Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Blood Knight
Blood Knight
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Waste of a Soul (BK/Wan) [Tokyo/Japan) Empty Waste of a Soul (BK/Wan) [Tokyo/Japan)

Wed Aug 31, 2022 3:17 pm
How long does one have to be in the Soul Society, especially as a Shinigami and part of the Fighting Fourth, to be considered a waste of time? Not that anyone said anything, it was merely speculation, loads of self doubt, and a little bottle of whiskey. With that said, it took a lot to bring the man down to the dumps and a lot of questions never really asked, maybe it was because he did steal a few things here and there, but no one would notice! Mostly. It was possibly karma for the things he's done and the things he's said to people, but that very topic was more a question. Why wasn't he getting stronger?!

Amon J.M. Breach was much like any Shinigami, fulfilling his duties in helping other souls pass onto the afterlife and taking down threats to said souls. He aided in the help of others like him however the most he provided was in way of support, he wasn't strong or fast like the others, months since he's graduated Soul Academy Amon was still the weak warrior he started off as. His recruiter was practically non-existent so questions couldn't be asked, his showcase of 'awakening' was low-tier, and his power never grew. Though the guy didn't pity himself at first, it was evident he yearned to gain said power, not just skill with an Asauchi that teased him like he was a jackass.

Hell, it'd be nice if Amon would just unlock his Shikai or even a simple Ho-ho, but despite his trials he failed. The question he had on this fine day above the streets of Tokyo was why couldn't he get strong? He felt like the answer was there, but he couldn't place it, everyday he trained and beat himself up just to get something but in the end it all amounted to more failure. But after downing a small, "small," bottle of whiskey, Amon decided it was time to go to the Living Realm to do his job. Walking along the rooftops or gliding from one building to the next, he scanned the streets for stray souls and any danger. So far he's sent two spirits to Soul Society, good people, no one malevolent yet.

"'Nother day in paradise," Amon said to himself, then looked down to his sheathed Asauchi, "You got any input today?"

Nothing, of course. Amon sighs once again more out of exasperation than anything. Before he could utter a smart retort to himself the Shinigami felt a sudden change in the air pressure. More like spiritual pressure, coming from… the East side of the city! It wasn't anything powerful but rather something he simply detected, nothing that could cause environmental damage but it was definitely something. Changing mental gears, Amon took off as quickly as he could think, running across the rooftops now and closing gaps between them by enhancing his speed whilst gliding. Well, at least this was better than nothing!

As he drew closer Amon could better read out the energies that be, and by his calculation he felt the presence of a mortal soul… Starting to turn into something foul. Either it was close to perversion or it was a stray soul that the Shinigami had missed and they were finally turning Hollow, it wasn't difficult to see that via Reiatsu Chikaku. But he couldn't tell until he got there.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Waste of a Soul (BK/Wan) [Tokyo/Japan) Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Waste of a Soul (BK/Wan) [Tokyo/Japan) Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Waste of a Soul (BK/Wan) [Tokyo/Japan) Empty Re: Waste of a Soul (BK/Wan) [Tokyo/Japan)

Thu Sep 01, 2022 12:07 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Waste of a Soul (BK/Wan) [Tokyo/Japan) 6EdIfMt

Just because she didn't officially call herself part of the Gotei these days, didn't mean she was neglecting duties on that front when they came up. And a woman who was getting palpitations in her Plus nature was definitely within her duties. The Dome would dissolve her long before she became a threat if she did turn into a hollow, but Hannah wasn't going to let that happen, and with a gentle tap of her necklace, send the Plus off to where she belonged.

Then some Shinigami came running like it was a marathon, which was very strange to see. If he was in such a rush, why not just Shunpo, like they learned in the Academy. Unless he was one of those who had just taken a zanpaktou from a corpse. Soul King knows there was a lot of them around from the War.

"Good morning" she would state, giving the man's direction a gentle nod.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Blood Knight
Blood Knight
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Posts : 135
Age : 27

Waste of a Soul (BK/Wan) [Tokyo/Japan) Empty Re: Waste of a Soul (BK/Wan) [Tokyo/Japan)

Thu Sep 01, 2022 1:45 pm
Thinking wasn't necessarily what Amon did when drinking, he wasn't completely screwed in the head but had a buzz, and with urgency kicked into high gear he had only one objective in mind. He'd be er caught a soul turning Hollow before, he knew it was a tad tricky to catch them before it actually happened but from what his senses were picking up it was possibly too late. Then again, he was still a novice at deciphering how to anticipate such things, not necessarily his fault, but it was certainly something he had been trying to fix. At this point the immense training he's put himself through was like trying to get dry while swimming in a pond. It wasn't working out.

But there was something else that caught his eye, whilst Amon wasn't slowing down in the least he noticed a... What were they called, Plus Souls? Or perhaps it was a Shinigami? That it turned into a she as he approached and passed her rapidly, receiving a friendly, "Good morning."

"Mornin'." Amon replies, barely catching any features. Not that it mattered, he was horrible at remembering names and features, but regardless he had his job to do and not dwell on the minor greeting.

Finally arriving to a massive construction site of almost completed buildings, the entire site was devoid of life save for the grass that grew in various spots. The almost-finished buildings seemed old as well, and given the closed gates and age of the trespass signs it was hinting at a contract on hold or cancelled. Then he could feel it, another release of Reiatsu, not continuos but rather pulsating in a rhythm then dying down. Amon would approach to investigate the site and the direction his senses took him, he would see the same woman as before arriving to the scene.

"Glad to see I got backup," Amon states to himself, vocally enough that the woman could hear him, "Hopefully we ain't late for this thing. Hate to see a soul go agro."
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