Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Gotei Mandatory Rest  Empty Gotei Mandatory Rest

Mon Jan 06, 2020 1:12 am

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

This was something he'd of likely protested had a choice been given. Takehiko had always been a workaholic in every fashion. He didn't know what the meaning of sleep was and often overworked himself. His eyes had bags under them on several occasions. As he stepped out of a Senkaimon arriving on the beachfront of a place used prior. The Gotei had set up this trip at one point his eyes looking towards the horizon. He wore a gray hoodie and some swim trunks. Not lowering his top knot that most Kuchiki wore. His eyes scanned the beach noticing it was deserted. While this was fine and par the course for them. His frame slowly walked into the sand feeling it's warm. Takehiko's Captain had no trouble forcing him to come here. But did they come along for this incursion in relaxation? Hell no, they just forced him and everyone else. He'd not taken it easy since Bejing in terms of medicine. He studied every night trying to find ways to carry medicine more effectively. He couldn't make it for shit.

"Guess we are here..may as well try and enjoy it." Takehiko glanced around finding two suitable trees he began making a hammock out of them. He wasn't keen on swimming or splashing around in the water. But as he began working he saw other members beginning to have fun. Playing in the sand and acting like children. His lips turned into a smile as he'd forgotten that feeling. When last had he come to a beach, it was with his mother if he recalled. Before she'd been killed by demons with his father. Leaving him a Kuchiki without parents tied to a family of traitors. Great memories though still as he looked towards the sand. Almost like he'd drifted into a trance remembering something. It seemed odd only his Squad was forced on relaxing duty in this place. Might have been more coming this way. Sitting on his hammock he watched people coming to this world. A mission to relax was in order, but what did it mean for everyone. A sand building contest and few other things were set up.

To keep the mood lively and happy as he wanted to reach for a medical journal. But the Captain had confiscated it to keep him from working. His eyes twitched as he frowned. That person was set to not let him work and make him relax. Takehiko exhaled falling back into his hammock with a sigh.
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7409
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Gotei Mandatory Rest  Empty Re: Gotei Mandatory Rest

Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:12 am

Gotei Mandatory Rest  6o7dTH3


For all of his mental preparedness, Julian found that actually going to the world of the living was still something of a shock to his system. He had known only the Rukongai, after all, and so to see this world, with all of its many wonders and made the man sick to his stomach. That his people lived in veritable poverty, while the world moved on past them to this era of modern magic... It was good that he was a master of maintaining his facade so well, else he would have scowled.

But, instead, he simply sat upon the beach with a smile on his face, keeping a wonderful facsimile of enjoyment across his features. Was he having fun? No, of course not. He never had fun. But this sort of social interaction was exactly the sort of thing that brought him further into the Gotei, made him more trustworthy, all of that. It was exactly the sort of thing that he rather desperately needed in his journey, like it or not. So, here he was. Watching the waves of Earth, making friends with his "comrades."

How he missed the Rukongai.

Coding in Template By:

Gotei Mandatory Rest  Empty Re: Gotei Mandatory Rest

Tue Jan 07, 2020 8:06 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Takehiko looked up from his thing grumbling to himself. Julain had arrived one of the newer kids. Or maybe he was newer in the Division. Takehiko had been designated as the medic among other things. Last time he stuck his nose in something someone dropped a large wall on him. It was a tremendous learning experience. Sighing as he got up and walked over to Julian. Sitting down he crossed his legs looking out at the water. "So, is this your first time in the living world?" He asked the question to get a sense of things. Takehiko knew some members of the Division, trained with Momo among other things. He spent a lot of type with that as he watched them splash. While he'd rather be at his desk, he would begrudgingly acknowledge this was needed. Even though every second that lazy captain of his was late. He was ready to choke the man with his own Haori, Takehiko had gotten most of the paperwork. As the leader of the Kido Division had a very relaxed mood. Using his hand he took some of the warm sand into his palm.

"So why did you select Squad Two Julian, I get the feeling you could have made a positive impact anywhere you went." He said smiling trying to keep some form of conversation going. Small talk was the worst subject for a Kuchiki. He was sure his uncle just pretended it didn't exist. So thus his lessons in it were mostly from being around Ulv and Arianda. With a splash of Momo for good measure. A butterfly landed on his shoulder as a twitch went through his body. The black object delivered a message that made his jaw tighten. The Captain informed him he would be a little late. His hand began tightening on the sand as he grumbled. "I'm going to kill him...with his own paperwork!" He breathed his shoulders rising and falling. The man drove him crazy as he had all the motivation of a pig laying in hot mud. While Takehiko slaved on paperwork and everything he could. "If you'd like I can show you a couple of kido..pointers since our lazy Captain won't be here for a while."
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