Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Blood Sweat and is that Water? Empty Blood Sweat and is that Water?

Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:53 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya didn't often linger in certain places due to his status. He would more often than not just happen to go about his business in an acceptable manner. Deciding to go to bars and pubs within the District. The reason things didn't work on him was his internal temperature burned hot. The alcohol would even evaporate before doing much to his internal systems. Nobu was in his head fairly often too, doing her this and that business. It wasn't like he couldn't do certain things for sure. But that didn't mean he was walking out of most joints on certain nights. The place he sat within was traditional or perhaps average was the term. Tatsuya improved himself on the day training. Though he knew that was enough really, fighting and facing all comers was fun. You got to meet some interesting challenges. He sat drinking a beverage as a man stood punching him in the rib cage. Tatsuya seemed oblivious to this and almost ignoring it. He turned around leaning on the bar cracking his shoulders a bit. He simply didn't care about that as he took around the place. It was a quiet evening in this bar at the moment. Most people had gone to bed due to well drinking too much or simply leaving. Was this really where he should be spending his time he pondered. Touching his zanpakuto resting on his belt he merely paused and thought about it. He was fifteen hundred years old and could hear a Sachiko or Kagami rant incoming. Why was he wasting his time in this part of the world, what did it have to offer him? He could return home to Honoji at any time. But what kept him in the middle of this paradise of endless booze? Well, nothing really aside from him wanting to improve and test himself. He got the hunch that Stefan was right about that stuff. These people here were stronger and he was certainly a small fish in a big pond now. The beings that existed away from the homeland were much fiercer. He turned and patted the fellow on the head. "Come on man, it's a party we should be having fun. Go get a drink and relax. Fighting ain't good in places like this ya know?"

He had his arm around the man's head resting his on the fellow's shoulder. Before giving him a gentle push back out into what few patrons there were in the bar. The lingering smell reminded him of home as he drank another glass. So the question still remained, why was he here? The dimly lit figures in this place were nostalgic for sure. But a path didn't show itself, not yet anyway.
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Posts : 26

Blood Sweat and is that Water? Empty Re: Blood Sweat and is that Water?

Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:18 pm
Reyla was, to be blunt, bored. She was currently stuck in the Soul Society as she hadn't been given any assignments yet, and much to her own Chagrin she didn't know nearly as many people of her caliber, or higher, as she would like. Which was why she was in this bar in the first place.

If she'd had her druthers she'd be either training or doing research into her Kido right now, but the unfortunate fact was that she'd hit a wall in her research and she much preferred to train with someone else rather than without. Thus she had decided to go out to try and make some connections as well as relax away from her work so she'd be fresh when she picked it back up. Of course, when she planned on picking up connections she'd rather hoped to find people actually worth her time. Instead she was mostly finding drunkards who were more interested in getting into her bed than having any kind of coherent discussion.

Speaking of which...Reyla found her thoughts interrupted by the sound of arrhythmic thumping somewhere to her right, and when she turned she was met with what she had to admit was a rather amusing sight. Someone who'd clearly had to much to drink was currently trying to get into a fight with another Shinigami, one who's passive presence pretty should have been enough of a clue to the would be assaulter that his efforts would be wasted. What was funny was that the Shinigami in question didn't even seem to be aware of the other man, at least not until he turned and patted his assaulter on the head and proceeded to shoo him off like a lost child.

Unsurprisingly the man fell on his face as soon as he tried to step away.

Regardless the man he had been striking out at had caught Reyla's attention, he was clearly still holding on to his senses and would probably be able to hold an actual conversation. The question was, how to get his attention?

With a small grin Reyla waited until the man went to take another drink, and then with a sweeping gesture of her hand she grabbed the fluid in the glass in the grasp of her telekinesis and caused it to funnel up and out of the glass before flying over to her where she started to absentmindedly cause the liquid to twist and turn into various shapes and structures.

That should get his attention I'd think

Blood Sweat and is that Water? Empty Re: Blood Sweat and is that Water?

Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:36 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Well, that was interesting something to catch his eye certainly. The person had moved the water using some method, of course, she had to be a water bender. And the fire nation had only just attacked recently. But his golden eyes watched the liquid pulled away from him. Was she another challenger perhaps, no he doubted that very much. After all the previous one was now sleeping comfortably with his butt in the air. Waving it around in a strange sleeping method that shocked all who beheld it. But enough about the drunk sleeping beauty, on to the strange female who he'd encountered. He stood from his spot and walked over smiling a bit. " Definitely a better trick than the uh magical punches I was getting. Did work the stiffness out of my back though. So it wasn't so bad really in the long run, he got to work out some aggression I got a back rub." He wasn't trying to give the man trouble for what he did. Though he wanted to know why it was she saw fit to take his beverage. Though he guessed it was to get him talking to her as he looked at her.

Features that would likely be quick to notice was the scar on his face. He had a rather important one that cut across his nose and on his cheek. He'd been in battles before and to most did have a rather frightening appearance. Some people did indeed find him rather intimidating just by his appearance. Wearing his typical kimono he wore for travel since it wasn't to combat. This place had gotten a bit more interesting with the telekinetic trick she was using. She didn't strike him as the type to come to a place as this. She was more graceful and about those sort of things. He was her polar opposite, Tatsuya didn't lack grace by any means. He was just a raw force instead that fought a certain way. Speed and power were Tsubasa's way, not his so it didn't really mean much there. But then again old men did have some practice at miracle improvement plans too. He looked her over slowly taking in the visual sight of her.

Sitting down next to her he spoke softly and something was calm about it. "What did you want to talk about?" He said before resting his frame against the bar slowly. Tatsuya's eyes held a rather alertness and calm to them. He'd been drinking for hours but didn't appear even a little bit buzzed. He'd drank a Sukia under the table on one occasion. They were specialists who didn't get drunk really.
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Joined : 2018-09-19
Posts : 26

Blood Sweat and is that Water? Empty Re: Blood Sweat and is that Water?

Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:07 pm
Reyla got a good look at the man as he came closer, he was battle scarred to be sure, but then again that could describe most of the Seiretei, they were an active military organization after all. Though given the quality of medicine available to them anyone who actively chose to keep those scars tended to have reasons. What was considerably more interesting were his eyes, they seemed to literally glow in dim light of the bar, flickering slightly like the embers of a dying blaze, or a sleeping blaze ready to erupt into all consuming flame. His messy black hair crowned a head that stood a fair bit taller than Reyla herself, and he seemed to walk with an easy confidence, one that said he knew he had no reason to prove anything, but he'd take you up on a challenge anyway.

Reyla snorted at his comment, "I doubt that he could have tickled you, let alone given you any kind of massage." As he sat down she sent the alcohol into orbit around his head, exerting a little bit more control to make the liquid take on the sinuous shapes of a pair of river dragons dancing around each other, merging into one mass every now and then before separating to continue.

"Honestly I just wanted to talk to someone who hadn't managed to pickle their own brain and might be able to speak with more than one syllable at a time. What about yourself, what brings you in here?"

Blood Sweat and is that Water? Empty Re: Blood Sweat and is that Water?

Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:35 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

His gaze observed the female's trick or perhaps skill was the better word. She had something rather interesting there. So he decided to let her see one of his own, bringing his index finger up. A slow bubble like glow formed on his index finger's tip around the nail. Glowing enough to light up most the room as pure magma seemed to bubble and ooze on his index finger. Before it slowly and went dimly out by his will it seemed. Having lit the place up and given the bartender a scare. Tatsuya's power wasn't fire but something more primordial than that. It was the lava and the volcanos of the world. He slowly pulled the smell obsidian glass piece he had created. Setting it gently on top of the counter for her to look at it once it was cooled. His body didn't really notice that level of heat anymore. He could truthfully bath in a volcano without taking any real notice to it. This was the reason the spirits had no effect on him no matter the kind. Because he was in his own way a walking volcano. " To an extent, this place reminds me of the lands I come from. It would take months to get there by walking from Zaraki District alone. " He said commenting on the distance to of traveled here to come to this place. " I came here to think on a couple things." Tatsuya didn't have to go into long details unless she did ask for them.

But the fact of the matter was it was a nice place to think. It let him quiet his mind as he let his hand gently touch the counter as his eyes could be seen through the liquid floating around him. Certainly, he was capable of control to that extent, could he do more perhaps? But inside here it wasn't the best idea and he wasn't pickled enough for that. Volcanos weren't toys to be turned off and on at a whim. Tatsuya pondered a bit on how to gain some power through the usual idea came to mind. Endlessly hard work with relentless training was the answer obviously. It's how he raised himself to this from a powerless person.

"I can tell this isn't quite a place of your choosing, what brings you into this place, Miss?" Searching for her name slight before waiting as he wanted to make sure he did introduce himself properly. Pausing to acknowledge that the ball was indeed in her court from here.
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