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Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] Empty Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open]

Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:46 pm
Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] JdMzd8x


For once, Kaede was pretty content and happy with her life at the moment. She hummed to herself, stepping to the beat of the music and mouthing the lyrics to herself from a pair of headphones, idly twirling one of her long twin-tail braids in a circle at her side as she walked down the streets of Japan. Despite the casual gait that she had, she kept eyes on those around and in front of her.

Eventually, she stopped mouthing the lyrics, continuing her walk as she moved to the beat, setting her sights on a man in a suit walking down the opposite side of the street, and the woman grinned. She kept on her way, not stopping for a moment as she cranked up the volume of her music.

Making ever so slight adjustments to her walk, Kaede gradually changed her path to be just in line with her target, and in moments, they bumped into each other, and Kaede fell to the ground, scraping her arm as she hit the sidewalk, her headphones sliding off and clattering to the ground, the faint sound of pop music coming from the headphones as they slid off her head.

But, of course, it was all intentional. Kaede had to stop herself from grinning as she started to speak, crying out with feigned pain as she sat up, holding her arm and started yelling at the man.

"Ow! Watch where you're goin', asshole! You coulda knocked me into the fuckin' road!"

She wasted no time in snatching up her headphones, sliding them around her neck as she turned to see the man leaning down and offering a hand. Instead of taking it, Kaede merely smacked it away, getting up on her own, and walking past him, making sure to be quick and subtle with her movements as she slipped a hand into the man's back pocket and grabbed his wallet, sliding it out and hiding it away without breaking her stride and without him noticing.

Sliding her headphones back over her ears, Kaede went back to walking down the street, eventually walking into a nearby park and sitting down on a bench, far away from anyone else. Finally alone, a wide grin crept across the woman's face as she started giggling to herself. God, the thrill never got old. She bit down hard on her lip as she pulled out the wallet, ruffling through the contents and making sure that she still had full-covering gloves on her hands to prevent fingerprints from being put on the object.

The guy had quite the bit of cash on him -- she knew that her hunch was right. Tucking the Japanese yen away, she left any credit cards that might have been in there alone, and let the wallet under the bench before finally stretching and leaning back against the bench. A little bit of fun to start the day was always good, and it had put the wild child in one hell of a good mood.

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Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] Empty Re: Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open]

Tue Oct 05, 2021 11:27 pm
Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] HEADER2_sample-e67b60c7dca15902317c60d77894f85a

Asia. Japan. Anime. Weebs.

For some reason she always felt a little more on guard when she was walking around the streets of Japan. As it were, having some of the more fortified holdouts on earth, especially with Karakura, it was only natural that business would draw her to such a location. The woman let out a little sigh as she went. Wearing a suit, she was clearly dressed professionally, and as such it was behind mirrored sunglasses that she noticed a woman off the beaten path, heading out into the park by herself. A flash of blue hair being all she noted before they simply vanished from sight.

There was a brief pause and she glanced down at her watch. Even if she did have a lot of time to fuck around, she wasn't so sure about going into a park, not in a nice outfit like this. However, it was the noises in the distance that caught her attention as she continued walking, as it so happened, in the wake that the young woman had just left. And she found herself slowing to a stop. She frowned, her brain processing that brief glimpse she'd gotten of the woman. That sly, smug little expression. A look she had recognized from ....well... a lot of dealing with young women who thought they were more clever than they were. And an inkling suspicion brewed inside of her. She sighed.
"This is none of my business..." She murmured to hersefl, even as she turned around and went after the girl.

It didn't take her long but when she finally spotted the woman off in the distance, she frowned, knitting her brows together. Fuck. There she was, sitting quietly and giving a wallet a look that very much spelled out that it didn't belong to her. She sighed, the watch, along with several other things on her person, promptly vanishing entirely, before she strode into the clearing and began looking around, as if she had lost something. Until finally she spoke up, calling out to the woman. "Excuse me, hello?"
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Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] Empty Re: Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open]

Sat Oct 09, 2021 5:34 pm
Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] JdMzd8x


Leaning back against the bench, Kaede adjusted her headphones briefly as she sighed in content. Already off to a good start in the morning, she contemplated what to do next. Maybe she could try and go for another one. It was kinda like an appetizer, something that only made her wanting to continue her shenanigans. But, as she stopped the playback of her music, she slid her headphones off.

She knew that someone had been tailing her for a while. She didn't know why they were -- probably saw through her act -- but, she didn't really care. Her smile promptly faded as she heard the voice of the woman calling out to her from behind, and Kaede leaned back, tilting her head over the back of the bench, staring at the woman, her bangs flopping upward as she did.

Her expression had changed to one of disinterest and mild annoyance. Pink hair was the first thing she noticed, causing her to raise an eyebrow, or, at least raise one as best she could while her head was upside down. A hand slowly reached for the Container, quietly bringing out her gun without so much as a peep, and Kaede kept it hidden by her side, tucking it slightly under her leg, but keeping the trigger and grip within easy access.

"Eh? 'Sup, whaddya want? Lookin' for someone? Or...somethin', I guess? Whatever it is, I'm probably not who you're lookin' for, or know whatever you're lookin' for. I got here like...five minutes ago."

Kaede yawned, stretching again before tucking an arm behind her head, keeping the other at her side as she gave the woman another glance over. She was dressed pretty nicely, and the pink hair wasn't too obnoxious of a shade. All in all, she wasn't too bad lookin'. But, she still wasn't gonna play nice with someone who had been tailing her. Who knows, maybe she had a reason, or maybe things would get a bit more...dicey.

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Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] Empty Re: Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 10:43 pm
Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] HEADER3_0ab2af00201ccb3071bca3e1c8a3c859-cutout

Kegare couldn't help but smile just a bit wider when she noticed that sour look from the woman. Ah right, sorry I hope I'm not interrupting something." She noted with a nervous smile, pausing and looking around before giving a disappointed look. "Damn, where.... Ah right sorry. I was actually looking for a watch I'd lost around here. You wouldn't happen to have seen one lyind around would you?" She asked, continuing to look around as she did so, as if keenly sure that she must have dropped this watch of hers somewhere around.

She even went so far as to stray slightly, walking around just a little as she began to look around. As if, indeed, she had lost a watch around, only taking brief moments to glance back at the woman here and there, waiting for her response.

Of course, on the inside, Kegare definitely had not LOST any such watch. But she watched the woman all the same. Curious to see what kind of reaction she'd have. What kind of face she'd put on. After all.

She still only had a hunch of what had gone on. She wasn't going to act solely on that though.
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Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] Empty Re: Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open]

Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:00 pm
Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] JdMzd8x


She was smiling. Why was she smiling? Kaede's eyes narrowed as she slowly let go of her weapon, letting her other arm rest on the back of the bench. She didn't really understand why she suddenly started smiling, but, as the woman mentioned a watch, Kaede immediately glanced down at the other woman's wrist, and sure enough, she didn't see anything. As she started moving and seeming to look around, Kaede's arm fell back to her side, hovering lightly over the weapon.

As far as she could tell, she didn't seem like she was a threat or anything. Subtly tucking the weapon away again back into the Container, Kaede stretched and turned around, tilting her head and resting it against her forearm as she looked at the woman, her eyes following her as she moved. She raised an eyebrow, before shrugging softly.

"Nope. Haven't seen one. I mean, wouldn't it be pretty easy to find in open sunlight?"

She paused for a moment, looking the woman up and down again before she got to her feet, stretching again. Eh, she had time to kill. If Pinkie here wasn't bullshittin' her and actually was lookin' for some runaway watch, maybe she could help and look for it. Do a good deed for once, and make herself feel all nice and fuzzy inside for a whopping two seconds.

"If you want help findin' it, guess I can lend a hand. What's it look like? Still kinda fishy you somehow haven't found a watch in broad friggin' daylight, given they have...y'know, glass, and metal, the things that generally reflect sunlight? Either way, where'd ya realize ya lost it?"

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Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] Empty Re: Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open]

Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:06 pm
Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] HEADER3_0ab2af00201ccb3071bca3e1c8a3c859-cutout

Kegare paused as she watched the girl getting up and promptly begin to question her about the whole affair. Kegare herself shook her head and sighed. "That's just the thing. I really should have found it by now." She murmured as she walked in slow, steady circles around that general spot. Though she did pause and tilt her head. Watching when Kaede stood up. A pause, furrowing her brows for a moment as she then glanced in the direction of the girl. And the air grew THICK. And Kaede would feel a sensation. Brief. As if she were suddenly remembering something. But.....ultimately Kegare decided against pushing any further, and the sensation would simply vanish.

Hm. No..... confrontation wouldn't be the name of this game. Not a direct one.

Kegare looked from Kaede, and then back to where the girl had been sitting just an instant before. "'re sure you didn't see a watch?" She asked calmly enough, scrutiny in her eyes for just a moment, pursing her lips in slight pouting irritation as she would walk past Kaede to where the woman had been sitting just moments before. Reaching down, she would peel an item from the seat of the bench. A watch. Kegare's watch. From Kaede's perspective, it would simply seem as if she had been sitting on the other woman's watch this entire time without knowing.

The truth of course.....well it was hardly something one would guess. That Kegare had been ...hiding the watch. She had no sleeves really. Hers were folded up to the elbows. No, the watch had been hidden inside of her body. A special little trick she was capable of doing.

She sighed. "You seem like a sharp girl. Don't you think it's a bit of a waste to spend your time lurking around parks, taking things that don't belong to you?" She asked calmly. Not angry, not even disappointed. Her voice sounded calm and frank. The watch itself now simply dangling from her fingers as she waited calmly enough for the woman's response.
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Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] Empty Re: Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 8:22 pm
Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] JdMzd8x


Kaede kept her eyes on the woman as she mumbled and muttered. She folded her arms across her chest, thoroughly unamused as she walked around the spot where she was sitting. Kaede kept her eyes there too, and she could clearly see that there wasn't anything there. The air briefly grew thick, and Kaede's hand immediately went to the Container, ready to get her weapon back out at any moment. She felt the brief sensation of remembrance, but hardly thought anything of it.

And just like that, the sensation disappeared as quick as it came, and Kaede's hand slowly fell back to her side. Whatever Pinkie was trying to pull, it was annoying. The vampire rolled her eyes as she asked again if she was sure that she hadn't seen a watch.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I haven't seen your dumb fuckin' watch!"

Then, the woman did something that actually stoked some mild curiosity in her. She walked right up to where she had been sitting and plucked a watch out of thin air, letting it dangle from her hand in plain view. She raised an eyebrow, her arms still folded over her chest. She knew that the watch hadn't been there before -- she would have seen it before she sat down, and she would have felt it poking at her ass the entire time.

So, while she was impressed with the little magic trick, Kaede was hardly shocked or surprised. She remained just as calm as the woman did as she accused her, to which she responded to by simply rolling her eyes. It was pretty fuckin' rich for her to be accusing her of stealing it. So, sitting on the edge of the nearby water fountain, Kaede returned the calm, neutral tone.

"Cute magic trick. If you're tryin' to set me up and accuse me of stealin' your dumb watch, you'll have to do better than that, because I know that you plucked that shit outta thin air. I'm not an idiot, I would have seen it there when I stood up, or when I went to sit down. So, with all zero respect, kindly go fuck yourself."

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Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] Empty Re: Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open]

Sun Oct 24, 2021 5:08 pm
Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] HEADER3_0ab2af00201ccb3071bca3e1c8a3c859-cutout

Kegare's expression did not grow any more impressed as the girl continued to prickle and hiss in response to the accusation. There was no consideration, no recourse. When Kaede began to reach for the container she could only imagine what sort of something might be hiding snugly in that little box at the girl's side. And yet Kegare's eyes did not waver in the slightest in response to it. She certainly had a manner about her that lent itself to interesting demeanor. Aggressive. Even offended at that. But it wasn't the sort of .....quiet.... nose-to-the-ground sort of offended you saw every day. Nooooo no no no this was something indignant.

Kegare glanced back down to her watch and sighed, running her thumb slowly over the face of the watch before a slow smile laid across her lips. She adjusted her grip, palming the object and taking a moment to slightly adjust the suit she was wearing, and beginning to slowly walk toward the other woman. A steady, relaxed gait that brought her just out of arm's reach of Kaede, speaking as she went.
"Is that right? That'sssssssss quite the accusation you have made there. I tell you that I think that you may have stolen my watch. And you simply say that it was not there when you sat down. Now....if you HAD stolen it. Well then quite clearly, it would not have been there when you sat here. I think you would have much more likely found it somewhere else. Picked it up. And then sat down and it slipped from your pocket or something. So..... when I accuse you of stealing my watch. You interestingly don't seem to be lying. But also you aren't addressing my concern." That smile deepened a little, as if recognizing something about Kaede.

"But that is ALSO the funny part. Because you seem to be saying that I....what was it.....make this watch... it's a nice watch by the way. Gold plated. You don't see that much these days, everything so ....torn up, and destroyed. Fine goods like these are hard to come by. So you are thinking.....that I simply...produced this watch from nothing. While you are looking directly at me. is my question:-..." She leaned in. Not invading the other woman's personal space, but simply bringing herself down to Kaede's level. In any other circumstance it might have been a pleasant view into the cleavage of her suit top, but at the moment, those piercing blue eyes were watching the woman balefully.

"If I was the kind of person who could simply make a watch appear out of nothing: do you think it wise to try and call me a liar to my face?" She asked, her tone flat as she watched, curious to see if the girl would consider her decision in the slightest. It was ..... depressingly common. These young ones with powers of their own. They felt invincible. Untouchable. Unaware that every person around them was someone to potentially fear. In much the same way that Kegare was very much alert, in case this girl before her decided to pull something and start a fight. But-

Assuming that Kaede did not suddenly engage, Kegare would stand up straight and promptly slipped the watch around her wrist. "Well, I certainly hope you have more luck in your future thieving adventures, but I have someplace to be." She murmured, voice dripping with fatigue. Every bit the disgruntled woman who had just had some kid try to steal her watch in appearance. A magician never reveals a secret simply because one is suspected. And with that she would aim to turn and walk off, indeed she DID have someplace to be in a little while. Though, she DID think to herself that she might look around the area after her meeting.
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Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] Empty Re: Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open]

Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:36 pm
Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] JdMzd8x


One thing was for sure, when this girl got on a rant about something, she talked so goddamn much, and she liked playing as a psychologist. It really wasn't all that interesting, and it hardly kept her attention. Kaede leaned against the end of the fountain with her arms crossed, listening to roughly about every third word she said. She ran her tongue along her teeth, lightly pricking it with the sharpened canines as a result, and often tilted her head from side to side, very clearly annoyed.

She caught the mention of Kegare mentioning that she wasn't addressing the concern, rolling her eyes in response. How was she supposed to address a concern that she didn't give a shit about when she was busy with something else? Like, oh, being falsely accused of stealing a watch. It was a nice watch, she had to give her that, but, she knew that she didn't take it. She knew that it had to be some kind of setup, why else would the woman have tailed her to the park, ask about her watch, then pull it out of thin fuckin' air, accusing her of taking it?

But, as she asked her question, Kaede leaned back a little as she leaned in close. She could see a pretty nice peek at her admittedly nice chest from the bottom of her vision, but that question quickly made her eyes narrow.

"What, did I hurt your feelings? You gonna make my clothes disappear to get payback or somethin'?"

Kaede gave a smug grin as she paused for a moment.

"If I think you're lyin', I'm gonna call you out on it, end o' story. Bite me."

The smug grin faded, and she sighed, letting her arms fall back to her sides and set them against the end of the fountain.

"Look, I really don't give a shit. I don't know how you did it. but, don't start accusin' me of shit I didn't do. It's a cool watch, but I didn't take it, that's all I care about."

As the magician girl turned around to take her leave, Kaede rolled her eyes, standing back up and stretching, going to walk away, before turning around and calling out to the woman, sticking her tongue out playfully.

"Hope one of those places is a bar. Wouldn't mind talkin' again and seein' more magic tricks, if you promise not to do some stupid false accusations again, 'kay?"

And, with that, Kaede turned around, walking out of the park. She didn't really have a problem with Kegare herself, she was just annoyed that she just came out of nowhere with accusing her of somethin' she didn't do. If that didn't happen? Eh, she'd give her another shot. Maybe she had some fun magic tricks that'd entertain her -- even if it was hard for just about anything to entertain her and keep her attention for long periods of time. But, tryin' things was a part of the fun in life, wasn't it?

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Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] Empty Re: Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open]

Sun Oct 31, 2021 10:52 pm
Mayhem (Not) Dressed In A Suit [Kaede/Open] HEADER_sample-fb90648d1d62fdaede481ef2918e7c13

So the girl really was just unable to keep her comments to herself. Kegare couldn't help but sigh internally, even without turning to look over her shoulder. The girl's parting shots did little to deter the woman from moving on. Strangely earnest for a thief. That particular details she decided to trust her hunch. A girl with that kind of brazenness certainly may as well be a thief. The kind of brazenness that got girls into trouble where Kegare came from. But as she came to a stop just outside the park, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disconnect. A pause, scanning the area with her reikaku and she furrowed her brow.

It felt strange being in a place so This place wasn't exactly Karakura, but it was such a transition from Madagascar and so many other places she'd visited it was bizarre. At every turn she expected to hear the howl of a hollow in the distance. Or the look of someone dangerous just across the street. And as she looked over her shoulder towards the park, she let out a gruff sigh.

If the girl was local to this place, maybe she WAS just being paranoid. She reached up, lightly touching the scar on her face and feeling that twinge in her soul. That feeling of ...other. A feeling she ignored. Her doubt, which she ignored. She had a meeting to be at after all. Taking a sigh, she strode off into the city itself.

And the meeting was.... as boring as she expected it to be. Some small time shops that were looking for a bit of funding to get some infrastructure built but nothing really fancy: A few extra locations, and some fixing up of existing establishments. A story about how long they had been in business. their work ethic, and the ...homely atmospheres they gave off. Truth be told, there was something a little anxiety-inducing about this area of the world. There was an earnestness in the work that they did, but she found it so weird to find it in such abundance that she didn't trust it. It felt somehow less genuine.

It worried her the same way some of her girls worried her, and she couldn't help but worry about them. She hoped that the people she left in charge were keeping an eye on them. Girls like Kaede. Young, stupid, reckless. only they lived in a place beset with danger, and attitudes that made such things hazardous. She was barely even paying attention at the later end of the meeting. And ultimately, when they finished pleading their cases, she decided to lend them the money. It was honestly a win win for her. If they turned out to be worth the investment, then they would flourish and she'd get returns. They might even come to her consistently for this sort of financial assistance. And if they turned out to be scum-suckers.

Well. If that were the case, she'd have no qualms about squeezing her money back out of them one way or another. She'd either take over their business or sell them. She didn't fucking care. Taking her leave, she found herself straying away and leaving the two men to no doubt drink themselves silly in celebration of landing their loan. She herself found herself wandering the city, eyes drifting up to that darkened sky as the final vestiges of fading orange bled out of the horizon. Vaguely...she remembered that snarky advice from the girl with blue hair.

Mmaybe a bar WOULD help her relax. She headed for the entertainment district, but: not that intent on running into scum, or hissy blues, she instead headed for the more ritzy side of the city. Carefully eyeing the clubs and bars that lined the streets. It didn't take long for her to spot those two businessmen in some cabaret club. She kept walking. She wasn't in the mood for that scene. And at long last, she found herself a small karaoke bar. Second floor of a small building. Small..... but classy. As she slipped up into the establishment itself, she noticed a few men in suits off to the side, enjoying themselves. She made her way to the other end of the bar and took a seat, ordering herself a bit of sake, and pouring herself a glass slowly, a rueful smile on her face as she stared straight ahead.

"To idiots asking for money." She toasts to nobody, before downing the glass.
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