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Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:08 pm
Cat and Long-Eared Mouse [Yoruichi/V] HEADER_Edp0IukWoAEjFjN

Post-fight clarity wasn't something she ....LIKED to think that she ran into all that often. A proud member of the Shihoin family didn't just go around getting into fights.
Hm. Proud Member. The very notion left a bitter taste on her tongue as she found herself thinking about that particular encounter. Under normal circumstances, she honestly may ....have thought about it when she was spending time by herself, reflecting, thinking things over in the privacy of her own space without having to worry about anything interrupting those thoughts.

Then she found the wallet. IN the midst of the rewsidue of her little sudden viciousness, she spotted a small bundle on the ground, initially wondering if some pedestrian had lost the damn thing. She picked it up and checked for an ID, to see if there was somewhere she could drop the damn thing off and be done with it. As if on some level that might balance uot her karma for the whole fiasco. But then she saw WHO the wallet belonged to. There she was, the same bunny girl she'd thrown around, and she felt that pit in her gut just twist.

God Dammit.

She closed her eyes and sighed, her head tilting back as she closed the wallet and just kept moving. But she stayed in the area, wrestling with herself. Under normal circumstances she PROBABLY would have left the area, gone off, blown off some steam, and then thought about the situation on her own time. Maybe even go hunting the woman down later on. But now she had a nice, very physical reminder of her own transgression. She was sure if Urahara were around, he'd have given her a little look over that damn fan of his.

She'd probably come back for it. No, she absolutely would. The notion of running into the woman again made her whole body tense, that old familiar sensation of sociomental backlash. Why did this happen? Why did she DO this shit? She couldn't help but grit her teeth, rubbing her eyelids and sighing slowly.

Well there was nothing for it. She pushed down that panic, to the back of her mind where she could deal with it later. She could sit here, asking what was wrong with herself for a good long time, and be here a LONG time just making the list. Or, she could wait for this V woman.

For now at least, she decided to do the latter. Changing into something more casual, she headed back out and decided to start walking around the area. IN no particular hurry, she'd sense the woman before she saw them anyway. For now, it was just a matter of time.
The Cat
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Fri Apr 01, 2022 5:57 pm
Cat and Long-Eared Mouse [Yoruichi/V] SXASkqn


V had enough for one day. Getting her fun taken away, then having the shit beat out of her by some stupid ass cat, and now she was just sore and- oh god fucking shit ass christ where was her wallet??? The bunny tilted her head back and let an exasperated sigh to the heavens where God and his dumb fucking ass could hear her not having a fun time. Not that the big man G really gave a shit at this point, or so she felt.

So pivoting on her heel, the musclebunny started to walk her ass back to where she knew for an absolute fact she lost her wallet. The dumb cat-bitch must have knocked it out of her pockets earlier. Probably some time when she got thrown around. V wasn't excited to go back, but after how far she had gotten away from Yoruichi the woman was probably gone by now. Cool and good. At least there was that going for her. Or so she thought.

Getting back there wasn't too much of a problem, it was just exhausting and taxing on her bruised up figure. She wasn't supposed to have been the one getting hurt, but apparently this cat-bitch was some kind of covert ops assassin ninja motherfucker who just outmaneuvered everything she did and performed some fucking professional grapples on her. What are the fucking chances of that, huh-

"Oh what the fuck."

Yoruichi was still here, and it was like the cat had just shit on her day two times over, now. V didn't sound too pleased, and she didn't really want to have to acknowledge her, but it seemed like Yoruichi had been... waiting?

"So do you like, hang around in the middle of bumfuck nowhere a lot?" V sneered as she started to walk around and scan the ground for her wallet. "Seems like a you thing to do." Looked like she was just going to have to endure this while she looked around for her wallet. That had too many important things in it, and she wasn't too keen on replacing any of it. Especially not the credit cards or her ID. If there were two things V hated the most, it was banks and the DMV. She'd rather deal with this asshole than either of those.


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Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:09 pm
Cat and Long-Eared Mouse [Yoruichi/V] HEADER_Edp0IukWoAEjFjN

It was about as much as she expected. She paused, noticing that familiar tingle of spiritual pressure off in the distance. And it wasn't long after until she noticed the woman closing in. She kept a calm, placid expression as she watched the woman start looking around for her wallet, that growl from the bunny was, frankly, not as volatile as it could have been, She even cracked a half-smile. "Hm? Does it? Awful presumptuous of you. But also correct. Guess I do wander around a lot these days." She replied, watching as the girl looked around.

She knew this was the part where she should speak up, but truth be told, V had showed up a lot ....sooner than she had expected. "What about you? Do you often go peering around the streets at night?" She asked a bit cheekily, canting her head a bit to the side before sucking her teeth. "Hm. You wouldn't happen to be looking for a Wallet would you?" She asked, peeling the thing from out of her pocket.

"Looks a little like this?" She ventured. Of course she KNEW that this was V's wallet. But well, saying THAT would be admitting she looked through it in the first place. "Would be kinda net if you did. Saves me the trouble of dropping it off at a police station." Continuing to play it off. All the while there was noticably less..... bite or playfulness in the woman's voice. If nothing else, she seemed calm in comparison. In truth she was still kinda trying to just make this up as she went. She had REALLY hoped that V would take longer getting here. But well, thats how it went.
The Cat
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Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:38 pm
Cat and Long-Eared Mouse [Yoruichi/V] SXASkqn


V ignored most of what Yoruichi was saying in favor of just looking around for her wallet. She really didn't care right now. Her priority was getting her wallet and going home to sleep away her troubles. So of course then, Yoruichi pulled out her wallet and asked if that was what she was looking for. If God shat on her day one more time she was going to fucking scream herself to death.

"Yeah what's it to you that I walk around the street at night? I ain't no fuckin' street thug, just a punk bitch. There's a difference, so get it straight." V hissed at the woman as she began to stomp her way over to her fellow dark skinned assface. She could ask for it nicely, but that would take too much time. And besides, she didn't feel like any niceties were owed after earlier today.

"Yeah that's my fuckin' wallet." The bunny cursed at the cat. She didn't even bother asking for it back. Instead, V stomped her way over to the dumb bitch-cat cat-bitch whatever the fuck she was and lunged for the wallet that was being so openly dangled right in front of her face. "Fork it over, fucker. I wanna go home." And probably eat some of her leftover chicken, take a scalding hot shower, and then pass the fuck out on her futon. Yoruichi was not in her plans, and yet the cat still somehow kept worming her way into V's life.


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Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:01 pm
Cat and Long-Eared Mouse [Yoruichi/V] HEADER_Edp0IukWoAEjFjN

The words that came out of the woman's mouth were absurd bordering on insane. But well....context... the woman was probably livid as per the situation, truth be told if she were in the woman's shoes she'd probably be just as angry and spitting her own version of angry jawing. Nothing like sheer rage and frustration to put wit and cunning out the window. All the same, she refrained from cracking a smile at the woman's expense.

All the same, watching the girl close in caused her to raise her brows. If she hadn't ALREADY thrown down with the woman she might have had a twinge of adrenaline at the advance, but she simply gave a deft shift of her hand, raising it high above and behind her own head, outside of the other woman's... Oh wow alright she was actually really tall. She swept the wallet behind her back and sighed, her own frustration clear in her voice. If V wasn't gonna hide it she may as well be open about it as well. "Yea, I got that impression. And if you were just any Punk Bitch You'd have it in your hands right now. But you aren't, you're the Punk Bitch I threw across Karakura for no real good reason." Ignoring the tiny voice in her head that said THIS bitch swung first. Ugh.

She sighed. "I owe you a lot more than your wallet. And yea, I know, I'm a fucker. And a bitch. And a psycho. All of that shit is probably true. But I'm also not some psycho bitch fucker that's not gonna pay her due. I wanna pay ya back. A drink. A Meal. A free shot. Whatever you want.. You don't even gotta forgive me. Either way, you get a freebie, you get your wallet back, and I get out of your hair. " Well aware that this was some asinine shit. And no doubt, this woman probably was only growing more annoyed. But she couldn't get that disappointed face out of her head. Ugh, she wished she'd been able to plan this out better, maybe even....No actually she was gonna stop that thought right there. Urahara definitely would have made this potentially worse.
The Cat
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Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:19 pm
Cat and Long-Eared Mouse [Yoruichi/V] SXASkqn


V huffed as the woman insisted on making her life more difficult by not just giving the wallet back. The bunny gave a few more swipes, attempting to snatch it out of the cat's hands before relenting and pulling back. "Asshole..." She mumbled under her breath. Taking a step back, V shoved her hands in her pockets and half listened to what Yoruichi was saying. Something about making amends, or making up for something. Probably for throwing her into a fucking tree. Sure V had gone along with the provocation but said provocation only happened from Yoruichi's misunderstanding.

Her big bushy bunny ears perked up at the sound of a drink though. "A drink?" She wondered out loud, this time without immediately sounding upset. "Vodka is the hardest shit we can get around here, I guess. Not like I'm tryin'a drink straight Everclear, but Vodka'll do the trick."

That was really all Yoruichi had to mention, and suddenly V was a lot less hostile. Still hunched over and looking warily at the cat, but infinitely less loud and a lot more normal. And even then, normal for V was still louder than most people.

"You got any places in mind or am I leadin'?" Wondered the bunny as she held her hand out for her wallet. "And I'll be takin' that now thanks. Gotta make sure nothin' fell out... or you took it, or whatever. I don't know."

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Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:37 pm
Cat and Long-Eared Mouse [Yoruichi/V] HEADER_Edp0IukWoAEjFjN

Yoruichi couldn't help but raise her brows a little. Surprise written across her face at how eagerly the woman latched onto the idea of a drink. Honestly she shouldn't be too surprised, the way earth was these days she shouldn't be surprised if alcohol was in higher demand than ever these days. She couldn't help but smirk just a little. Rather...entertained with the sudden perking interest. What a strange woman, BUT more importantly, it seemed like she was actually going to get to try and fix this mess without too much fuss.

"Oh yea? Sounds like a plan then. Though I really don't know what the drinking scene is like these days. Not exactly a big drinker." She noted thoughtfully. Mostly true, there had been a few slips when she'd returned, but well, she'd quickly been reminded of how much of a lightweight she was.

All the same it was ....refreshing to see the woman without all that hatred and viciousness. On request, she promptly handed the wallet over, not missing a single cent at that. "Like I said, not really a drinker. So feel free to pick wherever strikes your fancy. I'm not short on cash or anything." She noted lightly at that. Vaguely wondering what the booze scene was even LIKE around Karakura these days. She couldn't help but be a little curious. It occurred to her she hadn't actually caught the woman's name organically. Well, understandable given the circumstances, but for now V was in a good mood. She decided not to test her luck just yet and let the woman lead the way to whatever booze den she had in mind.
The Cat
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Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:09 pm
Cat and Long-Eared Mouse [Yoruichi/V] SXASkqn


Dealing with this cat-bitch was starting to become more of a gamble than an outright negative. If this turned out well, this would amend their relationship despite their earlier scuffle. V was a simple woman, after all. It didn't take much to earn or regain her trust. There were ways to make her look down upon you permanently, but one bad fight wasn't the end of the world.

"Come on then." V sighed, taking her wallet back and then turning on her heel to casually stroll back towards town. "It's not far from here actually. The bar I frequent, I mean."

And with that, the two were off. V was usually a talker, but this was a bit of a different situation. Under better circumstances, V would be chatting up a storm like with Elyss or just poking fun at someone she just met, like some thug on the street. Yoruichi was more along that sort of line to her, a thug to be bested. But in her current state, V was just overall weaker. She hadn't felt that pathetic in a long time, but that did get her thinking. She was just kind of being left in the dust by everyone she knew. Should she actually try and get stronger? V hadn't really put much effort into it thus far...

The two showed up at the bar and immediately Yoruichi would notice it was surprisingly high class for the bunny who was also more or less a thug. It had a clean, polished wood floor and special, professionally carved and finished furnishings. The bar itself was a cool obsidian slab top that extended from one end of the bar to the other, then turned at the corner and just kept going. The place was fairly packed, but V weaved through the crowd like no problem and took a spot where she and Yoruichi could bug a bartender for drinks.

"Something sour to kill my tastebuds." Was all she asked for, already leaning on the bar while the bartender got her drink. "Oh, and I'm gonna be here for a while." She said to Yoruichi specifically. "Whether you get me just the one drink or not, I'm staying until I'm fuckin' wasted. You're free to leave whenever you want."

That wasn't even because she wanted the cat to go. At this point she was indifferent. It was more a warning that V could get a little wild when she was drunk, but she didn't expect the cat to know that right off the bat. She would just have to learn the hard way.

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Fri Apr 08, 2022 8:00 pm
Cat and Long-Eared Mouse [Yoruichi/V] HEADER_Edp0IukWoAEjFjN

Yoruichi quirked a brow and flashed a smile as the woman started to lead her on towards this bar of hers. "Hm, been a while since I've been to a bar." She thought to herself aloud, thinking back.... it must have been before her little vanishing act. No doubt. She did make note that the woman seemed to be rather quiet. And no doubt she was fine with that for the time being. They had the whole evening to get better acquainted, and no doubt the woman was probably going through any number of things in her head.

All the same, the bar in question was VERY much a bit of a surprise. "Huh, this is kinda nice." She murmured. No not really, but that was her memories of the Shihoin estate ruining things with her. For a bar on earth it was actually rather fancy. She eyed the slab that was the bar counter and raised her brows. Obsidian was a questionable choice of building material, but it was hella cool to say the least, lightly running her fingers along the smooth of the surface before her eyes flitted back to watching V as she flagged the attention of the bar owner. Cracking a bit of a smile at the woman's choice of words for her order. A heavyweight huh? "I'll take one as well. Her tab's on me tonight." She promptly informed the bartender, before turning her attention back to V.

"I'm not gonna cheap you out. I DID offer you a free shot at punching me. That's hardly something I'd give out for the price of just ONE drink. " She pointed out. Did she plan on getting smashout drunk? Heeeell the fuck no she didn't. But V had made it clear she was gonna get wasted, so she may as well see how that went down. Besides, since she was covering the tab, someone had to pay up at the end of the night.

"Gotta say. This is a lot more tasteful than I'd have imagined for a girl who hunts hollows for a workout." She observed thoughtfully, still taking in the room a little, and of course letting her attention shift to V while she was talking. Truth be told, she'd assuaged at least her immediate shame, but now her curiosity had taken it's place. No reason not to enjoy herself, right? When their drinks arrived, she even took a light sip of her own, definitely not planning on finishing it too quickly. But well, a little buzz shouldn't hurt right?
The Cat
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Wed Apr 20, 2022 12:05 pm
Cat and Long-Eared Mouse [Yoruichi/V] SXASkqn


V didn't really know what to expect anymore. What was supposed to be just one drink was starting to sound like it was turning into a whole night of drinking with the cat-bitch. In a better state of mind, V would have been pissed. But as long as she got drunk within the hour and turned that into full on white girl wasted, she didn't think it would be that bad. And if Yoruichi really was going to foot the entire bill, then that meant she wouldn't have to remember tonight. All V would have to do is get blackout drunk. That way her mind wouldn't even be able to remember anything.

The bartender gave both women a nod as he slid their drinks across the counter before stepping away to help another customer. He had his work cut out for him with how busy it was, and now with V here as well, he would have his efficiency as an employee truly tested. At first V simply sipped her drink, taking a few light drinks just to savor the sourness and let it wash over her tastebuds, souring them in turn and killing any sense of flavor before she borderline turned the glass upside down with how fast she finished off her drink. To V it tasted like sour alcohol, to Yoruichi it would taste like the sourest of lemon juices except also worse.

All that was left was an empty glass, the ice that filled it, and a scrunched up look on V's face. "Fuck... Tastes like shit." She mumbled before sliding the glass back across the counter in time to catch the bartender. "I'll take another."

And thus began the girls' unintentional night out.

"Yeah yeah, I don't look like the kind of girl who'd go an' drink in a place like this. But it's the only place around here with affordable, nice drinks. You'd think this place is expensive for how it looks, but they're actually one of the most popular places in Karakura. Ain't got nothin' to do with cost, the chick who owns this place is just hella frugal. I've never seen someone turn a penny into a hundred bucks so easy-like." V casually chatted away, fine with conversing as long as she was able to forget about her bumps and bruises in the process. "Best not cross her, either. She can kick my ass almost as good as you."

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