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The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Empty The Little Clone (Helle/Aries)

Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:59 pm
The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Gjo2e9H

Helle Armstrong | Sternritter SubCaptain

Her knuckles rasp against the smooth door before her, emerald eyes reflecting the shine of the city expectantly. It’s somewhat silly to feel nervous, but Helle’s body is tensed all over in curiosity. Here, she stands, before the door of one of the newest recruits of the Vandenreich, someone she entertained not too long ago. And, that short moment was enough to convince said individual to join Helle’s Organization. Dressed differently from her standard armored uniform, Helle has opted for an outfit that covered more and defined more. It is a simple blue dress with a pencil skirt and long sleeve jacket, something that is worn during important meetings. Though, it does serve as an alternate outfit for the blonde Quincy when she strives for a look that is less intimidating than her usual protected form.

Her objective here isn’t to fight or even test anyone’s potential. As per her duty to train soldiers for the Reich, it is also her duty to ensure that new members are well and prepared for their upcoming duties, especially if they are to be under her charge. As per her explanation of the Reich that brought on this newcomer, she felt more inclined to make sure that they have accommodated to the crystalline city, and so, her hands find themselves within one another before her waist as she awaits for the door before her to open.

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The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Empty Re: The Little Clone (Helle/Aries)

Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:41 pm

Aries wasn't used to having a room of her own, and it definitely showed. The room itself hadn't changed whatsoever since she joined and settled in. The only thing that was different was the bed, which was nothing but a mess of sheets and extra pillows. She should probably clean it up and set it up for later... but she was surprisingly kind of fond of the way it was set up. It was comfier than any other bed she had before, if only by merit of all the pillows on it.

Aries had been told to get prepared for something later today, so she had spent the past half an hour combing her hair and applying at least some makeup. What that something was, and who would be giving her the instructions wasn't a mystery. Maybe someone she didn't know, maybe someone she did. Aries didn't know just yet.
The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) ObmxXA9
Aries, the Manifested Self

And then there was a knock on her door, and Aries just sighed and stood up from her little table. The click of her heels resounded through the room and no doubt the other side of the door as she tread over, twisted the lock, and pulled her door open to see none other than Helle. "May I help you?" Aries asked with a completely neutral tone and expression. The woman didn't seem too pleased or upset to see the woman, just a little curious as to the purpose of a visit from someone so important.

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The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Empty Re: The Little Clone (Helle/Aries)

Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:43 pm
The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Gjo2e9H

Helle Armstrong | Sternritter SubCaptain

Ah, a quick moment to better gather her thoughts. She needed a topic to center this conversation around. There are multiple things that could prove a keen focal point between Aries and her, but would the woman be interested in all of them? A true conundrum for the blonde Quincy, but she cannot know more about one of the newest additions to the Vandenreich without inquiring the good and the bad. How strange though. Helle didn’t see the pattern at first, but now, after the 3rd time doing such, every person she has personally influenced to join, she has taken time out of her day to check on them and make sure they are well accommodated with their new surroundings. Hmm… For someone, with a track record for being brutal and insincere, who has been gone from the world for 5 years, she has truly evolved into a kind person.

The door opening pulls her from her thoughts though, and soon, she is face to face with Aries who is inquiring about Helle’s intentions. Helle couldn’t help but let her small smile grow ever more warm as she raises both her arms and waves them nonchalantly in an attempt to ward off any suspicions. “Ah, Aries. I simply came by to check on you. Your later appointment has nothing to do with my visit.” She explains herself briefly before eyeing the other woman. Of course Aries is well dressed for her later appointment, a rather modest look however.

“Do you have time for a little chat however? I wouldn’t want to intrude.” Her head cants slightly with high hopes painting her face, expecting for Aries to allow her a bit of the other’s time just for a mild chat.

END POST | The Savant

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The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Empty Re: The Little Clone (Helle/Aries)

Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:11 pm

Aries honestly didn't know what to expect with this woman in the slightest. Just what was going on with her? On one hand, Helle could look intimidating and dangerous, yet here she was looking infinitely more normal and innocent than Aries would have ever anticipated. It was like her character was at the whims of another force, unable to be fully comprehensible due to their ever changing desires and thoughts.

"Come in, then. Shut the door behind you." Aries said with a sigh before crossing her room back to her desk and sitting down to finish applying her makeup for later. Just a chat to make sure she was doing well. The pink-haired woman felt it would do well to get used to her subordinates, especially her superiors, so she didn't at all mind this interaction.
The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) ObmxXA9
Aries, the Manifested Self

"I'm doing fine, just acclimating to my new environments still. That's it, honestly." Aries explained calmly to her superior as she carefully stroked her eyelashes with mascara, the second to last thing she needed to do before her appointment later. "What is it you wanted to talk about, then?" She wondered as she switched to her other eye and gently mirrored the same movements of applying her dark black mascara. Helle couldn't be wanting to talk about too much if it was just a little visit like this, right?

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The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Empty Re: The Little Clone (Helle/Aries)

Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:18 pm
The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Gjo2e9H

Helle Armstrong | Sternritter SubCaptain

Stepping in, a soft click of the door closing behind her, Helle’s eyes couldn't help but wander Aries’ establishment. Of course, this room’s association with the Vandenreich made it more of a temporary permanence for the Aries. If she were to ever abandon the Vandenreich, be it for personal or forced departure, this room would be renovated for another individual to stay in. However, for as long as the woman desires, this room shall be hers unless destroyed by an outside force. However, despite having a room of her own, Aries’ room remained plain, in the simplest of terms. Helle did not expect to walk into a transformed room, but she had expected to see some form of personalization about the place. Maybe she had expected Aries to have a bit of femininity about her surroundings, but maybe she had fallen folly to man’s simplest of sins: judging another based on appearance alone.

“As we both know, you will soon be assessed to better learn of where you’d best fit within the Vandenreich: be it the army, research and development, or defenses. I simply stepped out of line to better understand Aries, yourself, and learn a bit of what you wish to accomplish. As it was my influence that helped persuade you to our cause, I simply harbour a desire to assist in allowing you the best possibilities for growth in an area of your interest, if it proves none too invasive.”

She speaks in a very relaxed manner despite her weird sentence structures, as if balancing between formal and informal speech. However, her reasoning for knocking on Aries’ door is clear. Before anyone else has the chance to, Helle wishes to understand Helle first and, possibly, even become an asset for the woman to use in her expenditures.

Moving somewhat closer to Aries as she continues to prepare herself for her eventual encounter, Helle took the moment to spy around once more; her gaze catching sight of the unsightly, yet comfortable looking bed. Ah, there it is; that bit of personality despite its small size. Aries' attempt at beautifying herself proves interesting as well for Helle has never applied makeup to her own features, her beauty being strangely natural. However, the effects of the mascara caused her to blunder slightly.

“That color really amplifies your eyes.” Ah, she has spoken her mind so fluidly despite the lack of rudeness about her statement. She still could not help but catch herself with a light blush, but her words are the truth. The black around Aries’ eyes cause for them to pierce the space between an individual much more vividly. Such simplicity, yet, effectiveness, has caused Helle to wonder if makeup would work for herself as it does for others.

END POST | The Savant

The Cat
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The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Empty Re: The Little Clone (Helle/Aries)

Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:00 am

Aries sighed as Helle revealed the reason she was here to visit. To get to know her, but only for what seemed to be purely professional reasons. How stiff. The pink-haired woman finished applying her mascara and proceeded to check her nails to make sure they were still consistent in shape and size, all while listening to the woman talk. Helle seemed perfectly normal, nothing particularly out of the ordinary. The way she spoke wasn't notably strange, the way she dressed not so much either, and her mannerisms were only inconsistent at the most, though Aries had only known her for a day or two now.

"I want power."
Aries said firmly. "To further my own goals, that is. What those are will remain a mystery to you, however." Standing up, Aries raised her arms above her head and stretched with an audible yawn before relaxing into a more normal, straight posture. Yes, power to keep the planet safe, the thing that her creator wouldn't do despite the strong internal desire to do so. That stuck with Aries even after she separated from Lyza despite how much she loathed that lazy brunette.
The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) ObmxXA9
Aries, the Manifested Self

"So I will be joining research and development." Aries wasn't intent on giving Helle a choice if possible. And regardless of how out of place it seemed for her to want to join research and development after saying 'power' was her goal, Aries had more use of knowledge than raw personal strength. The way her power worked required her to have an understanding of the world around her on a much more scientific level, so anything that gave her a better understanding of that world would make her more powerful than just growing in spiritual or physical strength.

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The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Empty Re: The Little Clone (Helle/Aries)

Wed Sep 09, 2020 3:09 pm
The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Gjo2e9H

Helle Armstrong | Sternritter SubCaptain

Not even perturbed by her earlier outburst, Helle quickly rebounded into the conversation with a raised brow. It seems Aries cared not for anything trivial and wished to remain solely on important matters. However, it’d be giving Helle too much credit to believe she had tried to interchange their serious discussion with mild girl talk. Power, huh? Ah, that’s something that many quest for. Some achieve such goals while others suffer forever being a step behind everyone. Helle can relate. Her whole life was based around bettering herself, up until she did exactly what she sought to achieve. Now, she’s far more focused on bettering others and helping those less fortunate than herself reach their own goals.

“I can understand the quest for such. I, myself, used to strive for power. My only warning; do not become too consumed by your quest. Take the time to live your life as well. I made such mistakes and almost lost everything because of it.”

Sounding more like a mentor speaking to their student rather than a formal acquaintance, Helle pulls back on saying anything more. Research and Development, yes? That is far from what Helle had expected to hear; truthfully, there were only three options anyway. Though, that tells a lot of the abilities that Aries may hold. “Do tell, why Research and Development when every other division contains means for growing in strength more directly?” It is hard to hide her interest in what exactly Aries desires. It is difficult for her, being an important figure and all, to not wonder what a subordinate truly desires within her Organization, but she did not question Aries’ purpose for wanting power. She simply wonders why the division based on technology was chosen over the ones based on one’s own strength.

END POST | The Savant

The Cat
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The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Empty Re: The Little Clone (Helle/Aries)

Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:58 pm

Aries scoffed at Helle's warning about getting too power hungry. "I'm not a child, power to me is not the same as power to you." She said curtly, not caring much if that offended Helle or not. "I will grow in raw strength through the raw exertion of my power. I need not grow the same way that others might." Aries gently brushed a lock of hair away from her eyes and sighed. All would be well if she simply got her way, though she didn't expect to simply have it handed to her.

Raising her right hand, Aries turned her head to Helle and snapped her fingers, and from the friction of her skin of her fingers sliding roughly against each other came a few small sparks, and a flame that hovered just above her hand. It was no bigger than that of a lighter's, so there was no cause for alarm. "Of the things I can currently do, I only know four things. I can turn my reiatsu into physical reishi, and from reishi I can alchemize plenty of things. Things such as flame, or water, or earth, or even more air. Basic things with simple structure. But say, a nuclear explosion?" And it was then that a dangerous twinkle would flash in the woman's eye. "I have no use for mass destruction, but a complex concept such as nuclear fission is not likely to be out of my league. If I can create flame by turning my spiritual energies into a plasma and keep it hot by telling the particles to move rapidly, as is the nature of literal heat, then I doubt that my powers are as simple as most others."
The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) ObmxXA9
Aries, the Manifested Self

The woman gave a flourish of her hand and suddenly the flame dispersed. "I doubt other people have to put as much effort into my powers as I do. Not that such effort makes mine better or the like, but when a Shinigami calls out their Zanpakutou's name and their sword suddenly bursts into flame, I doubt that they do any more than just maintain the form of their weapon by fueling it themselves. I, on the other hand..." And Aries just blinked and let herself trail off with a shrug. "Well, I don't think I need to repeat myself. I can turn my reiatsu into other forms of matter temporarily, and I can also control other sources of reishi that are just a part of the world around me. I don't need spiritual power, I need to know how the world works so that I may remove the limits that my lack of knowledge puts on my power's potential. So, in that case, unless I'm misunderstanding the purpose of your research and development division, a library of science and perhaps even other sources would help me more than combat or training otherwise would. Not that just reading a book will mean I can summon a nuclear warhead the next day." And Aries leaned against her desk and finished her rant off with another shrug and a slight head tilt. "Practice makes perfect, after all."

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The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Empty Re: The Little Clone (Helle/Aries)

Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:19 pm
The Little Clone (Helle/Aries) Gjo2e9H

Helle Armstrong | Sternritter SubCaptain

Eh? Well, that is probably a fair assumption? However, Helle is a rather young woman, and her thirst for power has long since vanished. She had evolved as a person through means that she’d not wish upon many. A nearfatal bodily failure isn’t something she’d consider a fun experience. However, was it completely correct for Aries to toss aside Helle’s suggestion as if trying to prove herself infallible? That is not something either woman could answer right now, yes? Only time could tell.

With the stroking of a small flame, Helle is suddenly enlightened by Aries. Ah, a brief runthrough of her powers? Well, this is exactly what Helle wanted to learn by inquiring the way she did. It would do no good to interrupt with any words until the end of this sudden lecture. There is much to take in. Firstly, Aries’ powers seem to be based around alchemy which is the exchanging of one thing for another through certain means. It seems Aries’ abilities offer up her own Reiatsu and turns it into Reishi. Hmm, that is something Helle has never experienced despite how normal it is for Quincy to do such. In fact, Aries’ abilities relate to Quincy’s ability to manipulate Reishi. Wherein, Quincy are able to transmute anything that uses Reishi as a base for its structure into Reishi’s most purest state and take it themselves to mold into something else, it seems that Aries’ technique follows much the same principle.

“Ah, well. As a person who’s ability to manipulate Reishi greatly surpasses that of her peers, I must say, your ability is rather similar, but I don’t think I can simply use Reishi to create the fire you now have. Something like a nuclear explosion is beyond me.”

Though, that does not prove itself an impossibility for Helle. Could she possibly train until her control over Reishi becomes something as precise as transforming life and matter itself into anything she can think of? It is an idea, and Helle fully understands now why Aries desires to join Research and Development. She does not want to simply grow in strength and Reiatsu, she wants to grow her understanding of the world so that she may better shape it as she pleases, a dangerous road to travel down; especially considering the fact that she used a nuclear explosion as an example.

“Still, you may grow in understanding the world, but without the necessary strength to actually influence anything, knowing everything will prove futile, no?”

END POST | The Savant
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