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Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  Empty Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]

Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:29 pm

Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  6EdIfMt

Artist: areal - Song: The Night In Your Hands - Word Count: N/A

(Image is what Adam is wearing)

Copiapó, Chile.

Sun, sand, and heat flowed against the lands on this hot summers day as the mist of this southern heat gave birth to the hazy waves of happiness for those who worshipped the great ball of fire in the sky. And in the outlands of this city, there were many who did indeed praise its wonderful rays of life. All throughout the desert had been homes, buildings, structures, vehicles, and people of a human origin that were taking root in its quiet range.

Why was this the case? Simple: The Monsuta never fully disappeared. Of course, it was disbanded, one cannot dispute that fact. That did not mean many of its human faction members simply disappeared into the night. Given that many found strength, inspiration, and guidance under the toolage of Adam; it was to be expected the pockets of the remaining forces banded together under a new faction: "Eden's Evolution"

They were a gathering of humans whose one goal was to evolve, progress and develop the depths of humanity to once again realize it's greatness in the world. No, they did not desire to otherwise obliterate all other races who dare call Earth their home, but the hunger to have a home for humanity could not be ignored with the over-production of external forces in the planet. It is why they were focused on gathering and assembling as many humans as they could to offer them shelter in the fall-out of World War 4 and to allow them tools, resources, and family to help them develop into something more to otherwise help the betterment of humanity under Eden's guidance.

And it is for these reasons why Eden, nay, Adam sat upon a cliff which overlooked the jewel of humanity beginning to break out of the dirt of this hellish world. Against the sight of his crimson eyes, he saw the blossoming of his flower he spent so much time cultivating throughout the years. He could have easily given into despair given the major setback of the Monsuta's defeat, but it was nothing more than fuel to the fire to otherwise justify the gathering of humanity under their own faction and to give him the strength needed to have a purpose to continue his own evolution as a man.

Feeding these people, giving them hope and bestowing them the gift of evolution brought a strange warmth in his heart to otherwise burn away the murky depths of his hundred-year sorrow. It is why he let the embrace of the sun was upon his body as he soaked in the solar energy, breathed out his mouth and became one with the nature around him. To feel untouched earth not yet destroyed by the brutality of war brought him such comfort as he relaxed his mind, mulled over his plans and let the feelings of ambition dip into his spirit.

And with the release of this much positive energy, it was only a matter of time before other humans would dare climb to the top of this mountain to otherwise seek out this touch of warmth for themselves......

" someone there?"

Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  WVMWLOu
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Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  Empty Re: Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]

Sat Jun 22, 2019 4:17 pm



Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  6EdIfMt

Why South America?

It was a question that Steiner had been asking himself since he had first heard the calling and had chartered his boat to the country of Chile as it was where the feeling was strongest. People didn't question him as he marched down the streets of a small town nestled in the mountains, allowing his senses to be his guide, as a strange desire filled him, and consumed him. It was as if something beckoned him in the distance, but was just out of reach for him, and it being out of reach was driving him to continue to move forward. It wasn't as if he was being controlled, it was more like he was being compelled to move forward, and as such he did so without question. He was that sort of guy after all. Always going toward whatever goal he put before himself without any hesitation or second thoughts. And his goal right now was to find what was calling to him, what was driving him deeper, and deeper into the mountains.

So he marched, not even making a pit a stop in the village, as he walked out of its boundaries without even a guide to the area around him, and instead using his senses to guide him. Animals seemed to avoid him as he made his climb, it was as if they knew he was driven by some purpose that they could not understand, and refused to bar his path. It was if fate was driving him forward and nature was more than willing to step out of the way to allow him to reach his destiny without any interference. So, he climbed deeper, and deeper into the mountains as the feeling of warmth that beckoned him closer increased. He didn't know what he expected to see or find, but he knew that it couldn't be something evil as it felt too positive. Too welcoming and too wanting of his attention to be something with sinister intent or a want to harm him. No, this felt like something that wanted to help him, to make him more than what he was now, and at this point? Steiner needed all the help he could get.

His desire to help others was something that didn't fade, but as the world around him had grown more frightening, his strength was clearly not enough to help realize his desire. So perhaps whatever this feeling was being sent from could perhaps help him, after all the last thing that had called him like this had been Cirno, and her guidance had helped him take a great step forward. So perhaps this too would allow him to take another large step toward his goal of being a shield for this world and its' people.

So after a while, several hours of long grueling climbing, and surviving the heat, Steiner found himself at the source of the warmth. He stared forward at the person sitting on the cliff and the calm natural beauty that was untouched by the horrors of war. He let his mind take it all in, almost like a breath of fresh air after being in a stuffy room, but then his eyes were caught on the lone figure sitting on the cliff. It was Adam. For a moment rage overtook him and his hand darted to his sword, but he stopped himself, and instead took a deep breath before walking forward. He would sit down next to Adam as soon as he asked if anyone was there, his eyes would look over what could only be considered a precious gem that was being forged into something more, and then would answer Adam.

"I am here...and this place is beautiful."

Steiner said as he completely took in the vision of a perfect utopia forged on this very spot.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  OlBPPj4
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Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  Empty Re: Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]

Sat Jun 22, 2019 4:48 pm

Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  6EdIfMt

Artist: areal - Song: The Night In Your Hands - Word Count: N/A

(Image is what Adam is wearing)

Though Adam could sense the anger brewing forth in Steiner's heart like an inferno of contempt, it was understandable if the male was aware of anything he had done in this past to warrant it. In the perception of the tribal leader, there was a lot of aggression, darkness, and depravity in the acts he committed trying to what he thought was best for humanity's sake. There is no shying away from that aspect of humankind as all vessels of this planet possess the capacity to otherwise slay, destroy, slaughter and bring ruin to this world.

Yet, in spite of that stain of blood which flowed across his hands, Adam had decided to return his fury with a smile instead. No, it wasn't similar to the same smart-ass grin he'd give most people when he was belittling them, but one filled with warmth as he sincerely felt that what he was doing here with Eden's Evolution was the right step toward finding mankind's footing in this hellish existence riddled with supernatural war.

So, to that end, Adam then opened his mouth and spoke on these truths:

"It's the gem of my love. Of course it would be beautiful."

Confidence spat through the lips of the male as he agreed with Steiner on the warmth that his village of potential held within its depths. There was a sense of certainty that Adam had not felt so long as he carried himself as he eased his shoulders, softened the tension in his core and spoke with his love.

"Many humans find themselves coming to Eden's Evolution because we have no place in the world. It sucks to be alone, purposelessness and feeling as if the entire world is against you with how things have developed in this war for the soul of our planet."

It is at this point where Adam then locked eyes with Steiner; peering into his steel eyes with an intent blood stare. However, it was not filled with malicious or discontent. Rather, what was behind Adam's gaze had been a look of curiosity as he was always one to sniff out the capacity of evolution within the hearts of men and women alike.

"Which is why I do not believe any encounter with another man or woman is by chance. The people who come to this place are seeking something and I understand that we both seek to have a higher purpose in this life. So tell me: why do you seek my company and what evolution is it that you seek?"

Adam made no uncertain movements or words with how he carried himself. It was his duty to use the guidance of evolution to develop the strength of others so that the whole of mankind could see it's power once again realized. As it is within his hands that he held a true and objective ability to morph the path of others who walk into his path and there was something within his heart that wanted to sincerely help. Even if he was a little bastard, that same devil wasn't a persona which could be of use in the future and it had to die so that something else could spread its wing and arise from the ashes. This was his way of finding that self, that person and that release.

Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  WVMWLOu
Steiner Franz
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Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  Empty Re: Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]

Sat Jun 22, 2019 5:48 pm



Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  6EdIfMt

He would allow Adam to refer to this place as the gem of his love, which caused him to wince as his memories of what happened caused him a great deal of distress, and if this was his love? This place was indeed spectacular, still Steiner's anger flared momentarily, but he decided to swallow it and go with his gut reaction earlier. Perhaps this man had turned over a new leaf? Anything was possible and he wouldn't allow the actions of the past to dictate the connections one could make in the future. So Steiner internalized it and allowed the young man to speak with purpose and conviction while he listened, watching the beautiful gem in the distance, and using that as a way to distract him from his emotional state that swelled inside of him. The deaths of many being pushed aside for a momentary glimpse of a potential world without any more deaths like that happening ever again.

"Is that why I'm here? Am I following the call of this 'Eden'? Because I have no place in this world anymore? These conflicts and wars are tearing this world apart and I myself am wondering what will be left after all the dusts settles. So I suppose I'm not following this call because I believe I have no place in this world, but rather that there will be no place left if things don't change soon."

As soon as Adam stared deeply into Steiner's eyes he would see a flare of concern about more than just himself, a kindred worry about humanities future once this all was over. This place was beautiful, but it was an oasis in an ever growing desert, and that desert was going to start consuming this place too if it found it. Steiner wanted to fight in this war so badly, he wanted to protect people, and protect humanity, but that wasn't going to happen with how little power he possessed. There were far bigger fish swimming these waters and though Steiner was brave, he wasn't stupid. They could gobble him up and spit him out without a single bit of worry if it came down to a fight. He let out a sigh as he turned away to look back at the beautiful gem.

"Seeking something....yes, I suppose I've been seeking something since the moment I've been born."

Steiner said as he stood up from where he was sitting and continued to look out over the beauty and splendor before him. He would then abruptly turn around to look directly at Adam, the first time he has looked with such determination at the young man since his arrival there. In terms of what he was seeking and what sort of evolution he was looking for? The answer was simple. Far simpler than probably most people. He didn't want pleasure for himself, he didn't want money, and he didn't want fame. No, he wanted the power to protect others, and the ability to do some good in this God's forsaken world.

"I want the power to protect fight evenly with those that are causing this wanton destruction without a single care for all of these people who they crush underneath them. Its not fair that people and this planet get to suffer while the people waging these wars wage wars with greater weapons than nukes and let the people underneath them get caught in the crossfires...I'm sick of it. I'm tired of seeing death wherever I look and no one tries to do a damn you want to know what sort of evolution I want? I want the power to stop this war."

Steiner spoke resolutely as he stared at Adam and then he let out a deep sigh, showing his willpower at full power to the young man.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  OlBPPj4
Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  VewULRr
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Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  Empty Re: Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]

Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:00 pm

Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  6EdIfMt

Artist: areal - Song: The Night In Your Hands - Word Count: N/A

(Image is what Adam is wearing)

"Eden, fate, chance; you can call it what you want, but you can't deny the supernatural powers that are in this world, friendo. Once you become aware of the metaphysics of this existence, you just start to accept whatever comes your way as the winds of destiny. And given you seem like the heroic type, the natural warmth of human love that is in this village would attract those who seek purpose in life like moths to a flame."

There was then a hard pat against the back of Steiner as Adam gave a sly grin at his reply towards the hero-to-be. Sure, it sounded like mystical bullshit and he looked like some meditative hippie with his tribal gear that he was suited up in. However, in spite of that, Adam sincerely believed every word he spat out no matter how much it sounded like new-age crap. If they lived in a world of monsters, gods, devils, and angels; you better start fucking believing in the heavenly strength of your soul or be damned to the evils of this world.

At any rate, Adam allowed Steiner to carry on with the reason why he was here. And it is at this point that he played an active part in listening to what he desired rather closely. It was apparent that whatever he was about to say was rather important to his heart. The fluctuation in determined energy started to flare as looks of concern and fire blazed behind the aura of Steiner. It is why The Eden Leader started rubbing his chin out of interest with what had got the male so worked up in the first place.

...and then it came.




Indeed, this world was littered with a lot of hell for those who called it their home and even Adam couldn't deny the suffering on this planet for all sides. More so, he felt a closeness to the pain of humanity as it is a concept which was deeply rooted in his existence and he could only solemnly nod his head in agreement with what Steiner was saying. Since, in his own way, he tried to achieve some bullshit heroics through use of sadistic and aggressive force. So, to that end, he could sympathize with the guy.

"You may think I'm some kind of sick son of a bitch, and perhaps I am, but I feel you on that. The reason I tried to do what I did in the Monsuta was because I got sick of being stomped on, losing everything that was near to me and seeing our people, the human race, lose our place in this planet to such unforgiving bullshit."

There was then a tired sigh which left through the lips of Adam when uttering these sincere words. Yeah, there was no mincing it, he was telling the truth because his face had a brief look of irritation before it shifted back to a gentle smile.

"Which is why I wanna pull my head out of my ass and say sorry if I caused you any grief. I can feel your hate, and sure, ya don't have to forgive me; but I'll do whatever the fuck this twisted consciousness of mine wants to do to make amends to the world. All I give a shit about this point is doing what I can to help progress our species, reaping some good karma and trying to make it to where I can sleep with an easy mind."

With his right hand held out to Steiner, he then looked him dead in the eye and uttered these words:

"So, why don't we together to make our ambitions become stronger. Its obvious humanity works better as a tribe, and even if you aren't interested in joining Eden's Evolution, there is no point in us being enemies when there are much larger threats in this world. If you are fine with that, I'm certain I can use my powers of evolution to give you a lift-up to make that ambition of yours come to life."

Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  WVMWLOu
Steiner Franz
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Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  Empty Re: Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]

Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:46 pm



Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  6EdIfMt

"I'm not here to make enemies, nor am I here to pick a fight. I'm just here because something beckoned me to come here. I also don't know if I believe in fate or destiny, to put such labels on something is to predetermines someone's worth or future....yet, I can not deny that there was a calling. Otherwise I wouldn't have climbed the mountain in the first place and came to this place, no one does that on a whim."

Steiner crossed his arms across his chest and looked dead center into Adam's eyes. He did have a great deal of bottled up emotions for the guy, but he was willing to put those emotions aside as to hold resentment would only poison his chances for further growth, and plague his potential. There were far too many grudges being held in this world and with that he decided to push aside this grudge and focus on the potential future instead of focusing on the horrors of the past. He reached out to take Adam's hand and clasped it firmly, shaking it with confidence before speaking.

"The road to hell is paved with the best intentions...that is an old human saying. While I may not condone what you did and I can not forgive the atrocities of the past, I can move past them, and work to a common goal to better this world as a whole. To that extent...I am unsure if I want to join an organization ran by you quite yet, Adam. Earning trust is something that needs to be done because while I can move past your actions, I can't just forget them...a lot of people were hurt or killed and that is not something you forget because of sweet words. Still..."

Steiner released his hold on Adam's hand and turned back to "Eden", he then gestured with his hand over the beauty and splendor before him.

"This place...this 'Eden', is not a bad idea. To give shelter to those who have been disheveled from their homes and to guide them to a common goal to better humanity's chances for something that I can get behind. This world is in deep trouble, humanity is being forced to watch, and take part in the horrors of war to protect what is naturally there own. It is...despicable, horrifying...people dying for a war that they never wanted in a struggle against a force that doesn't care if they live or die. It is sickening. So...lets talk about some things and then I will make up my mind. I need to be convinced that there is nothing sinister behind this 'Eden'."

Steiner said resolutely as his eyes bore holes into Adam as he tried to make heads or tails of the small man in the weird get up. He chose to not question the choice in attire as it was not his place to question one's fashion sense as he was wearing patched up clothes that he himself had sewn back together multiple times. Even if it was a bit odd to see somebody dressed like this in the modern era, he supposed to Adam this was just perfectly fine, and who was he to judge him for that?

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  OlBPPj4
Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  VewULRr
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Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  Empty Re: Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]

Fri Aug 09, 2019 5:55 pm

Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  6EdIfMt

Artist: areal - Song: The Night In Your Hands - Word Count: N/A

(Image is what Adam is wearing)

Observing the words which Steiner uttered to him caused Adam to believe he was at least open to the idea of becoming allies or some kind of neutral relationship. If nothing else, it proved that things were at least in a condition to be mended if he put enough effort into the relationship to salvage it. And, to The Eden Leader, that was enough as he never was one to execute fruitless and pointless exercises in futility. Ergo, it made him perk up a bit when he started showing some signs of openness about the faction itself and what they were doing here.

"From what it sounds like, I'm pretty glad we both can move past the bullshit of the past. After all: how can you stay mad at a cute little face like this?"

Adam then stuck his tongue right out at Steiner in a playful manner before he gazed back over the horizon with a more relaxed and content expression which showed some sense of purpose, pride and happiness over what he was creating here. As, if nothing else, while the whole world was busy being deconstructed and destroyed; his will was causing something beautiful to be forged. For in a desert of death and desert, he was creating an oasis of life, meaning, and home amidst a planet in shambles. And to The Eden Leader? That was something worth fighting for.

"But seriously, this place is something worth dying for to me. It's given humans a place to call their own and I've had a lot of people displaced from the war begin to come here in droves. We are building a community and making something much bigger than just my desires or wants. We are investing humanity's hope into something of our own and it's fucking beautiful to watch grow."

As the wind blew past the two males, Adam took a gentle exhale of breath to otherwise enjoy the passing breeze. Really, if you hadn't known the context of the world they were in, you'd assume there almost wasn't a war. That the place Steiner and Adam stood was nothing more than a paradise in a relaxed world. Yet, the walls behind this place were anything but. Which is why The Eden Leader then glanced back at Steiner:

"I've been in talks with a lot of people in many different factions and I'm starting to get support for my movement. It's really up to you to decide if you want to join them in that trust. I've even got Colin Washi from The Lux Orior wanting to back me up on this. I ain't sure if you are still with Lux Orior since they used to be the Vanguard and whatnot, but that's a pretty big sign of approval if nothing else. I understand I've been a little shit in the past, but it's these little actions I'm taking over the long-term that I feel will show my true intent as I ain't got anything devilish up my hand."

It was a lot of words to digest, but the solemn Adam felt they were true. Since, as he touched his chest, he felt within their heart they were his honest desires and it only felt right to follow them. Ignoring the calls of his conscious only brought him strife, so perhaps on some selfish level, he wanted to clear his guilt. However, was that truly a bad thing? If nothing else, the actions could produce something of value to the world in his mind.

Nevertheless, before he got caught up too much in his own sentimental thoughts, Adam turned to Steiner and asked him a simple question:

"When you look at me now compared to then: can you say you can ever truly trust me?"

Blessings Of Evolution [Adam/Steiner] [Chile]  WVMWLOu
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