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Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] Empty Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:14 am
Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Another morning, another damn bath. She tossed the last washcloth into the washbasin, irritation clear on her face as she wrapped herself in the damn towel. Shivering just a little as she nestled into those plush fibers and vigorously dried herself against it.

What a time to have gotten herself fucked up. She'd been retrieved by some Soldat after the incident and treated at a Miami Hospital, however once she'd been identified as a Vandenreich member, she'd been transferred to the city of lights. And boy... what a time.

She looked to the side and peered out into the noisy hallway, audible even through the closed door. The place was a madhouse. She'd gotten a little information through the grapevine, some arrancar had shown up and shot up the place. Her surgeries had been delayed a little, but not by much. Tendons. Muscle. Deep skin tissue. Her legs were mcfucked, but thankfully there was no deep issues to worry about. Her blut had kept her from straight up bleeding out, but once the major bleeding had been repaired, it was just a matter of getting back into tiptop shape. The doctors had prioritized vascular reconstruction. Her tendons were next. The muscle was already showing signs of healing, the doctors were confident that she might not even surgery for them. The only long term damage would likely be the riddle of scars now all over her legs. So much for going around bare legged..
She hadn't gotten off too bad.


She glanced at the washbin and ....blanched. She'd been waking up in cold sweats ever since that damn fight. At first, she'd woken up violently, with reishi claws on her fingertips. She'd had to lock up her powers with a Permissions Code just so that she wouldn't endanger the staff. But all the same, she still woke up soaked in sweat and flailing for the last three days. With that fucker's smiling face in her damn dreams. God, she missed when her dreams were just gay shit. The sweating had gotten so bad that the nurses had had to push fluids just so she didn't dehydrate herself at night. Ehefra had been far more concerned about being in a damn sweaty bed. Thankfully she was well enough the nurses let her wash herself. Thankfully she'd had the foresight to just sleep on a thick blanket at night and just toss it once she woke up. Better than having to lay in that shit till the nurses could get the time to change her bedding.

"I'd say I'm sure you're smiling in hell, but I guess you're gone." She murmured to herself. People who died to Quincy fire never reincarnated after all. And ...he WAS dead. .....she hoped.

Sighing, she slumped back into her bed, adjusting her legs with her hands god she couldn't wait until they reattached the fucking tendons, still bundled up in just a towel and promptly turned the television on, clicking past the news and promptly switching to cartoons.
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Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 8:11 pm

Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] IeJggD0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

After a tumultuous start to her spontaneous trip to the City of Lights, Candice had wondered if she should even bother Ehefra. She was on high alert for any updates from Giselle anyway, but the hospital staff had threatened to call security when she had refused to leave her alone and ultimately that wasn't doing her partner any good. It was hard to stay away even though her being there would do no good, and that was a strange sensation for a girl that hated being told no. So, admittedly a little more reluctantly than she thought she would be, she began to convince herself that seeing Ehefra might take her mind off of that massive pile of issues and stress and sadness that she really didn't want to unpack.

Pulling out her phone, she thumbed through the contacts to find Ehefra's number. It wasn't all that far down really, though she hadn't replied to her for a couple of days after going on that trip to Miami. Come to think of it, that was actually pretty unusual for a girl that was glued to her tech. Still, Candice was working on being less of a presumptive bitch, a few deep breathes and she was typing out a message.


You back in the city?

I'm in town unexpectedly, could use a place to crash.

It was a simple text message really. She thought about adding a winky face at the end but decided against it after a little consideration. It wasn't exactly subtle anyway, so laying it on thick wouldn't really change anything. Perhaps she should just call her, it would be easier to get a response that way.

'But what if she was on a mission?'

Then she wouldn't have her phone on, duh.

And then it was ringing, not even a few seconds after the message had been sent. Her phone pressed tightly to her ear as she impatiently listened to the tone.

Calling down the Thunder | END POST
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Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 8:30 pm
Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra frankly had almost completely forgotten about her phone. She had been kinda out of it the last couple days with her being treated. And so the sudden sound of her phone ringing made her JOLT! practically jumping out of her skin with how much it caught her off guard! And then, realizing what it was, hurriedly grabbed it and ....oh FUCK! Her eyes widened as she realized that Candice didn't know! All the little tumblers fell into place in her head. The incident with the hollow attack. She was probably worried! Fffffffuck.

Clearing her throat, she promptly brought the phone to her ear and answered it. "Oh hey Candice! I'm real sorry I didn't see your texts. My notifications were kinda fucked from my mission. Whats up? Everything alright?" She asked, oping that her voice sounded normal. Not exactly like she usually answered her phone....well no actually she talked on the phone all the time when she was laying down. Huh, maybe she wouldn't even notice. But...... a little voice DID suddenly make a little calculation. Fast-forwarding the conversation in her head to the point where Candice found out where she was. And then, Candice angrily going 'WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SO?!' Was that something that would happen? Maybe... So ... to be safe...

Clearing her throat, possibly even interrupting Candice, Ehefra spoke up. "Also uh, sorry if I break up a little. I dunno how good the reception is in the hospital. Kinda got a little roughed up on my mission." She added, trying to be casual about it.
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Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 8:50 pm

Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] IeJggD0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Red flags were already going off from the second that Ehefra mentioned something happening on her mission. If she'd done good, Candi would have totally heard about it. Like, she told Ehefra when she landed a deal or after she'd been on a really hot shoot. It was a two-way street, so something was up.

"Heyyy, I just hadn't heard from you in a few days and, well, I was in the area so-- huh?"

And then she was interrupted by that revelation.

There was a long pause as suddenly the air in the call itself seemed to gro heavy. Candice was brooding. It was not exactly a hard thing to deduce.

"You're in the hospital! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO?! Heff, what the fuck!! I've been going about my day like everything's fine and you're on death's door? WHERE ARE YOU?!"

She was definitely projecting, losing her composure quite a bit, but what else was she meant to do? The two people she cared about anywhere near as much as herself were both in the hospital. She could have a heart attack any minute, heavens, she was hyperventilating now too. Thunderqueen fucking give her some strength right now, because if this wasn't a test then what the hell else had she been doing?

Only one thing for it, and then there was a mighty boom as Candice launched herself into the air. There were a few precious seconds for Ehefra to give a location and then all that could be heard was the rushing of the wind as she headed into freefall.

Calling down the Thunder | END POST
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Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:05 pm
Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra WINCED a bit as ...yep, Candice did just about what she'd expected her to do, and promptly she felt bad, realizing it HAD been a couple days. "Whoa whoa hey! Who said anything about death's door?! Candice come on, calm down! I just got a little roughed up. Nothing serious. Nothing life-threatening. Listen, see? Mimimimimimi! Do I sound like I'm on death's door to you?" She tried to assuage the woman, taking a moment to wince as she heard Candice DEFINITELY starting to go on the move. Sigh...

"I'm at the City of Lights Hospital. They patched up my legs this morning. I'll be outta here in like a couple days, Candice." She assured the woman, trying to hide the fact that she was ....actually kinda flattered that Candice was so worried about her. It was kinda...sweet. Not that she'd ever admit that.

"Listen, I know you're probably rushing your way over I can HEAR the wind on your phone. Just....take a deep breath, and take your time okay? You can survive the next half hour or whatever it takes you to get across the city to see me. And I'm certainly gonna be fine. Just ordered lunch. It'll be here by the time you get here and we can share it. Hows that sound eh? Hospital Macaroni. Just like Dad used to make." She grinned, trying to help calm Candice with a bit of humor.
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Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:23 pm

Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] IeJggD0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

It didn't take thirty minutes. It didn't even take thirty seconds.

First, there was an all too familiar rumble outside, as what had once been a pleasant day was momentarily disturbed by the thunderous arrival of a woman that had only left several hours ago. In a way, she was fortunate that she had not demonstrated this power to Giselle as that might have confused matters further and she was not ready to pull on that thread right now.

Members of security tensed at her sudden arrival, but it was equally fortunate that Candice had already made herself a known entity at the hospital. Perhaps they considered whether to intervene or not, tell her to leave, but there was something in the woman's eyes that put them off. She barely even noticed they were there, in truth, such was the speed at which she slammed into the front desk and began making inquiries.

Her phone was still held loosely in one hand, the call very much still ongoing, as Ehefra could likely just about hear the heated exchange between Candi and the beleaguered nurses. It was not a battle that Candi was winning until she leaned back into the phone and, having entirely ignored everything else Ehefra had said, responded again.

"Tell them I'm here to see you. Or tell me what room you're in and I'll find my own way."

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Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:35 pm
Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] HEADER_45484109_p42_master1200

Ehefra couldn't help but grip her phone as she listened to Candice making a big ruckus. She twitched just a little, her knuckles cracking as she gripped the phone firmly. And promptly, she felt her patience finally snap.

She SHOULD have had more patience. But she was tired. She was sore. And she hadn't gotten any good sleep in days. And even more, she was still.....paranoid. On edge somehow. Thanks to that fucking psychopath, and before Candice could go shoving phones anywhere, Ehefra lost her patience. "CANDICE!" She barked into the phone to get the woman's attention. "STOP IT! Calm the FUCK down or I will come down there and I will MAKE you! PUT ONE OF THE NURSES ON THE PHONE!" She demanded, and waited for Candice to hand the phone over, she was panting, her heart racing, taking a moment to .....collect herself, before she spoke softly to the Nurse.

"I'm very sorry about her. I know you're having a very hard time of things. Thank you for being so patient. Could you please hand her the phone back?" She asked softly, waiting until she heard Candice again before sighing slowly.

"I'm going to tell you my Room number. You are going to calmly and politely ask to come visit me. And they will give you a visitor's pass to come see me. IF you make a fuss. I am going to come down there, tear the healing muscles in my legs, and have to be in the hospital another few days from breaking my ankle when I put it to your ass. Alright?" She asked tersely through gritted teeth. It would frankly be more angry than Candice would have ever seen Ehefra. It wasn't that fiery competetive voice she sometimes used. Or even when she was scared. She sounded tired, and agitated. Not even necessarily at Candice herself. But she just.....could NOT have Candice getting her ass arrested at a time like this. She was GOING to behave, even if Ehefra had to further fuck up her own body to make sure of that.
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Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:31 pm

Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] IeJggD0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Had Candi only ever seen the side of Ehefra that she liked to show, she might have been shocked by this outburst of fire from her. So, when Candice went quiet again, it would have been easy to assume that she was shocked or lost for words at the nerve of this woman. And yet the phone was still silently passed over to the nurses and a much more candid discussion was had between them.

When it was eventually passed back to Candi, it was a very different response to the overly aggressive woman that had just teleported across the city to be here. There was no more screaming down the phone, or even bossing Ehefra around. A sniffle was the first sound she made.


"Y- You had me so worried. I... I couldn't stand you pretending like everything was alright. People keep doing that to me and I'm sick of it!"

She paused again as Ehefra laid out her terms, taking the time to pick up those shattered pieces again and try to put herself back together. Candi was a woman on a knife's edge at the best of times, it was a miracle that Giselle had only pushed her so far but now with Ehefra in the mix too? God, she wanted so badly to be tough but it was so hard keeping that up when everything was going wrong.

"Alright, I'll wait or whatever. But don't you think for another second about getting that butt out of that bed. I will fry you silly and then carry you back up there myself."

Raining, Pouring | END POST
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Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:41 pm
Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] HEADER_41301658_p13

Some part of her ..... no.... almost all of her felt horrible for treating Candice like this. She didn't enjoy it. She wasn't being smug about putting the normally bossy woman into her place. She was just so damn tired, and she closed her eyes as she slumped back against the head of her bed and sighed softly.

"Candice, I know.... but everyone is scared. The people around you right now, look at them. They're terrified. they just had an arrancar tear through this place. I know ...your heart is in the right place. But being reckless will only make it harder to get to me. The city is already on high alert." She noted softly, and nodded as the woman conceded. A soft smile forming on Ehefra's face, sad.... but thankful that Candice was calming down. "everything.... well alright... not everything is okay. I'm ....tired. And I haven't been sleeping with everything going on. But I promise you. It's nothing that will put me on death's door, or ruin me forever." She promised.

And with that she gave Candice the room number and .... waited for Candice to get up to her room. Her anger slowly ebbing, even though there was still something of a ....edgyness to her. An anxiousness. When Candice finally DID show up in her room. She'd smile warmly, and open her arms. "Mind coming over here? I'd rush over to hug you but that'd mean getting outta bed."
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Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:45 am

Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] D4ZuBdB

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

After all that had been said and done, the door to Ehefra's room opened slowly as Candice slipped inside. She was a far cry from the usually immaculately dressed heiress, bereft of all but the most primitive elements of her makeup and garbed in a plain white blouse and a business skirt. Her pale face, often tanned, was perhaps defined by the rosy hue of her cheeks and the tired smile that stretched out beneath them. She certainly looked like she'd missed a few nights of sleep herself too.

"You look like shit."

The icebreaker might have landed a little better if she had delivered it with a little more conviction, but perhaps Ehefra's weariness was infectious because Candi could do little better than mumble it as she approached the side of the bed and half-tumbled into the embrace. Her own arms wrapped around Ehefra, binding the two together tightly, and her head nested into Ehefra's own and splayed blonde hair everywhere.

"Were you caught up in this hollow business too? I -uh- I should have checked in sooner."

That was as close as Ehefra was getting to an apology from the woman, she would have to drag her over the coals for anything more. But maybe now was her chance, Candi certainly did seem far more vulnerable than she had been before. Even compared to when she was struggling to stay still on that flight they had shared from America, this was so much more important to her.

Blessing From The Skies | END POST
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