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Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]

Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:27 pm
Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]  - Page 2 XmZbQZY


Hiroed gauged Ajora's reaction as the woman engaged in consuming her meal. The light change in her demeanor had elicited a small smile in her expression. She appeared to be enjoying the meal, and that made Hiroe more than content that she could produce something well enough to be enjoyed.

Of course, as she promised, she would also provide any details to the best of her ability. Consuming some of her own food, Hiroe quietly listened as the woman revealed her name. Ajora? It wasn't a particularly eastern name, but Hiroe paid little heed to it. If anything, she was curious as to how she remembered her name at all. It didn't matter all that much to her, though.

It was a pretty name. It sounded a little elegant, too. When the questions began, the raven-haired girl certainly didn't expect to be hit with the thought-provoking content layered within. An open book she was indeed, but the first question seemed more like one rooted in ethics and morals. To be sure, Hiroe herself wondered why new souls were simply brought over and left to wander around on their own devices.

Perhaps, it revolved around a system of social hierarchy, determined by those born into the soul society and those who were brought here from the realm of humans. Hiroe hated to think that they were meaningless in the grand scheme - those souls brought into a world without direction or roadmap. On the other hand, it was necessary to uphold the balance by making sure pluses were sent here, lest they become hollow. She recalled learning about that in class. How well would it apply here, though?

There were the nobles and division members who enjoyed a far more upscale life in the Seireitei - A place she could only dream of entering and living in completely if she achieved her dream - and those were simply left to wander about unless they decided to accumulate enough courage to pursue a life in the military ranks of the Gotei.

Huh... she didn't expect to be thinking deeply on this stuff at all. It certainly stunned her brain. Even so, best to answer it to the best of her abilities.

"I'm not sure how well I can answer that one, Ajora. The best answer I could provide you with is that its a shinigami's duty to ensure souls pass on properly, a means of maintaining balance between all of the realms. If a Plus is left alone to wander too much on earth, their chain of fate ends up being compromised and they end up becoming hollows. I guess to them... becoming a wanderer in the Rukongai is a far better fate than becoming a hollow," she commented, as if lost in her own form of existential thought.

"As far as why they simply allow us to operate on our own with no particular guidance? I can't say. You'll find that a lot of stuff here feels as if its decided by class, or working yourself to the bone to become a division member in the Gotei to even enjoy a meaningful life. I haven't told you about the Seireitei, which is an arguably better place than the rukongai. That is where the majority of the nobles and division members live."

HIroe's eyes turned towards her Asauchi as Ajora approached the next subject. Ah, yeah. She did talk about that. Now that was an easier subject to delve into. One that didn't send Hiroe into an existential realm of thought that turned her brain into mush.

"Ah, this? Naturally, my sword is nameless because I have yet to imprint the essence of my soul onto it. Every Gotei member or Shino student receives one and it is usually their our own task to discover and learn the name of their zanpakuto, even if we receive instructions on how to do so. The reason I held it by my side walking out today is mainly because we have to spend every waking moment trying to get ever closer to forming a connection with our weapons. From there, a zanpakuto's potential is boundless. Elemental, melee, esoteric... the possibilities are endless. It just requires effort on our part to form the connection."

Picking up a piece of meat from her plate, Hiroe would continue on a little more.

"That said... even when you learn your zanpakuto's name, it isn't as if you're given these abilities for free, at least not without maintaining some effort on your end. You have to learn how to cooperate with your Zanpakuto spirit, and pray that they're friendly enough to allow you access to their abilities. From what teachers I get who know their own, I've been told they can have quite the tempers if you treat them incorrectly."

Hiroe would glance towards Ajora, testing to see if she followed at least that explanation well enough. The teacher role really wasn't her speed, but it felt nice to run off some of the knowledge she had learned in her brain.

"Am I making sense so far? I know it might be a bit much. I'm still learning myself, to be honest," she quipped as she continued to enjoy her meal.


Last edited by Iori on Sat Sep 17, 2022 12:08 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Thu Sep 15, 2022 3:47 pm
Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]  - Page 2 HEADER_EsgbJjvVEAEzDsz

The girl's expression told her plenty. It seemed that these weren't really things that the normal denizens of the rukongai cared to bother themselves over. But that next bit of information was far more telling. Balance? She furrowed her brows, and then glanced at her own arm. So these souls, if they remained in the world of the living, became.....disturbed. Was that what had happened? No.... again, something deep inside of herself knew this was different. This was not simply a matter of having stayed too long. This was punishment. But for what? She had no idea. But all the same, this added some light to the situation.

This wasn't a sort of charitable act, this was pest control. That certainly explained why the souls were simply haphazardly thrown into the land of the dead. They didn't care about their wellbeing, all that mattered was that the living world not be choked by malevolent spirits. But why? "What difference does it make if a ....Plus? Stays in the living world rather than the world of the dead? Is there something here that's meant to keep us pure?" She asked, glancing out the window. Was it possible to become a Hollow even if one was brought to the land of the dead? Hmmm.

Ah.... so there was a hierarchy. And the ...appeal of the gotei became much more apparent. So there was status and comfort associated with it. The Gotei relied on the promise of a better life, rather than simply active recruitment in order to bolster it's numbers.

She paused.... thinking over what she'd been told before. The woman had spoken about those further out being more ...lawless and dangerous. That seemed....strange. Sure, there should be a rise in crime but surely a shinigami should be able to handle them? No, she had spoken of those further district as if there were monsters there. Why was that? What about the further districts made such dangerous individuals wind up there? Surely crime would be something sort of ....scattered around. No...she would need more complete information, after all, this was simply what this student was aware of.

Thankfully, there was an equally interesting subject at hand.
She furrowed her brows ever so slightly at that, and was ..... intrigued. They were assigned one of these ....swords. And then by spending time with it, it would come to share a relationship with them and ... develop powers? How strange... why the pairing? IT was made abundantly clear that the sword was alive to some capacity. It had a name, and Hiroe made it clear that some sort of ...interaction was to be had with them. Was it a parasite? Some sort of symbiotic relationship? This ...partnership, in exchange for power. Or was the blade simply drawing out the wielder's innate power?

She thought for a moment. And considered. The girl had stated that she had yet to imprint upon her sword. But what did that mean? What metric did she have to go by? There was no gauge on the weapon aso far as she knew. The only real detail was that the woman had yet to know the name of her zanpaku'to. But that was it. So far as this woman knew, she could be years from such a revalation, or mere hours. A barrage of 'what ifs' clouded her mind. She would very much like to get her hand on one of these...asauchi. But that required becoming a shinigami, did it not? And she did not relish the idea of shackling herself to such a thing without knowing more about it. As this woman clearly had done so herself.

"I think so. This is ... a lot to take in." She noted with a sheepish smile. She hardly even needed tolie about that. "Still, I do appreciate what you've been able to tell me so far. And the food you've provided as well." She noted. She'd definitely need to find a steady source of food. But these areas hardly seemed like they were full of wildlife to hunt. It was possible that they had ...blocked off sections where they raised and cultivated their food. She'd have to find out as best she could. Potentially... she may have to venture into the further districts, or find some means of earning food. And of course...learn more about this strange place. But she could worry about that later. for now... she simply needed to settle in. Perhaps find a group to throw her lot in with. At least until she understood the situation better.
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Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]

Fri Sep 16, 2022 3:14 am
Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]  - Page 2 XmZbQZY


Hiroe stroked her chin in quiet contemplation. Perhaps, to some degree, Hiroe was thankful to Ajora as well. This conversation had certainly opened her eyes to things she had never quite took the time to ruminate on. Her next question was equally interesting, easy enough to provide an answer as she decided to set her chopsticks down.

"No, there is nothing here that keeps our spirits pure. At the very least, there is no tangible force I can think of. None of our classes went over stuff like that. I guess the principal difference is if a plus wanders around too much, they run the risk of their chain of fate breaking and becoming a hollow. "

Hiroe would continue on, toying with one of the chopsticks as she quietly gazed at Ajora.

"Of course, there are cases we've been taught about where even if the chain remains intact, a plus can also end up becoming a earth-bound spirit - that is, spirits that are tied to a particular location -- or possessive spirits, those who end up tied to a person. Each of these spirits normally regret leaving something behind and that makes it difficult for them to pass on properly."

HIroe leaned back in her chair as she chuckled. From recollection alone, Hiroe could not ponder a time where she had been tasked with explaining so much. It was lowkey kinda cool' if she did say so herself. She had no particular idea where this woman was going to go, and truth be told, part of her wasn't exactly keen on the idea of letting her wander around yet. She needed a home, some sort of hut or place to operate, and food to maintain her body until she developed into a full-fledged Shinigami. Outfits wouldn't hurt, either.

"No kidding. I'm kind of overwhelmed myself and I'm the one providing the answers. Its kind of hilarious, right? I'm glad you appreciate the food and hospitality, though I'm pretty sure my parents would've done the same. I couldn't exactly allow you to wander about hungry and directionless. As much as I'd like to say this place is all sunshine and rainbows, you have your fair share of assholes or probably don't have your best intentions in mind. Some people here are caring, and others can be out for their own personal gain... which makes me wonder." A pause. A tap against the chin, and then the raven-haired woman continued.

"This shop has a spare room. I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to do this, but if you needed a place to stay for a few days, someone to show you around until you find an empty house to settle into, I'd be okay with providing some form of support until you can get your bearings straight. Even if you turn that down, you're more than free to visit and I'll still gladly help when I can."

Perhaps it was a little naïve considering she was arguably still a stranger, but Hiroe wasn't particularly in alignment with the idea of letting the woman stray too far out. It was her choice, either way. However she wanted the support, Hiroe would offer it. Maybe even find an excuse to make her an outfit, though that was the tailor in her heart trying to rear its creative little head. How would she look in something other than a hood, she wondered...


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Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]

Sat Sep 17, 2022 11:09 am
Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]  - Page 2 HEADER_EsgbJjvVEAEzDsz

Hm, she said as much. But that clearly was the case. Some difference between the world of the living and the world of the dead kept this....chain of fate intact? It was clear that something else was at work here. But how would she verify any of this? She would need to study the effects of being in either realm to properly make out the differences. But how would she do that? She had not the slightest idea how to go back and forth between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Something she'd worry about another time. After all, it was entirely possible that there DID exist answers to these questions that she could glean a bit more....indirectly.

She was however, surprised when the woman proceeded to offer her a place to stay. Here?

"That's quite generous of you...." She paused, and looked off to the side. On one hand, she wasn't too sure about getting ....overfamiliar with a shinigami until she knew more about them. She didn't know if she could trust them. She also wasn't sure if she wanted this woman to be keeping such a close eye on her. "But I think I will pass on staying here. But I will be sure to take you up on your other offer of keeping in touch. You've been a very big help. Particularly in navigating this place. But there is still more I need to see." She murmured softly, and paused, glancing at the woman's asauchi. Yes..... quite a lot more to learn about. But who knows. Perhaps at some point I may seek to become a shinigami as well."[/color] She noted with a calm lopsided smile of her own. Assuring the simple girl that she wouldn't simply vanish. After all, this woman's friendship would be a valuable resource.
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Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]

Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:17 pm
Point of Purpose[Ajora, Hiroe]  - Page 2 XmZbQZY


Truth be told, Hiroe expected Ajora to turn down the offer of a temporary stay at her shop. They weren't entirely familiar with one another, and she wasn't exactly sure, now that she ruminated on it a little more deeply, that her parents would accept a woman into the shop, having only known the woman for a few hours. Even so, the idea of keeping in touch was more than suitable for her. She was a very inquisitive woman.

If she made the attempt to be a full-fledged Shinigami, there was no doubt in Hiroe's mind that she could make real progress. She asked a lot of questions, and while she didn't exactly know if those were out of curiosity or a possible desire to further accumulate herself to her surroundings, the raven-haired woman could see her adapting quickly in the long run because of it. Knowledge is power and all that stuff...

"Oh? Once you get yourself settled and get use to the Soul Society, I could definitely see that. You ask a lot of questions, and I think that's perfect for the academy setting... if that's the route you choose to take. Either way, I look forward to seeing you again. "

Hiroe would take the plates from the table, setting them in the sink before walking back out to gaze at the woman one more time. Where would her journey take her? She wondered. A matter of curiosity, to be sure.

"Until next time, then, Ajora. Maybe the next time we have lunch, I'll be the one asking questions about the your experience and the neat people ya' might meet. That would be pretty cool," she remarked with a bright smile.

Hiroe would likely wait until the woman left and be off to enjoy what little free time she had left. It was a nice distraction, all things told. Ajora was certainly interesting...


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