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Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:17 am
Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Sola-header

Hell yeah, she recovered. It'd be no fun if she just rolled over on her back like a little bitch after she talked a big game and he had enough sense to pick out the difference between them. A loss was a win, if you lost enough times then you'd get strong enough to win. That's why when he got flipped and the roles were reversed to have her on top of him and go straight for his dick he bit down hard enough to draw even more blood over his tongue. Gross and metallic to the taste but even rocks could bleed you know.

The pain was still there though, it was like the white woman all over again but he had a bit of experience from it. You adjusted with every trial and so despite the fact that Amaranta had certainly maimed him down there the young upstart of a hollow was getting really used to pain. Pain that eventually went away, the wounds that could eventually heal with regeneration after time.

Grit you teeth through it.


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Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:50 am
Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 YzPaJLe


Amaranta had to admit it. She was rather impressed by the expression on this kid's face. He took a hit to the dick much better than she did. It kind of annoyed her, but it also earned her approval, too. Odd sort of conflict. For a lack of overall strength, he was a tough cookie. He didn't cry out, didn't beg for her to stop. No, he took it like a champ. The leonine woman was excited now. This was the type of fire she liked to see.

"Well, well. I gotta say... I'm impressed. Most men would cry out in pain but you took that knee strike like a champ. I like the tenacity."

A hearty chuckle followed as she decided to add insult to injury by repeating the knee strike to his crotch again before leaning onto him and swinging away at his face with her fists. To be sure, it didn't really interest her to beat up on people that were below her level. if anything, she was testing how well he could take a blow.

"What's your name, boy?"


Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:25 pm
Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Sola-header

Again! This time a sound of pain but it was muffled through a growl at her attacks. Everything downstairs was probably broken and ruined by now but again, it'd fix itself later given enough time. So he should focus on the matter at hand and bite through the pain of having it feel like it was going concave down there.

Didn't really matter though, his face was being beaten into the dirt and he mustered as much of his reiryoku as he could spare without getting too weak. She wanted to do a bit of downstairs mangling? He'd oblige her as he groaned and stared up at her through the blood.


He really wished he could've made the words then to tell her not to forget it too. He could not though but he would tell her as he gathered the reiryoku in his palm of his hand and lunged it towards her groin to shoot a point blank cero against her body. Strike him in the nuts twice, god damn it! No way would Kizuna find it hot if he just rolled over to her right now, he would win this one way another. If not the fight itself then he'd take a different victory. You can lose a battle and win another, one battle lost can still mean a won war. No way was he quitting until he was down for the count.


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Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:39 pm
Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 YzPaJLe


Sola, eh? She figured it was pretty difficult for him to stammer out a response given his current predicament. It was hard to speak with your face being pummeled in. Even so, this bastard was pretty resilient for an Arrancar with little to offer in the ability department. Whenever he dive give up or pass out, maybe it'd be neat to train this tenacious bastard up. Then, he could give her a real fight. None of that mattered right now, though. Sola was still rearing to go, his hand racing upward to her groin, generating a cero at point-blank range. If it were a stronger cero, she would've attempted to move, but fuck that.

He took her crotch shot like a champ. Like hell she'd stumble over again a second time. She took that bad boy right to the groin, growling in agitated excitement as she swung her knee forward towards his crotch again, following it up with a punch across the face. Boy, the two of them sure did look kind of stupid now engaging in a skirmish like this - at least from Amaranta's point of view - but she was enjoying this little shit's win at all costs approach.

"Heh, I like you, Sola. You fight dirty, but that's exactly the type of shit I approve of if it means pullin' out a victory. It's gonna take more than crotch shots to take me down, though," she'd warn, attempting to roll the luchador around and pull him into a headlock. If this was a battle of wills, well then, he'd certainly see that she was plenty happy to fight him down and dirty in these icy wastelands.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:06 am; edited 3 times in total
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Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 1:35 am
Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Sola-header

Alright, a third time and this was getting absurd. His eyes grew blurry with tears, it wasn't crying alright. He wasn't going to sob like a damn baby about this woman's punishment of the jewels. He'd already dealt with far worst from the white haired demoness. If she thought that a couple of knees to the crotch compared with that woman's shit then she had another thing coming. In a strange way he found it easier to deal with than his face being beaten senseless.

Whatever, right? He just needed to attack a different weakspot. Eyes were good but not where he was going, as he tried to make a jab at her throat after she felt inclined to run her mouth. Stupid idiot, no time to talk in a fight and so while she was feeling the need to chat the luchador used his hands to do some work. One to grab a handful of dirt and the other to strike for Amaranta's throat.

Who cares how durable someone is, when you can deprive their body of air it's all the same and if he could choke her with the strike then the handful of dirt would make a lunge for her open mouth to stuff it full of crap and really deprive her of air.

"Swallow... not.. spit."

He said with a laugh.


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Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:43 am
Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 YzPaJLe


This little bastard was proving slightly difficult than she expected to take down. Three shots to the family jewels, and here he was - tears rolling down his eyes but tenaciously refusing to cry out in pain or yield. He was either pretty insane or he had a ironclad will that wasn't easily broken. Probably Both. Tch. Considering his dirty tactics, the leonine woman expected Sola to throw something her way, but she wasn't particularly paying attention to where. Well, he'd give her that answer in the form cutting her off as he jabbed his fist towards her throat and attempted to stuff her mouth full of dirt.

Not a bad tactic, all things told. Talking during a throwdown was a fool's game, and Amaranta was subsequently caught lacking, though she wouldn't let things go entirely the way he wanted. The moment that icy dirt flew into her mouth, Amaranta shot a cocked eyebrow in his direction. Really? Swallow, not spit? Time for a surprise. Generating some heat to mix in with the saliva and dirt in her mouth, Amaranta would quickly turn it into some Frankenstein version of a small fireball in her mouth as it came roaring out of her throat towards him, accompanied by a cough.

She scorched her throat a bit there, but fuck if she'd let this little shit have the last laugh. If the little fire counter worked, she'd go right for his arm and attempt to contort his limb at an uncomfortable angle. If he wasn't gonna go down and faint, she'd just break his bones.

Through a mix of coughing and laughter, she retorted....

"Sorry babe... I spit.... Gotta' be pretty special to get me to swallow."


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Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 3:03 am
Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Sola-header

Damn, he really thought he had something there. Unfortunately it seemed like he was the weird one when it came to having no powers as he watched her do some fire nonsense. He was feeling pretty shit out of luck right now with thing when he felt the searing fire mud hit him on the face and have him roll around scratching at his face to get the heat off it. Little success as his eyes were unable to open lest they be hit with flaming dirt.


He wasn't getting anything done through this though. He didn't have the fortitude to hold his focus through all this pain but he had the will to make wild attacks in her general direction to try and get a decent hit in but he was slowing down and getting weaker in his resistance.

"Bite me."

Sola finally coughed out and aimed for her eyes. Well, he intended to try and grab and claw but he was blind at the moment so it was a pathetic resistance but full of heart and spirit.


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Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 4:36 am
Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 YzPaJLe


"Biting's also off limits. Gotta at least take me out on a date first, So~la~h~"

Heh. She'd gotten em' good. Right in the face. If he wasn't blinded by the hot mud she'd spat right back at him, Amaranta would have hit him with the middle finger. For now, she simply settled into the antagonism role she felt much more comfortable playing as opposed to playing nice. After that cough subsided, she laughed obnoxiously at Sola's expense as he struggled to regain his eyesight, swinging around clumsily.

Avoiding those wild and unfocused hits, Amaranta rammed her shoulder into midsection, attempting to crush his ribs and stun him into submission. No, she doubted this tenacious luchador would give up even if she broke his bones. She wasn't going to kill him, though. He had way too much potential to be snuffed out now.

"You're puttin' up a surprisingly good fight, but I'm not trying to kill ya. It'd be a waste of good potential, you tenacious bastard. Unless you fancy broken bones, let's call it here."

Of course, if he didn't, she'd just beat him down until he fainted. Maybe that might be the better option now that she thought about it.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:06 am
Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Sola-header

He could keep going but it was futile. He was all about a challenge but while he was an idiot, Sola knew that if he hadn't beaten her already then he wasn't going to beat her now. No no, that's quitter talk. He'd already taken a win off her already. A tougher opponent wouldn't have been taken so easily a cheap shot like that to the crotch, the white hair lady had already given him a chance to hone himself. He could not be taken so easily by a weak spot like that. Pain could be overcome if he tried hard enough.

So he laid there battered and broken, slitted eyes with the swollen bumps all over his face aimed at her. He'd remember everything about her and conquer her one day. He would rise to the challenge that this woman presented and overcome the obstacle she was!


Of course, as he thought before. It'd be quitter talk if he just let her get away with this. A fight wasn't over until someone couldn't fight anymore in his book so he gave one last good strike at her from his blurry vision with a red cero forming at his fist to shoot at her chest and give him something to punch at.


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Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:05 am
Wrestling With Lions [Amaranta, Sola] - Page 2 YzPaJLe


In spite of his battered and broken body, this bastard was still putting up some measure of resistance. In all honesty, it was pretty admirable. Till the very end. That was the type of fire she liked. If he even had one half of her power, he'd definitely be a pretty enticing customer. As it stood now, he was a budding sprout with clear potential to bloom into something much more entertaining. With his vision clouded, the cero technically shouldn't have landed successfully, but Amaranta was an individual who reveled in winning on all fronts.

None of that half-assed buffoonery for her. She took that red cero squarely on the chest, as it burned away the upper portion of her shirt, revealing her singed, bare chest. It was a bit of wounding there, but nothing she couldn't' regenerate from in time. Shame that he was kinda' blinded with her fire mud thing. He was missing a pretty good view of cleavage. Amaranta stepped forward, rammed her fist into his midsection in an attempt to knock him out.

If that proved successful... The leonine woman would lean down and ruffle his head, set him over her shoulder, and carry him off elsewhere so he could regenerate. It'd be a shame to leave him stranded in a shithole wasteland like this, after all. Much like herself, he was an antagonistic fuck that loved stirring up trouble. A kindred spirit, if you will. And that meant she'd gladly train him up until he could give her a real fight. A fun outcome, all things told.


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