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God of Love
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One Particular Harbor [Ira, Candice] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1One Particular Harbor [Ira, Candice] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

One Particular Harbor [Ira, Candice] - Page 3 Empty Re: One Particular Harbor [Ira, Candice]

Sun Oct 16, 2022 8:12 am
One Particular Harbor [Ira, Candice] - Page 3 SgHGbAG


Ira couldn't entirely help but laugh at her question, though not necessarily at Candice herself. Honestly, despite any misgivings, he appreciated the straightforward way she'd asked, and he nodded as he answered in a more explanatory way than simply laughing.

"Yeah, still a man. Least in here, anyway."

He tapped the side of his head, though then followed it by pointing a thumb at his chest. As far as Ira was concerned, having the body he did didn't really change anything about him. Well, that wasn't entirely true. It had certainly changed...some things. But those weren't things that defined who he was.

"Plenty of people just call me 'she' and it's no skin off my back. Complicated problem, and honestly, it's not a big enough deal that I care to correct 'em either way."

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One Particular Harbor [Ira, Candice] - Page 3 Empty Re: One Particular Harbor [Ira, Candice]

Sun Oct 16, 2022 7:56 pm

One Particular Harbor [Ira, Candice] - Page 3 EXUX3FC

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

So he was a guy then, beneath all that. The confirmation was certainly little comfort, though Candi did respect that he could laugh it off. That was certainly not an enviable feeling, even for one who prided herself on such a deep well of self-confidence.

"Fuck, alright. Well good on you for taking that in your stride, I'd be laying down the law on those assholes for that."

Candi shrugged, rolling her shoulders as they continued to walk toward the hospital. This was going to be one crazy little story, what were the chances that Ehefra or Giselle would believe any of this?

Passing Through The Clouds | END POST
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