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Joined : 2010-09-08
Posts : 6
Age : 32
Location : Purgatory

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Sir Magis Regulux Left_bar_bleue0/0Sir Magis Regulux Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sir Magis Regulux Empty Sir Magis Regulux

Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:16 pm
Sir Magis Regulux TopRegulux-1
Basic Info


Name: Known as Zirempses. Real name is Sir Magis Regulux in short. It´s a Latin word combination from
“Sirempse Magister Regulus Lux”. The parts of the names were chosen during his long history. Lux was the first name, given by a priest he met in Hell. Regulus was the second one; given by a magician. Magister was given by one of his less female servants and Sirempses was a name he gave himself.
Age: Visible age varies. True age is about 2500 years.
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Species: Silver hair demon
Class: Mammal-Reptile

Shifter Appearance
Sir Magis Regulux ReguluxBleach-1
Regulux is quite a tall “human” with a size of 195cm (76.77 inches) and weighs more than two humans of the same size because of a very stable skeleton. His hair has either a shiny-silver color or an old grey (depends on the visible age), and is very thick and smooth. The color of his skin is bright, sometimes even white while his eyes have an almost permanent, terrible strong blue color that could even be counted as “ultramarine”. Only while using a lot of power of his artifact does his eye color change into a purple. The color itself can vary. Depending on the amount of power he uses it can be either a dark purple or a slightly pinkish color. Even though with clothes he looks pretty human like, when undressing it becomes obvious that he is not. Regulux has a different muscle and skeleton structure. His legs are longer than an average human and his feet have a very reptile-like look. Both his feet and hands have claws instead of nails and due to their stability he can´t even cut those. Two huge scars decorate the back area behind his shoulders as well as some smaller scars along his spine. On his hands, feet and shoulders as well as thighs he has strange looking black tatoos.

In human world he always wears a sort of formal clothes. Almost every pair of clothes he has are white with purple features. Only a few shirts are black.

His age seems to change sometimes. In general, it can be said that his normal outer appearance always look 35-45 years. Sometimes though, he seems to be a bit younger especially when acting like a happy child and sometimes his face appears to be that of a 60 year old man with a seriously bad mood.

True Appearence
Regulux is a so called Argentarius Iubalacerta („Silver maned lizard“) in English language called “silver hair demon” - commonly known as "unholy” or “sinners".
Sir Magis Regulux Reguluxoriginal-1
They have a dirty white skin, a silky thick silver mane and ultramarine blue eyes. Therefore teeth and claws appear to have a blue hue instead of white. They are made out of a special material that allows the species to bite through the thickest skins without taking damage.

In opposite to his relatives his body is very unbalanced though. Regulux´s skeleton is too heavy and even thought his wings mutated to a bigger size he can´t fly. His legs are stronger than usual and allow him to carry his heavy weight without taking damage.


No one can say what his true face looks like. Due to time, he built up many different personalities and seems to have lost his own identity in a stream of doubt. Regulux personalities vary like the clothes people wear, but it can be said that his standard personality without any kind of influence is a cold and calm mind with slightly sarcastic humor as well as the bad habit to act somewhat too calm for the most serious situations. Humans can die next to him and the only thing he mentions is, “What a waste.” He doesn’t mind drinking tea while watching how others die on a battlefield when showing this quite nihilistic personality. One thing is for sure; from all the different personalities he has, this one is the best for the fights he is involved in due to the best mental condition of clear, strategic thinking.

╬ Foolish Self ╬
Once Regulux meets a new person, he decides what personality should be chosen. In the world of demons and devils he prefers the previously mentioned cold behavior but when walking around on the streets in the human world, his personality is quite the opposite. Carrying a bright smile the whole time, Regulux is just friendly in person. He jumps around happily, tries to make people talk with him and he laughs when good jokes are told. If there are no humorous people he tries to make them laugh anyway, – even when he has to fall down some stairs. Demons who know him from “homeland” would not even dare to think that this is the same person as that creature that introduced itself as “Zirempses”. When being his laid-back and horribly childish self, Regulux seems to enjoy candies as well as ice-cream, stuffed animals and does not take it negatively when others think it is embarrassing. To him the human life has to be happy, bright and good humor is necessary in such an existence.

After all, he seems to prefer to keep his mask as that playful childish man who never grows up rather than ever let that mask fall down and make people notice that he is not what he seems. When a fight starts somewhere, Regulux always thinks first if his help is needed – because if not, he´ll just keep his child-self and run hysterically away or bother others in their fights with cheer-calls rather than fighting himself. Luckily he can hide his spiritual pressure well enough so almost nobody ever noticed that he is stronger than he tells.

Once he mentioned that the human world is his medicine. Obviously he was talking about his more happy side – no matter if it is fake or not- it rescues his inner self often enough from breaking.

╬ Gentleman ╬
Next to the fool who tries to make people laugh it can be noticed that he is a really friendly person who tries to help other humans as well as possible. Especially women, children and animals get a nice treatment from him. That doesn´t mean he wouldn´t act nice to men too though. After all he treats the people around him with respect, stays friendly and never rises his voice. Unfortunately this acting doesn’t belong to his true nature unless he really likes a person.
Sir Magis Regulux Rain

Even when he acts cold, heartless, and sometimes for fun he plays the fool in the human world Regulux is a very depressive person. During his history, many things happened that he´ll never forget about. When seeing other humans happily together, he sometimes starts wondering why he´s still fighting for someone who wouldn´t even give a coin to rescue his life. When facing that his goal is a bit senseless since nobody ever wished it to come true and during those years, he learned to understand that she´d never see more in him than a servant. He seems to start thinking that his whole existence is nonsense after all. He was raised in the hell´s places with the idea that everything needs a strict reason to exist. Technically, it would be good when he finally stops all his bad actions but since he lived his whole life just for one single person, he can´t imagine to leave all this behind and start to live onwards. Without a goal, a reason to fight for, he believes his life is unnecessary and would be better to end soon.

╬ Violent Priest ╬
Regulux doesn´t enjoy violence or blood in most cases. He may even hate those things, but it is obvious that once his cold mind starts to become more cruel and due to his unstable self starting to break completely, another more psychopathic side appears. In meaning to protect himself, everything that happens just makes him grin full of insanity. This side is one nobody should ever try to get out from him. It is the most dangerous trait about him from all the details of his whole personality. While in this state, he doesn´t see any difference between women, men, foe or friend – not even the children who make him smile are safe when he starts acting in a way he never should. Even then he does not kill just for fun thought. But any kind of provocation is highly inadvisable – he´ll possible just become more ´amused´ and ends up having some bloody thoughts which will be possible come true once he just found a good reason to can bypass his own rules.

╬ Fight behavior ╬
Even though he does not participate in fights because he needs all those souls for his goal – Regulux avoids fights as much as he can. He seems to prefer to slaughter his victims in silence when nobody else is around. Especially fights with someone on the same or even stronger level than him, is highly unwished. He does not see a problem in losing when the opponent’s gain is only honor. To him, fights for honor are ridiculous. He only fights when necessary and when he can win something that he really needs, like good souls for example. Honor as well as pride is something Regulux does not fight for – he prefers to give up before the fight has started and refuses to take any action when he gets attacked by a fool who just wants to prove how great they are. His thoughts are always the same when he meets someone who talks about fighting like they’re the most important thing. Those people just don´t have anything to fight for and no reason to exist so they just start to fight for nonsense. Becoming the best of the best is a goal Regulux does not support. What´s wrong about losing when you don´t lose anything at all? He does not understand and this whole fight-topic is one that pisses him off quite easily

╬ Behavior Towards Others ╬
No matter where or who you ask, almost nobody will know the name “Regulux”. Maybe some annoyed people who live in the city that he visits often can remember his name quite well. Even though, who wouldn’t remember a sweet loving fool that hugs you in public no matter if you are a man or not which just causes some embarrassing moments? Maybe in the Devil´s world someone will know the name “Zirempses” and maybe someone can even tell you it is a walking skeleton wearing white clothes and many crosses but he is after all, a horrible unknown person. Regulux prefers to avoid all fame and popularity. The less people and creatures that know him, the easier it is for him to reach his goal. However, this is a high disadvantage too. He never cares about the happenings in the world meaning that he can remember the name “Ichigo” but he won’t even be able to remember what was so special about him. While the most people have a high knowledge about special techniques and abilities Regulux’s knowledge for other people’s attacks is pretty empty. He’d rather read romance books before collecting information on how others are fighting. However – fights are unnecessary to him so there is no reason at all to collect information.

The only person Regulux has had any higher emotions for and who was really important to him was that female creature known as “Insomnie”. It is obvious though that this so called love never was a love at all. She disliked him ever since she saw him for the first time and was just amused by all his tries to get some positive attention from her. Regulux knows that quite well. Still he says that he gave his heart away a long time ago and it won´t return as long as she does not. Something like a relationship with other women is something that is almost impossible to him to imagine. Those who try to become friends with him hardly ever suggest it. Regulux enjoys making friends in the human world where he can have that nice personality and all of that fun. There are no friends who stand on his side no matter where he goes. He is and possibly will always be an unwished loner who has to get along with his problems without being able to tell anyone the slightest detail about anything.

╬ Relationships and sexual behavior ╬
Regulux once have sworn to himself that Insomnie was his first and last love and no matter who´d appear he´ll never ever prefer anyone over her. So no matter who or what will appear he won´t give up the already long time vanished queen. Thanks to his age Regulux has quiet a strong immunity against any kind of physical attractions on other peoples bodies. He hardly ever enjoys looking after women and if he really dare to stare their chest then it is possible just because he can´t believe how embarrassing humans from nowadays can dress up themselves showing such much skin. He doesn´t support that either. Regulux supports women and men who hide much skin instead. And those who have an original clothes style and don´t care about the thoughts of other is something he really adores. But even if he says “that one looks attractive, don´t you think so?” he hardly ever has any naughty thoughts. After all he is a very clean person when it comes to sexual behaviors.

Of course his current personality is always important when it comes to such complicated topics. When someone tells him she or he loves him Regulux reacts often quiet sad knowing how bad one sided love can feel like. However, when someone would try (“would” because it should not happen that any women ever likes him more than just as a funny man with childish acting) to seduce his childish nature Regulux would of course just act as stupid as possible and try to avoid any kind of sexual actions. He just has an awesome talent to can misunderstand everything by will and earlier or later a women will stop the trying just because it is pointless.

For his cold nature only can be said that he acts quiet asexual the most of the time. He is simply not interested. Even the most beautiful naked women won´t be able even to change his expression a bit.

People who try to seduce someone who is depressed are simply the worst – Regulux says so and he´ll act the same way. While understanding how worst he has act the whole time and almost crying for all the cruel memories having there a person who does not even listen at all and just try to catch his physical interest in any stupid actions will create a heavy load of pure hate in him. You should not piss him off when he is quiet emotional at the moment. Depressions can transform into aggressions quiet easily.

And whoever would ever try to seduce him while having that horrible
psychopathic or grumpy old personality simply has to be life sick. In opposite to the most typical evil and bloody dark people Regulux does not act perverted in this mood.

Since he always only talks about women and girls it can´t be said if common “loyalty rules” work for men too. He is –after all- with sureness not really straight but seems not to have any great interest in male bodies either. When working as foolish human he often acts in a way people call him´gay´ though. And Regulux seems even to enjoy that – but in all good meanings when he has that kind of personality it can´t be said if what he does is meant to be seriousness or jokes.

For physical attention it can be said that because of his own species he adores long hairs, a bit skinny body and a few muscles somewhere on the body as well as long legs. Eye colors can be dangerous though. While he loves strong eye color anything that is not brown, green or blue is rated by him as unnatural and demonic. Regulux acts like a hysterical medieval priest who has to burn every witch down when it comes to demonic things.

Of course drugs, much alcohol or any kind of special abilities that block the better mind can change this behavior. But those who have seduce skills without knowing him get themselves in a pretty dangerous situation. Regulux would rather kill hundred
beautiful women than ever touch another one besides Insomnie. And it´s just a question of time until his mind will win against any skills. The seducer would need really some awesome skills to being able to undress him without let his mind come awake again. (And then worst part would follow because Regulux is not even rape able for women due is physical shape.) He is just not the right victim for such things.

Everything depends on his current mood and the situation he is in. When acting like a fool, he enjoys eating pink cotton candy and even says that he'd love to wear a white dress someday, which he'd never do while being in a serious mood. It can be said that Regulux has no true likes and dislikes.

Skill Sheet

Racial Skills

  • Za Koa Manipulation: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Spells/Summonings: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Jigoku Sokudo Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
General Skills

  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

╬ The Devil orb ╬
Instead of being invisible Regulux´s Reiryoku has a permanent shape. Inside his body there is a blue colored stream that goes through many of his veins with a round shape as a source. The ball shaped energy could indeed be seen if you´d torn up his chest near the heart.
Sir Magis Regulux Dorb
This so called devil orb brings more disadvantages than advantages though. Regulux is possibly the only creature that can be killed just with one single light arrow when it hits the middle of the energy source with a strong enough force. However the Devil orb could also be called a soul orb. Regulux has his own Reiryoku and can use its own Reiatsu, as he collects more souls to the orb, the stronger he becomes. The powers he can obtain this way don´t last forever though.

While the orb is almost immune against direct physical attacks but is weak against Reiatsu based ones and takes doubled damage by Cero based attacks. Even thought this visible Reiryoku has a blue transparent color, Regulux´s Reiatsu is either bluish white (when using Reaitsu just from his own sources)or purple (when using the artifact too).

╬ Soul Collector ╬
To reach his goal Regulux needs a huge amount of souls. He needs them for the ritual, the summoning, to “feed” the organ and to regenerate his Reiatsu again once he used too much of it. No matter where he goes at Regulux always checks the souls around him out to look for new victims. In fact the amount of Reiryoku a soul has is very important. One strong Hollow soul that absorbed already many human souls would be much better to use than just a normal soul of an old man. But because Regulux thinks the souls he uses could influence the things he uses them for, he most likely prefers to collect only good ones. A psychopathic killer does not have the right soul to use for the final ritual Regulux is planning. He simply is afraid his queen could become any monstrous evil when he summons her because of too many dark souls. (After all she has always been a true evil creature but Regulux has the ability to ignore the most obvious things.) Once he is forced to kill someone, there is no other way out. He´ll use the soul for something. Most of the time he uses the bad souls to heal his own wounds, restore his Reiatsu a bit and increase his own powers for a while. The amount of time the energy boost lasts for depends on how strong the absorbed soul was and how much of it Regulux uses at once. He can use the whole energy at once or just make his skin much harder for a few hours in a fight. Good souls are of course saved for the most special Ritual.

╬ The Artifact ╬
Regulux knows many ways on how to capture a soul. Of course he can absorb the souls but once he did that, he can´t use them for rituals or any other things anymore because he would've drained the energy. That´s why Regulux always carries that artifact with him around. Once he created it from the most powerful soul he ever was able to collect together with a huge amount of other souls to which that staff became something like a new part of his body. He doesn’t even give it away when he sleeps. It changes into a shape with the appearance of a few attached arm rings and hangs it hangs on his right arm. That artifact doesn´t only have some great powers but is also a soul collector of its own. Regulux can make it absorb souls or spiritual particles from the air and save them on the inside. Once he needs those souls, he can either transfer the energy into himself or into another object – like the organ for example. Of course you can always save souls into normal items too but in opposite to any regular common item, the staff is highly resistance against every kind of Reiatsu influencing powers. That means that the souls don´t get damaged easily and he never has to be afraid to lose them because of attacks or because someone absorbs all the energy from his artifact. The artifact itself has powers that is reminiscent of the Hell Lord's powerful soul which Regulux struck down and created this item.
Sir Magis Regulux ArtefaktSheet
The staff is able to summon a strange purple and half transparent illiquid substance that can take every kind of shape and simply seems to be out of all laws of physics. Sometimes you can reach through it and just feel something cold or sometimes it disappears when something touches it. Sometimes it is horrible elastic and sometimes it is hard as diamond and/or has a similar crystal appearance. After all, there seems to be not any physical rule it has to follow. Heaviest weight still can float but can also fall down and crush everything under it. It does not have any logic. So the possibilities to attack with this material are horribly high. The only disadvantage that is worth to be mentioned is that as long as Regulux concentrates to move this material around he can´t do much else. Basically this means; once he has to dodge an attack, he loses control and all of that mass just becomes horribly slow, stops completely or even disappears. When he uses too much of it like making a half sea of purple illiquid, he possibly couldn´t even notice when he gets attacked because he’d have to close his eyes which would sink his mind down into some depths. In other words; small purple spears that appear fast from the ground are easy to control – he could even run around while doing that but as more of it appears, the slower he and the material's movement becomes. In a one-on-one fight, he loves to use this ability but once there are many enemies, he´ll just fail trying to control such a huge amount of it.

╬ The Unholy Organ ╬
The huge white Organ that stands in a white castle somewhere in the human world on a nord European island is something Regulux didn’t make by himself. It was created by a few demons hundreds of years ago and was supposed to call something like an apocalypse. Thanks to Regulux, they got killed before anything could be done with it and the white unholy priest just stepped into the huge castle and claimed it as his new home. The organ is a ritual instrument that was supposed to call mighty storms from other parallel dimensions but of course Regulux found other ways to use its abilities. With the help of the organ, he plans to summon the long dead Ice Queen “Insomnie” back. He´ll need a huge amount of Reiatsu to do that which he will transfer by any good souls he collects into the organ until the necessary power is reached.

The second task of the organ was and still is to protect itself and the castle. Every time someone tries to enter it without knowing how to deactivate it, it starts to play a kind of dark sound and release a huge amount of power that is similar or even is something like its own spiritual pressure. One will need a huge resistance against such forces to enter the house without breaking under the pressure. After all, as soon as the organ starts playing Regulux will know and return to the castle if necessary. So in any case he will never get any problems when leaving the powerful instrument alone unless someone knows about the organ well enough to avoid the alart.

The powers of the Artifact
╬ Lancea ╬
Around Regulux, no matter if it is in the middle of the air or the ground in
front him, appears a purple hole from which one or more crystal looking sharp spears are growing. After they grow, he can shoot them with a very high speed just by moving either the staff or even only his hand when the artifact has changed its shape and is attached to his arm. The crystal’s material is not the most stable one but sharp enough to cut a Menos in two parts if it hits at full speed.

╬ Lancea imber ╬
A bigger purple hole opens somewhere above the battlefield and a huge amount of the crystal spears appear that just fall straight down like a rain of stone lances. When they hit the ground they transform to an ice like substance that turns into a liquid after a while and disappears. (He can use the liquid of course before it disappears when wished. The ice fields are only time limited when he isn’t using them.)

╬ Catena ╬
Just as it happens with the spears, a purple hole opens – this time in most cases somewhere in the middle of the air. Out of that hole a strange asymmetrical chain is flown and hunts the enemy. At the top of the chain as well as on some other parts, spikes from the same stability as the spears are grown and are meant to either cut the followed enemy or to stab the victim. The chain itself seems not to have an end. During the hunt, the gate stays open and the chain gets longer and longer. (The longer it becomes the more concentration is needed though.)
Maximal number of chains: 5

╬ Copis Catena ╬
A group of the same chain types as in “Catena” appears through many purple holes that are opening at random places on the battlefield and starts hunting. The chains are surrounded with a strange mist that starts to spread around the area so that after a while the whole area is full of a purplish dust. (Regulux can see through the chains as they´d be his eyes when closing his own. When trying to see with his physical eyes, the dust gives him the same disadvantages though.)
Lasts for 4 posts.

╬ Crystallinus Solum ╬
Regulux smashes the tip of the staff on the ground and just in a few seconds the whole ground in a circle shape of at least 500 meters (1640Feet) transforms into a purplish ice type substance where the sharp spears start to grow with a high speed.
Can only be used twice per thread/battle.
Lasts forever unless it is destroyed or he removes it. The spikes start to break after 5 posts.

╬ Crystallinus Cvarcer ╬
A large amount of small purple crystals similar to spikes grow from the bottom and build a cage around the enemy. Once caught, Regulux can decide if any spears grow in the cage to injure the enemy or just build a roof top and keep them trapped. The bars have the same consistence as the spears just with better stability, they have the same sharp edges and cut through flesh quite easily.

╬ Salsipotens ╬
Behind the staff user, a huge amount of purple illiquid appears that seems to tower like a huge wave before it breaks in front of him and flood the whole area at a dangerous high speed. Once caught in the “water” it is hard to get out of it since it has a thick consistence and moves faster around. While this attack is in motion, Regulux can´t makes any other big moves – if he does so, the wave will stop and loose all its destructive power – becoming just a slow lake of purple water and disappears finally.

╬ Capistrum ╬
Before this attack is useable, some of the general material already has to be there. The liquid suddenly thickens and entwines, rising and try to catch the enemy. When it hits a hard ground/rock/tree instead of slowing down and getting stuck, it splits into more parts to follow the enemy even faster thanks to less weight, after all those entwines are very elastic and soft. They can´t cut or injure someone just by the touch – but can strangle them when they suddenly become harder. Once a person is caught, more liquid material will flow to the victim and build a cocoon like shell around them, meaning either just to catch the person or to start crushing them. It is his choice what happens with the caught victim.

╬ Lactus ╬
The head of the staff opens as a lot of purple energy charges and is shot in the shape of a huge energy blast that resembles an original cero. Lactus is stronger than an ordinary cero but weaker than a cero that would be fired by one of the top Espadas.

Sir Magis Regulux Artefakt-1

╬ Opulentus lactus ╬
A more powerful version of Lactus. Opposite to the common lactus this one needs more time to charge, it’s faster and far more powerful as well as larger, but Regulux can use it only when he doesn’t have to release any other moves. It means that while he is controlling some chains, he could make them slower for a moment to fire one or two lactus, but once he wants to use the improved version of the blast he has to stop all current actions and is more vulnerable.
Cooldown: 2 posts

╬ Nimbatus ╬
A large amount of thick purplish mist starts to spread over the whole battlefield. The mist is not poisonous but common humans would die from the inability to breath due to lack of oxygen.
Lasts for 4 posts.

Powers using Souls
Regulux can use either his own soul boosted Reiatsu, or one from the staff that saves souls to use these skills:

╬ Anima Sanare ╬
Regulux can use a certain amount of his own Reiatsu to restore the one of another person. The restored Reiatsu will only be the half of the energy Regulux uses.

╬ Purgatoriusorium ╬
A huge light circle starts to paint itself in an area of the same range as
Crystallinus Solum (500meters/ (1640Feet) and as it finishes, a few fast light lines form inside of the circle to create a Hexagram. After the symbol is finished the whole area is engulfed in white flames. Any human caught in the flames will be reduced to bones. (Bones, metal, rock, crystal, glass, Hollow masks and similar materials are immune against these flames. Reaitsu can be used to strengthen one’s skin to survive a few more seconds, but the flames destroy biological shields like hard skin quite easily. Only real, strong shields work to permanently defend against this attack.) This ability is one of the most powerful ones Regulux can use without having to prepare anything or have to change his form, but it costs a huge amount of collected souls which is the main reason why he avoids using this skill.
Time from start of painting the circle to finished: 1 post
Flames on ground last for 3 posts

╬ Incendium ╬
Using a large amount of souls Regulux covers his own body in a white light and releases a huge circle-shaped shockwave just a few moments later. Whatever is hit by the wave is set on fire with the same white flames used in “Purgatoriusorium.“ The wave itself is visible with having a white color.

╬ Phlegethon ╬
Regulux raises a hand and places it in front of his month. Inside, a small pale blue spirit ball forms. As soon as it reaches its desired size, he blows against it, setting the ball on fire. He can either shoot it at an enemy who´ll be set on fire with his white flames (same properties as the prior flame abilities), or he can blow a second time against it to create a huge, long range blast. Conversely, this one needs less souls. While the ball attack will need maybe 2-10 souls (Depending on the strength of the souls and the size of the fire ball), the blast will need at least the double amount of souls.

╬ Burn out System ╬
Instead of using souls he can use his own for “Soul attacks”. This method will cause damage to Regulux when he uses an attack. Small attacks like the ball version of Phlegethon won´t damage him noticeable, but the blast version in a strong shape or lengthy execution will severely weaken him.

Since his soul energy is not infinite, he can be weakened after a mere few uses of any attack.When his own energy is low, he´ll be under the influence of a plethora of disadvantages:

  • Tiredness: As less soul power remains, the more tired he becomes. When it becomes too low, he can even loose the consciousness or die from it (One Purgatoriusorium attack would be enough to cause this state.
  • Personality instability: He can become either insane or horribly depressed – even in the middle of a fight. (Insanity sounds good on first sign, but since Regulux has fast reactions and strategic thoughts, insanity will make him cruel yet easier to kill.)
  • All attacks become weaker: His control abilities are weakened and even the artifact won´t stay at its maximum power. Soul attacks will need more souls than usual to stay on the same level and most own attacks become unusable.
Besides this, once his soul is burned out it´ll possible take weeks until his powers recover even when the only thing he´s doing is resting. The only possibility to regenerate faster is to consume powerful souls.

Shishi Mōdo Appearence

Skeletal Form I
Sir Magis Regulux Zirempse
Regulux takes shape of the skeleton of a young ´Unholy´. The amount of flesh that is left on the bones can vary throughout. The bones that aren´t attached to each other with
flesh or muscle structures are kept on shape by a purple shining light. Between wing fingers are round glowing energy balls that keep them in shape. When shape shifting he keeps the clothes he wore before.



  • When being in this shape the ability to feel pain is highly reduced.
  • Since there are no physicals eyes Regulux sees the “inner self” of the world instead. He can see lines of objects as well as auras for things that are alive, and the amount of strength a person has either in the form of Reiryoku or the strength of a soul itself.
  • His physical strength increases greatly.
  • He is able make a cry that can destroy the ear of a human.
  • The “Soul attacks” are more powerful.
  • No weakness against temperatures.
  • He is able to collect blood to rebuild his body. Once he rebuild his wings he can use them to fly.
  • Being in Shishi Mōdo he can use the Bōru Shi and similar techniques more effectively

  • No physical eye. Fast moving objects like many cars on a street or flying leaves can confuse him.
  • The “Devil orb” is visible if there is no flesh on the chest.
  • He can only transform back into the humanoid shape when using either the organ or a lot of blood.
  • ALL usual artifact based attacks form the above list are not available while being in this state!
Shishi Mōdo Abilities:
When changing into Shinshi Modo the artifact becomes a close combat weapon. Between each ornament the amount of chain links can vary to make the scythe veryflexible in length. This way he has a huge range and is able to hit more than one enemy as once. In opposite to most typical weapon the forward strike is not as dangerous as the moment he draws his weapon back. The many blades at the ornaments make it dangerously to stand next to the stretched weapon as it draws back to its owner and to the same time it releases an electric impulse to hit enemies that try to attack him during these moments.
Sir Magis Regulux ArtifactScythe

Special attacks:
Languidus Ensis
Regulux unleashes an energy blade as he swings the scythe. This energy blade is able to cut Reiatsu based attacks off regardless their power but doesn´t cause much damage.

Potentis Ensis
Again he unleashes an energy blade as he swings the scythe. This time the energy cannot cut off attacks but will cause a huge explosion as it meets a Reiatsu based attack. The attack can also be used as a very effective way to fight enemies who harden their skin with the help of Reiatsu. Even then the blade will cause an explosion and cause massive damage on the target.

Slamming the scythe to ground many spikes of the typical crystal-similar material grow from the ground ready to impale his enemies. Similar to the Lancea attacks the spikes have a weak stability but can cut even very hard hollow skin.
The spikes start to break after 4 posts.

Ferro Ignique
The blade of the
scythe starts to burn in the same white flames as mentioned in the soul attacks. Whoever gets in touch with the scythe is set on flames and will burn down to bones unless he/she does instantly know what to do to get rid of the organic material eating fire. Hollows and Arrancar are completely immune against this attack.

The free weapon boost lasts for 3 posts only. After this time the skill permanently weakens Regulux and he is not able to use souls instead.

╬ Potentis Lactus ╬
Regulux opens his mouth and charges a purple energy ball in it. When fired the blast creates a magnetic field which draw magnetic objects to it. Enemies with a metal armor will have a hard time to try to dodge it.
Cooldown: 2 posts

Skeletal Form II

In opposed to the first shape this one is NOT controlled. It is said that if someone is able to kill him without destroying the Devil orb, he´ll transform into a monster of least four meters (thirteen feet) or even larger that lacks of self-control. This monster has a different anatomy and looks more like is true shape than the first Skeletal Form and is more dangerous due to its heaviness, strong bones, and a will to slaughter all blood/flesh-based beings. The only thing this beast has in mind is to collect blood and rebuilt the parts that were destroyed. The worst of all is that when transforming, the amount of his own flesh and blood on his body is less than before. The amount of humans this monster would need kill to become a full fleshed and skinned creature again is huge. The only effective way to kill it is to destroy the devil orb.


  • Even greater increased physical strength than in Skeletal I
  • Can´t feel pain as long as no nerves were rebuilt.
  • The blast version of “Phlegethon” becomes usable without limit. However, the unconscious soul/inner self still gets weakened by using this attack.
  • No Inhibitions.


  • High Animal intelligence.
  • Strategic thoughts are lost.
  • Unable to learn. (The same attacks might work ten times if you are lucky.)
  • The devil orb is visible right after the transformation.
  • Unable to use the artifact at all.

However he takes this shape ONLY when being killed through injuries. Other death-types as drown, freeze, or starve won´t cause the transformation.

Mukō Jōtai Appearance:

Devil Form
Sir Magis Regulux PotentisZirempses
When transforming to this shape the artifact splits and changes its shape to build an armor. Regulux ‘s body transforms into the same material as the purple material he uses for all of the artifact attacks. However, in this shape he doesn’t have any blood, organs, flesh or nerves that could be hurt. This means he feels no pain nor sustains injuries. Just like the material behaves when using it as attacks, the “flesh and skin” can change its properties too. It can be soft, hard, or act like floating water. It could even change its shape like building another arm (This does not include the armor!) The only way to damage this shape is to use strong energy attacks similar to the cero. Energy attacks reach the inner spot that lies behind the chest armor where the “devil orb” and all of his soul power is hidden. Physical attacks can only reach the weak spots if it hits one of the bigger crystals (The eyes count too.) or cut the hairs. (Note: Opposed to his normal shape, the hairs seem not to be normal hairs but work more like metal strings. They won´t be cut down that easily BUT just hitting them will cause damage.)
One of most dangerous traits of this creature is that it hardly makes any sounds when moving or reacting. This way, opponents will focus on cutting off limbs without realizing that they are reforming elsewhere. As such, area effect attacks are recommended.

The 13 spikes that are floating around it without being attached can be moved individually. They are made from the same material as the artifact and can be used for physical attacks just like the 13 individual moving blades. They can rotate in every direction at different speeds and are his best defense and best offense for close combat.

Unlike in any other shapes this is the only one with the ability to fly without assistance.


  • Increased physical strength of same level as in Skeletal I.
  • Can fly and float without wings.
  • High increased movement speed.
  • The purple material recovers fast.


  • No human intelligence.
  • Can´t talk/communicate.
  • Can´t understand any sort of language.
  • Is unable to use Soul attacks.
  • Sometimes it lacks of the ability to see a difference in friend and foe.

Since this shape doens´t have a brain it is not able to think in a direct way. Many abilities as talking/understanding language and even some types of thinking in general are lost. It can happen that he/it doesn´t understand some sort of attacks and can´t evade.

However it´d be a mistake to think that this shape is an easy enemie because of this. It definitely has some sort of intelligence even if it isn´t human. The intelligence and types of reactions seem to depend on the state Regulux was when he transformed. When all he felt was hate and the desire to destroy everything, then this shape will cause only destruction. When his wish was to protect something then this cretaure will do everything to protect the target.

Mukō Jōtai Ablities:
Changes in the attacks
In general it can be said that the disadvantage of losing the speed disappear completely. Regulux does not have a biological brain anymore. In this shape it can´t be said if he is able to think or not, but he/it acts often logical/strategically enough to think that he has something similar to intelligence. Furthermore, while in this shape he can use more than one big attack at once without any complications. Every move will reduce the time this shape will last. (Read under “conditions”)


Special attacks:
╬ Apricatio ╬
A tiny purple energy ball loads inside every crystal of his body. When fired, all of them are the size of a laser point, but has immense speed and destructive power. However, this is one of the few attacks that cannot be used while moving.
Cooldown: 3 posts

╬ Unguis ╬
On top of his hands, hard, purple, ice-like claws appear that explode in a purple light when they come in contact with any kind of object. However, the explosion can´t damage him nor cause physical damage. Only enemies who have either a second soul or a second kind of source they use (Similar to Shinigamis who have their Zanpakutō) can feel the power of this attack since it only targets that second inner source.

╬ Sacrum ╬
A selected amount of the 13 spikes are surrounded with the same energy as in “Unguis”. They lose their ability to cut skin but can cut instantly into the soul (when a second one/split one does exist) of the one who gets hit by the blade. (It is still possible to parry the attacks with a weapon. The energy does only works when there is a direct skin-blade contact.)

╬ Pervigilatio
The purple material of his body suddenly explodes and causes not only a powerful explosion that can not only cause massive damage on enemies who were close to him but also releases a giant electric shockwave which has a magnetic effect to draw enemies with magnetic armors towards it.
After the attack only the armor is left. The has to regenerate for 3 posts and cannot move during this process. However, all attacks that doesn’t require any movement can still be used. The armored creature will often try to defend itself with the help of chains.

While this shape is the most dangerous trait about him, he doesn’t use it as long as not absolute necessary. As soon as he becomes one with the artifact, all collected souls are absorbed as well. This means that no matter how many souls he collected before – ALL of them are used at once. Regulux can´t transform back to save some energy after a fight either. As soon as he changes his shape into this armored monster, he is forced to wait until all his powers are burned out. The amount of souls and the amount of own strength as well as his acting influences the transformation time. While he might use one of the most powerful attacks only ten times and re-transforms again, the same amount of power could maybe keep him in this shape for weeks if he doesn’t fight.

Once this shape is used Regulux won´t be able to transform into it a second time immediately. If he wants to use it a second time for fighting he´ll have to catch plenty of souls or return to his castle to transfer some from the organ back to the staff. Thus, he won’t do this unless it is absolutely necessary.

He always keeps in mind that every time he uses a soul, a human died for nonsense. This thought deters the temptation to use any of his skills for fun, pride or just to show off how awesome he is. There is no reason for him to use the abilities to become one with that artifact when he is not fighting for something that is worth more than all the hundreds or thousands of souls.

Other information
Main theme:

*His species is exotherm. Since he needs a warm enviroment to survive attacks that cool down the battlefield weaken him very effectively.
*He can´t swim.
*As all members of his family he is very talented with traditional instruments but lacks the ability to sing.

*He has strict traditonal manners.
*Regulux collects parfumes.
*He loves the good smells in general but prefers vanilla over everything.
*In opposite to most demons he doesn´t like to wear satanic or dark clothes.
*He has a weakness for cute furred animals.
*He permanently either uses the Skeletal shape I or his human appearence but never transforms into his true shape.
*Even when he's serious he likes romantic but doesn´t
admit it.
*Besides humans and animals his favorite partner for long talkings are objects.
*He can´t stand servants who raise their voice.
*When being in an unserious mood he seems not to know any sort of manly pride.
*He hates people who abuse the word ´love´.
*He wastes his time reading a lot of romance/drama and even erotic books instead of training.

RP-Smaple: I hope the history includes enough of this.

Last edited by Schwarznebel on Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:59 am; edited 68 times in total
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Sir Magis Regulux Empty Re: Sir Magis Regulux

Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:16 pm



Even thought he is very old almost nobody remembers him despite his formidable powers. Most creatures in Hell believe he is a newcomer when they see him but in fact his story started a long time ago. Regulux himself can tell when he was born and where he grew but lies when it comes to his childhood. In opposite to that he says that the first relevant day he can remember was from that day he stood in front of one of the gates of hell, looking up, grabbing one of the huge doorknockers and slammed against the door.

“Excuse me sir?” The small skinny creature kept looking up when the door was opened by a giant guardian. A bright light shone through the door gap which made it impossible for the little white demon to see the guardians face. All he could see was his muscular statue and some spikes on the back. Just a short while after he greeted him a hot and wet breath reached the critter as the colossus bowed a bit down. “Who are you?” “Lux, Sir. Mah name is Lux.” The white skinned creature started to smile and showed it´s crooked bluish teeth and purple tongue when he opened his mouth a second time to go onward: “I was told to come here and give these papers away.” With his skinny hands the beast reached the pieces of parchment to the huge devil in front of him, but that one just stared the critter for a while. Short silver hair and an even shorter silver mane around the neck was the only decorative thing on its body. The naked skin was covered with small scratches and dirt – the feet looked like they didn´t want to carry it anymore and its legs were full of bruises. The hands were horrible bony and on its back it carried two way too big wings for its size which seemed to be either mutated or broken in a painful way. The guardian wondered if that bright friendly voice whether ugly smile was forced or if that creature was really that proud to be able to pass the exams under such terrible conditions. Unfortunately his eyes were hidden by a few longer hairs of the dirty silky mane. “Go home child.” The dark voice with the wet breath wiped the smile off the critters face like a wind blows away the old leaves of trees in autumn. Slowly the little head was lowered. “Come on. This area is full of great demons with also great powers. I don´t know how you passed those exams but you are not one of us. Go home. This is not a place for you.” The huge gate door creaked and fell into the lock again. Everything that was left was the same dark red light and the same gentle bubbling from the boiling lava river near this floor as he heard it every day since he reached this area. “Not a place…for you…”


After his disappointment Regulux returned to the lower floors. Every day he saw the new souls coming through the front gate and staying in the dark places where only the weakest were living – waiting for their punishment. Years passed by and the only thing Regulux did was growing as he was fed with some weak old souls and trained, or better how he preferred to say “played” with the hell hounds in the training arenas.
Many years passed this way and he never tried again to get through the exams for the higher demons. It was said that the other areas of the hell were better than this one but Regulux never cared. The creature found companionship with the dogs even thought they were not as intelligent. At least they never seemed wish him to leave or tried to hunt him away.
However these peaceful times should not continue forever. One day a strange creature which didn´t seemed to belong there appeared.


“Insomnie, hrm?” Two red eyes gazed upon the lizard similar soldier as he crossed his arms. “In fact your area has enough slaves already. Rules are rules. I´m not allowed to give you any more human souls for the next 42 years.” Even thought Regulux grew already to more than three meters he still managed it to hide behind one of those big red rocks. Slowly, he pulled his giant wings closer to his body trying to avoid to be seen. One of the black hell hounds sat
next to him, just seeming to wait that its victim that suddenly stopped playing moves again. But the white creature seemed not to move too soon. In fact, he was always interested when demons from higher ranks came to this place. He just wanted to know what those were like. “Shall I call Insomnie herself? She’ll not be amused by your lack of cooperation, Mr.Lowest Guardian.” Even thought that lizard with its centaur anatomy was much smaller than that guardian it seemed not to be afraid of anything but the bigger one who always pushed everyone around was pretty silent just now when one of those with a high rank stood in front of him. Was he afraid of that small soldier? But why?

"It is not like I´d want to piss the majesty off, but it is an order. I can´t give you any more human souls. B-but let´s make a deal. I´ll give you a few of our devil creatures, wouldn´t that be just fine? They are much more helpful than normal humans! And more expensive, too!” The giant one seemed quiet nervous when waiting for the reaction of the stranger. That whole picture was hilarious. Regulux had a sarcastic grin on his face when thinking back how cruel that gate guardian always acted to the new souls. He deserved some embarrassing moments. But that what was about to come then, was something that instantly killed that smile: “And what are you supposed to give me? One of those wannabe soldiers again? My mistress don´t need those ridiculous fools.” Again the voice of the guardian started shaking a bit: “We-ell… I could give you some of the hell hounds maybe. They are soul eaters and can punish those who don´t want to work quite well!” At this moment the large beast jumped out of its hiding place, not even thinking to wait for the guardians answer and he was roaring and hissing in a way the higher ranked demon pulled his lance instantly just to be able to defend itself if that monster would dare to attack from all sudden just as it seemed to happen every moment. Regulux was not intending to attack but his appearance and actions didn’t show anything positive or peaceful. The big tail violently smashed the ground, baring his teeth as he started to talk with a strong hiss: “You can´t give them away! There are only three of them left! You told me not to give back the last ones! You swore it!” “Shut up!” A harsh barking came from the mouth of the titan when he just turned his back to Regulux. “What is one of those doing here?” The green scaled soldier raised one of his eyebrows and pointed with its free hand at the skinny
beast. “Eh… He was sold to us a while ago after he failed the exams to become one of them. Well… you know. They have those strange strict rules for their bloodline. And even though I trained him a very long time he failed the exams to become a higher demon. That´s why he ended up doing the same job as these puppies.” Trained? Exam failed? Don´t make me laugh – at least it was that what Regulux was thinking back to that moment when he heard the bigger ones whining. That moron never cared if he was dead or alive. He got the last pieces of the half eaten souls when the hounds were busy with killing the next ones and he had to clean this area as much as possible. That was all. He never had to do anything else besides eating and cleaning. Training? He couldn´t remember if he ever got anything that could be consider training expect the run-for-your-life lessons after he just tried to get some clean water from the guardian’s bottle. However the Lizard suddenly started to smirk a bit. “What´s about that one? I bet you don´t need this one anymore after he failed that hard. But Insomnie would be pleased with such a gift I think.” Both – the guardian as well as the stranger looked at Regulux. And even thought that wannabe area master hesitated for a moment he finally agreed.

Regulux always wished to see new places, but he never imagined it would ever happen. To him it was a horrible experience to say goodbye to those last three dogs but he knew this would possibly be his only chance to become something better than just the charwoman of that idiot. He just wished that so-called ´Insomnie´ was a bit nicer than his last area master.

Truth is… he better should have stayed a charwoman.

The journey the two took was long. Once they reached the gate of his new home Regulux finally understood what the soldier was talking about when he answered Regulux´s question how Insomnie was like: “Like an ice queen I´d say.” The giant gate was frozen and when it opened to let them enter an icy wind reached the white critters nose. “Cold.”, was the only whispered word of him once they started to go onward.

Snow was everywhere. White snow. Regulux only knew of snow from stories these people told when they came into Hell and talked about the human world. Now when he saw these white fluffy things falling from the ´sky´ he knew it was real. The creature took a deep breath just to feel the fresh air, but instantly it started coughing. “You are not used to these temperatures huh?” Laughter was in the reptile’s voice as it started to walk a bit faster. “Let´s go. She´ll be furious if we’re late.” Silently the beast started to follow the other one, but was always looking around to catch as many glimpses of the landscape with its eyes as possible. “There is something I´d like to ask, Sir.” “What is it?” For a moment there was silence until he finally managed it to ask the question that was always bothering him: “Why me? Why do you think she´ll like me? Do you think I´m nice? Or do you think I´ll make a good worker? Do you maybe think…. I could become a soldier just like you?” Some small hope was reflecting in the deep blue eyes when he looked down through his silver hairs to the other one. “I think you´ll make a good sculpture. Insomnie loves to collect all kind of creatures. And I seriously don´t think she had ever the chance to get one of your kind. We talked already about your species I think. You know… it´s not that easy to get one of your kind that cheap. The eldest of your species would rather bite our heads off than selling their children.” Suddenly the green one started to laugh a bit. “Yes indeed. She´ll like you I think, even if you are not the most handsome one – you are at least one of them.” During these moments Regulux really was wondering how he even managed to expect anything more than this. A sculpture? So they’ll kill him and make a sculpture out of him? It was not like he ever thought of being something of worth but he never thought that he´d end up becoming just an item to show around. “… When she likes to collect sculptures… why doesn´t she order to make some out of ice? It would be cheaper I guess…” His voice was somewhat neutral but in his inside he started really losing all his hope that his dreams would ever become true. “Well…She likes her sculptures breathing. Once one of them dies she orders one of us to fetch her a new one. Insomnie just is not interested in dead things.” A sculpture… alive? Ah so he was allowed to stay alive at least. For a moment he stopped walking and turned around to look to the far white landscape. Staying forever in any kind of prison just to be there... In this moment he wished never had left his old home, but he did, and right now there was no place left to go. This place would become his new home and there was no way out of it. Slowly the creature lowered its head again, taking a short breath of the cold air and started to follow the other one again.

When Regulux entered the beautiful white ice palace his breath stopped for a moment. He didn´t expect this place could even be colder than outside. However, he had to admit that this was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen - even though he never saw anything previously but than just his old cave. “Is this all really just hard water?” “Frozen water yes. Just like I said, it’s called ice. Get used to it. You´ll see it for the rest of your life. And now…follow me.” He did what he was told, but here and there the creature briefly stopped to look into the other rooms. Here were many of those lizards and even more different demon species he had never seen before. There were even some with human appearance. That was really awesome he thought. So many different species at one place. And everyone had those beautiful shiny blue eyes. Regulux just wondered why all of them were here and...would he get those kind of eyes after a while too? His depressive mood vanished just for these few moments and when they finally reached the throne room he just felt as excited as the day he first stood in front of the gate for the area of the higher demons – waiting there to show the results of his exams.

But this time the palace gate opened and he was able to walk into it. No guardian told him not to enter. Nobody who thought he was not worth entering this place – nobody who said anything against him at all. Everyone here was silent. They didn´t even said a word. Only the wind played its beautiful melody. Yes. For these moments Regulux´s happiness from earlier times returned completely. Unfortunately it was not to last.

“Do not look at her until she tells you to do so.” As the lizard stopped, he stepped behind him lowered his head just like the soldier did it. “And do not speak when she doesn’t ask for it.” After a brief introduction he started talking to that so called Ice Queen. “My dear Mistress-“ but before he could go onward the light female voice from the ice throne in front of them interrupted him. “Where are my souls?” “They…didn´t want to give us any, but…!” “Butwhat?”
Suddenly the gentle voice turned aggressive in a manner that Regulux never heard before. “What do you want me to tell?” “I…” The voice of the demon in front of the white beast started shaking. “Well...uhm… They said the rules don´t allow any more human souls but they gave me a gift to present to you.” Even though the long silver mane blocked his view in front of him with his lowered head, Regulux was able to notice how the soldier stood up and walked aside. “It is one of them. I´m sure he´ll be a great thing to keep in your collection.” “Of what?” For a moment Regulux wished he could raise his head and look at that bored woman who acted completely different from what he had expected. Why wasn’t she scared? Why wasn’t she surprised? Why did she act like her servant presented her a common stone? Despair started to rise in his inside. She was not a common demon, was she? He felt progressively worse every
second. Why had he left his old home? Why? “A member of the most ugly trash or what?” Again the deeper lizard voice started to talk. “It is one of those who are called ´Unholy´. Haven´t you once mentioned you´d like to get one of those for yourself? Here, it didn’t even cost anything! It was a gift!” A nasty wheeze was the first reaction the queen showed. “When I said that I did not know they look that… disgusting. Never mind. Just take him down into the underground and find a fitting room for his size.” A slow gesture from a pale blue skinned hand was the only thing the silver haired creature was able to see before the lizard grabbed his neck fur and pulled him into the direction of a huge staircase which seemed to disappear into darkness. “Oh and – do something against those wings. You know the rules.” “Of course, My Lady.”

~Your wings shall break!~

Many years pasted since he was drawn into the depths of the ice palace. However, he couldn’t remember anymore how many years pasted. He never learned how to count the days in a place that had no light. Yes, he did not see the light from the hell-sky ever again. And there was no voice that talked to him. No sound he could listen to. Not a smell he could sense. Not even a single taste besides the blood of the food was there to make any difference. This place was empty. No matter who looked into the room, the only thing the full grown creature inside the dark prison replied was an aggressive growling that told you that if you´d dare to enter you´d die. Even though he was chained and muzzled since the first time he slaughtered his food bringer just with the intention to force him to talk – to get a sound out of him, nobody ever dared again to step on this cold floor.
He grew old here, sitting just in the same edge of the room, staring the flat wall in front of him with eyes that had not seen light for some hundred years. He grew tired. His thoughts, wishes and dreams changed with the ages. The only wish he had just to fall asleep and never wake up again did not come true, even when he denied food and water. His body simply refused to die. Sometimes he wondered if the other ones who were caught in this dark place tried to die by starving themselves too. Was everyone immortal in this place? He didn´t know, but he couldn´t think straight anymore anyways. At least the pain started to disappear. Since there was no one anymore who dared to enter his room, not even for the wish of the queen to break these corrupted wings once again. Just when he started adjust to his small prison every now and then someone came to punish him for no good reason. Often he wondered why they didn´t cut them down instead of causing such pain every time once more just right after the wounds healed again. However, since he was full-grown and more dangerous than before the punishment stopped. And now he wished someone would come again to this place to let him feel some pain again. The only thing Regulux wished for was something more than silence, coldness and this emptiness. He had forgotten why he was here, he couldn´t even remember what was before this time. He often even wondered how he could know what´coldness´ means. Had he ever known any difference after all? He couldn’t remember anymore. The only thing that had a place in his memory was ice. Ice and nothing more than ice. Ice, silence, darkness. The creatures eyes lost all shine, its breathing became slower, calmer and quieter. The coldness and emptiness of this room… those flat walls and the darkness… he started to feel like he´d be a part of everything here. He was as cold as the flat walls, as silent as the used air and as empty as the whole room. There was no prisoner anymore, just a piece of this room that existed in all silence, doing nothing else than breathing. Breathing and staring the darkness as the questions in his head vanished and with them all thoughts.

~because I´m the one who´ll tame you~

The food bringer stopped bringing food once they noticed he didn´t ate anything anymore. Not even fresh water changed his demeanor. Even when someone entered the room of the monster, that scared everyone before there was no other sound than the silent breathing.

The dangerous growling and hissing was forgotten. The fear was forgotten. The name 'Unholy' was forgotten as it disappeared from the list of the food bringers, and the door to his room stopped opening.

~You´ll become my servant~

“900 years. How do they feel like?” A gentle voice that seemed to let his thoughts return for a moment reached his ears. “Don´t you hear me, Unholy?” Even when days passed between these sentences and the next happening to him it felt just like seconds. A touch, one single touch somewhere and suddenly there was... something. Something wasin that empty mind again. A sparkle of thoughts. Slowly, the head of the beast turned around. Eyes, empty and dull with the same color as the icy wall, looked down at the person in front of it. A hand of pale blue skin touched the metal of his muzzle. “Ah, can you hear me now?” Pale blue skin and strong blue eyes together with a silver crown and long soft silver hairs… Until today he never forgot the moment he saw this creature that wasn´t from this world. Beautiful – it was the only thing that Regulux could think of when he saw the first light after those many years again. Yes, it shone. That creature seemed to shine in the darkness. And slowly, the hand went onward stroking his snout until it left him and returned next to the hips of its owner. “I´m sorry I forgot about you.” A small smile on the beauty’s face appeared as the shining blue eyes looked up to his own. “Don´t you want to come with me? This is not a place for you.” The empty blue eyes fixed the bright blue figure in front of him just forming with his mouth the same words again. Not a place for you. “But above, I could need your help. Don´t you think the palace would be a better place for you than this prison?”

Just for this moment when, Insomnie herself entered the prison, it didn´t
matter who had held him captive in this horrible prison or who had ordered the punishment. Regulux felt like the empty room was filled by something. The emptiness ended, the darkness disappeared and in this moment the only thing that was important to him was the fact that someone to talk to him. Someone remembered him and somebody actually cared that he existed. She said she´d need his help. The help of someone who was never needed by anyone, the help of someone who was trash, hunted away, given away, locked away and forgotten.

~You´ll will become my knight~

The following years were the best time he had – so Regulux says today. Even thought he had to cut down is wings to be allowed to become her high servant, he still followed this painful order with pleasure. A talented demon who was mastered with spells had the task to train Regulux, Unfortunately the creature had to realize soon that he wasn’t trying to teach him how to use the powers of Za Koabut rather tried to train his natural skills. Actually they didn´t like each other much, but Regulux really adored him for his behavior and appearance. The same magician gave him his second name´Regulus´ later.

~You´ll become my guardian~

In order to become better than any other creature in this area Regulux fought against everything that crossed his path. His skills for special techniques were low, but his crude physical power was enough to destroy most enemies that came to this place. Even though the scars in his soul never healed completely, his self-esteem grew each day until his will was more powerful than at any time before. His only goal to now was to please his queen with being successful in every move she ordered. And he was successful. But Insomnie never cared too much what he was doing after all. The reason why she needed him was that she hoped that her strongest magician could teach him how to use that so called ´Unholy fire´ that was said to be able to kill a legion of demon soldiers at its most powerful stage. Nobody ever told him about the power the skill could have and rather tried not only to please her wishes but also to win her heart which was ignored by her. He knew that Insomnie had an affair with her general, once he even saw it with his own eyes so there was no pretending anymore to act like it wouldn´t be true, but he never wanted to give her up. Regulux always said that Insomnie wasn´t in love, she simply just did as she desired. And the general was just the victim who had the right body for her desires, but he often claimed his feelings towards the person who rescued him from the darkness as love. However he told her about his feelings in a situation he thought would be perfect but the only thing he got from her was a sarcastic laugh and a punishment from the general right after he left the room.

~You´ll become my weapon~

Even after this he didn´t stop believing that there was a good side of her. He wanted to find it, to make her feel something positive, something better than the feeling to win. He wanted to return the emotions she stirred inside of him after all that emptiness. With the Ice Queen on the forehead of his mind he fought with all his strength against enemies. He fought to become stronger and more powerful, and he trained every single free minute he had.

~You´ll become my curse~

Unfortunately his training and fighting stopped to be heroic and turned out to become cruel. He started to use human souls as training victims, let his opponents suffer and tortured enemies with cruel methods to gain information he could present his queen. Each day the insanity grew until it became the most dangerous as well as powerful part about him. He started to build up the strangest stories in his sick mind, started to forget about facts and rather lived in his world of lies. He even came up with the idea that Insomnie was not bad at all. She was just scared by the enemies who wanted to kill her for breaking the demon world’s rules. Insomnie herself stopped listening to him though. She ordered to close the doors of the palest and never let him in again. She was scared by his insanity. But no matter how often she ordered to imprison him nobody ever managed to get close enough to him. As soon as somebody touched his skin, Regulux slaughtered the person, thinking it was a traitor. To Regulux everybody started to be a traitor. Even those who don´t said anything and just stared where traitors.

~And I know you´ll be my end~

When Insomnie´s General stood in front of him he suddenly got the idea that his queen wasn´t a bitch who enjoyed the affair but was raped by him. Once an idea grows in him Regulux starts to forget about facts and truth. So he did on this day. It didn´t matter what the lizard said or did, Regulux attacked him with all his hate and ended the life of the Queens strongest soldier after a long battle.

While the uncontrolled monster slaughtered every servant down who crossed his path high ranked demons invaded to use the chance of the disaster to catch the lawbreaking demon women. Unfortunately two of them had to face that they didn´t only come too late but also would pay for something they haven´t even done.

Soon the cold ice palace was covered in warm red colors and the first
time Insomnie knew how fear feels like. When facing the blood-smeared face of the weapon she created within the prison she knew she did a mistake.

“So I wonder... why haven´t I killed you?”

“My home was set on flames.” The brush that was immersed
in black ink slid over the parchment and wrote down the words that were quietly spoken by the frustrated man with a hateful look on his face as he stared the empty sites. “Purple flames reached the sky, burned away even the gray clouds. They burned her ground, they burned her mountains, they burned her palace. The white, colorless world was turned into a mess of purple and red. Chains fell from the sky, destroying everything and everyone that tried to reach her. Her land was set on fire, her snow bloodstained. I saw the walls of my home falling, shattering like thousands of mirrors. The sound of hate and anger streamed over the landscape, reaching every corner of the ice hell, toward the gate and up into the sky. There was no sun; there was no moon in the night when my ice queen died.” Two eyes, filled with wrath looked down at the written words, but just a moment later the brush fell again and the writer stood up to leave the desk. The biography he tried to write ended every single time at this point. There were no words for that what happened that night. There were no ways to describe the pain he felt when the only thing he saw after regaining consciousness was destruction. The melting snow and the rain that fell down from sky appeared like blood.
Slowly, the white clad man pushed his hand against the window and looked out into the rainy night. Here and there lightning brightened the landscape and thunder growled over the sky. This house was lonely but he enjoyed staying here; a castle on the top of a mountain that makes it possible to see the huge landscape. It was just as her palest with the difference that here was no snow and no ice. Regulux missed the old times when he still was able to fight for the heart of his queen. The only thing he wished was to be able to do that again someday.

“Maybe I started to understand what you knew already?”

In that night the walls broke, the palace shattered, but no matter what they shouted he couldn´t do anything but run, trying to reach the top of the mountain to rescue his queen. He had her blood on his face, he remembered her corpse, but he didn´t want it to be true. It couldn´t be true. Insomnie was not death!
For some reason the soldiers suddenly stopped fighting. The chains disappeared and many of the demons who lived in this country for such a long time suddenly dropped their weapons and started to act completely different than all the years before. They started talking in complete sentences that had emotions unlike before. One of the servants caught his arm, shouted at him and tried to explain something, but there was nothing left to explain. Regulux only wanted to reach his queen no matter what. He continued running. The words they said were unimportant to him. They said the curse was over. Insomnie fell, all her servants are free now and they said he´d be free too. He didn´t have to fight anymore.
Free? What was wrong with them? A curse? There was no curse. Haven´t all of them fought for her by free will? They were traitors. Every servant was a traitor! Regulux didn´t care what they said. He ran, jumped, he reached the destroyed palace and he continued the rush, he shouted her name, searched inside the burning ruins of the so called indestructible ice castle, but nobody answered; only a few injured creatures came out of the depths of the ruins to run away and get their freedom back. Regulux searched deeper inside of it. He climbed down the ice gorges until he reached the bottom and started searching and calling again. Finally he got an answer. Full of fear by the quiet words he heard, he ran to the place he thought it came from. And he found her.
Blood flowed down the broken stairs, touched his feed as he stood in front of them. Slowly Regulux stepped onward until he could see her. Her pale blue skin was slashed, her silver hairs were cut, her beautiful blue eyes were bleeding. They ripped off her armor, crushed her crown, cut her tail off, broke her bones, gouged out her eyes, and abused her body. The dull eyes of the so called ‘Unholy’ filled up with tears as he fell to his knees directly in front of her. He heard a voice that wasn´t hers but didn´t cared. The only thing that spoke were the tears that were falling down at his queens skin. Slowly Regulux took her hand and lead her to his face but she didn´t stroke it. Her body felt cold. “They…are traitors… All of them. Why? Why did they help the enemy? Why?” More tears fell with his words that were spoken in despair. Again and again he shook his head. It wasn´t true. It couldn´t be true. His queen was immortal. She´d never lose, she´d never die. Why?” A desperate cry filled the silence, as her hand started to stroke his face again. “You´ve always had been the only one who seriously cared for me, Regulus. You are right, all of them were traitors. Please, I need your help. You have to rescue me.” Her voice was shaking as the lie slipped off her tongue. Slowly he creature opened its eyes, looking down at her. The once so beautiful demon was disfigured. A tear fell as he continued speaking. “But… I can´t heal any wounds. The high magician … where is he? Did even he betray you? … I thought we two were alike. I thought both of us were holy priests who hated the evil. Why did he leave you behind?” “We don´t need him. You don´t need him. Listen, Regulus.” On the bloody face appeared a small smile even thought it was one filled with pain. “You are an Unholy. Your kind has very powerful skills and abilities. Save my soul inside yourself and find your relatives. They know how to summon a once dead body and give the soul back to it. I know you can do that.” The wet eyes, wide open, stared at her in shock. “You are the only one who can rescue me now. I know you can do it, my beloved general.” Slowly the cold hand left his face and fell to the ground. And for a moment the only thing he could do was staring the dead body in front of him as it broke in little pieces like an ice sculpture. The splitters flew through the air and entered his own body without any pain.

“That the place you belong to is my site.”

Often enough the view demons who heard the story wondered if she felt disgusted by having to talk that gentle to a monster that caused her death in an indirect way. No matter what were Insomnies feelings in these moments she did the best she could do. The loyalty to his queen burnt its marking into his mind. It was Regulux himself who attacked his queen once the insanity that grew during the centuries was released. Her loyal magician tried to rescue her, managed it to beat the monster in a brutal battle but died from his injuries. And as soon as his consciousness returned Regulux believed strictly it were the invaders who have done all of this. No matter if memories of the happenings returned later, he wrapped himself in lies not to have to face the truth: That he was the murderer of his queen.

“You are my loyal servant and you´ll do as I wish.”

However he caught two of the high ranked demons before they could leave the destroyed place and forced them to fight him. Weakened by the fight against Insomnie's servants the demons had a hard fight against the strengthened monster. To the ones bad luck his partner died rather fast in the battle and Regulux made use of Insomnies specialty to use the soul of the died demon to create a weapon which gave him a similarity of the demons special powers. It didn´t bother Regulux that this was the first and last time he could do this. Now he was able to push the exhausted demon around like a pinball and he did it with pleasure. To his dissatisfaction the demon died during the torturing before he could give him his final punishment.

Disappointed by his unfilled revenge he left the place and followed the orders that were whispered in his head. The next thing he had to do was to search for the unholy temple. Thanks to the combined powers of his, the ice queen and the artifact it was a sort of easy for him to open the gates by force and enter the for him forbidden place. In a bloody fight he killed the guardians of the unholy artifact, not even caring for a moment that they were the first young creatures of his own species he ever saw. But they were the first souls he feed to the organ with pleasure. Regulux knew that the way he had to walk on was made out of blood and flesh but to him there was no other option than doing what had to be done. He ignored the words that people told him who knew about Insomnie. They said that she was a horrible witch that cursed everyone who looked just once into her eyes. Everyone had to follow her orders and everyone became a slave in front of her. It was true, no matter what Regulux saw into her, no matter how positive his feelings were in front of her. Insomnie was a cruel queen that forced everyone to follow her orders. She killed those acted against her wishes, she caught creatures alive and kept them in her prisons just as sculptures, she used the human souls as slaves until they were too tired to continue their work and were fed to the creatures in the prison. Still it didn´t matter what people told him, Regulux thought she was like a god child who did everything just for the sake of the world. “The witch burned in the flames of judgment.” It were these words he heard everywhere around to these timese.
To him, everyone and everything betrayed her. She was god’s daughter and was murdered by cruel enemies who simply were afraid and jealous of her. It didn´t bother him to hear that everyone was glad she was dead. To Regulux the whole world was a traitor that had to be punished by god’s wrath. He ignored the facts, the things he KNEW they were true. He ignored everything. The only thing he knew was that he had to do what she wished for. He´d destroy everyone and everything if necessary. He´d murder god himself once it was said that it´d need to be done to rescue his queen. He´d sacrifice his own life if it would bring her back.

“So I´ll pray for you that my wish comes true”

A creature that was sent away from his grandmother in meaning to save him from the judges of the Unholy, raised in the hells area for the poor and weak, fought it to become a greater demon and a loyal servant, but was denied. Sold to a soldier who gave him away as a sculpture he was locked for so many years that he lost all his sanity, all his beliefs, hopes and his good heart inside of the icy prison. An ice queen rescued his empty soul from vanishing into the far eternity, filled his heart with emotions again, but was murdered by his insanity. And in the end the only thing that was left in the empty room of his frozen soul was wrath, hate, anger and despair.

~“May you suffer in eternity”~

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:51 pm
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Fri May 13, 2011 2:49 pm

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Sir Magis Regulux Empty Re: Sir Magis Regulux

Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:42 pm
Its a damn shame, this was a good looking app

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