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Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:25 pm


It had been a few days since Kenichi had leveled his fellow cultivator in the midst of his excitement, forcing her to be on bed rest for a few days. He was not a man of many regrets but perhaps this would be his only one. It was not honorable to overpower those trying to reach their way to the top. He wanted to see Calypso succeed on her path and be a great Gandr.

Fortunately, he made sure she was accommodated well and made sure his mother or their servants tended to clean or replace her pillows when they could. Kenichi was training within his room, repeating a series of push-ups. He was shirtless because his training involved a lot of sweating - most forms did - and he hated the idea of having to wash clothes if he didn't need to. Whenever Calypso woke back up, she was free to treat herself to what she wanted. Food, meal, or even a new pair of clothes. She could even be mad at him for taking her out of commission for a few days.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Oct 27, 2021 3:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)  Empty Re: Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)

Wed Oct 27, 2021 2:48 pm


"Passion, unbridled and undirected, burning another without thought. Where have I seen that before?"

There was a woman, suddenly, in Kenichi's room. Terrible and Glorious in equal measure, hackles would rise and breathing hitch before he even looked over to see who it was. It was as if the very air itself was polluted with the presence of this woman, screaming white noise till all thoughts came down to a single one; Fight or Flight.

"Would have thought you'd learn from Her presence. But it seems to have done nothing to temper you"


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Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:04 pm


With the arrival of Hvit's presence, the atmosphere of the room had shifted tremendously. It was if a ruler had descended to pass judgment. Her aura, both glorious and terrifying, was a true sight to behold. Kenichi rose up from the ground to face the woman as he listened to her speak. He was uncertain if he had met the woman before and yet she seemed very much familiar with him. Even so, a few words stood out to him.

"Passion, unbridled and undirected."

"Her Presence."

There was only one woman who he recalled had left enough of an impact on him to learn from. He was no fool. He made the conclusion as soon as she finished that last sentence. Ulv Auber. The rival he could never usurp but one he admired endlessly all the same. The apex he only dreamed of reaching.

He bent down on one knee, fist to palm, as a form of respect to the woman's presence. He gazed at her quietly as he spoke.

"It is true. I learned nothing from my many spars with that grand woman. I lost myself to the excitement of a spar and sidelined my fellow cultivator, sister Calypso, for a few days. I don't house many regrets within my heart, but in order to learn, I must let this one linger."

He took the time to gaze into her eyes and ask one question that ate away his current curiosity. "Those words you uttered just now match only one woman in my mind. You were familiar with Ulv, too?"


Last edited by Iori on Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)  Empty Re: Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)

Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:26 pm


Hvit's glistening yellow eyes were a very similar shade to Calypso's own. Almost identical in fact, and similar to Ulv's golden eyes. Though the question, of familiarity with Ulv, was one that made Hvit give a gentle laugh.

The terror that prickled every inch of Kenichi's body would recede, and there was only the woman. Pale beyond normality and beautiful to a degree that was wholly impossible.
"Ulv was the Inferno Vizard Queen. And it is by my grace that the last two words took meaning. I am Hvit Auber, Mirja and Ulv's Inner Hollow. I am familiar with her in a manner no other being in existence can ever claim. And it is that that brings me here, to you.

Passion is a great emotion. The true crux of Ulv's desires. And yet, she drove away her first daughter by having it and no other thought in her head. She destroyed the romance between her beloved Rakki by having Passion and Truth in her heart, untempered and unmitigated. Though you might find it a boon now, the scene with Calypso shall play again and again. Every time, taking you one step further from civilization. If you do not grasp this fire, then it will consume you, and leave naught but a slathering Kuei to be removed.

Kuei are not evil creatures by nature, or lifestyle. They are merely deviated beings who have lost inhibition in pursuit of their goals. One thing becomes so consuming, that there is no space for anything else. Action without thought leads to true catastrophe against all between you and the ever-expanding horizon


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Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)  Empty Re: Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)

Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:44 pm



Kenichi found himself awed by the sudden transition of the atmosphere as the terror that once assaulted his senses now found itself swept away by gentle grace. She still stood as magnanimous as ever but there was no longer a terrifying aura that surrounded her. Her beauty was otherworldly and her pale complexion made her almost seem as if she were a phantasm created from the mind.

His attention was captured with her words at the mere utterance of Ulv's name. The Bear Queen spoke of Ulv and how her passion, though a mighty thing, became a troubling bane due to being unable to control it properly. This advice held meaning to Kenichi far beyond anything else.

He had never found a warrior who captivated his spirits and humbled him as much as he did with Ulv. Even beyond her godlike martial prowess, the woman wore kindness on her sleeves and healed him every time, encouraging him to face her until he broke through. A small tear ran down his face as he rose up, kowtowing before the queenly woman yet again.

"Though I only knew her for a short time, Ulv was a woman who left a significant impact on my soul. Her passion and spirit for life, to say nothing of her techniques, had left an imprint on my spirits. I thank you for gracing me with your presence, Hvit. I wish to be an honorable fighter, to help my fellow cultivators, and rise together in unity. My lack of self-control could've killed a woman who has yet to truly live. Your advice will never leave my spirits. I must control my passions and not let myself be consumed by them."

Kenichi truly meant every word of what he had said as if the woman's presence was akin to a god that had granted him with significant, life-altering advice - which to him, simplistic as it was - was not that far off. He posed one more question that had eaten away at him for months.

"Do... do you know what happened to Ulv? Being so connected to her, did she sever ties with you or... did something else happen to her? I tried to bury it at the bottom of my heart but seeing you now, I only desire to know if she is still among us or if she met her end..."


Last edited by Iori on Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)  Empty Re: Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)

Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:46 pm


"It will not happen over night. Even though Mirja was a woman who was cordial near-since our inception, it took me months to be able to do anything more than accept the Supremacy Pact. If any other Vizard stepped up, then she had my all, but beyond took a long time, through fire and bloodshed, before I could change who I was and come to support her"

Shaking her head and walking over to Kenichi, Hvit moved like she looked. A grace without par, seemingly floating in a single unbroken action rather than a dozen small actions of step by step. Crouching down next to him, she would give a warm, though kind of unnerving smile. Like the grin of a wolf you knew was your friend.

"It shall be a choice, every day, till the last day. With only you holding you to the mark. But if it helps, then know it was a choice Ulv wrestled with. A great passion, a grand fury, and the pride of a Queen, all mingled together and colouring every decision ever made. As for what happened to her...It was quiet because she didn't want anyone to know. But, I can not deny an askance.

You are a passionate man, but that is just your personality. Age may dull it, stimulus may effect it. You may lose it entirely if a situation is bad enough. But for Ulv, her emotions were backed by her power, and thus would never change one iota as long as she lived. And her power...her power was unimaginable. So her emotions was equally as unimaginable.

When a woman came who needed help, Ulv gave it. But this woman was a cruel, vindictive creature as life had taught her nothing but that. And so others discarded her out of hand because of that. This lead Ulv to lose everyone she had ever held dear. Most she could handle, but when Abalia and Calypso - different Calypso - left her, she was cored out and no longer felt able to be herself. There was a soft terror that she might lose the fight one day and give into the fury that dogged her days. That she might take her revenge on all those who she had aided, and then so swiftly and easily discarded her for an act they did not agree with.

So she left to a place none can ever get to, and perished in peace. I left her before that, as Ulv did not want to drag me down with her. She had already done that once before and didn't want to tempt faith for a third life. Not that she wished for a third life to begin with. At the end of it all, Death was a gift for the poor woman who's heart drove her to hoist the world on her shoulders, when it merely jeered and mocked her for the efforts


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Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)  Empty Re: Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)

Wed Oct 27, 2021 8:56 pm



As the woman crouched down beside him, Kenichi turned to face her with an undivided focus in his eyes. Hvit was a wise woman and it was only respectful to listen to wise spirits when they aimed to teach you a lesson. Each word that danced from her lips made the entire retelling feel as though he was listening to a legendary yet cautionary tale about what it meant to give your all to the world, only for the world to turn its back on you when you needed them the most.

Another tear formed in his eye, one shed in mourning for the woman who had given so much and received nothing at the end. Part of him wished that he had formed a stronger bond with her, that he could've told her how much she meant to him and her impact on his life.

Would that have changed anything? They had only known each other for a few months, whereas the bonds she shared with the others seemed to last much longer. If there was one relief to be found in all that she had said, then it was the peace she found in death.

The weight had finally been released from her shoulders and she could rest in peace. For a warrior of her mettle, a painless death was well-deserved. Kenichi, in all his passion, held back any further tears. It was unbecoming of a man to look so lowly before a regal entity as was the woman who was beside him. Ulv would have likely punched him, too. He knew on some base level that she'd likely tell him to keep on going on his path and control himself, to balance his fury with his gentle spirit. It was a true blessing to see Hvit, to be given this closure, and for her to bestow upon him a necessary knowledge.

"It pains me to know she had endured such a vicious cycle towards the end of her life. What a horrifying fate. To offer the world your heart and yet they spit on it in your time of need. Admiration compels me to say she certainly deserved better but I... am content in knowing she met a peaceful end and that you still live on, Lady Hvit. I am honored you felt I was worthy of sharing your presence, to say nothing of this revelation of Ulv's passing. I will miss her, no doubt, but if I could honor her memory and the lesson you've bestowed upon me, I would consider that true progress. Will I ever see you again?"

Kenichi was not certain of how long Hvit would remain here but he was a man who wore bonds on his sleeves. She took time out of whatever she spent her day doing to give him life advice. He did not take such matters lightly.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)  Empty Re: Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)

Thu Oct 28, 2021 5:58 am


"Others will say other things. It is the way of life that few viewpoints are objective. And Ulv was far from a role model. Too driven for her goals, too tight on her principles - for good reason, but people rarely care for good reason - and too in a world of sheep that won't tell her what she needs to know." Hvit would exhale, having lived through the whole catastrophe personally and been able to see both sides. There was no right, no victory, nothing but heartbreak all around. Except from Abalia, who often didn't seem to have a heart to break.

She would then stand, and look back to Kenny with a smirk.
"I live in Calypso now. Every day that you see her is a day you see me. So be nice to her in the future, or I shall frown, and we don't want me to frown"


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Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)  Empty Re: Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)

Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:35 pm


It was a revelatory morning for the young martial artist but one he hardly rejected. Hvit's advice had given him a glimpse into Ulv's world and closure for the space the woman held in his own. Even if she wasn't a role model, he had always viewed her as a woman who enjoyed life to the fullest. There was a profound beauty in the way she approached her obstacles in life.

In any case, Hvit had said something that caused a warm smile to form on his face. He had no intentions of treating Calypso with anything but kindness. If she so desired, he would be a guiding force, a stepping stone for young gandr on her way to greatness.

"As a man, my honor would never allow me to make a false promise but I can say... I have nothing but kindness in my heart for my fellow cultivator. Her spirit is truly astounding! That she houses such a regal existence within her body - even more so. To guide others to the precipice you dream of reaching should be a goal any man or woman should aspire to, and I am no different. I'll just... tone it down when we spar again," he quipped with a sheepish laugh.


Last edited by Iori on Thu Nov 25, 2021 4:31 am; edited 2 times in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)  Empty Re: Rise(Calypso/Kenichi)

Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:45 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Cocking an eyebrow, the regal queen showcased her time spent in Ulv by making a dry and sardonic quip.

"If that is how you showcase kindness, leave me off your Christmas list" and with that, Hvit was gone. Where she had gone was showcased a few minutes later, when Calypso came by, stopped outside Kenichi's room and gave the most exaggerated frown ever to have been frowned, and then carried on to the bathroom. Which was to be expected on both fronts really. Germany was not forgiven in a day, and she had been in bed long enough to be seriously in need of doing the whole little cultivator's room herself.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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