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The Dark Enforcer
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Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:46 pm
It was a very windy day throughout the Rukongai district. The gales flew past in a fluttering dance, picking up the scattered dead leafs in it's wake as it took off in the distance. Yuri had been pursuing a bandit that had been exploiting the people of District eighty for what money they have- His hometown, Still ravaged by crime as much as the past. From what seemed to be days, The Dark Enforcer continues with his search with little to no results. With every little step he took, He felt like he was just falling furter and further into a perpetual hole with no escape, A life of emptiness, A life with no Purpose. He knew in his heart that he was doing the right thing for the people, But, How is it going to be Shown to the Nobility ? How is it that They Don't care about the people below them ? Those thoughts alone got Yuri in a frenzy with his own mind. Placing his hands behind his head, Entangling his fingers in his Long black hair, Yuri then stands still before shifting his attention left. And then Right. Without a modicum of hesitiation, Yuri said aloud.

"Come on out...You've been running for days...Your too Old for Hide and Seek"

His amethyst eyes were then casted towards his left once again as he notices a slender man shaking in a tree with fear just casted along his face. Yuri narrows his eyes towards him and slowly walks over to the tree with the man in it before scracthing his head slowly. With His target finally in front, Yuri knew what had to be done- Removing his left hand from behind his head, He firmly gained a grip upon his zanpakuto and Unsheathed it swiftly during the wake of a swing; The Sheathe being flung to the side in a disregarding manner. Lifting his zanpakuto, Teion-en, On his Left shoulder and resting it there, Yuri was about to make his move with little to no remorse. At that moment, The Gales around began to blow violently towards the west- Trees All round began to Russel just as violently as the perpetrator Fell from the Tree on his face. His eye brow raised slightly as he Began to snicker silently to himself before leaning down and Whispering softly.

"Well, That just cut half the work for me...Even though you made me chase you for days...Now. Where is the money ?"

The bandit now Seemingly knocked out from the fall, Yuri then searched his Pockets and found the Loot he was looking for. Yuri begins to walk away from him for a moment- About 10 feet before looking back at the past out man. Thinking that he should just finish him off right there, The Dark Enforcer then Seemingly Shunpos from position to once again appear beside the man. He Leaned down once more towards him, But this time, In a Cold Tone The Dark enforcer mutters.

"This isn't your lucky day...."

With that, He then Swung his zanpakuto With his left hand upward across the Man's Back. Standing up slowly and knowing the job was done, Yuri began to walk back home- Home to District Eighty.
Metal as Fuck
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Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:30 pm
Embarking towards the unknown LargeAnimePaperwallpapers_Death-Not

Kinoen Luesen

"I defend my friends, not myself."

Posting Music: "Anguish" -Bleach OST

"You know nothing of strength."

All souls who have heard of Soul Society assumed that it was a peaceful, perfect place. A place where you would never be hungry, never need for anything, never feel violence, never witness crime...


The soul society, or at least the rukongai, was a place where hunger was felt, people needed, violence was frequent, and crime was everywhere. Not in all of it were the last two true, but the higher-numbered districts had the most crime, and the most violence, out of all of them.

And then, there was the forest.

The Rukongai Forest area was the epicenter of crime in Soul Society. There wasn't a criminal in this place that hadn't hidden here at least once. It was a lawless gray-zone. Only soul reapers, criminals, and suicidal souls found themselves in this area.

One such soul reaper was there right now.

This man happened to be the vice-captain of ninth division, Kinoen Luesen. The man all women knew but none could touch. Why, you ask? The man's gay, that'd be the answer.

Kinoen walked delicately through the forest, watching the leaves rustle as the wind blew through them. He listened to the soft crunch of the leaves on the ground as his feet hit them, and he breathed in the aroma of the forest; fresh air, and various fruits. Kinoen quite liked the forest, it had a peaceful air while also having an overbearing feeling of incoming danger, a mixture he found irresistible.

Kinoen's uniform hung loosely off of his body, his right shoulder and a good portion of his pec showing as he walked through the forest. He stood at five feet, ten inches in height. His build was deceptively slim, for he had a defined musculature under that uniform. His hands were placed, as always, in the pockets of his uniform, the combat knife that he called his zanpakuto hung off of his belt on the right side and shook slightly in its sheath as he walked. His cherry-red hair floated lightly on the breeze as his matching eyes stared dead ahead. Some would find this normal for a shinigami, but he had a slight oddity to his appearance. His orange-tinted goggles that rested firmly upon his head were viewed by all as useless, but Kinoen found them incredibly helpful in battle for some odd reason.

He spotted a man walking and quickly sonidoed in front of him, preferring to confront now and ask questions later. The sun obscured by the canopy, there was little light, giving both men an air of mystery as Kinoen spoke. "Who, exactly, are you?" He asked, his right hand clamped firmly on the hilt of his zanpakuto.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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The Dark Enforcer
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Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:00 pm
Embarking towards the unknown Yuri-lowell
Yuri Magnus
Do Justice and Punish The Unjust

From what seemed to be only moments after finishing off his target, The Dark enforcer was then Confronted by a Shinigami. The winds began to settle down as it seemed that the will of the Planet itself was setting the mood for something to come- A calm before the Storm So to speak. Taking that final step before halting in front of the man, Yuri then lifts his right hand towards his face as he brushes the excess bangs away from his Line of Vision. His Amethyst carefully Scanning the mysterious shinigami as he notes that he had already gained a Defensive stance. His zanpakuto still dripping the tiniest amount of blood from the Tip, Yuri shakes his head before Swinging his Blade aimlessly to the left to remove the Crimson Liquid.

"Now what would that infomation do for you ? I'm merely a resident of Rukongai District 80, The lawless Zaraki District."

Reverting his zanpakuto back to his left shoulder in a Nonchalant way, Yuri's Amethyst eyes then narrow as He could feel that He wasn't a Normal Shinigami. No Shinigami could have Reiatsu that stable and high if they were a Low Rank. With that Thought, The winds once again picked up around them in another Violent gust of Turbulance; The Dark enforcers Black Hair Flutters to the Side in an almost dream like manner like a Bunch of Shadows against a Wall in the summer winds. He then began to walk past the man with almost no fear or Hesitiation, His stance was very relaxed as he did so. The leafs crunching beneath his feet was the one of the only sounds heard as he made his exit towards the end of the forest. Taking a Deep breath slowly, Yuri waves behind him before saying.

"Don't Quit your Day job Pal..."
Metal as Fuck
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Embarking towards the unknown Empty Re: Embarking towards the unknown

Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:24 pm
Embarking towards the unknown LargeAnimePaperwallpapers_Death-Not

Kinoen Luesen

"I defend my friends, not myself."

Posting Music: "Allen Walker" -D Gray Man OST

"You know nothing of strength."

Kinoen smirked slightly, a target, and a challenge by the feel of him. Kinoen balled his right hand into a fist, placing it against his left palm and pushing against his knuckles, a loud cracking sound echoing through the forest at this.

He tilted his head, a large smile appearing on his face as he looked over the man. Looked like he was just fighting someone. Long hair, amethyst eyes.. interesting.

"Now what would that infomation do for you ? I'm merely a resident of Rukongai District 80, The lawless Zaraki District." Kinoen grinned, chuckling a little, "Ah, I see.. Zaraki district... Well that's good, it means you'll be a challenge." He said, his voice malicious and his intent obvious. He let the man get only ten steps behind him before shunpoing again, directly in front of him, this time starting by swinging a hard right hook for the man's jaw. "I was talking to you! Where do you think YOU'RE going?!?" Kinoen yelled, laughing.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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The Dark Enforcer
Joined : 2011-03-14
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Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:30 pm
Embarking towards the unknown Yuri-lowell
Yuri Magnus
"Do Justice and Punish the Unjust"

Continuing to walk forward from his remark towards the young man, Yuri then hears the slightest noise of cracking Knuckles- The Winds alone couldn't drone out the doscile tones of the Cartilage buckling under each other. His mind completely at ease as he knew the man wanted a fight, and to be completely honest...So did Yuri- He thought to himself during the little time he had left on how the Mysterious man would react to his snide comment. Before another modicum of a Thought could cross his mind, The winds blew in front of him Swiftly as the man Appears with a shunpo to confront him. Eye's narrowing slightly with keen intent, The Dark Enforcer then raises his Left arm towards his face as he then Blocks the Right handed Hook with the Golden Bracelet that resided on his wrist. The Impact made Yuri grin as he was pushed back about Four feet in response. Lowering his hand away from his face and shaking it slowly in an almost Mocking manner, The Dark Enforcer then stood up striaght before Commenting on his strike.

"Oh Come on, If your gonna hit me, Hit me like you mean it... Don't Disappoint me now Pretty boy"

Placing his zanpakuto on his left shoulder in a Nonchalant way and leaning backward ever so slightly, Yuri then gained his Offensive stance before once more exmaining his opponent- His red hair made him think about a friend of old, His unusual Goggles upon his head made him Snicker slightly; As he did so, Taking the time to Begin Pumping enough reiatsu in his Right leg to create a Hierro Buffer of Reiatsu along it. Bending his knees swiftly and Collecting a sufficient amount of reshi underneath his feet, The Dark Enforcer then Shunpos from Position to appear Behind him at an Aerial standpoint about three feet before Throwing an Agile roundhouse kick with his right leg towards the Man's Kindey with his Heel facing the intended target.

"You have no idea what you just started my friend..."
Metal as Fuck
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Embarking towards the unknown Empty Re: Embarking towards the unknown

Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:59 pm
Embarking towards the unknown LargeAnimePaperwallpapers_Death-Not

Kinoen Luesen

"I defend my friends, not myself."

Posting Music: "Hakai" -D Gray Man OST

"You know nothing of strength."

Kinoen felt his attack connect, but with the bracelet not the person he had been aiming it at. Damn, he'd have to try harder.

Kinoen quickly reassessed his strategy, thinking on his feet as he paced a bit back and forth. He felt the burst of spiritual energy that was unique to a shunpo and simply used his own shunpo to dodge. He smirked and flipped the combat knife out of its sheath, holding it backhand and shunpoing in front of the man, throwing a hard right jab, followed by a left uppercut. After that, he would jump and spin-kick towards the man's face. Regardless of whether his attacks connected or not, he would follow it up by stabbing towards the man's stomach. "I know exactly what I started, and I'm going to finish it." Kinoen said, laughing as he threw two more hard punches, one left and one right, for the man's gut.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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The Dark Enforcer
Joined : 2011-03-14
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Embarking towards the unknown Empty Re: Embarking towards the unknown

Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:46 pm
Embarking towards the unknown Yuri-l11

Yuri Magnus
"Do Justice and Punish the Unjust"

With his intended attack to feel the man out amiss, Yuri's face was then plastered with a grin that showed he wasn't going to merely have a Little Fight. Landing on the ground gracefully with his right hand planted on the ground, Teion-en resting on his left shoulder still being Held with a vice grip. His Amethyst eyes then swiftly look upward as he feels the sudden burst of reiastu that was expelled during the man's Fast Shunpo. Raising his eye brow in interest, The Dark enforcer then pushes off the ground with his right hand in a side stepping sway to the shinigami's right flank; During the followthrough of his agility, he lowered his zanpakuto from his shoulder to a nonchalant stance by his side, Still being held by his left hand. His movements allowed him to dodge his two beginning strikes as he was then confronted by a spinning kick aimmed at his own face. Yuri then swung teion-en vertically to parry the swift kick that made him Slide back once again about Two feet- His mind now thinking he wasn't all talk, But Yuri was Far from finished. Lowering his Blade in a swinging motion, Yuri then simply pumps reiastu into his legs before then vanishing into a shunpo away from the Stabbing strike, Appearing Four Feet in front of him.

"Oh....I'm so gonna kick your ass"

With a smug grin placed upon his face, The Dark enforcer was once again Confronted by an assault. Using his inert agility, Yuri simply back flips about another three feet before Swiftly landing on the ground- Once again, planting his right hand on the ground and resting his Zanpakuto on his left shoulder. But this time, He then spung forward towards the Man with daunting speed before Swinging Teion-en Horizontially to the right Towards His Stomach. Then Switching hands simultaneously with his right, Followingthrough with an Vertical slash towards his Shoulder in a Backflipping Motion. During the Followthrough, Yuri would plant his feet on a Tree at a horizontially angle; Taking this time to pump more then enough reiatsu to then Launch from the tree towards him at High Speeds and Fly past him Throwing a Right handed Hook towards the Man's Face- With the Projection and speed at which Yuri was Flying at, It would have an impact about 4 fold of what it normally would.

"Oh come on, I'm just getting started"
Pimp Cloak
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Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:53 pm

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