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The Game
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A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] Empty A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna]

Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:39 am

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:706

It had been awhile since he had last thought of getting active in the world, in fact as he thought on it it felt closer to two years since he made himself of any use. Everytime he set out to do something to help he fell short, the most advancements he ever created were his Listeners and even now he could feel them all shuffling around quietly in his labs pent up and bored with their lives. Carter closed off the connection to them with his phantom tech brain to focus, he had done his creations a disservice by not allowing them out to run their programing and help the world as they were created too but he needed them to stay safe while he was away, they would be critical to his future plans and having them needlessly destroyed served no one in any end.
Pushing thoughts of the future behind him as he walked into the main offices of the Vandenreich he thought instead on thoughts of the past, thoughts of his revolving door and status as a member of the Gotei, thoughts of how his last stint with the organization allowed him to become a little closer to realizing his future, but now he thought of the present, how his future goals needed to be side lined, if today isn’t protected there will never be a tomorrow he thought quietly to himself.

Pushing that thought from his mind as well Carter fixated himself on the here and now, the present, his power. The world was still in chaos, nothing had realty changed that. America was war torn both by ShadowFall and the Gotei and he could no longer see himself working alongside the Gotei if they were not committed to freeing the American people from war with all due haste, he had even heard about the Hollow sanctuary being leveled in Los Vegas. Nothing good was happening in a prolonged war, no souls were being saved, more hatred was brewing on both sides. This now led him to a place he had never thought to join, potentially new allies that he could help, a war he may be a part of ending if he could in any way. That was the goal now, end the war, end the war and think about the future.

His golden eyes looked out a window as he walked and up into he sky, briefly in his minds eye he saw it, the vision of Lunus, his end goal. The off world home he hoped to create for all beings of peace, a utopia that he and his listeners could protect and try to follow his vision of Truth as well as he could. Blinking his eyes snapped from the sky and his day dream and glanced upon a woman sitting before him, a secretary for a leader of Vandenreich, a woman named Ninisianna. He was to meet with her about joining up due to Cyrus being other wise busy at the present.
Hello, I believe I have a meeting today. Should be under Carter, no surname.”

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|Death is but the first step in life|

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] ZfrGue8

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] EUuCTxy
God of Love
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A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] Empty Re: A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna]

Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:14 am
A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] N45YBc3


Unlike a great deal of the Vandenreich, Ninsianna did not have any fighting she needed to worry about. She was, after all, not a combatant in any capacity, and given Cyrus and even the Captains were all quite busy preparing around the world, it fell to her to handle the most recent recruitment. Seeing as she operated as the Grandmaster's right hand in these instances, it did not especially bother the Danava, but even so, she always prepared for these things as much as was possible.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Carter. My name is Ninsianna Kishar, personal secretary to Grandmaster ast-Auramazda. First and foremost, I should thank you for your interest in the Vandenreich. Your reputation as a respectable figure in the world, and one who is quite capable of bringing change, quite precedes you. If you do not mind, I would need to ask a handful of questions of you on the Grandmaster's behalf. I would be quite remiss if I did not ensure you and he did not have some grave and irreconcilable disagreement."

Straightening out her papers, even though it was functionally pointless due to the nature of her abilities, Ninsianna began to look over her notes so as to ensure she asked the correct questions of the shinigami before her.

"First and foremost, is there a particular reason for your having departed the Gotei United? It is my understanding that you were at one time a member of some renown there."


The Game
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A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] Empty Re: A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna]

Tue Feb 18, 2020 4:06 am

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:706

He smiled as the woman greeted him, though it was a fake smile because all he heard was how his reputation of being capable of bringing change proceeded him. If that were true to him his goals would have been realized years ago, he wouldn’t continuously start something to never finish it. As quickly as the thought appeared, he shook it away. Now would be different, now he would force himself to do anything that need be done.

Next she brought up the question he assumed would be top of the list, why depart the Gotei. Why not take up in their ranks once again? “ I’ve been apart of the Gotei my whole life, on and off through out the last few years but if we are being 100% honest with each other everytime I fall back in line I feel stunted, I feel dulled. I do not think my vision of a future of peace is the same as theirs. The war in America is a large sign of that to me, we were meant to come and eradicate ShadowFall forces and free the people of that country, now the country is war torn and occupied by both sides, from the whispers Europe is about to become a hot bed of activity again as well. I do not want to be a part of something that doesn’t seek to change the outlook and lives of the innocent that are caught in the crossfire. The war in America has been going on for too long and too many innocents suffer on both sides. The Gotei wants to do good but they are creating more feelings of hatred and lives of hardship currently.

Blinking he kind of just stood there awkwardly, he hadn’t meant to spew all of it out, in his mind he formulated his statement a bit more eloquently, but the words just came out like vomit. “ Before I left the Gotei and stayed sidelined I wanted to create something amazing, something I do not talk about lightly. I wanted to create a place where all people, all races, could put their hatred behind them and live without fear of war, without fear of prejudice. I am no closer to realizing that goal than the day I first thought of it but I see now I cannot realize it until these wars are stemmed, the world needs to settle before I can move on, this chaos can’t be sustained much longer. That’s why I want to join the Vadenreich, I want to see these wars ended swiftly and I want to commit my power to whoever it is that will stop this time of blood.

With that all out there he stood, waiting for more questions as she studied her notes. In his mind he could feel the link he was suppressing to his Listeners, they hummed quietly as they felt the mental backlash of his feelings getting stirred up. He had created them to be guardians of the future he wanted to create and now as he spoke of his main goal, of his passion they felt more alive than they had in months. With a shaky breath he cut off the link once more and focused on the reality in front of him, “Sorry for getting so worked up, I’ve just had a lot of time on my hands recently to think of things and notice the state of the world around me. Gets me worked up ya’know?” He said with a slight laugh and half smile.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] ZfrGue8

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] EUuCTxy
God of Love
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A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] Empty Re: A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna]

Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:46 pm
A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] N45YBc3


Ninsianna, generally speaking, was not the sort of woman who smiled. She generally displayed little emotion, if any at all, simply because it was wholly unnecessary. But despite herself, in this moment she allowed herself a very small smile as she began taking note of everything Carter said to her.

"I do not mind your emotional investment in this matter, Mr. Carter. Quite the contrary, in fact. I believe that you are exactly the sort of man that the Grandmaster, and the Vandenreich as a whole, have been looking for. We do not seek mere armistice, we seek a return of the world to the way it once was. One where Shadow Fall, where the Gotei, where the Kokuryuteshi and all others return to the realms from which they came, and in which the people of Earth may make their own destiny."

Setting down her pen, especially given she could easily keep record of this conversation without actually needing to write, Ninsianna crossed her hands gently on her desk and looked into Carter's eyes. There was something in her gaze that seemed decidedly greater than her mere mortal form, and her smile grew only the faintest touch more as she continued on. She liked this one, far more than the usual recruits. He had...spirit. Drive.

"The state of the world is far too unstable to be maintained any longer, that much we are in unfathomable agreement upon, Mr. Carter. If you have ambition, and a desire to return the world to a more peaceful state, then you will find no greater association than the Vandenreich."

Tapping her finger against the desk exactly three times in thought, Ninsianna considered the most appropriate course of action to take from here on.

"If you do not mind, please tell me what you consider to be your greatest strengths, Mr. Carter. Both in character, and in your ability."

The Game
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A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] Empty Re: A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna]

Sun Feb 23, 2020 8:14 pm

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:551

"My greatest strengths huh..... hmmm... Okay well damn, that's a tough one on the spot. In the end I don't think I am very different than anyone else so please don't think of me as bragging here." He said, feeling embarrassed of what he was about to say and the feeling of being put on the spot. " I am one of the Seven angels of Truth first and foremost, this blessing has turned me into something more than just a shinigami and at the same time removed me from them in a way I cannot explain. I no longer feel like a Shinigami and yet my power comes from my zanpakuto, my dearest friend. I excel in energy based attacks and out thinking opponents on the battle field, my sword play isn't anything to mock either and before I left the Gotei I was the captain of the research division where I developed my Listener units and my Tether device to help spread my holy energy to anyone who may need use it against demonic influence. In character I think I maintain a level head both on and off the battlefield. I will not make a decision about a being based off of their race, even a demon, I understand we all walk different paths and I only put myself opposed to destruction, chaos, and rage. I really do not know what else to say, I guess I think I am a capable levelheaded warrior that can help bring about peace both on the battlefield and off with developing new devices to deter violence and hatred. "

His left hand would nervously fidget with the covering of his zanpakuto, not in a manner of a threat but more so of someone who was uncomfortable being put on the spot in such a manner. Man I feel like a pompous tool. He thought while he stood their vaguely aware that the room felt a little warmer than before and he could feel the sweat of being uncomfortable on the back of his neck

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] ZfrGue8

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] EUuCTxy
God of Love
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A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] Empty Re: A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna]

Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:45 am
A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] N45YBc3


Ah, was that not a turn of fate which was more than agreeable for their aims? Ninsianna suspected that this man's state would certainly give him more understanding than most of the Grandmaster's own nature, but she would not be making any assumptions regarding interpersonal interaction. What mattered in the immediacy was the man's explanation of himself, and she found it perfectly suitable.

"Yes, I believe that will do very well, Mr. Carter. While I am no lie detector, I believe that your prior work history is rather easily confirmed should I feel any reason to doubt it. I do not, however, and so I feel as though this interview has been more than satisfactory."

A relatively thin stack of papers seemed to simply come into being on the clipboard resting on Ninsianna's desk, and she slid the document over to Carter to be perused at his discretion.

"This is an offer, made with the full authority of the Grandmaster, for a position as Executive of the Daten, our own research and intelligence bureau. I believe the Grandmaster intends some restructuring of our organization quite soon, but I assure you that your overall authority will not be reduced when this occurs."

What Ninsianna had handed to Carter was, quite genuinely, an offer of employment, not a true contract made on her behalf. This was, after all, to prevent any binding nature. When the Vandenreich was concerned, Ninsianna did not offer Binding Contracts except for in the most dire of circumstances, or at the direct order of the Grandmaster. This, certainly, had been neither.

The Game
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A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] Empty Re: A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna]

Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:54 am

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:440

Still feeling foolish for saying so much about himself Carter would quietly accept the paperwork and look it over while sitting across from Ninisianna. It had only just dawned on him he had been standing this entire time and he felt rude for it. Listening to her speak he smiled a bit at the offer of work in the Vandenreich's research and intelligence bureau. It felt like a role he could handle given his past role in the Gotei and to boot it would allow him to work on projects both for the Vandenreich and for himself that would benefit humanity. For a split second his mind began to swirl with the thought of having a lab to work in again and resources at his command. Going over the paperwork he saw no reason to decline and signed it.

"I'm not worried about having or not having authority. I merely want to create things that can be used to help this world and admittedly I don't want to be 100% off the battlefield. I do enjoy a good fight every now and again. I'll accept this offer of employment and get right to work making myself as good an asset for the Vandenreich as possible." He said while handing her the papers back and looking out the window, "[color=#ffcc00]This feels right, a new chance, a new day.[/color he thought while taking in the warm sunlight.

Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] ZfrGue8

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] EUuCTxy
God of Love
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A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] Empty Re: A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna]

Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:29 am
A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] N45YBc3


"Of course, Mr. Carter, I would not wish to insinuate that the authority in itself is what you seek in this role. My sincerest apologies if that is how my commentary has come across."

Taking the paperwork once more, Ninsianna flipped through each page only briefly as she committed everything to memory. Well, this was all handled neatly, and as she filed the contract away into her desk, she stood and straightened her skirt, before pulling her coat from the back of her chair.

"Well, Executive, shall we discuss your assignment over dinner? The workday is well over by now, and I believe it would do well to acquaint you with the city and the people of the Vandenreich."

The Game
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A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] Empty Re: A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna]

Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:48 pm

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 346

At the offer of food Carter realized he hadn't really ate anything in the past 24 hours, he had been so busy traveling and encountering people he kinda just forgot. "I think that would be a great idea, I saw a little of the city yesterday because I screwed up the date of our meeting but I really don't know it yet, what makes the blood pump here, what the people are truly like. I need to learn these things if I am to be of use so you filling me in over something to eat sounds amazing." He said, his tone light and excited at the idea of getting a tour through the city and seeing how it functions day in and out.

With no hesitation he walked ahead of the woman and opened the door to her office, "Lead the way Ma'am.

Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] ZfrGue8

A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] EUuCTxy
God of Love
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A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] Empty Re: A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna]

Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:27 pm
A Time to Act [Carter/Ninisianna] N45YBc3


"It is quite crucial to know the people, yes. Of course, ideally we will need to know far more than merely the citizens of the City of Lights. This is a lovely place, but I would sooner see that wonder brought to the rest of the Earth than simply relish in what is here."

Pulling her coat on and leading the way, Ninsianna's every step was punctuated by the click of her heels against the floor. Thoe of a more astute ear might have noticed that the cadence of her stride was completely even, not the slightest deviation in time to even, seemingly, the most minute fraction of a second. It wasn't something she did consciously, of coure. Her thoughts were occupied with her new colleague.

"There are many things that might be said about the City of Lights, but perhaps the most important is that it serves as a sanctuary. Not only for those Quincy who have lost their homes in the wake of the Vandenreich's prior failures, but for all those who call the Earth their home, and wish to live in simple peace."

As a few children ran through the street past them, Ninsianna took a short moment to chide them on being careful when running at night, as well as reminding them that too much exertion at this hour might well tire them for school the next day. Once she had sent them on their way, with a lollipop for each pulled from her coat pocket, she continued on.

"Apologies for the interruption, Mr. Carter. As I said, this is a place for those who call the Earth their home. Some may call this too exclusionary, but it is not our intention to simply shun others for nationalistic reasons. Right now, the people need to know that their lives matter, that they are not beholden to the power of other groups from other realms they may barely understand. To that end, we have pushed for a society which nurtures them and allows them to prosper. The children are educated, the workforce is given suitable attention and proper recompense. However they desire to live their lives, so long as others are not harmed, we embrace. The people, Mr. Carter, are what matter in the City of Lights and the Vandenreich. All else is inconsequential by comparison."

As she made that punctuating statement, the cat-eared secretary led her guest into a quiet little cafe overlooking the sea. Judging from the energetic greetings offered by the two employees, it seemed Ninsianna was a regular here, but she offered only a small smile and a nod as she took a seat at a table near the open window.

"Well, I hope I have not overwhelmed you."

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