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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:55 pm
Cala stiffened a bit at Igen's questioning and nodded quietly at their first guess, before they quickly shook their head at his other guesses. Cala wasnt quite able to say anything, to verbally lie to Igen, due to the multiple stressors wearing down on them. Despite Igen stating he just wanted to know what he was dealing with Cala felt a small, sad cold chill radiate from their hidden Hollow hole as the realization dawned on them that Cala wasn't afraid of Igen finding out what they were as an Arrancar.... but what they were as Cala.

A sinking feeling now in the pit of their stomach Cala nimbly looked over the menu before quietly ordering some sushi. At the very least Igen had inadvertently caused Cala to stop thinking about eating him, as not the small Arrancar's lavender eyes were a bit more dull, their shoulders were slightly more hunched, and once they sat down to eat Cala picked at their sushi with their chopsticks idly. Staring blankly at the food with their lips pursed and attention elsewhere. Igen's response about exploring went in one ear and out the other but his comment on how odd he felt recently, like his sense of time had been twisted, resonated deeply with Cala who idly clutched at their chest with their free hand. Squeezing the fabric of their kimono gently as they looked up at Igen, nodded, and slowly lowered their gripping hand.

"I-i... I umm.... have also felt... time being off, at least my sense of it. I feel... I feel a LOT older. It hasn't been easy."

Cala softly took a bite of a roll of sushi, pensive now, and decided to satisfy their thoughtful mood by questioning Igen. Admittedly they were a bit sheepish about only asking this now.

"So... um I dont think I asked your name? I'm Cala...."

Cala would bow their head respectfully as they could while sitting, trying to leave behind that sinking feeling with conversation.

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A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 4:44 pm
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Igen nodded along as they seemed to roll with the question. A danava eh? Pretty cool, he didn't really know a ton about them. But for now he was focused on his food, quite enjoying the rice and stir fry, humming gently as he ate, raising a brow slightly when Cala brought that up. "Heh, guess that kinda stuff just happens with age. Not that you look that old, but well, I guess you can't tell these days if you're not a normal human. I barely even remember what it was like when I was alive." He hummed, taking another bite of his rice before pausing when Cala promptly introduced themselves.

He kinda ....hat the very obvious observation that Cala seemed to be the nervous type, so he hadn't pushed on names or anything, honestly he had wondered if the race question had been a bit far, but he smiled just a little as they introduced themselves. "Igendai, but most people just call me Igen. Pleasure to meet ya Cala! And uhh.... you know, once we finish eating, I don't mind if you want me to off ya know?Don't want ya thinkin you gotta hang out or anything just because I got ya some food. I kinda forget how ...overfriendly I can be sometimes, so sorry if I been makin ya feel a little on edge." He chimed, not even seeming like he felt bad or anything. He was just .... calm and casual about it. It wasn't like this was the FIRST time he overstayed his welcome, and frankly it wouldn't be the last. He regretted nothing, he enjoyed getting to eat with other people. And with Cala, it seemed like they kinda weren't the sociable type. No biggie, so far as Igen was concerned. He was just being upfront about it.

"Bwuh, man this is a bit spicier than I expected. Hows your Sushi? Never had any of the stuff myself, always got the heebies about eating raw fish. Wasn't exactly japanese when I was a live ya know." He chuckled, gesturing to his own rather clearly non-eastern features.
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:02 pm
Cala nodded along with Igen's commentary on age and paused, thinking even more when Igen mentioned how little he remembered of his time being alive. Just TRYING made Cala's head hurt Thus Cala's response came in the form of a very meek, passive shrug as murmured.

"I don't remember anything....."

Cala took another bite of sushi before pausing in their chewing as Igen seemed to passively ridicule himself, almost chastising himself for being friendly and if Cala's overthinking and already multifaceted emotions revolving around Igendai had gotten their mind more or less away from the idea of eating him, the fact that Igen seemed so casual about rejecting what was obviously an intrinsic part of himself made Cala all but completely confused. Cala quickly became so lost in a far-off look that all but stared through Igen that it wasn't until Igen spoke again that Cala blinked back to the present and swallowed the sushi they had all but chewed into a fine paste.

At Igen's comment on not liking raw fish Cala could only blush softly, internally remarking to themselves that compared to devouring the souls of others raw fish was.... mundane. But Igen's good natured chuckle made Cala nod, slowly, before they fidgeted in their seat. Cala didn't say anything for a long moment, making the horrible decision to try and think through a tangle of emotions dredged up from who knows where but as they passively stared down at their plate and shuffled their sushi around they did come to one rather simple, easy answer. The rest? The rest they shoved away to the furthest corner of their mind until Cala could process more on it. But for now Cala shook their head and looked up at Igen, hair whipping back and forth just a bit as they set their shoulders and ventured speaking more openly in the hopes it would make their point.

"I don't.... dislike how you act. You have been very kind to a stranger and a... umm.... w-well.... I just mean that you don't owe me anything and I'm.... jealous... that you can speak like you can."

Cala suddenly felt both small and exposed at their last statement, their body tensing slightly, before they inhaled heavily and nodded to Igen.

"A-Also I like your name. Igendai is a very nice name and sushi really isn't that bad!"

It was that last outburst that made Cala go still and simply turn their head, maybe thinking that they had overreacted and blurted out a couple of random thoughts out of panic. Which only made them feel more exposed and definitely embarrassed, that soft blush creeping up a rose pink clear to their ears as they felt their face get warm.
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A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:47 pm
A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

"Huh, that so? I totally forgot that some Danava used to be humans. Still, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Gotta live in the here and now right?" He grinned.

Of course Igen himself was..... still pondering a few things. Sure he was as calm and regretless as ever, and in some small way, as Cala talked about not minding how he was, Igen wondered if his Zanpaku'to felt the same way... he HAD been kinda....going off stories of Zanpakuto being like major brats ot pains in the asses. What if his wasn't? After all, it was built on HIS soul right? Maybe there was nothing to worry about,. All the same, that smile came back in full force as Cala was nice enough to compliment his name and assure him that they were having a good time.

"Oh, well dang I'm glad to hear that, I like your name too. Has a kinda......spice to it. Cala. Smooth." He chuckled, taking another moment to eat a bit more of his stirfy and rice, musing over how his own name might sound, heh, he thought it was pretty cool at least. He wondeed what his zanpaku'to would be named like. "You really need to relax though, you said you're having fun, and I believe ya, but yer acting like you're in an interrogation or something." He reached out and gave Cala a pat on the shoulder and a wink. "Like I said, I'm off duty. Just relax yea? What else can I do to get all that worry off your face hm?"
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:41 pm
Cala nodded quickly at the mention of Danava having been humans, thankful that Igen had offered a cover-up for Cala's own slip-up as Cala bit their lip. Despite Cala's flustered demeanor they had to admit that Igen's grin was more than a little infectious and Cala's stomach tensed as a small part of them added that it was an attractive smile as well. A thought Cala quickly shook their head at in a bashful manner before taking another bite of sushi. Though mid-bite as Igen gave an even bigger smile, the happiness all but radiating off of the Shinigami, Cala simply stared for a moment before beginning to slowly chew their food. Not quite able to meet Igen's eyes as Igen complimented their name Cala nodded and sighed quietly.

Cala was about to speak when Igen reached out and pat their shoulder, making Cala purse their lips together and pause, certain that they would have stuttered if they had began to speak. The wink didn't help any and Cala bowed their head.

"S-Sorry! I wasn't umm... trying to offend you. I-I... I just..."

Cala drew in a shaky breathe and their expression fell to one both sad and confused as they fiddled with their chopsticks in front of their chest.

"... I haven't... felt good lately. Something has been o-off."

Cala stayed quiet for a moment before bodily wiggling in their seat and considering Igen's offer. Quiet was the voice that wanted to devour Igen and so Cala was left to make the decision of one mind. Eyes looking up and to the right Cala recalled what Kizuna had mentioned to him before and chewed their lip in thought. Before slowly asking Igen a single question.

"Ermm a-actually....."

Cala swallowed, speaking slowly as they remembered the words."

"Do you know what a uhh... a Tri-.... umm.... Tricera Espada is?"
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A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:56 pm
A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen snorted. "Nah, I'm not offended at all, cmon don't be like that. I'm not saying that you being all nervous is bad or anything. Sometimes being a little on edge is good. No doubt some of the ladies probably think it's real cute ya know!" He grinned before tilting his head. 'Something's off?" He murmured, trailing a bit in hopes that Cala would specify. And it was then that the question caused him to .....blink owlishly, thinking for a moment.

"Ahhhh, claaaaro que si, Ai furtivo~" He suddenly murmured slyly and gave a pat to Cala's back. "It's Tercera, hermano. But yea, the Third Sword. Also the untranslated moniker for the Top Arrancar. So the designation for the third strongest. Well....presumably. Honestly some of the rankings seemed a little off if know...records are to be believed. Didn't even know I could speak spanish till we got to the lesson in the Academy, and then it just clicked! Were you an Espada or something?" He ventured calmly and brightly. Taking it all in stride, not in the least bit concerned that he might A, be in the presence of an arrancar, or B, one that was once the third strongest among the espada.
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:08 pm
Cala couldn't help but be reminded of Ariadna at Igen's mention of the ladies finding their personality cute and, Cala supposed, Igen was technically right. Not that Cala would ever admit to such a thing. Even though she was nowhere to be sensed even across the world Ariadna needed no encouragement, no matter how small. Though this did earn a small, confused look from Cala was they asked in a trailing voice that was astonishingly, wholesomely perplexed.

"W-Why would I mind if the ladies find me cute....?"

Cala's voice trailed off as Igen spoke Spanish and corrected Cala's pronunciation. Cala blinked owlishly back, before blushing gently and nodding slowly, pleasantly surprised at what Igen had to say. Well, at least, until Igen asked if Cala had been an Espada! Cala, recalling the Espada he had seen and her uhh... companions... swiftly shook their head and quickly provided an answer.

"Ah... n-no I just umm... saw them, I-I think? They were some of the last people I saw around a-... a uhh...."

Cala frowned briefly, before shrugging.

"... A friend of mine. The Espada, a very loud and rude man, and a massive man..... thing... that was all dark and really strong. They all were...."

Igen's goal of getting the worry to leave Cala was successful as, after a heavy pause, Cala did smile softly and meet Igen's eyes for the first time on purpose. Their words sincere, if quiet, and they smoothed their hair back behind an ear with one hand.
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A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:23 pm
A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen raised a brow. "Ah, sorry didn't mean to assume. but Guys also find it cute too! I guess there really wasn't any real need for me to specify gender now that I think about it...hmmm.." He trailed, but shrugged it off and relaxed, taking another bite of his food as Cala seemed to do his best to explain things.

"Well, that depends on a lot. How long ago was it? If you're asking for Arrancar, I dunno. It'd be hard to help you. They ....sure....DO sometimes like to hang out in the world of the living, but they can be pretty hard to find. I don't even KNOW how you would go about finding them if they decided to fuck off to Hueco Mundo." And that smile....faltered just a little, as he realized that ....this might not be great to hear. "Sorry I can't be a bit more helpful." He noted with a sheepish smile. Perking up, at least a little, when Cala put on a smile of their own.

"Hm. I actually wonder if we ever do any missions out in Hueco Mundo. Don't think I ever even thought to check on that stuff. Well anywho. I hope you find whoever you're looking for. Keep your chin up, yea? You got a nice smile."
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:34 pm
Cala simply stared blankly as Igen also mentioned guys finding them cute and seemed to consider something to himself. Cala had no real thoughts on this, one way or the other, people were cute regardless it just depended on the person in their eyes. But Cala had scarcely had this thought when Igen asked what seemed like a rhetorical question and told Cala something they knew far, FAR too well. Seeing Igen's smile falter sparked a thought in Cala's mind until Igen mentioned Cala having a nice smile. To which Cala earnestly smiled just a little more, murmuring.

"You umm.. You too Igen...."

Oh! Speaking of Igen's smile Cala would venture to gently, and just barely, touch Igen's fingers with their own as they reminded themselves of when Igen's smile faltered. That brief moment, that LOSS of surety for a brief second, that was something Cala could understand on a fundamental level and so Caal brushed Igen's fingers in what was meant to be a reassuring motions as they held their small, honest smile for a brief moment.

"And umm... Igen.... it's okay. You don't... umm... have to help everyone all the time or... be afraid of giving bad news."

Cala would gently tighten their touch on Igen's hand, slowly, their lavender eyes meeting Igen's similarly colored orbs gently as they murmured truthfully.

"At least, right now, just doing this with you is helping a lot. A lot.... A lot more than you might realize, ya know?"

There was the smallest of wavers to Cala's voice as they approached the subject that had gnawed at the back of their mind since Igen had mention looking into missions to Hueco Mundo. Cala's smile falling to something very odd on Cala's complexion, a timid, stoic seriousness as they gently took Igen's hand. A twinge of obvious shyness still lingering in the motion despite the small amount of resolve Cala displayed as they stated softly in a surprisingly level voice.

"Umm... Igendai? If you do go there... t-to Hueco Mundo I mean..... please... find me and don't go alone. O-Okay?"
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A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:47 pm
A Cala-mitous Meeting [CalaXIgen] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen paused and promptly turned his attention to Cala as they drew it with the gentle touch to his hand, a little startled for a moment before that smile returned, softly as he realized that Cala was trying to cheer him up or something? Well wasn't that sweet. "Hey I'm glad to help however I can." He chuckled, pleased that they seemed to be getting along so well! Hmm, he wondered if they'd get along with Kyo or Katori. Maybe he'd bring them along sometime.

However, that sudden shift to seriousness did catch his attention, and for a moment, he did consider the kinda....person he was looking at. Hmmm, were they a hollow? No, not necessarily, honestly talking to ANYONE about going to Hueco Mundo would probably get this kinda response. However, it was the talk about not going alone that made him raise his brows. "Hey, don't worry, if I WERE to go, it'd only be on a mission, and they'd hardly send us out alone." He assured him, shaking his head. "Actually I don't even know what kinda process going there would be like. I know at some point in the past we got our hands on the tech, but well, I dunno how that's handled these days. Probably just something research division would be interested in over anything else. " He reasoned, reaching up and gently patting Cala on the shoulder, to assuage any worries about him going off and vanishing to Hueco Mundo.
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