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Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka] Empty Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka]

Sun Mar 01, 2020 10:49 pm
Under the cover of darkness, as many would take this time to sleep, the sound of fighting could be heard as a young, rather tall woman was busy at work, slaying hollows. She still couldn't help but view them as creatures to reduce to mincemeat, but her growing humanity had some say against her instincts, properly putting them down with a sword to the face rather than reduce to ashes. Even if she took some thought to her actions, she was still rather rough with them, tearing off limbs and releasing fierce growls and howls.

She was venting out her strength in the night, her usual romp of training, and there just so happened to be a town in Japan with hollows being a bit too frequent in appearance. However, even during this time, she practiced speaking, soon sitting down, covered yet hardly bothered by the gentle hiss of hollow blood, touching finger after finger.

"..One... Two... Th-three... Four... Five..."

She quietly counted to herself, using the gift of speech her mentor had bestowed, counting how many hollows she had slain so far,

"...Even.. No.. Elelen? Eleveen. Tweele? Tweelve..."
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Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka] Empty Re: Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka]

Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:21 pm



Since joining Lux Orior, Nenka had become much more proactive in making sure the area of Japan was safe, which expanded to include the entire region, as Karakura was generally well defended so there wasn't too much need to be that area. The smaller towns without much defence would need more support, in addition to his home city of Saburo, which was still quite a brutal place to live in parts.

He had foregone sleeping on this night as he felt his compulsion to protect anyone who may need it. He was tired, but the rush of moving through the areas at his high speeds offset that. A hero doesn't sleep on the job after all, tonight would be no exception. Within this small town, he heard some rather brutal noises that alerted him to something possibly happening, something potentially bad, he had to go investigate.

He arrived at the scene, accelerating pretty quickly and found some pretty mangled hollow corpses and a fox looking girl with pretty long hair. The scene disturbed him a little and he couldn't even tell who was right or wrong in this situation. Due to his own prejudice though, he would assume it was the hollows since they tend to be the one to attack people. He saw this girl was.. counting? Her speech didn't sound right. He wondered if it was some kind of trauma, maybe something he could help with. He approached the girl to ask, hoping he wasn't going to be turned into a bloody mess himself.

"Hey. Are you okay, hurt? I see you took care of the hollows but you sound shook up, do you need help? My names Nenka, from Lux Orior."

Wearing that Lux badge with pride, Nenka wanted to be of some help to her, but he didn't understand that their speech wasn't the result of trauma or anything mental, but rather a limited capacity for it. Communication might be an issue for him here, but regardless, if they wanted help, Nenka would endeavour to do his best. It was what being a hero was all about to him.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka] Empty Re: Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka]

Mon Mar 02, 2020 3:16 pm
Honey's nose twitched as she smelled an interesting smell approach her, reminding her of the scent of burning flames. She quickly stopped trying to verbally count, her head snapping to look at him, tail wagging, bright red eyes gleaming as she saw him. He looked poor and defenseless in appearance, but she could smell he had something more going on, that roasty smell to him told her so. Such a thing made her excited, and thus with impulse did she hop up on her legs, listening to him speak.

Why would she be hurt? They were just a bunch of hollows. There wasn't a problem at all. So, with that in mind, the wolf slowly walked over to the man, ears twitching, slowly placing a blood-touched hand on his shoulder, and patted him rather roughly, a neutral expression on her face,

"Hollow are gone. Is all okay. Tooken care of."

If Honey physically emoted properly, she likely would be smiling by the sound of her tone, "No need help, my job. Name is Honey."
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Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka] Empty Re: Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka]

Mon Mar 02, 2020 8:48 pm



Nenka realised this girl he had encountered was pretty animal like just from the way they acted. It was glaringly obvious, but he had never met someone like this before, so he wasn't too sure how to treat them. Its like someones pet grew up into a killer fox.. that was about the extent of his interaction with animals. He was quite unnerved by it, since he never had a pet when he was a kid, never mind what seemed to be a fully grown being with power to boot.

He didn't really know what to make of this scene at first so the only thing he could really ask is if they wanted help of any kind although it was very unnecessary as the matter had been dealt with before he even made it. He felt his anxiety only get worse as the girl quite roughly petted her with blood stained hands. Was this meant to be comforting? You'd think with a upbringing of nasty images and scenes, this would be nothing, but he was still made very uncomfortable by this whole experience, especially in the dark.

And then they started to talk in a rather unnatural way, which only added to this experience. Seems like they just wanted to take care of the hollows, so they weren't out to do anything bad, but they certainly unnerved Nenka to the high heavens. It appears it was their job to do this, so she must have been similar to Nenka and she named herself to him, which he answered in kind.

"W-Well, my names Nenka so its nice to meet you Honey. I can't say I've ever met a person like you.. but its okay! What is your j-job?"

Nenka was obviously still quite anxious as his own speech suffered a stutter, due to how uncomfortable this whole situation was. Even then, he couldn't bring himself to be impolite and just went along with it in the hopes she'd lay off him a little. He was curious know to know what her job was precisely, to see who she might be affiliated with, or as he thought, who owned her. Surely someone had let their pet hollow killer fox loose..

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka] Empty Re: Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka]

Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:35 pm
Honey blinked as she sniffed at the young man before him, seeing him looking nowhere near happy, even when she gave him a pat. What was the problem? Didn't people like pats? However, she caught onto something as she looked at the hand she patted him with, covered in blood. Was it the fluid? Maybe he didn't like the fluid. Hollow blood did smell pretty bad, anyway, so to resolve this predicament, Honey began flicking her hand in the opposite direction of the young man, as to get the blood off her hands, but as per the laws of physics, said blood did not just fly off.

Phooey, water will be needed again. However, her ears did indeed twitch when she heard the man introduce himself, asking her for her 'job'.

"..Job?" Honey seemed confused at first, but she soon realized,

"Ahhhh," She pulled her Zanpakuto from it's sheath upon her back, showing it to the young man, "Shii-nii-gaah-mii. Ah, said right. I do fights, but now am.. Doing learning."

She nodded softly, looking towards the young man, "Know where washing are?"

She motioned her hands, as if to indicate washing her body, in order to give a better idea of what her choppy words meant.
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Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka] Empty Re: Dutiful Instinct [Honey/Nenka]

Fri Mar 06, 2020 10:27 pm



The situation began to make a lot of sense now that Nenka had learned more about Honey, primarily the fact they were a Shinigami. He didn't think purifying hollows looked quite like that though, but he didn't know an awful lot about the Shinigami in the first place outside the fact they primarily deal with hollows in the living world and are generally allied with the humans.

He nodded on understanding what she was doing now. It was indeed her job to make Hollows pass onto the afterlife, so he had no argument there. He was curious now though when she mentioned that she was now "learning", learning what exactly? This prompted Nenkas next question as it could really mean anything. Everyone is learning in one way or another, for example Nenka is learning how to fight and become stronger and learning more about the world as a result of joining Lux Orior.

"I understand now, it makes sense if you're dealing with hollow as a Shinigami. Back in Saburo, my home I know quite a few of you.. the only people who ever would bother trying to defend my hellhole of a home. I appreciate what you do. So tell me Honey, what are you trying to learn? I'm trying to learn about things too.."

When Honey asked him about washing themselves, he wasn't so sure. He wasn't very familiar with this place. He wasn't sure if she meant a wash of her whole body or just her hands due to the blood stains. Hmm.. the best he could conjure up was a nearby lake. He began to have slightly embarrassing thoughts he tried not to focus on, if it was the former Honey wanted. Regardless of that, he'd take her there.

"Ummm... There's a small lake near here so I think that's the best you can do right now. Follow me!"

Nenka then moved at a pretty fast pace, using his supernatural abilities to easily exceed the human limitation. He was sure that this Shinigami would be able to keep up, he was aware of the techniques they used such as flash step, etc. He wondered if one day he'd be able to perform such an instantaneous movement. It wasn't too far from where they stood, so in a matter of moments they would end up there, Nenka sitting down nearby as he didn't want to get himself wet.

"I hope this is what you were looking for. I won't look, don't worry..."

True to his word, Nenka would look away if Honey proceeded into the water. He didn't want to be seen as a pervert, after all. He had no such perverse desires to peep on others. After interacting with them more, he realised he could maybe help her learn if that's what she wanted to do. It seemed like they were evolving in a way, their speech was slowly being acquired. There was potential for them to grow, certainly. Nenka was focused on growing as well, but in different ways. He needed to get stronger to protect the world.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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