Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mon May 23, 2022 3:31 am
Lukas Ätherisch


The city of light.

Pristine, a symbol bright in the night sky. Endless waters gazed in return, blackened waves churning with an invisible storm. The edge of it all, looking down, down into the empty - moonlight from the starless sky beaming from behind the man's eyes.

A blue glow radiated from Lukas as he stared aimlessly, the form of his left arm obscured by brilliance.

Maybe he had been drinking too much, but that was par for the course by now. Half a bottle of jack, half a bottle of vodka, half an hour later. Left alone with cold eyes and a colder sea. The wind was harshest here, yet his balance remained firm. Something called a 'viewing balcony', usually for tourists. Empty night skies made for little appeal, not a soul in sight.

Except the one.

Reishi solidified, the barrel of a cannon clawing out from between black bandages. The city of light, so bright to blot out everything else. To be so significant, so grossly incandescent. For more considered minds, in more considered times. Now was the time for those to take it, or drunk enough to wrench such confidence. Lukas, shirtless as he traced the cannon's barrel across the sky, was plainly the latter.

"What a fuckin' bore." garbled traces of language could be heard underneath the smell of cheap whiskey. "No good deed goes unp-ngh-punished."

Bristling arrow tips traced faintly as his arm steadied, a slow exhale as his eyes slid closed. Tightening knuckles with a tightly held breath. A moment's hesitation, the desire to turn the cannon back and into the city. The desire to point it at himself. Quiet thoughts given body with the aid of alcohol, eyes pulling open to stare at the fluorescent blue.

It was always so pretty, then. When did that change? But the past would never happen again, what was once new will forever be old. To find what was lost, and to make it new, to nurture it. To let it grow old. "What a joke."

The cannon fired, Lukas flying backwards into stone as his arm flung skyways,. The loosened arrows leapt into the sky, a mass of shooting stars plummeting towards the ocean. Some of them had managed to clear through the deck's roof, and a wall embedded with quincy. The hiss of air from between clenched teeth as eyes tightened in agony. A ragged breath as he fell forward, reishi flickering underneath him as he braced on top of his arm. A pained cough, before vomit.

If anyone found him, it was not a good look.

431 words | | lmk if this works as a starter or not

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Mon May 23, 2022 3:31 pm
Pfeil Goes the Weasel [Lilotto/Lukas]  44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Within the calmly lit darkness, one soul immediately detected the odd increase in energy in a particular direction, a direction that would not have indicated it were trainees sparring rather late or any other purpose that would have excused it. It was during her usual late night walk - as someone who didn't need sleep and was surrounded by people who surely did, it was the only thing she really could do at this quiet hour. Sure there were a few parties or other superbly late night activities around, but she would rather walk amongst the sea breeze-swept streets, in peaceful quiet as a break from her work or daylight activities.

It was, until she had caught a whiff of possible irresponsibility. It was way too intense to have just been someone experimenting with their power or doing simple Reishi constructs, what she sensed had to have been a weapon or a really complicated creation - either way she wasn't going to chance it, immediately heading over to the source before stopping dead in her tracks, seeing an arc of arrows raise into the sky and then plummet into the ocean.

Nope nope nope nope nope, her moderately fast walking immediately became superhuman sprinting. Whoever did that was going to get a fucking earful. With great haste, she'd arrive at the obvious source, the sour scent of alcohol only giving her more context to the scene she would be cursed with. The moment she saw the young man laying against the wall was the moment she'd start laying onto him, her expression becoming rather cross,

"Are you a fucking knobhead?" She'd snap, in a flash she was on her knees at his side, searching around his arms until she'd move to yank his quincy cross off his wrist, shoving it in her pocket before she'd continue scolding, "What the fuck do you think you're doing, wielding your weapon while drunk!? This shit isn't a fucking game where you can fire off with no consequences!"

With a slap across the face, she'd huff, "Your dumbass display could've landed on and seriously hurt people! You have to be responsible with this thing!"

She'd sigh, getting up on her feet and offering him a hand up, "I don't know what the fuck you were thinking, but get your head out of your ass and i'll give you your cross back. Name?"

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Pfeil Goes the Weasel [Lilotto/Lukas]  Empty Re: Pfeil Goes the Weasel [Lilotto/Lukas]

Mon May 30, 2022 9:49 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


The slow rise of Lukas' chest was coarse with nausea, the flickering reiatsu fading into the night as he'd stand. In some parade of excitement, footsteps applauded him, a turn of his head betraying the incoming blur. A drunken surge of surprise did little to help his discomfort, a clumsy back step as the arrival's shrill volume expanded.

A hand gripped at the cross entangled in his sanrei, pulling sharp against her own grip as he continued into a backpedal. Her attempt to rip off the cross would become a short scuffle, the woman's words processing slower than he'd respond. Tightening fingers as he roared - "Hey, fuckin! It Does'n come off!"

Hopefully the woman would take the hint, backing off as he'd scratch at the skin underneath. The residue of his pfeil singing into the surface, painful sparks buried through his arm. "Damn pain in..." his mutterings trailed aimlessly, dropping his arms loosely as he'd stare at Lilotto. A twist of annoyance, confusion, even a twinge of drunken amusement; all coming to a mount as he vomited on the floor.

Dribble caught the back of his hand, slinging the spittle to the floor as he fell backwards, sitting firmly on his ass. "Name's Lukas."

His gaze shifted downwards, at the slowly spreading pile of liquid he had regurgitated. Damn, am I drunk?' Lukas's eyebrows compacted in concern, covering his mouth as he swallowed back another spillage. "And!" a finger shot up, a deep breath as his drunken warbling continued.

"Nobody got hurt." his finger pointed outwards now, to the sea. The empty sky above - faint trails of the mile wide star fall glittering downwards. "'cept maybe a gull. Fuck gulls."

Fuck gulls.

282 words | | "can't", "won't", "shouldn't", smh (cross is bound to his wrapping, soz)

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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