. Even as a child he had grown far more powerful than the murderers and criminals of Zaraki. As an adult and retired Gotei Captain, they certainly didn't pose any threat of interesting him now. However, the world had become filled to the brim with prodigious individuals who put their ancestors to shame. Even Soul Society with a Gotei less than half the size it used to be had individuals capable of things some older officers could've only dreamt of. Though Kenpachi had always been uniquely powerful even among Captains, it was a new reality where even he could find some level of competition. Hopefully he'd get some today.

Upon the arrival of Magnolia, Kenpachi rested his Zanpakutou's incredibly long blade across his right shoulder and kept his gaze trained on the much smaller woman approaching him. Her small stature belied the titanic strength bubbling just below the surface. Though she was referring to his spiritual pressure when she spoke, no change occurred after. Kenpachi's naturally chaotic and oceanic Reiatsu wasn't so simple to tame. Regardless, in response to her question Kenpachi spoke up, his deep, orotund voice resonating through the area.

"Not many foreigners come to this District. Whispers of a stranger who puts the usual idiots here to shame made me want to see you for myself. I'm Zaraki Kenpachi, retired Captain of the Gotei Thirteen. If you're boring, leave. If not, prove you're interesting."
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Big Trouble in Little Zaraki Empty Re: Big Trouble in Little Zaraki

Sat Dec 23, 2017 10:59 pm


Big Trouble in Little Zaraki 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

The wild energy that was exuded. It was chaos, an upset in the balance. Yes, zaraki’s energy caused magnolia’s eyes to narrow as she watched it stirr the dust from the ground, as it disrupted the very air around him. ”Such ferocity. . “ She thought to herself as her foot seemed to shift even more, deepening her stance only very slightly, the action pushing some of the dirt from the earth below away as the wind blew in from the east, stirring up the golden hair she had fashioned in a ponytail ; causing it to flutter sideways in the wind as her golden eyes glinted just barely from beneath her rice-hat.

The response she had to his spiritual pressure was an intriguing one. The air seemed to cry as if a thousand chirping birds had surrounded them in harmony. Magnolia’s own titanic spiritual energy seeping from the confines of her body, causing a yellowish aura to envelope her. However, it’d be “intriguing” because her spiritual energy would actually counterbalance the indominatible power of zaraki’s spiritual pressure, allowing those who had been bowed beneath its weight to flee. Soon the crowd that had been present within this stretch of the zaraki district disappeared in a cloud of dust that obscured zaraki from magnolia’s sight, and probably magnolia from zaraki’s sight. It was as the dust rose that magnolia spoke to the retired captain of the gotei.

”Either action dictates that your infamy is enough to garner reaction.”

Soon the dust settled, or was blown away from between them by the aforementioned breeze. She hadn’t relaxed, but even though her presence was like an ocean, unfathomably deep ; there was no intent of combat behind the gaze she gave the kenpachi. Rather there was a calmness of a warrior that had fought uncountable foes, that had clawed their way to the place they stood. It was truly similar to the zaraki in many ways. As magnolia was not a fighter, she was not a butcher, nor was she a saint. She was a warrior. Thus, it was reflected by her posture, by the pride that was exuded by her. The next words she spoke would be blunt and to the point.

”My weapons are not for satiating boredom. That would be disrespecting them immensely”

She raised a hand and opened it, her flat palm facing outward as a fist shifted back and curled by her side. In her eyes there was only two things. Her and kenpachi. The level of focus she attained in these few moments would truly be magnificent, as if she was lost in her own world as she spoke once more.

”However, i will defend myself. Come at me at your own peril.”

There wasn’t much more to say, nor much more to do. She had said her peace, spoken her mind to the retired gotei captain. If he continued to press the issue, and tried to fight her, then if would ultimately come to blows, so be it. She was resigned to fate.

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Big Trouble in Little Zaraki LzZCuy7
Big Trouble in Little Zaraki BtXe12b
Kai Lam
Kai Lam
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Big Trouble in Little Zaraki Empty Re: Big Trouble in Little Zaraki

Thu Jan 04, 2018 9:51 pm

Zaraki Kenpachi, a man who's name curdled people's blood just by being spoken aloud, was left entirely uninterested in the woman's words. In response to her statement about disrespecting her weapons, his gruff voice rang out again. "Weapons are tools meant to be used. Whether they're used to kill or be killed is up to the user." As he spoke, Zaraki lifted his gargantuan Zanpakutou and turned it slightly, emphasizing his point. And to him, this statement couldn't have been truer. While other Shinigami synergized and worked in tandem with their Zanpakutou, Zaraki's was merely a sharp edge with which to cut through enemies. Its chipped and broken edge told the tale of a partner misused and abused. Yet this blade had killed warriors, giants, and monsters the likes of which the world had rarely seen. If a Zanpakutou is merely a tool, Zaraki was the greatest tool user in the history of Soul Society. There was no need for a relationship, no need to rely on anything but his own power and a sharp edge.

Magnolia's next statement did little to excite or interest Zaraki as well. "Defend yourself? An old man with a cane can defend himself. Show me something more!" Unlike the woman's words, standing at the precipice of battle did stir something inside the Kenpachi. His lust for balancing on the edge between life and death was rising to the surface, igniting the killing intent which he'd become famous for. Against both weaker and stronger foes his killing intent could make anyone feel as if a blade was resting against their throat. No man or woman had ever matched Zaraki Kenpachi's pure and unadulterated mental, spiritual, and physical fervour for battle. Standing before him was akin to facing down all the world's disasters in the form of a man.

This torrent of murderous aura radiated from Zaraki. Despite the hair spikes with bells on his head and eye patch strapped to his face, he was an intimidating man. His presence alone routed all opposition in the Rukongai District that doubled as his namesake. Now however, just like many times in the past, an individual was standing in his way. Challenging him, even. As his spiritual power roared, whipping up dust and dirt alike, Zaraki stood in place, unmoving. As he dropped his sword arm to his side, allowing the blade he held to hang in a way clearly meant to be nonthreatening, the Shinigami spoke up once more. "The best defense is a good offense. Here, I'll let you hit me with everything you've got first. Kill me in one hit."

Coding by Daddy

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Big Trouble in Little Zaraki Empty Re: Big Trouble in Little Zaraki

Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:36 pm


Big Trouble in Little Zaraki 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

”so, he’s that kind of person huh?”

Magnolia’s zanpakuto spoke in such a way that it would be hard to discern whether or not he was amused or disappointed about the current situation. Magnolia’s expression however did not mirror her zanpakuto’s. The amicable expression that adorned her face had no longer the respectful vibe that it previously had given off.

The aura she emitted was that of a weapon that had been unsheathed. It was more than bloodlust, more than a promise of violence. No it was sheer oppression that emanated from every fiber of her being. It stemmed from her will, from her focus. It was seeped into her skin , entrenched within her bones. Her posture shifted and a sigh escaped her full lips. She then rolled her neck to the side, allowing two audible cracks from her vertebrae to resound. Those golden eyes fixed themselves upon this behemoth of a man, the corner of her lip curving up faintly as she spoke bluntly.

“ fine . . . have it your way then “

Her body vanished , there was no crack of static , no impending explosion of the earth as she utilized exploding steps ; for all intent and purposes it would seem instantaneous as she appeared beneath his guard, her front foot still sliding forward under zaraki’s guard as her open palm collided directly with the middle of the man’s solar plexus. The force behind this blow wouldn’t shatter the earth, nor would it cause the gigantic man to go flying. However, the space behind the kenpachi would detonate, the very air being blown back for well over a mile as intense vibrations sought to burst through the kenpachi’s body to wreak havoc on the organs within him.

Not to mention, to not damage the surroundings the counter force, or rather the explosion that normally would occur from the sheer force of her fist shattering its way through the air resistance surrounding them was channeled forward. Even the force that was pressing back against her that had been redirected along the path of her back foot was enough that, even though there wouldn’t be more than a twenty five foot crater that exploded around them, cracks extending upwards of a hundred feet; the depth of the cracks extended well more than a mile and a half down into the earth beneath them. This single blow while no where near what magnolia truly was capable of, was easily the strongest bare-handed blow she could do in the current state of battle.

To put this into perspective, the sheer amount of force that was transfered at such a short distance between magnolia and zaraki was enough to completely level half of a city on par with new-york or chicago, destroying buildings in their entirety and even setting off shockwaves on par with a magnitude six earthquake within the neighboring fifty or so miles with ease. The sheer brute force had caused for the space surrounding the fist to warp, as the fundamental laws of physics had been taxed by the might behind the blow that would impact zaraki.

This was the product of magnolia being able to combine three amplifiers together in a very short period of time, this blow would be able to cause severe damage to even those with mighty hierro even without factoring in the internal vibrational damage that could be dealt to zaraki.
To say the least, it was a blow that if magnolia was being presumptuous could say that maybe a handful of beings in the inverse soul society, her home could take without having severe damage dealt to them.

”Did you have to go full force straight out of the gate magnolia?”

Raijin spoke questioningly as he seem surprised that magnolia had responded with such force. This wasn’t like her to take provocation so seriously, infact in the hundreds of years raijin had been around magnolia she had never reacted this violently. Even when she had fought sting, the first enemy she had come into contact with, she had prefered to use counterforce; the force of her opponent against her. Which begged the question to be asked, why was zaraki different? Even as raijin’s voice began to echo with its next question, in their inner world the words that cut him off were clear as day.

”.Quiet, I am concentrating.”

The gravity of the situation was instantly revealed with the abruptness of her answer. The aura that zaraki emitted was the real deal, the power that he seemed to be letting run amuk around him was nothing short of monstrous. Thus it was clear now with how magnolia had attacked, even with steam rising from the air around them as a byproduct of the resistance of her fist and the air having been blasted through.

Magnolia was not going easy here, because she felt this opponent yes maybe this opponent could bare the full brunt of her power. Even though she would not attack unless attacked, or provoked it would be inaccurate to say she was not excited. Like zaraki, she had faced so many and yet they ended up in disappointment. Maybe, he would be the one to get her blood boiling. This blow would show if he was worth her time. If this Was worth her time .

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Big Trouble in Little Zaraki LzZCuy7
Big Trouble in Little Zaraki BtXe12b
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