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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono] Empty Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono]

Sat Sep 24, 2022 5:19 pm
Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono] D27d407b788775f9bf3314e921b3e170

After spending time with their new friend Igen Cala decided that some familiarity was in order. They did not MISS Hueco Mundo, not at all, but even so the sandy beaches of the living world were like a better version of home. Th water was obviously the biggest difference but even the sand was warm, soft and much more inviting. Cala had even acquired a swimsuit and some new clothes in the off chance they ended up wanting to go into the water and thankfully the beach seemed more or less empty at this very moment. Cala could simply.... not believe mortals went around wearing clothes like this when relaxing. It left them feeling exposed and..... vulnerable even the soft white fabric on their chest was modest and barely enough to cover their Hollow hole, how indecent.

Blushing profusely Cala gently wiggled their toes in the sand, smiling just a little, and let out a long, relaxing sigh at the sun and wind gently billowing their hair. Their soft lavender eyes closing as they tilted their head back and stretched their arms up above them, silently reveling in the gentle enjoyment of the place they were in. It was no wonder non-Hollows found Hueco Mundo so unpleasant. If were they were from had sands like this then even Cala could imagine their return being a bit.... off-putting.

Slowly approaching the gently lapping waters of the beach Cala looked down quizzically at the wet sand underfoot, feeling how cold it was in comparison to it's dry counterpart, Cala would hum only to look over at a tiny crab digging itself out of the mud to go grab a small fish that had been pushed too far out of the water by the tide and now flopped helplessly on the wet sand. The crab grabbed the small fish and began to devour it and Cala was once again reminded of home if in a much more unpleasant way.

As the tide came back in and the cold, salty water of the sea washed up to their ankles they gasped quietly. Water was something Cala did not consciously remember ever having encountered and, in fact, they were a little scared of it considering they couldn't exactly swim. Not that they would ever drown or anything but the sluggish, restricting, cold darkness of what being underwater was like was something they.... understood even if they had never consciously been submerged before.

Shaking their head away from those thoughts Cala decided to sit near the spot where the tide seemed to halt. Wanting to be close enough to cool their feet on the wet sand while also enjoying the warmth of the actual beach. The semi-surreal tranquility of this place still slightly mystifying them as seagulls flapped overhead and people began to meander about the beach. Cala's once private little spot not staying that way for long and for reasons Cala did not understand many people were staring or glancing at them quite a lot.

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Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono] Empty Re: Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 2:08 am
Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono] De7ebcd90f6b6219008877b505afb3f1d6b5ea59

Well it wasn't everyday Hono got a break from her duties! The Shinigami would take a sigh as she was visiting a beach! The world of the living was FULL of beaches so time to bust out the swimsuit! With a Gigai, she walked onto the beach with a swimsuit! MAN, the sun felt nice today. Plus the cuties on the beach weren't have bad to look at~

The Shinigami sat a bag down, laying out a towel and an umbrella, the beach essentials! Hono would enjoy sitting out for a little bit, enjoying the feeling of the sun against her skin! After about ten minutes of relaxation, she would stand up and head towards the water!

Hono was only about knee high in the water, god it felt amazing! She shivered, looking up towards the sky! The Shinigami would be within view of Cala, obviously giving off the pressure of a low ranking Shinigami. Hono's eyes would dart around the beach, looking at any cute girls that might be around.

Her eyes trailed off to her left, spotting Cala, glancing towards them. Well, it wasn't polite to stare... the Shinigami walked over raising an eyebrow as she spoke up. "Hey... You doing okay?" Usually Hono wouldn't approach people, but something about Cala was giving her... strange vibes.
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono] Empty Re: Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 5:35 pm
Cala sensed Hono's approach before even turning to look at them and found themselves only growing even more self conscious about how... exposed their current attire made them feel as they sensed Hono's gaze fall upon them. They fidgeted in the sand, startling as Hono addressed them directly, and Cala blinked rapidly as they turned to actually look at Hono. Cala paused, of course, at seeing the Shinigami they had sensed was wearing clothing just as unfit for battle as they were and, naturally, found themselves a bit flustered by unknown emotions that burned softly in the pit of their stomach at the sight of the rather cute Shinigami.

After a second or two had passed and Cala's mind actually caught up to the fact that they had been asked a question they nodded, quickly, and looked up at Hono from their seated position. Suddenly feeling much more anxious now that someone was staring at them from so close Cala wished they could mimic the small crab they had seen earlier and bury themselves in the sand to hide. Working up the courage, and through their own emotions, Cala would drop their eyes down to the spot in the sand between Hono's feet and answer in a quick, if nervous, voice.

"O-Oh! Yes I'm.... I'm okay. I just um.... I've never really b-been to a beach before and I don't know how to swim...."

Cala admitted softly in a not-quite lie. Those weren't the reason for their hesitation but they were nonetheless still true. Cala did wish that their friends were here, though they could only imagine how Ariadna would react t being at a placed dressed like this. The thought made them turn a soft scarlet and Igen.... Cala mumbled sheepishly at the idea of Igen seeing them like this and buried their face in their hands. Trying to forcibly stop the intense embarrassment their own thoughts had caused them before they slowly stood up, lowered their hands, and wiped their butt and legs free of sand. Using the distraction of the simple action to calm down before crossing their arms softly in front of them, low on their stomach, and gently clearing their throat.

"S-Sorry.... ummm....I wasn't meaning to be in your way."
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Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono] Empty Re: Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono]

Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:38 pm
Hono looked as she approached Cala. Pretty cute, Hono couldn't lie about that. Oh please, we all know Hono loves cute things! She looked towards the Arrancar in front of her, unaware of what they really were. The Shinigami would chuckle, she could tell Carla was a little scared, from the tone of voice and body language.

Hono watch as Cala looked down. The Shinigami would sigh, putting her hand on her hips, "Oh come onnnn, don't be such a puss-" no no. No bad words while on vacation... "Don't be so scared!" She folded her arms. "I mean you can't be so worried about if people see you or not, truthfully no one cares, people are here to relax at the beach, no one cares what you look like" She shook her head.

"My way? Do you really think you are? Geeze." she rested a hand on her head letting out a sigh slightly annoyed. "Listen, you're not normal what are you?" She raised an eyebrow, just who were they? Well time to press a little bit.
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono] Empty Re: Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono]

Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:07 pm
Cala moved their hands behind their back as Hono chuckled, rocking softly forward and back on and off their heels as Hono nearly insulted them. Their eyes staying downcast and averted until they instead urged Cala not to be scared and Cala's lips tightened as Hono insisted no one cared about what they looked like. This made Cala feel... better.... but also worse in a strange sort of way. Was this person trying to gently inform them that it was okay to be hideous, to be a monster, a Hollow, and that no-one would mind? A wrenching, chilling feeling like the tearing of claws spread across Cala's chest from the hidden hole in their breast. A rush of true, actual, sadness making Cala's usually forlorn and avoidant look appear actually, truly hollow and upset. Their eyes sagging and deepening as they were shortly after bombarded with the confrontation that they weren't normal and Cala's lips moved in a tiny, breathless, silent.


The rocking on their heels stopping Cala's gaze left the ground to instead look down their pale, thin, awkward body and that crippling cold, chilling sensation spread up and down their body. Seizing their gut into the tightest knot they could ever remember, and crackling up their throat like malicious static that tore at their vocal chords. The muscles of Cala's throat worked in a short, pained swallow and they stepped back from Hono a couple staggering steps. Their arms coming back around in front of them to now cross over their chest in a very self-conscious manner, Cala's soft lavender eyes venturing a glance up at the pretty Shinigami only for distressed goosebumps to erupt over their soft skin.

Of course someone like this would call them.... a monster... abnormal. Compared to Hono they were, in fact, a monster in several ways. But, strangely, the way that bothered Cala most in this instance was something they had never quite considered or cared about before, their appearance. Well, somewhere deep inside they knew that was a lie, they knew their Sealed Form was used because it was unthreatening but for whatever reason recent interactions made them..... conscious(?) of what others thought of their appearance and Cala's face twisted in disgust at the thought.

Cala had, inadvertently, taken Hono's comments in the opposite manner they were intended.
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Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono] Empty Re: Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono]

Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:06 pm
Hono raised an eyebrow, looking towards Cala, Hono watched as she started acting all strange, but Hono was curious this girl was just really weird... she let out a heavy sigh. OH? What the hell did Oh mean? Shaking her head Hono was getting just a bit annoyed. I mean there wasn't much she could do with the Cala. She thought about it some more. Then she looked at Cala. "Ay, no need to be all wierd ok? It was just a question." She sighed. Maybe Hono had struck a nerve? Shit, she felt kind of bad, maybe she'd try and redeem herself?

Hono took note of the disgusted look. "Ay, settle down." She folded her arms a bit angy. "No need to be all sour! I'm just trying to be friendly!" She chuckled a bit, taking a set forward. "I'm Hono!" She properly introduced herself, curious if that would help iron things out.
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono] Empty Re: Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono]

Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:26 pm
Cala..... did not feel good... did not feel right. They had never truly cared about their appearance or the opinion of others where they were concerned. Why, now that they were more exposed to this stranger, did those thoughts suddenly cut their self-esteem into ribbons like a newly forged razor? Cala jerked slightly as Hono told them to settle down, shaking their head, and did relax noticeably as the Shinigami mentioned just trying to be friendly. Cala's hands moving to lace together in front of their stomach as they fidgeted their thumbs together, nodding softly to her introduction as they worked desperately to re-center themselves.

Swallowing down the lump of still-squirming unease and lack of confidence Cala would decide, in their unsteady state of mine, to be something close to truthful as they nodded their head in recognition.

"H-Hello Hono. Um.... I-I'm Cala."

Cala would bow to Hono, ceasing their fidgeting, and close their eyes in shame at how they had been acting, how upset they had gotten, and would state as such.

"I-I'm sorry for.... acting so strange. This is... my first time ever dressing like this a-and I am not used to it."

Cala would straighten up, hugging their arms across their body under their chest, and look away as they flushed, muttering.

"You're also very pretty a-and... and I'm.... I'm not...."

It made some small amount of sense, in a way, Cala did not certainly look normal and when you were just coming into being concerned about your appearance, only to have someone who looked like a supermodel comment on you looking weird... well....
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Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono] Empty Re: Obligatory Beach Episode [CalaxHono]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 1:40 am
Hono would listen to Cala introduce themself, pretty interesting. Hono was very confident, she didn't seem to care if people saw her walking around with her bathing suit on. She would stretch out, holding her arms high above her head, releasing a heavy yawn, man the sun did sure feel good! It was just the perfect temperature, just a little hot where you could wear a swimsuit without freezing your ass off.

"Aw! I think it's pretty!" Hono would compliment Cala, letting out a quick chuckle. After being called cute, Hono would feel her cheeks warm up. She rubbed the back of her neck. "I knew was I cute! But hearing someone else say it is... interesting." She let out a soft yet awkward chuckle. "You here alone? If you're not use to wearing that why are you here?" She hoped that didn't come off as strange, I mean it could be heard as her telling Cala to leave, and she didn't want that!
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