Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Press Start ♠ Private, Mae Empty Press Start ♠ Private, Mae

Thu Jun 13, 2019 11:12 pm
i never told a lie, and that makes me a liar.
"Alright, girls. Good job. Take five."
Sighs of relief came from the small group of girl's mouths at the coach's command, soon after common chatter taking its place as they separated into various groups.
It was a warm day, some would say it was too warm, especially when standing outside for a couple hours every few days. But Kay didn't mind, she much preferred to be outside and not in a stuffy room for six hours a day.
Kay stood where the small circle of girls once stood, wiping the sweat from her brow. Coach was working them a little harder than normal the past couple of practices, but it was only natural when they had a competition coming up in two weeks. Their team wasn't exactly known to be great, and she assumed the coach was trying to turn that around this year. The other girls didn't seem to care too much and were really only in this for fun. It was an uncomfortable divide, even more so since Kay could understand both sides. Then again she always played to win, and that's exactly what she was doing. But friction could occur when parts of the team didn't feel the same way. This much was obvious with how Kay hadn't really developed much of a bond with any of the other girls. Sure, some of them would greet her when she came into the locker room or ask to burrow some deodorant, but she wouldn't really call any of them her friends despite the season being a couple months in.

Watching the other girls walk to the benches to grab a drink and chatter among themselves the red head would turn the opposite direction to the iron fencing surrounding the field where she had left her water and towel and head over alone. She leaned her back against the fence, sliding down it to sit on the warm, grassy field. She took down the white towel from the fence, hanging it loosely around her neck before taking a sip from the bottle.
He would most likely make them run a few more laps before calling it a day. It was really too hot to do much else, and the school couldn't afford to have students dying on their watch. Too bad band had the gym today, otherwise they could have gone in there.
@Special Snowflake ● notes here ● word count

Last edited by ArgonianMade on Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

Press Start ♠ Private, Mae ArgonianMadesig

Special Snowflake
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Press Start ♠ Private, Mae Empty Re: Press Start ♠ Private, Mae

Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:26 am
Castle of Glass
'This is why the captain doesn't like you... you..'

Mae screamed internally as she walked around the campus grounds, phone in her hand casually glancing at a messenger app that her fellow 'friends' were chatting in. Apparently, their next match-up was against people below their skill level, now Mae knew she was good, and she knew the team was good, but she didn't like how arrogant they were getting. She would speak up but considering the hornet's nest going on between a couple of members Mae decided to leave that can of worms for later.

As she meandered down the campis towards her home route Mae caught a glimpse of something in the distance, and soon her ears heard it as well. That man, the coach, her most hated of enemy, the man who made her perform the most horrific of school activities, P.E. "Oh Mae you better run faster", "Another lap for being late Mae". She wasn't one to get stirred easily, but he was the nightmare of the gym teacher personified for her, and totally not because Mae was lazy and didn't want to do much. She had never once made the mental exzcuse of 'why run in real life when you can just do that in a game', nope never.

it wasn't all bad, because of his bombastic voice that could shatter glass houses she also saw who he was coaching after school hours, the girls soccer team. Lazily making her way over to the field, partly due to curiosity and partly because it was in the same direction as her house, the blonde spotted a certain red head out on the field and now leaning against a fence. That's right, she was on the team and was one of the better players? Mae would be lying if she said she had paid any attention to Kay's ramblings beyond nodding but perhaps it wouldn't hurt to say hi, they were seeing each other at the club tomorrow anyway.

Still, that meant Mae had to speak up, and even if she knew the girl that was still hard and she would probably come across as a complete social idiot. Walking up to the fence that Kay was resting upon, Mae gathered all of her courage in the pit of her stomach and with all of her might spoke to her acquaintance.


Nailed it.

@ArgonianMade ● notes here ● word count

Press Start ♠ Private, Mae PbwdvIK
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Press Start ♠ Private, Mae Empty Re: Press Start ♠ Private, Mae

Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:58 am
i never told a lie, and that makes me a liar.
Kay wasn't focused on anything in particular, well other than trying to stay cool. After taking a few more sips from the bottle she pressed the plastic against her head in the hopes it'd help better. In some ways, it did. But there was no real way to beat this heat unless you got out of it. She'd say she wanted to get indoors, but going into the locker room only meant she'd have to go back home and help her mother take care of her brothers. Not that she hated doing it, but as a fifteen year old kid who was in two clubs, was looking for jobs, and a grade average to hold up it became a little overwhelming when you put sibling and house care on top of it. But, it's how her life was. There was no escaping it... Well, until she could move out. But even then that'd just leave her poor mother to do all the work herself. It was a tough situation to be in, which is why Kay never thought too deeply into it much. Wasn't worth the time.

The red head closed her eyes, leaning back into the fence before hearing a voice pipe up from above her. She opened her eyes, seeing a familiar blonde gazing down upon her, yellow eyes as wide as usual. "Oh, Mae, hi" she greeted back after a moment, removing the bottle from her forehead. It was strange, having someone come up to her and greet her. She hadn't experienced anything like that since Germany. The people were much nicer here than in America, though Kay still had some nerves to get over before she could fully trust they weren't all just acting. She had a pretty good sense about her fellow Ghost Hunting Club members though, they had helped her out during the first few weeks in Japan, and she didn't really think they'd go through all that trouble just to tease her. Then again, you never know.
Kay offered Mae a sheepish smile. "Come to watch girls get sweaty, huh?" A sentence that could be taken in a few ways. If Mae accused her of being dirty, she could always deny it. Then again she might not get it, she always seemed a little too dainty for that kind of stuff.
@Special Snowflake ● notes here ● word count

Press Start ♠ Private, Mae ArgonianMadesig

Special Snowflake
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Press Start ♠ Private, Mae Empty Re: Press Start ♠ Private, Mae

Fri Jun 14, 2019 1:12 am
Castle of Glass

Mae barely uttered out as she felt the strain of speaking cripple her windpipe. Seriously, Mae was better than this, she had a 5.0 k/d, and a solid... C+ occasional B- average for her grades. That last part wasn't impressive, but considering what she had to put up with, it was... still lackluster but don't judge she just finds school work as a horrible escape from life as it is life. Mae started to think all of this was a bad idea, Kay was the type to be a bit joking in her speech and Mae couldn't really read sarcasm too well. Good thing Mae could at least figure out that what Kay said was sarcasm, sort of.

'I just saw you and wanted to say hello. So uh, yeah.' Mae almost felt the need to gulp for air but she pressed on, the blizzard of her mind pushing against her, the strain of words causing her mental anguish as she tried to formulate an adaquite reply to the tom boy. 'Hows practice?' Perfect, deflect the questions back to Kay, that'll work. As a blip came from her phone Mae quickly stuffed it back into her bag, not even thinking of muting the thing before doing so. A few more blips went off as Mae tried to hold her normal calm expression on her face, but instead, she was screaming at how stupid she was right now, why did she do this, why didn't she just wait to say hi tomorrow at the club.

Mae would need to send a mayday signal soon if this kept up.

@ArgonianMade ● notes here ● word count

Press Start ♠ Private, Mae PbwdvIK
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Press Start ♠ Private, Mae Empty Re: Press Start ♠ Private, Mae

Fri Jun 14, 2019 2:53 pm
i never told a lie, and that makes me a liar.
Kay was maybe a little too amused by the response she got. Mae tended to be socially inept, even more so than herself at times. How she even made it this far into the schooling system, Kay was unsure. But, there was a little bit of cuteness that went along with it. It was rare to see someone like her around these parts, and it made Kay feel a little better about her own awkwardness. She wasn't the only one who suffered from it.

Kay looked back to the field, contemplating her response while fiddling with the bottle cap. "It's going okay. We might have to pack up soon though because of the heat" her smile turned a little sour. "I was hoping to go to the normal time today, but i guess not with the band geeks taking up the gym." Kay let out a sigh, looking a little more down than she was a mere few seconds ago. These clubs were the only things separating her from her life of chaos. In her mind she wished they always could last a little longer than they did, then she would have an excuse to not be responsible for a while. But reality was just a large bubble waiting to pop above her head.

As a sudden realization entered her mind, Kay looked up to the blonde with a curious eyebrow raised. "But, why are you here, though? School ended a while ago and we don't have a club meeting until tomorrow." Mae wasn't in any of the other clubs, not that Kay knew at least. Unless she was staying after school for some extra help or something. All the knowledge probably went to her boobs and not her brain like it was supposed to.
@Special Snowflake ● notes here ● word count

Press Start ♠ Private, Mae ArgonianMadesig

Special Snowflake
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Press Start ♠ Private, Mae Empty Re: Press Start ♠ Private, Mae

Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:16 pm
Castle of Glass

Shit, Mae was asked a question her one weakness. Circles flew in the young girl's mind of how to reply, she hadn't expected Kay to ask her how she was doing. Kay was supposed to be selfish and not ask, why did she have to be polite for once, why did she have to put Mae on the spot. Steam was an impossibility for a human to have coming out of their ears, but Mae's brain surely would have produced some if possible.

'I was... was... uh... well, see...' She couldn't formulate the words, and Mae couldn't possibly tell her the truth. She couldn't tell Kay that she fell asleep in the classroom trying to clean it because she spent most of last night in a competition online, she'd have to lie. Mae was a terrible liar, ironic due to her name. Mae Leigh, more like Mae, not Leigh well, yeah that sucked so sue me. 'I was in detention... I uh told the math teacher he was dumb.'

That was good, a believable story if it weren't for the fact Mae can barely speak in public. She was so screwed, more screwed than a screw attack but she couldn't waver, she had to stand her ground besides, Kay might have a bit of heat stroke so she might be loopy. Mae prayed to all that was holy that Kay did, just so she could get away with the lie. 'But uh... if you have extra time, I uh also have some... maybe we could, uh... chill together?'

Mae was terrible at this.

@ArgonianMade ● notes here ● word count

Press Start ♠ Private, Mae PbwdvIK
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Press Start ♠ Private, Mae Empty Re: Press Start ♠ Private, Mae

Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:09 pm
i never told a lie, and that makes me a liar.
As an elder sister and caretaker of five young boys Kay was used to lying. Well, people telling lies to her, not so much telling the lies herself. She only lied when necessary or when she was being lied to first. So she had a pretty good hunch that Mae wasn't being entirely honest with her. The way she stuttered with her words, her yellow eyes darting back and forth, the slight shaking of her muscles. Yeah, she was totally blowing smoke out of her ass. But would Kay call her out on it? No, not worth the effort. It wasn't any of her business why the blonde was at school so late, but whatever it was, it certainly wasn't for calling a teacher 'dumb'. As if she had the balls to do that sort of thing in the first place. Kay was pretty sure she couldn't even kill a fly let alone call an authoritarian position names.

Kay rose a suspicious eyebrow, tilting her head to the side. "Really? Woooow" her words were uttered with an undeniable slather of sarcasm. "I would have never taken you for the rebellious sort. You're lucky they didn't give you the death penalty." Now she was being an asshole, but you got the sass when you were willing to lie to the red head's face.
But then Mae asked to 'chill' with her. Chill, as in like, hang out? Wow, that's what friends did. Mae considered her a friend? After hanging out with a group of people for months now anyone would easily consider each other friends, but well, Kay never had an easy time making friends so she was never used to it. It was rather nice, to be able to hang out with someone. Besides, her mother wouldn't expect her back for a couple more hours, so there was no harming in going.
Kay nodded her head, smiling. "Sure, we could hang out after practice."

A loud whistle caught Kay's attention, turning her head over towards the coach. "Alright, ladies, wrap it up! Practice is over today, it's way too hot and the school can't afford to have another case of heatstroke. So go on inside and get changed."
Well, that was sooner than she expected.

"Well, guess i'll meet you outside in a bit. Wait here."
Grabbing her bottle Kay would stand, running up to the slowly gathering group of girls and following them into the school.
@special snowflake ● notes here ● word count

Press Start ♠ Private, Mae ArgonianMadesig

Special Snowflake
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Press Start ♠ Private, Mae Empty Re: Press Start ♠ Private, Mae

Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:57 pm
Castle of Glass

Kay didn't believe her, this sucked. Mae had tried and failed to live up to her name, or maybe she did live up to the name since it didn't state she'd succeed. In any regard, now Mae was forced to listen to Kay mock her slightly and Mae had to fight back against the deepening red of her face as she felt the pure energy of sarcasm assault her fragile psyche with a barrage of smugness. Mae felt like fainting but thankfully Kay dropped it quickly, content with only demolishing half of her weakened ego.

Still, she said yes.

Mae was confused by that, she got sarcasm but she also didn't get how Kay always seemed so passive aggressive for things that she wanted to do. It was always a roundabout way of saying it and not direct. Maybe Kay had the same thing Mae had just different? No, her home life couldn't be that bad, she just had a bunch of younger brothers and a mother and father who demanded things of her and... well the grass always seems greener, and people are built for different circumstances so Kay didn't have it easy. No one really did.

Mae didn't get a word in before Kay had to go, and Mae was instructed to wait right there. A bit chuffed by that, Mae stood her ground but also pulled out her phone to begin chatting with a few others again, waiting for the more sarcastic girl to come out so they could begin what would probably become an awkward adventure.

@ArgonianMade ● notes here ● word count

Press Start ♠ Private, Mae PbwdvIK
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