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Joined : 2022-11-16
Posts : 15
Age : 28

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[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika Empty [Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika

Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:59 pm
I. Basic Information

» Name: Kalara Suika
» Titles: The Calamity (used in hushed whispers around the Rukongai bars)
» Appearance Age: 28
» True Age: 183
» Gender: Feminine
» Affiliation/Rank: Gotei United, Suika Clan
» Division and Rank: 8th Division, 10th seat

» Appearance Description:
Standing at 6'7" and broad in the shoulders, Kalara is unapologetic for her presence in any scenario. Like a olive inferno, she brings a pizazz to every scenario. She's fit, she's a warrior of the Gotei United, she's a Vizard, and she's enjoying life unremorsefully. She wants people to know it. That's why she favors tight, sports styled uniforms and pants. In fact she specifically requested the alterations made to her Gotei United uniform. Her green eyes are usually somber and reserved, though a twinkle of curiosity can be seen. She bears scarring upon the shoulders and back. The shoulder scars go up the length of her arms and were self inflicted in a training accident. The back appears to be raked by a large predator, the hollows, that attacked her early in her training.

» Appearance Picture:

[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika E544ukIX0AQznRH?format=jpg&name=4096x4096

I. Personality

» Personality: There is a certain dichotomy to Kalara's personality that one might observe upon interacting with her. Kalara is a very somber person. She is driven and purposeful, but more out of stubbornness than energy. At times she can even be considered to be apathetic, even without meaning to. It's not that she doesn't feel empathy, but rather that she doesn't accurately know how to engage with people. She is afraid that being around her will get them hurt. So she puts up walls to ward people away. But in reality, these walls are truly paper thin. They're begging to be broken with just a little more persistence. Really, they are only there for the sake of Kalara's pride, so that people don't pity her lonely soul. In reality, Kalara is competitive (friendly), encouraging, and stalwart. There is an infectious, frenetic drive that hangs about her, contrasting with her public stoicness.

On the other hand though, when she's inebriated Kalara is much more open and inviting. Perhaps it's due to her Suika blood, but she becomes positively blissful when she's drinking. Such that she becomes overly-amiable. Pleasant people might suddenly find themselves doted on by this towering mountain of a lady, pulled into an iron embrace that they can't escape until she has fully passed out or focused her attention on something else. This usually leads to accidental property damage. Kalara therefore attempts to stave off the temptation that sweet liquor brings. But even in such a case, she always makes sure to repair/replace whatever she has broken with her own hands or with her own money.

» Likes: Alcohol, Peach Trees, Training, Exercise, the smell of sword grease, her squad, Sweets

» Dislikes: Pity, People who abuse their zanpakuto or teammates, tarts

I. History

» History:

Kalara was then born into the Suika family, to Kaito and Midori Suika, of the Suika Clan in the Central Rukongai 28th district on the northern side. Born into such a family, Kalara was well cared for as her siblings took care of her. However, there were two things that ultimately led her to wanting to join the Gotei United, even as a child. She was naturally faster and stronger than her peers (outside) and seemed to be quickly overtaking them in height as well. This led to her facing severe bullying from her outside peers. The former mocked her for being so athletically inclined. Her own family recognized her strength, but regarded her as odd for lacking most of the visible Suika heritage, such as horns etc. Though it would seem that Kalara inherited their strength, and size, so they attributed this to perhaps late blooming. The second was that due to her status as Kaito and Midori's only child, her bullying and status, she led a fairly lonely life. She never really learned to properly connect with anyone but those more mature than her until late in life, since she was fairly insulated from anyone but her caretakers. She saw the close-knit divisions of the Gotei United as a increase to the family she could have. One where she might find more people who valued her strength, without commentary.

The end result was the imbuement of a lot of responsibility unintentionally rubbing off on the young Suika clan member stripping her of a normal childhood. Taking the pride of her clan into her own hands in stride, Kalara began to observe her cousin's Hakuda practice. This eventually transformed into full on participation when her parents realized that in the event of an attack or the perception of her clan heritage dragged her into trouble, it would be good to teach Kalara to defend herself. And so, Kalara began practice every morning and went to bed late at night. She found her little family of peers growing, as all students were equal before their hakuda sensei.

It was during one of these practice sessions that a Shinigami stopped in to check on their household. Kalara was in the courtyard, practicing patience. She was to sit on the idly stirring grass with her eyes closed. She was to maintain a upright ready posture, and not move or fidget until the time was right. She would recognize that time by the moment she heard a whistling through the air, signifying that a student had launched a blunted arrow at her. Kalara waited, feeling the wind stir her short hair, tickling her with the trailing touch of a few locks. She bit her lip, determined to remain still. "Hello, sir, how are you? May we speak?" An unfamiliar voice snapped her concentration. She whirled around, glancing over her shoulder to find a small woman in black standing but a few yards away speaking to her father. When did she get there?! Kalara wondered, before a sharp thudding impact in her shoulder indicated that she hadn't been paying attention.

A soft sigh escaped her Sensei's lips. "Kalara, you must focus. Please try, or I will have you run focus drills around the house." The sensei murmured, and Kalara nodded dutifully. "Yes, of course sensei. I apologize for my distraction. I was just wondering... who is that woman there in black?" The sensei raised his head, following Kalara's indicating finger. He squinted for a moment, before nodding sagely. "Yes indeed. That there is a Shinigami. They are the protectors of this realm and the sworn defenders of the world of the living." In the midst of their conversation, the woman seemed to fade from in front of them reappearing instantly on the rooftop a few streets away. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Kalara exclaimed, losing the traditional decorum and somber expression she usually wore. Her eyes went wide and she stared after the woman. "Mmm... It has been a long time since I spoke with a Shinigami, but I believe they call it Shunpo. It is a method by which they learn to move great distances at great speed." Her sensei responded, before clapping his hands to refocus his wandering pupil's attention. "Now, please. Focus." Kalara turned her eyes towards the lesson, but swore to herself she would learn this technique for herself.

Kalara began practicing day in and day out. She would often times come home worn out, and dirty, but she didn't mind the scolding her parents gave her. Neither did she let her Hakuda training slip by, though her preoccupation with it did waver a little whenever she snuck out to observe Shinigami wandering about the town. She began to get a feel for the technique. In fact, her recommendation and scouting to the Shin'o academy occurred as a result of one of these observation trips. She had been stalking that same Shinigami woman with a generally kind expression on her face. She had just been about to try to follow her with a flash step when she appeared behind her, catching her wrist. In her surprise, she wound up overestimating her target and wound have ended up plowing into a wall had she not stepped with her and caught her by her scruff.

Her motion arrested, Kalara began to squirm as her weight caused the uniform she was wearing to tighten around her neck. "Let me go, you overgrown jerk." She cried with all the vehemence of a young teen, flailing mock punches at her. She obligingly set her down, a bemused smile on her face. "You want to tell me why you've been following me all day?" "Yeah, cause I'm gonna be a Shinigami one day." Kalara swore with all the promise of a child. "Oh a Shinigami hmm?" The woman responded. "Not with those skills. But why don't you see if you don't get a surprise in the mail hmm?"

Kalara would in fact be surprised one day as her cousin ran over to her, huffing and puffing. A rosy hue flushed his cheeks as he handed her a pristine, black scroll marked with the emblem of a Hell Butterfly. "It's for you!" He cried, excitement coloring his voice. It's for me? Kalara retorted mentally, wondering what the hell this was. "MOM?" She cried, bringing the scroll clutched tightly in her hand into the house.

Kalara was accepted into the Shin'o academy the following year. In time, she was given an Asauchi and managed to progress through the ranks despite her obvious lack of skill with Kido. She later attained a Shikai form following her graduation. It came to her one evening when she was pushing herself to go faster through her forms, and she felt the touch of another on her shoulder. It was a woman in green armor and robe who spoke to her of her sword's name and her abilities.

Following her graduation from the academy, Kalara was assigned to a mission to slay a hollow infesting the world of the living as part of a training exercise. This hollow was described as a mix of a moth and a bat. It was known to fly around relatively silently upon large, leathery wings and use its quick needle like proboscis to stab victims, inject them with its Reiatsu and then slurp up whatever remained of them. Due to this hollow's abilities, Kalara would be paired with a partner to ensure that it didn't ambush them from behind.

There was only one problem. There wasn't only one such Hollow. They were just using that to lure in Shinigami which were apparently their favorite food. Those needle like proboscis began striking, seeking their hearts. Kalara began deftly dodging and parrying in tandem with her partner, both of them taking the opportunity to slash whatever openings they found. Kalara began grabbing those proboscis and yanking their opponents to them, to be mercilessly savaged when the opportunity arose. It was in one such maneuver, that she wound up accidentally falling into the enemy's trap. As she stabbed her then saxe knifes into the beast's flank, she inhaled a cloud of Hollowfied spiritual energy that the Hollow released with its dying breath. It's echoed, shrieking, maniacal laugh ringing in her ears. As the last beast fell, darkness encroached on her vision bringing with it a new sound. A new voice, whispering to her from inside.

Kalara wouldn't meet her new Inner Hollow until the night following her training accident. As she lay in bed, her arms bandaged and recovering thanks to the quick intervention of Division 2, she fell asleep and woke up in her Inner World. "Oh, the little sleepy head is finally up?" A new voice called. Kalara looked up to find a bone white version of her zanpakuto staring down at her. One that had seemingly eschewed her green robes for a matching set of bony exoskeleton armor. "Who are you?" She asked confused. The hollow leapt up to her with a leering grin. "Little sleepyhead doesn't look too good, does she? Looks like she would keel right over. We can't fight like this. It wouldn't be appealing. She cocked her head to one side and smirked. "Tell you what. Beat me in a race through these peaks back here, and I'll tell you who I am. It was a close deal, but Kalara managed to eek out a win by using the hollow as a spring board to step from just before the final summit. The hollow introduced herself as Pale Moon Thorns and with a chuckle, she grabbed Kalara's face. "Listen here. I'll lend you my power, but only so long as you strive to be the best. If your name doesn't resonate through history, I'll consume you. Got it?" She said, dissipating slowly as Kalara's own mask dropped heavily into her hands.

Kalara stared at the mask for a long while, running her fingers over its smooth surface. Tilting it this way and that, she idly studied it whilst feeling a pit of despair open within her. She knew what this meant, but it couldn't possibly be real. That would mean she had become what she'd been fighting so hard to protect her partner against. Kalara forced her palms together, and cracks began splintering through the mask. It wasn't long until it collapsed completely, evaporating into bone dust. No, she'd simply continue as she was, for as long as she could and figure out where to go from there. Kalara flexed her fingers, wrists, and elbows checking their motion for impairments. Her arms were healed physically, though the scars remained. And suddenly Kalara no longer wanted to be in the Infirmary any longer than she had to. And so she left.

Taking advantage of a similar flurry of activity and hoping to get lost in the shuffle, she applied for a position in the 8th division and was accepted, even managing to be placed into the Tenth seat. Still, she noticed that ever since that day, other people have slowly drifted apart from her. It wasn't until she met an empathetic soul that she realized she could continue to serve the Gotei United as a Vizard and that there were others like her, even those who had attained the rank of Captain amongst their ranks. And suddenly, Kalara started to feel less alone.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

High Pain Tolerance: Kalara is naturally sturdy and has dealt with the pain of being injured before. In fact, she had to do so often as she built up her endurance during training so she has had practice of soaking hits to reduce the damage and overcoming her own pain responses.

Toned Body: Kalara is no stranger to the benefits of exercise. Since she was a little girl, she has pushed herself through tough training regimes. In fact, she's actually secretly a little embarrassed and wondering if she over did it. She shot up ahead of all of her classmates growing up and even now towers over a good majority of the people around her.

Tailor: Kalara knows how to work fine leathers into scabbards, and other leather accoutrements. Takes a secret pleasure in designing such accessories for those she values. Many in her clan have woken up to a newly made scabbard waiting for them at the foot of their bed on festival mornings.

I. Racial Abilities

Shunpo: It started the moment she saw someone moving in the way that Shinigami do. The quick appearance as if fading in from some alternate dimension inspired the young Suika to begin training in secret. She wanted to be just as quick and mysterious as the Shinigami she saw that day. So each day, she started trying to perform the long distance steps. She fell repeatedly, often arriving home with bumps and bruises and causing her caretakers to worry, but she did not care. She kept at it until she could perform one step, then two and so on. She kept training, using her newfound ability to drive her caretakers the dearest modicum of crazy. When she had reached a comfortable level of expertise, she began to work on her speed and energy efficiency. Trading in her ability to move great distances for the ability to make flash steps incredibly fast and less tiring, Kalara has maintained this training regiment to this day and has since incorporated the speed techniques of Hoho and Hakuda to carry over into how she fights. She learned that by stepping in place and slowly condensing the motion primarily to her sword arms, she could cut effectively at extremely high speeds.

Hakuda: Hakuda was Kalara's release for tension from before she bonded with a sword. Trained in the clan's Hakuda techniques from a very young age, Kalara became proficient enough in it to defend herself from assassins should such a thing become necessary. Following that, she noticed one of her cousin's techniques and gravitated naturally towards them. They consisted of lighting fast punches, elbow strikes, and parries. It had almost felt to Kalara that she had known these moves a lifetime ago. She began joining them in the mornings for practice, to feel the shell of reiatsu envelop her arms and lend them preternatural speed, strength and toughness. And to practice the intense concentration to condense and concentrate all her reiatsu within her.

Zanjutsu: But Zanjutsu was where she had her heart set. Upon receiving her asauchi from the Shin'o academy, Kalara began to train day and night to develop her own fighting style. She had chanced upon an inspiration for it when she had seen the application of speed techniques in both Hakuda and Hoho. She had envisioned a fighting style in which she could strike at people multiple times in the course of one strike at Shunpo speeds. This technique requires incredible focus that Kalara has spent decades cultivating in order to synchronize the condensed reiatsu inside her and her sword, and the rate at which she shunpo's in place effectively. Early in the development of this style she experienced what happens when that synchronization is too far unbalanced and ended up burning the flesh off her arms from the friction she was exposed to. After she was healed, she learned from that mistake and steadily began working to overcome it.

Kalara has currently just begun the development of her own personal style after having discovered her Shikai and Hollowfication abilities.

I. Sealed Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Jade Mountain Moon (Hisui Sanzuki)

» Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance: Appears as a woman dressed in green flowing robes and armor with blue face paint. Vaguely mantis like limbs (arms and legs) are hidden within the flowing sleeves, and lower half of her robes.

» Zanpakutō Spirit Personality: Driven and but slightly mercurial between states of competitive distance and adoration, Jade Mountain Moon requires constant improvement from Kalara, and demonstrated effort in each and every endeavor. She prefers to directly show Kalara her observations about the benefits and flaws of her forms by pulling her into her inner world and demonstrating it against her body. After that, Kalara finds herself swaddled in an embrace where her Zanpakuto tends to all her wounds mentally and offers her inner world sake.

» Inner World: A circular plateau at the top of a mountain peak within a series of a similarly designed mountain range. All these flat mountains have a singular tree sprouting from their center whose massive roots stretch out through the mountain, encompassing much of its sides. The tree is a brilliant deep green, with lighter green leaves of crystal that slowly float beyond the perimeter of the trees roots into the deep chasms between the mountain ranges.

» Sealed Appearance: The zanpakuto looks like a pair of small saxe knives that Kalara carries a armed strapped scabbard. A thin green cord of twine embellishes the deep mahogany hilts which are capped with a fairly plain tapering pommel spike made out of steel.

» Sealed Zanpakutô Powers: The blade always remains sharp, and seems to vibrate in its holster near Hollows. This is based off of the detection of the Hollow's Reiatsu. And Jade Mountain Moon has learned to recognize Kalara's own mixed reiatsu, therefore will ping other reiatsu presences.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Sing now of the eternal leaves, Jade Mountain Moon~!

» Shikai Release Actions: Kalara taps the tips of both blades together causing them to vibrate which transforms it into two falx like weapons.

» Shikai Appearance: [Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika Korvantine_esca_by_irolan_de7yihh-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzIwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvOTEzMzY5NzAtNDViMC00N2Q4LWJmZDEtOTJkZWI5ODE3YWJhXC9kZTd5aWhoLTIzZGVjZDY4LWE3YTMtNDYzOS1iNjJlLTRkNWM1NzljMWQ2Mi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19

But the blades appear to be tinged with a deep green back instead, and the guards are shaped like crescent moons pointed away from the user.

» Shikai Abilities: Entities cut directly with Jade Mountain Moon's blade will have their kinetic energy sapped from them, storing it directly in the moon shaped guard of the blade in the form of tiny Jade Diamonds allowing Kalara to perceive how much energy she has stored. Kalara can use these crystals to imbue Jade Mountain Moon's Attacks with increased force. Kalara can currently expend a crystal to double the force of a strike, though this too will scale with her mastery. Kalara gains 1 jade diamond upon with each attack with a scale based on her zanjutsu. So at adept she has 2 diamonds max, advanced she has 4 and elite she has 8 (these are split between both swords so at adept she can gain one jade diamond on each sword). Master and above ranks are handled when achieved.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Name: Unknown
» Bankai Release Phrase: Unknown

» Bankai Release Actions: Unknown

» Bankai Appearance: Unknown

» Bankai Abilities: Unknown

I. Vizard Information

» Inner Hollow Name: Pale Moon Thorns (Tangetsu Ibara)

» Inner Hollow Description: [Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika __original_drawn_by_ruteko_ruko220__sample-d353efa7f3f410cf5c7c6b4f0263df4b

» Inner Hollow Personality: It's interesting because in many ways Pale Thorns mirrors Kalara's own personality. In fact, rather than direct conflict between them, it would be more accurate to say that there is a begrudging respect to their rivalry. Kalara did beat her in a race that Pale Thorns designed, and so Pale Thorns has decided to allow her Hollowfication for now. Pale Thorns is just as driven, but whereas Kalara remains solidly and solely focused on the mission, Pale thorns enjoys throwing a bit of flair into the mix. She will attempt to go for style points if no present danger is immediately threatening her. She wants the world to remember her name, perhaps born out of a sense of Kalara's regrets with never being able to grow close to people. She's also competitive. As a Hollow, she finds combat exhilarating, but any fun competition is also accepted. She will at times beg Kalara to race her on days when she's feeling especially restless. Believe it or not, Pale Thorns does watch out for Kalara, though her accompanying advice is beleaguered with snark or insults to hide the fact that she isn't actually as interested in subsuming Kalara as it might appear. Of course, she says that she will, even in the undetermined state of their relationship she has her pride to uphold, and thus will take over if she needs to, but she does so regretfully and disappointedly.

» Inner Hollow Powers: Pale Thorns has increased physical attributes, namely speed and durability. Her long, powerful legs give her the ability to rush in quickly as well as dodge and move agilely. Her hardened exoskeleton of bone protects her from injuries. Should her exoskeleton crack, Pale Thorns does possess regeneration, however it isn't any more powerful than a regular hollows. Her claws can tear open the Gargantas she prefers to strike from and even through. Finally her claws can fire a peppering of moderately weak, but fast Ceros from their tips.

» Hollow Mask Appearance:

[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika 249a6e65c46487ebcb5731a25532d41d4ce212393ffba1690d170647317cdc77

» Vizard Powers: As a beginner mask user, Kalara hasn't quite managed to master all the abilities her hollow can allow her to use. In fact, her inner hollow has teased her relentlessly for being such a beginner that she wouldn't reveal all her abilities to her. For now, donning the mask causes Kalara's physical attributes increase accordingly. She possesses increased speed and stamina. Finally, she can fire off a burst of three moderately weak but fast Ceros from the tip of the mask's long flowing antennae.

I. Equipment & Resources

1 x Arm Sheath
1 x Modified Gotei United Uniform
1 x Drinking Canteen
1 x Sewing Kit
1 x Gigai Tailored to her

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
Durability: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Trained/Beginner/Untrained
General Speed: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
Strength: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
Martial Skill: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Will Skills
Willpower: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
Mental Deduction: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
Focus: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Shinigami Skills
Hoho: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
Kidō: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
Zanjutsu: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
Hakuda: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Vizard Skills
Power Augmentation Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
Hollow Control: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

I. Roleplay Sample

Kalara groaned, twisting her head as the sharp stinging pain lurking in the back of her mind became evident now that she had awoken. She was lying on her back in the rank and file Academy barracks, which housed those who hadn't yet been poached into one division of the other yet. Kalara blinked, recalling a vague recollection of a sterile, chemically scented room but the odd fragment of memory disappeared as soon as it had come. Kalara hadn't honestly given much thought to which Division she wanted to join. She figured the chips would fall where they may. But the haunting words of her dreams seemed to resonate with her, causing a tingle to incrementally creep up her spine as the hair on her arms and neck stood on end. She knew once she had been placed, she'd be dragged into another race since apparently her new passenger would accept nothing less.

Still for the moment anyway, the pleasant scent of hardwood flooring and freshly brewed green tea was much preferable to thinking about that. Then Kalara perked up as she heard the soft sounds of someone approaching, and craned her neck to see who it was. A male member of the second division was standing there, a tray clutched in his hands which sported a set of fine ceramic plate and teacup. She recognized him from her days at the academy. The balding, pepper grey haid, the smooth cheeks hinting at his age with little crow's feet perched at the corners of his eyes, the furious frown that made his thick eyebrows bounce voluminously. This had to be Ol' Niko. The teacup was evidently the source of the scent, as the steam rising from within its lip indicated that it was full of piping hot tea. Niko set the tray down with a clatter, and then noticing Kalara's attentiveness, he frowned at her. Kalara winced, bracing for a lecture but she was surprised when he just shook his head exasperatedly. "Here. I'll help you sit up." She heard him say, feeling his arms supporting her as she shifted to a more upright position. Kalara breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she had dodged a lecture. She was wrong on that account, very wrong. As soon as she was sitting, she felt him grasp her ear, tugging on it painfully. "What kind of idiot are you? I know you've always been hard-headed Kalara but I never expected you to not recognize that you're literally burning your skin off. It's bad enough that we have to patch you up after battle. You keep this up and this old man's going to have a heart attack you know." "OW, ow, ow. Okay, okay Sorry." Kalara replied, freeing herself from the old man's grip. "I just know I'm on the verge of something. Just a little more... and I will find something." She replied, her eyes shining with determination. "Hah, well there's no stopping you. But at least promise me you'll have someone trained in Kaido in the room with you. So I can stop worrying?" He sighed. "Okay, old man. I will!" Kalara exclaimed. "Good, now drink your tea." Ol' Niko said, handing her the tea cup, which Kalara clutched with both hands.

Last edited by Gamma on Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:16 pm; edited 49 times in total (Reason for editing : Rewrote history a little.)
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[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika

Sat Nov 26, 2022 9:59 pm
1. History: Human Life
Speckled white tiling and bleached, sterile walls form a small cubicle-like room. Shadows lightly obscure most of the room, as the fluorescent lights have been turned off. The only light inside the room is streaming in from the doorway and crawling between the slats on the far window. There is a sanitation area with supplies like fresh bandages, gloves, hand sanitizer and the defibrillator tucked into one corner of the room.

The first issue to bring up is that her age does not correlate to this. On PH the current date is 100 years into the future so it is 2122. Based on this age Kalara would've been born in the dark ages. This can be easily fixed by condensing her age down substantially.

2. History: Shinigami
2.1 Kalara was then born into the Suika family, to Kaito and Midori Suika, of the Suika Clan in the central Rukongai 8th district on the northern side.

In the case of a human going to Soul Society they do not reincarnate, Kalara as a dead human would be a plus after death waiting for a shinigami to send them to Soul Society with a konsou before being sent there as the same person.

2.2. Suika.
--Born into such a prestigious family, Kalara neither wanted for anything nor was she necessarily expected to join the Gotei United.

--She was naturally faster and stronger than her peers and seemed to be quickly overtaking them in height as well. This led to her facing severe bullying as they mocked her for being so athletically inclined.

--This eventually transformed into full on participation when her parents realized that in the event of political intrigue or the discontent among the clans reaching a fraying...

The Suika are not at all prestigious. Quite the opposite actually since they're viewed as ruffians, brutes and troublemakers by and large which is why they're found in the more outer districts. Some individual Suika have prestige but that's for factors outside of their heritage. Ibiki Suika was strong enough to become Captain Commander, and her sister has served as a captain as well but by and large most of the oni clan aren't viewed with much regard.

For the second point, I don't know if her peers are Suika but if they are then this doesn't align with their culture. Athletism and physical power are praiseworthy to the Suika and held in high esteem. If these peers aren't Suika though this makes more sense though, I just wanted to leave a note if they were her clan members, it's far more likely for her to be seen as strange because she lacks the horns and oni qualities that define the tribe.

It's rare for Suika to inhabit the inner districts due to their nature though not impossible - it would just be strange in-character is what I'm just trying to pass on.

The Suika are pretty primative, there's very little political intrigue going on amongst them especially since individual clans tend to be districts apart, the other two examples of clans right now are Ibiki's clan which lives in one of the outer districts and another one which is far out in the Outlands of Soul Society beyond the Rukongai.

....and seems to vibrate in its holster near Hollows.

What dictates it sensing hollows? The reiatsu of a hollow? What happens if they are suppressing it or keeps it from constantly vibrating due to Kalara's mixed reiatsu as a vizard?

Jade Mountain Moon's blade uses a trace of the Hollow's garganta ability to cut small rifts into reality that can store a certain amount of kinetic energy in them, acting as weird shields or, if she cuts them again, release them as a shockwave in a direction of her choosing. Cutting through a pre-existing rift speeds up Jade Mountain Moon's cuts as well. Additionally, those cut directly with Jade Mountain Moon's blade will have their kinetic energy sapped from them, sending it directly to a pre-existing rift. To Kalara's eyes, the rifts appear as small, Jade Diamonds allowing her to find them easily.

Why is her zanpakuto's power a hollow power? This should be attached to the inner hollow and with training, the union of hollow and shinigami stuff can bleed into each other. There's more to say here but I'd rather have clarity on the garganta matter before getting into that.

Skill Sheet
Her Advanced Speed feels out of place and like it is here to parallel her hoho skill. There is not much that justifies Kalara having the reflexes to dodge tank rounds and the explosive force that it produces without using her shunpo or the ability to run as fast as most land vehicles.

Just to offer the Japanese names if you wanted to use them.
Jade Mountain Moon can be translated to a couple of forms: Hisui Sangetsu, Hisui Sanzuki, Hisui Yamazuki or Hisui Zantsuki read from 翡翠山月. If you would like. Tangetsu Ibara can be read as Pale Moon Thorns 淡月荊.


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[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika

Sun Nov 27, 2022 12:21 am
Addressed the points brought up, I hope~

Shed the shackles, free the mind~

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[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika

Sun Nov 27, 2022 7:57 am
[mod]» Shikai Ability:

Entities cut directly with Jade Mountain Moon's blade will have their kinetic energy sapped from them, storing it directly in the moon shaped guard of the blade in the form of tiny Jade Diamonds allowing Kalara to perceive how much energy she has stored. Can use these crystals to imbue Jade Mountain Moon's Attacks with increased force.

This is too vague to work with at the moment. To save getting into nitty gritty specifics, I would recommend she gains 1 jade diamond upon with each attack with a scale based on her zanjutsu. So at adept she has 2 diamonds max, advanced she has 4 and elite she has 8 (these are split between both swords so at adept she can gain one jade diamond on each sword). Master is a unique situation which can be crossed when she gets there, she is able to expend a diamond to empower her next strike to have it deal twice as much force and we go from there as Kalara develops.

» Vizard Powers:

Kalara's physical attributes increase accordingly. She possesses increased speed and stamina. ✓

Finally, she can fire off a burst of three moderately weak by fast Ceros from the tip of the mask's long flowing antennae. ✓
She can now use her blade to cut small Gargantas into reality that can store a certain amount of kinetic energy in them, acting as weird shields or, if she cuts them again, release them as a shockwave in a direction of her choosing.

Cutting through a pre-existing rift speeds up Jade Mountain Moon's cuts as well.

Additionally, she gains the ability to feed off the small garganta rifts she cuts, using the stored energy within to buff herself even further.

'At Beginner, a vizard can wear their mask for a single post before they must remove it' - Vizard Race Specs.

I would recommend simplifying this for now and coming back to it later as Kalara currently can only wear her mask for one post per thread, we can work on this now if you would like but the ability itself involving the garganta feels like it suffers a lot by her only getting a single post rather than being able to take advantage of it by donning and doffing the mask when she grows a bit more as a vizard and can demonstrate longer usage. [/mod]

[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika Gamma_Signature
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[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Kalara Suika

Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:13 am
Hazard Ratings
Power: D
Influence: E
Resources: E
Overall: D

Tier: 4-5


-Suitable History adjustments made.

Approved again.[/mod]

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