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El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Empty El Diablo [Eliane, Sola]

Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:36 am
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Sola-header

Recovery was a pain in the ass, as soon as he was up on his feet again he was back to trying to improve. He needed to chase a couple more of those thrills and gain more bang for his buck. After beating that group of thugs and taking out their boss he'd found that there were a lot less of them around the area. It meant he had to go and start roaming to seek out people to fight.

If they attacked first then maybe they were worth a bit of work, right? No success. Whatever were left here were the scraps of bandits and the wildlife offered more challenge than them. Getting frustrated about the whole thing he'd opted to be a bit more aggressive about picking fights. Trashtalking and provoking whoeever he could to annoy them.

Like that white haired woman over there in the barren landscape. She could almost blend into the landscape with that hair and complexion but once he had his sights on her they weren't going to be swayed.

"Hey, Snow White! Yeah, you!"

He called out over the wind towards the figure.

"You better be strong or else... I don't know, shit. Just fight me!"

Unfortunately he'd already used all his good lines on the other boring douches that he'd run into. He wasn't going to get strong off weak guys like that, he needed something hard and hopefully she had more than a good figure to offer up.


El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Empty Re: El Diablo [Eliane, Sola]

Thu Dec 01, 2022 9:17 am
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] MKGxcq6

Could Eliane have simply made her way somewhere in particular? Sure, she probably could have. Even legally dead, she had her own funds sequestered away, and it wasn't as if this little plan of hers had ended simply at the step of "get a new body." But the opportunity to wander completely unimpeded, free of anything but her own whims, was something she simply couldn't ignore.

Was there that faint fear she might die? Yes, absolutely. But she relished it. It was new. Thrilling. Dangerous. She loved every second of it, and as she heard a crude voice calling over to her, she couldn't help but almost feel weak in the knees.

Well, maybe not all that. But she did rather like it, and as she turned to face him, a wicked grin twisted its way across her face.

"Oh? You'd like to fight? Well, if you insist, but I hope you know I don't like to pull my punches."

She didn't even wait for an answer, just sprinted right toward him as she pulled her arm back and swung for this idiot's face. Eliane didn't get much opportunity to really cut loose, but now there wasn't anyone telling her to hold back. She was going to take advantage of that.


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El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Empty Re: El Diablo [Eliane, Sola]

Thu Dec 01, 2022 9:23 am
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Sola-header

Well, she was fast. Maybe he'd have had a chance to actually dodge if he was anticipating it with sonido but this bitch really did just rush him out of nowhere and punch him square in the face and where the hell did she become that fast? This woman was faster than Kizuna and him put together, for certain. A perfect shot as he went flying metres away and crashed into the frozen soil, this didn't really make for a good landing spot but as he spat out a couple of teeth Sola shook his head to clear the fogginess away.

"Now that's more like it!"

Finally someone that could actually put up a decent fight and not in some overwhelm him with numbers kind of way. This was one tough lady that could kick his ass and he was all for it. He could go all out and probably still lose, that's fine though. As long as he could come back later, more stronger, and whoop her ass in return.

"God, you are so hot."

She didn't even wait for an answer, just right into it unlike those guys that talked a big game and had no bite. He shakily stood up back up and turned around to face her. Now he just had to try and hit her.


El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Gamma_Signature
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El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Empty Re: El Diablo [Eliane, Sola]

Fri Dec 02, 2022 1:02 am
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] MKGxcq6

"I know."

Eliane didn't need this guy to tell her that, though she always appreciated a little bit of flattery. Most people might have gotten on the defense now, but Eliane could tell just from that first punch that this guy probably wasn't gonna be keeping up with her. Just fine in her book, though. She didn't care about a challenge or anything, she just wanted to see him in pain.

With another step toward him, Eliane this time reached out to grab his collar, not even remotely intending to let him get away this time as she once more threw a withering blow, this time toward his gut.

"Having fun yet? I am."

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El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Empty Re: El Diablo [Eliane, Sola]

Fri Dec 02, 2022 1:14 am
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Sola-header

As soon as he was up on his feet she was holding him like a cat by the scruff of its neck and took another punch to the gut. Couple of broken limbs and a winding, it hurt like hell but she was nice and close now. It hurt a whole punch but he was right in his element, no place he'd rather be right now than this woman having fun by using him like a punching bag.


He muttered back through the pain and a hand came up to try and grab her hair. As soon as he could grab her hair or just anything that his hand could hold onto he refused to let go. That was his challenge now to not let go of this woman now that she was in his grasp even if he passed out from the pain. He could throw a weak punch with his free hand but if he had a suitable hold of her then he went for something even better.

He'd try and smash his knee her right into her gut. He didn't care where right about now since this was a dirty game of scrapping. Even if he got a hit to her groin he'd take that win.


El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Gamma_Signature
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] CHARACTER_LISTEl Diablo [Eliane, Sola] GRAPHICS_THREADEl Diablo [Eliane, Sola] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Empty Re: El Diablo [Eliane, Sola]

Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:36 am
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] MKGxcq6

"Oh, shame. I'll have to fix that then."

Eliane's sheer malice was viscerally apparent as she kept Sola right where he was, and she only seemed to relish the impact of he knee in her gut as her grin widened further. Her eyes met his with a focus that could best be described as "manic," and her grip on his collar tightened as she returned the gesture, her knee spiking up toward his groin with the full force she could muster. That was, for the record, quite a bit of force.

"Is that everything you've got? Did you do all this thinking you might have a chance?"

If she'd been less self-aware, less cognizant of her current situation, Eliane might have really taken the opportunity to gloat. When her life had been disposable, she could take risks like that. But she wasn't nearly so stupid as to think she could let him just take the upper hand while she gloated, so she shoved him to the ground with impressive strength, staying on top of him with one hand holding him by the neck.

"Well? Anything you want to say?"

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El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Empty Re: El Diablo [Eliane, Sola]

Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:49 am
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Sola-header

He almost faltered in his goal when he felt the strike go straight through his whole body. The woman's knee hitting his groin with all the force to make it wish it had just crawled back up there were it would be protected but he preferred the shattered pelvis over the fact that this woman's strength had made him a woman for a split second with all the force driving into his body.

Fingers obsessing over holding onto her hair, it was the kind of pressure that could crush a windpipe thanks to the amount of pain she'd inflicted him with before he was on the ground and looking up at her through pained eyes. This damn bitch even though she hadn't broken any rules or anything. There was no real rule to be had here besides that fact he was trying not to die.


Whether that was in regards to everything he had to give or if he thought he had a chance to win was up to her to decide. She was the one that asked two different questions so quickly like a dumbass that she could figure out what it was.

"Keep going."

Is all he really spat out to her, was it for him or her? Who could tell. His hand let go of her hair, now free and falling Sola tried to line up a cero to her face. It was a pathetic excuse of one really, he just competent enough to fire a cero and really with her own abilities it wouldn't be a stretch for her to grab his hand and interrupt it with its charge time but Sola wasn't going to roll over for her.

He wouldn't roll over for anyone.


El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Gamma_Signature
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] CHARACTER_LISTEl Diablo [Eliane, Sola] GRAPHICS_THREADEl Diablo [Eliane, Sola] TIMELINE_THREAD
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El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Empty Re: El Diablo [Eliane, Sola]

Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:56 am
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] MKGxcq6

As the cero shot up toward her face, Eliane briefly thought that maybe she should avoid it. That her life was in danger from it. But being drunk on freedom had certainly given her a little bit more aggression than normal, and rather than step back to try and avoid it, she simply met the attack with a headbutt, unconcerned with the scorch across her face. She'd deal with it later. It wasn't some permanent disfigurement or anything like that.

"Keep going? Oh, so you're that kind of guy, huh? You like it when a woman starts beating you?"

The tone to Eliane's voice was undeniably condescending, mocking even. Despite being on top of him, she wasn't making any more moves now. She was just keeping her position, staring down at him with unrestrained menace in her eyes. This was fun. She liked this. Keeping his desired outcome just out of reaching, hurting him by denying him what he wanted.

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El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Empty Re: El Diablo [Eliane, Sola]

Fri Dec 02, 2022 4:10 am
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Sola-header

Well this was cooling down. Sola's own enthusiasm dropped a little bit when she started chatting away after taking his cero to her forehead. Did she just want to sit there and talk all day? What an absolute drag of a woman. She takes the bait and starts beating his ass before getting comfy now that she's got the upper-hand? This is why women sucked for opponents because they just want to talk, talk and talk instead of speaking with their fists. This is why Kizuna was cool.


"Are you just gonna sit here straddling me all day or are we going to get back to fighting?"

She was really killing this whole fight thing. This chick had a stick up her ass to just sit here and start lecturing him, he was already ignoring what she was saying and trying to think of a way to get her off him. Too strong to move he was too broken to wriggle away. Cero wasn't worth much so he'd just resort to the next best thing. He'd dig his hands into the frozen soil and try to fish out a handful to shove in her face.

If he wanted to be bored to death then he'd have gone back to fighting the trash that littered the wastelands so far.


El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Gamma_Signature
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] CHARACTER_LISTEl Diablo [Eliane, Sola] GRAPHICS_THREADEl Diablo [Eliane, Sola] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] Empty Re: El Diablo [Eliane, Sola]

Fri Dec 02, 2022 4:23 am
El Diablo [Eliane, Sola] MKGxcq6

His struggling was tremendously funny to Eliane, and she couldn't help but laugh at him, a condescending and bitter laugh filled with all the scorn that she could possibly muster. This was definitely the sort of thing she didn't get nearly enough of when she'd still been on the Duvalier leash.

"Well, you do seem to like the fighting, so I think it might be funnier if I just sit here and watch you starve to death."

He'd probably hate that even more than a normal person would, and that alone was reason for Eliane to consider it fairly worthwhile. But him shoving a fist into her face yet again did evoke a relatively unfamiliar feeling in her, a sense of personal irritation. Self-preservation, the one instinct she'd always lacked and had done everything to maintain in spite of that. Her smile fell, replaced with a dull expression that in many ways seemed far more cruel than the malevolent grin that had cut its way across her porcelain features.

"But I guess I can give you what you want. Call it a thank you for giving me such a good time."

Raising her fist back, she drove it into his face with no small amount of force. Could she have killed him? Absolutely. But she didn't want to, and Eliane was more than versed enough in torture to beat a man without killing him. She just wanted to crush him out here.

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