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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] Empty Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian]

Sat May 26, 2018 3:39 pm

South China Sea, Malaysia

A viscous body rolled across the rocky beaches. The waves on this shoreline were always calm, at most a raised sea-level to envelop the coast, but never anything aggressive. It was a pleasant sensation to be carried by something so gentle, though a bit of rowdiness was welcome too. Ultimately, water was water, and water was always nice--but that may be just a bit of bias for the river slime.

The river slime's consistency was viscous, but not really sticky. Moving along the large rocks unbroken from the sea was annoying, and something much softer like sand would be convenient, but beggers can't be choosers. Sometimes, you just have to power through life with these small inconveniences--the gift of life offers things much greater to be looked down on due to occasional discomfort.

After a few minutes of slowly rolling across the shores, the river slime finally arrived at some flatter ground. Beyond the shoreline lied some grass leading into a temperate forest. The river slime was good with landscapes and understandings the environment and surroundings. A bit of talent with geography, more or less. That didn't mean it knew where it was.

Actually, where was it? After forming a sustainable body, the river slime hopped in a random direction, enveloped with the spirit of adventure and ready to tackle the world at large. Eventually, it came across a salty body of water and rode across the surface for some vague amount of days; the slime wasn't keeping track. Its interest were more directed towards the sea life around, studying it, communicating with the creatures and marveling at a world beyond its own.

And at the end of this roaming period, the slime found itself here, before an entirely new environment and ecology. It seemed comfortable in the forest as well--the humidity caressed its watery body. Though the slime didn't breath, it felt like the air was crisp and clear. Such that, for a moment, the river slime was entranced by the atmosphere.

This lulling state broke when a body of energy--a much higher quantity than the animal life--arose from within the forest. It felt a bit dark, musky and foreboding. But it didn't feel bad. It was also warm, enticing, like the wool of a sheep, freshly dried and voluminous. Such that, it inspired some degree of temptation in the river slime. Just enough that, by instinct and genuine curiosity, it hopped into the forest to search for and approach the energy signature.


Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] 8Bvy1N8


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Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] Empty Re: Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian]

Sat May 26, 2018 7:15 pm

Too. Freaking. Much.

That's all the Danava thought as they vanished behind the bright street lamp, popping up behind a tree within a random forest many miles away from the entry point. Lux had been going off around the world to learn, about hollows, about people, about their mother, but this was one place of many particular ones that Umbra simply couldn't handle. They had switched over for the night, but they had found it difficult to sleep, so they came from the dark dinky alleyway they took residence in, to be thrust into something they didn't expect...

The cars, the lights, the colors, the people, the talking...


The over-stimulation almost caused them to scream, their only escape being to force their body to travel, far away, from reality, from the discomfort... Which landed them in the middle of the woods, panting and damn near a panic attack. The many-eyed tendrils that posed as their clothing seemed to make gentle cooing noises, as if trying to calm the Danava down, the collective pseudo-consciousnesses contained within them deciding on one purpose for now.

Although, that didn't stop the Danava from hurling a sweetly scented, multi-colored glob of what was consumed by them hours ago, them wiping their mouthless face and sitting up, patting their cheeks and trying to calm down. Their head was a wee bit too steamed with stress to acknowledge the other sapient being stalking them amongst the night, sniffing and finding the nearest water source to wash their face.

"...How does Lux manage this stuff..?" They silently questioned, childish voice bearing a deep sort of misery.

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] Empty Re: Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian]

Sat May 26, 2018 8:31 pm

South China Sea, Malaysia

That's where they are... how convenient!

The slime's continuous hopping finally brought it to the source of the energy signature emitting something gloomy yet calming. But, when the slime got there, it realised that the being was most definitely not gloomy, and even more so not calming.

The river slime was a creature born with an innate talent of understanding the emotions and feelings of the things around it. Whether it be animal, demon, human, or even flora--so long as it emitted energy, and could "feel", there was something to draw from it. Expressions, body language--the slime wasn't adept in reading people from a physical aspect. It attuned itself to the core of a person's emotions--and the entity by the surprisingly clear and clean swamp? She seemed wrought with anxiety and worries.

That separated the sympathy and empathy here. The river slime knew that feeling all too well. The pressure of people and their expectations, desires, individual personalities. The slime loved people, it loved interacting with them and trading ideas, exploring the minds of one another and finding companionship in people. But it was scary sometimes. People could be lovely, but not all people were loving. Worrying about whether the person before you could be kind, earnestly find appreciation and interest in you. When you could confirm that they did, a warm feeling would propagate in you. But knowing that they didn't? It was lonely, and scary, and burdening.

That's what the river slime saw in the girl before him. At least, the slime was sure it was a girl. She looked like a lost soul, something the slime felt on more than one occasion. It was painful to feel it, and as a result it was painful to see someone feel it. At first, the slime was attracted by the aura of an interesting character, but now? It wanted to comfort the being.

So with a new motive in mind, the river slime hoped on over towards the girl at the swamp, refreshing their face with the water. Water was a healing substance, sometimes in the literal sense, but also something that could heal the soul. When water was calm, submerging yourself in it was a calming experience.


The slime announced its presence with a greeting. Without a mouth, the slime didn't physically speak. Its words directly reached the girl's mind. There was no discernible voice--the slime didn't really have one. No distinguishable tone or pitch, but either way, the girl should be able to understand the words conveyed.

"I'm the little water blob behind you, so please don't be alarmed."

With that dialogue sent out, the slime took smaller hops forward, enough to eventually reach the girl's side. The slime didn't have a face, but it felt like it was looking up at the girl's face, as the slime's height only reached about two feet.

"Are you okay? I know it's scary, sometimes, but I'm here. I'm just water, just like the swamp, so I can't offer much. But if you need someone around to just... I dunno. Sit here and listen, or just be around for you... I know I'm a stranger, but I'm right here. So, are you okay?"

If the slime had a heart, it would be beating erratically. Though it approached the girl calm and cool, it was nervous to an extreme. Social interaction was hard, and worrying how the other party felt about you was inescapable. Would she think I was weird for approaching her? I'm just a slime, she must think I'm weird, huh... Was I too forward? I approached out of nowhere, so she might be surprised.

I hope she's alright, though.

Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] 8Bvy1N8


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Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] Empty Re: Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian]

Sun May 27, 2018 8:24 am

The dark Danava stared into the sluggish, calm waves of the swamp water, watching the little figures swim beneath the surface they had disturbed; little fish or tadpoles having returned from being frightened off.

How can they live like this...? How can they bear existing?

There was a serene sort of silence with the body of water, the only noise being of natures, be it chirping or the occasional miscellaneous noise, be it from a bird or a beast, Calypso did not know. They just wanted to listen to all of this... Fall asleep... And hope Lux doesn't go somewhere so loud in stimuli ever again.


Such a simple word broke the Danava from their inner toilings, their mind properly orientated in reality as they were prompted to look back, staring at the slime as it spoke. Despite the darkness, their colorfully diverse eyes seemed to almost glow. They silently watched the slime hop over beside them, Calypso trying to think of what to do about this. They didn't want to be responsible if something happened, they didn't want things to be expected of them, they.. just...


They felt the nervousness and quivering of this creature, as if a foreign entity were squirming in the Danava's chest. They slowly were starting to differentiate other's emotions from their own, so they were in thought, managed to calm down, before finally speaking,

"I'm fine. You don't need to do this. Just go."
They spoke in a rather miserable manner, sluggish and going off into unalert, wishing to fall asleep to escape this scenario. "I can take care of myself. I don't need someone to be responsible for me... And I don't want to be responsible for anything either..."

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] Empty Re: Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian]

Sun May 27, 2018 10:08 pm

The river slime didnt have eyes, but if it did, it'd say that it could practically see the pain manifest in this girl's eyes. Just talking to her made the emotions within her flair, as if some bad memory was touching the tip of her tongue, something bitter and hateful. Such that, it was impossible to cast away. At least for someone with the slime's conscience.

"Uh. You know... when I feel like this... When I just want to be alone--usually, that just means I want nothing more than to have a friend nearby."

The slime was choosing its words carefully--this time, not just because it usually had a hard time knowing what language to speak in. This time, it was because the creature didn't want to choose the wrong words to use. It seemed like a sensitive subject, and it didn't want to pry, and at the same time it didn't want to be presumptuous. Sometimes, it's nice to alleviate your pain by sharing it, but it's more often than not really hard to be okay with that. Wounds take time to heal, and taking off the bandages and exposing them to the cold and unforgiving air is a frightening thought.

But it was important that these wounds got some air. It just takes some time, and some courage, and sometimes, a friend to tell you when its time to take the bandage off. But the slime still wanted to give her space; after all, they had only just met. But, either way, what seemed important, for now, at least, was to just be around. So, even though the girl asked it to go away, the river slime hopped even closer by her side, close enough to nearly touch her. An appendage stuck out its side, dipping into and swirling the swamp water to create ripples.

"I really like water. Sometimes, the surface is really calm. Especially if nothing moves around in it. But there are fishes in the water, so you know that underneath the surface, there's a lot going on. Sometimes its something cool to look at, like the fishes playing. Sometimes it's something sad, like the fishes eating one another. But at the end of the day, water is water. And sometimes, even the surface has a lot going on, like these ripples. But, these ripples do their thing, and at the very end, the water goes back to being calm."

The river slime didn't have a face, but if the girl looked at it, she might confuse the warm and pleasant aura exuding from it to be a smiling expression directed towards her.

Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] 8Bvy1N8


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Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] Empty Re: Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian]

Mon May 28, 2018 8:15 am

Calypso adjusted their body so that their chin was resting on their knees, still looking into the inanimate water, rather than the creature who's chatter was heard through the Danava's skull, rather than ears. They internally tried to guess what this creature was, some sort of soul or a familiar that was loose of a master were the best they could think of. They were about to speak, til the blob of water proceeded to go onto using the water... The water as a metaphor for people, specifically the mind, and issues.

Cali's chest felt tight, their body tightening in turn, breathing becoming unsteady for a moment, til they relaxed,

"...I understand the sentiment, but I... I don't need anyone, okay?" The creature squeezed their arms, staring at the rippling water, "You don't know how I feel, you'll never know how I feel, because you aren't me. You'll... Never be me." The Danava had a sad tone to their speech, as they tried, although with relenting, to make the slime leave, "You'll.. Never understand how heavy this reality is to me..."

They proceeded to go onto their side, head resting in the dirt as they sniffled, "It's... Too hard. It's all too hard... What even is my purpose... It's..." Tears did not form, however they looked as if they would be crying if they could, "All I need is my darling... My lovely... Lux..."

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] Empty Re: Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian]

Mon May 28, 2018 11:31 pm

The girl's mood wouldn't change--which was unfortunate in itself, but the slime felt it foolish to expect shallow words of encouragment to effectively comfort her. After all, it could tangibly see the pain welling in her heart, and if soft words were sufficient, the pain wouldn't be so deep. But, it still needed to try. Offer what it could, little as that may be.

For the time being, the slime continued to swish the water, silently listening to her tears. No, there were no tears, but the ripples in her heart showed that she might as well be. It was times like these that the river slime was discontent with its form, to some degree. There was pride to be had in how it formed, as it valued life as a gift since it knew what existing without actually living seemed to be. It felt thankful for being able to finally be able to interact with people, just like this girl. Yet, what sort of physical comfort could the slime provide as--well, a slime?

But it was frustrating nonetheless. True... the slime wasn't her. To that extent, in its entirety it couldn't understand her feelings. Only that she was feeling them; however, watching someone like her, and knowing that she was feeling pain at all--that was a form of pain in itself. So, what was it supposed to do? Not knowing your purpose and mulling in that sensation of listlessness--to be lost over your existence itself. That was something everyone had to face, as the river slime saw it. And like she said, it wouldn't be exactly the same for the river slime, and it wouldn't be the same for anyone. In this instance, the river slime could empathise a bit, not just by knowing that she felt pain, but at least feeling a pain drawn from something similar.

As, watching her, not knowing what to do with her--while she felt heartache over not knowing what to do--the river slime knew not what to do in this moment as well. At times like these, reality would feel hard for everyone.

"I.. have the freedom to do what I want, regardless of what you tell me--all people do. Maybe the choices before them are limited. Or, just as dauntingly, there are too many choices before them, and its equally terrifying to know which one you need to take. For me, that choice is to stay here. Though I would say it's for you, it's really for me. To quell the ripples in my own heart as best I can. My, uh, figurative heart. And for you, I guess your choice is to sit here and cry. Ahh, no, not cry. You're not crying, you're venting, maybe grieving, over something or over yourself. That's okay too, though. No shame in that."

For the time being, the slime wouldn't stop disturbing the surface of the water. The ripples continued on. For as long as needed. Eternity, if necessary, as time didn't heal all wounds. Sometimes, time only opened them.

Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] 8Bvy1N8


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Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian] Empty Re: Meeting in Malaysia [Calypso/Lillian]

Tue May 29, 2018 10:31 pm

Calypso released a deep sigh, their "heart" fluttering as they loosened up a bit, emerging from the dirt and looking at the glob of water. The Danava did indeed hear it's words, but finally decided to stop resisting, mostly to make it stop going on and on about this. It admittedly was much easier to speak to this thing, considering it looked like a blob of water and not a person.

"Mmm... Hmmm..." Calypso proceeded to touch where the "head" of the slime would be, tilting their head in mild curiosity as it rubbed the area with both hands, "You're even cold like water..." A few squishes later, they released the slime, "Definitely not a demon..." They looked quite exhausted, but had tried to push the conversation in a new direction, "Are you some sort of familiar? I don't think i've ever seen anything like you..."

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